Is it starting to seem like our politicians are slowly forcing us segregate?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Forcing us to compartmentalize as they push the square peg into a round hole?
Pushing all the hate whitey stuff, the open border, the men can be women shit, the change America / hate America bullshit?
The mass exodus from Mexifornia and other shitholes kinda confirms my suspicions.
No Christian prefers to live next door to athiests
No heterosexual prefers to live next door to homos
No core American prefers to live next door to a Mexico’s people or a Mariachi Band
Nobody conventional prefers to live next door to unconventionals
Nobody raising their kids to be decent, moral, principled and ambitious prefers to live next door to people raising their children to be indecent, immoral, unprincipled, lazy pieces of dogshit.

It’s just a matter of time before we all end up together….Should I start a Core American Coalition aimed at coordinating the re-location of core Americans? Should we all rendezvous in somewhere like South Dakota?
I can't believe they allow single ply terlit paper to be sold, what is Trump gonna do about making only two ply or more being sold?
He'll sell this in 3-ply .. you can give her back the little mark between her eyes when she identifies as Indian again.

Not really. What their personal beliefs are is none of my business.

Maybe you need to burn a cross to get their minds right?
Honestly? Neither yourself or MisterBeale has a preference? Is this your woke percentage talking?
You honestly don’t prefer to be able to talk about life with your likeminded neighbor….you don’t prefer to be able to speak the same language, you don’t prefer to be able to invite your neighbor over for a barbecue without dealing with religious, cultural, or language barriers?
Honestly? Neither yourself or MisterBeale has a preference? Is this your woke percentage talking?
You honestly don’t prefer to be able to talk about life with your likeminded ….

I talk to my neighbors all the time. Whether they believe everything as I do, doesn't matter.

you don’t prefer to be able to speak the same language, you don’t prefer to be able to invite your neighbor over for a barbecue without dealing with religious, cultural, or language barriers?

All my neighbors speak English. It might be interesting if one didn't.
Honestly? Neither yourself or MisterBeale has a preference? Is this your woke percentage talking?
You honestly don’t prefer to be able to talk about life with your likeminded neighbor….you don’t prefer to be able to speak the same language, you don’t prefer to be able to invite your neighbor over for a barbecue without dealing with religious, cultural, or language barriers?
PK and or MisterBeale may want those things, it's their neighbors that are objecting.
Honestly? Neither yourself or MisterBeale has a preference? Is this your woke percentage talking?
You honestly don’t prefer to be able to talk about life with your likeminded neighbor….you don’t prefer to be able to speak the same language, you don’t prefer to be able to invite your neighbor over for a barbecue without dealing with religious, cultural, or language barriers?
Nope, it's because I am AN AMERICAN, and I have AMERICAN values.

Not a GD fascist or communist.


I talk to my neighbors all the time. Whether they believe everything as I do, doesn't matter.

All my neighbors speak English. It might be interesting if one didn't.
hahaha…I’m actually fascinated as I watch you, MisterBeale and other scared wokeologists defy your genetic coding in the name of wokeness.
No mammal prefers to be surrounded by mammals with differences. As much as it hurts your feelings, we are tribal as fuck…always have been and always will be….Sorry….but again, the effort you put in is fascinating….it’s cute.
hahaha…I’m actually fascinated as I watch you, MisterBeale and other scared wokeologists defy your genetic coding in the name of wokeness.

I get along with my neighbors and you call that being "woke" (I don't even really know what that is supposed to mean).

I think that says a lot more about you than me.

No mammal prefers to be surrounded by mammals with differences.

My cat and dog get along fine.

As much as it hurts your feelings, we are tribal as fuck…always have been and always will be….Sorry….but again, the effort you put in is fascinating….it’s cute.

Hurt my feelings? LOL, I'm not the one who created the butt hurt thread.
We're all humans idiot.
Yep….some of us are woke mammals…scared shitless to admit to our preferences.
Back on track….how long before all good real core Americans reside in one place because our politicians have forced those with preferences to do so?
Yep….some of us are woke mammals…scared shitless to admit to our preferences.
Back on track….how long before all good real core Americans reside in one place because our politicians have forced those with preferences to do so?
I only hang with people that have corn niblets in their poop. :auiqs.jpg:
Forcing us to compartmentalize as they push the square peg into a round hole?
Pushing all the hate whitey stuff, the open border, the men can be women shit, the change America / hate America bullshit?
The mass exodus from Mexifornia and other shitholes kinda confirms my suspicions.
No Christian prefers to live next door to athiests
No heterosexual prefers to live next door to homos
No core American prefers to live next door to a Mexico’s people or a Mariachi Band
Nobody conventional prefers to live next door to unconventionals
Nobody raising their kids to be decent, moral, principled and ambitious prefers to live next door to people raising their children to be indecent, immoral, unprincipled, lazy pieces of dogshit.

It’s just a matter of time before we all end up together….Should I start a Core American Coalition aimed at coordinating the re-location of core Americans? Should we all rendezvous in somewhere like South Dakota?
I'm reporting you to the authorities. You need to be on a watchlist.

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