Is it time for a modern Martin Luther ?

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Church attendance is dwindling.

We are all familiar with the story of Martin Luther and his revolt against the excesses of the Catholic Church. He kickstarted a non conformist movement which stood in opposition to the finery and excess of papacy.

But now the Anglican church is little different to the catholic church. Bishops live in palaces and drive around in expensive cars.

Then we have the faux "Christian" preachers listed in the link. What would Martin Luther make of Creflo Dollar or Joel Osteen with their private jets and mansions ? Should preaching actually be a profession? The majority of the Church of Englands funds go to pay wages and pensions. is that a correct use of donations?

Is it time for a new reformation ?
Most of the fellows listed earned their fortune as best selling authors.

Not doing their work in theology.

Should theologians be prohibited from writing books?

Church attendance is dwindling.

We are all familiar with the story of Martin Luther and his revolt against the excesses of the Catholic Church. He kickstarted a non conformist movement which stood in opposition to the finery and excess of papacy.

But now the Anglican church is little different to the catholic church. Bishops live in palaces and drive around in expensive cars.

Then we have the faux "Christian" preachers listed in the link. What would Martin Luther make of Creflo Dollar or Joel Osteen with their private jets and mansions ? Should preaching actually be a profession? The majority of the Church of Englands funds go to pay wages and pensions. is that a correct use of donations?

Is it time for a new reformation ?
I'll answer in a way that may seem off topic but I assure you it is very much at the center of your question. Whether it be church, nations, home town organizations from Lion's Club to HOA's ,when things start to get really bad it is usually based upon power/control lust. Money being a part of that rather than seperate from it in my book. At least for the power mongers I am referring to.
This is why pastors get rich and speak to millions via TV, why young men are encouragred to kill and die for the glory ( power of old men) , even why MRS. Jones gives a damn what color you paint your house or how large a flag you fly in your yard. Control for it's own sake.
It is my opinion and has been for a long time that in addition to power being a corruptive agent the corrupt seek power more than most of us. Many of us would have never accepted the self loathing associaed with selling our political souls for a political appointment for example. Until and unless we find a way to do the seemingly impossible by putting people in charge who do not crave being in charge these patterns will continue more or less as is in all human endevours involving groups.
It would also be interesting to know where Joel fell on the Conscientiousness scale, I'm guessing lower than we might think like big time CEO's and psychopaths and no doubt politicians.

Church attendance is dwindling.

We are all familiar with the story of Martin Luther and his revolt against the excesses of the Catholic Church. He kickstarted a non conformist movement which stood in opposition to the finery and excess of papacy.

But now the Anglican church is little different to the catholic church. Bishops live in palaces and drive around in expensive cars.

Then we have the faux "Christian" preachers listed in the link. What would Martin Luther make of Creflo Dollar or Joel Osteen with their private jets and mansions ? Should preaching actually be a profession? The majority of the Church of Englands funds go to pay wages and pensions. is that a correct use of donations?

Is it time for a new reformation ?
They'd just excommunicate him again.
Most of the fellows listed earned their fortune as best selling authors.

Not doing their work in theology.

Should theologians be prohibited from writing books?

Thanks for your response, as it shows the nature of liberalism.

You guys just want to stifle those with different views and monopolize the conversation.

Notice how you don't have a problem with guys like Obama making a fortune selling books, even though B. Hussein O also claims to be "Christian".

The only ones who need to be silent are dissidents, those who would dissent from ultraliberal orthodoxy.
Most of the fellows listed earned their fortune as best selling authors.

Not doing their work in theology.

Should theologians be prohibited from writing books?
What are there books about ?

Theology books are usually tomes about the science of theology, whether its Osteen's "Become a Better You" or its Augustine's "De civitate Dei contra paganos"
Most of the fellows listed earned their fortune as best selling authors.

Not doing their work in theology.

Should theologians be prohibited from writing books?

Thanks for your response, as it shows the nature of liberalism.

You guys just want to stifle those with different views and monopolize the conversation.

Notice how you don't have a problem with guys like Obama making a fortune selling books, even though B. Hussein O also claims to be "Christian".

The only ones who need to be silent are dissidents, those who would dissent from ultraliberal orthodoxy.
Politicians should be prohibited from writing books too.
I suspect that you are right. I've been thinking about this for some time. Much of Christianity, of many denominations, have rejected the teachings of Jesus in favor of just plastering his name and a cross on their actions to obtain political and social power, and most did this centuries ago.

The history of European Christianity is one steeped in violence. In the U.S., many "Christians" walk around with guns, swearing, playing racial politics and gender politics, attacking and scapegoating various segments of the population, screaming "Jesus" while clutching a cross. This is desecration. This is a fraud.

If this conduct represents allegiance to Jesus, Jesus must not be who he is represented to be, and Christianity is irrelevant.
I suspect that you are right. I've been thinking about this for some time. Much of Christianity, of many denominations, have rejected the teachings of Jesus in favor of just plastering his name and a cross on their actions to obtain political and social power, and most did this centuries ago.

The history of European Christianity is one steeped in violence. In the U.S., many "Christians" walk around with guns, swearing, playing racial politics and gender politics, attacking and scapegoating various segments of the population, screaming "Jesus" while clutching a cross. This is desecration. This is a fraud.

If this conduct represents allegiance to Jesus, Jesus must not be who he is represented to be, and Christianity is irrelevant.

There is nothing "unchristian " about walking around with a firearm.

In fact St. Gabe Possenti is the Patron Saint of handguns. You need to study up on your theology.

I suspect that you are right. I've been thinking about this for some time. Much of Christianity, of many denominations, have rejected the teachings of Jesus in favor of just plastering his name and a cross on their actions to obtain political and social power, and most did this centuries ago.

The history of European Christianity is one steeped in violence. In the U.S., many "Christians" walk around with guns, swearing, playing racial politics and gender politics, attacking and scapegoating various segments of the population, screaming "Jesus" while clutching a cross. This is desecration. This is a fraud.

If this conduct represents allegiance to Jesus, Jesus must not be who he is represented to be, and Christianity is irreleHarris.

Jesus said if you have no sword, sell your shirt and get one.

Seems he felt self defense was a godly thing. After all, it's hard to worship something if you're dead.

Church attendance is dwindling.

We are all familiar with the story of Martin Luther and his revolt against the excesses of the Catholic Church. He kickstarted a non conformist movement which stood in opposition to the finery and excess of papacy.

But now the Anglican church is little different to the catholic church. Bishops live in palaces and drive around in expensive cars.

Then we have the faux "Christian" preachers listed in the link. What would Martin Luther make of Creflo Dollar or Joel Osteen with their private jets and mansions ? Should preaching actually be a profession? The majority of the Church of Englands funds go to pay wages and pensions. is that a correct use of donations?

Is it time for a new reformation ?

No. Miniature reformation happen all the time. That’s why we have six zillion brands of Christianity. In Martin Luther’s time there was only one church to be reformed. There could be a personality as influential as Martin Luther but he would be irrelevant and unnoticed. Any movement would not influence all six zillion churches. It might influence one or two. That would be pretty insignificant. So no. If someone wants to reform all they need is a few thousand dollars and a lease on a store front property. I’d say there are hundreds of Reformers operating at this moment. The biggest issue to be addressed is homosexuality. This issue that is causing millions to abandon the Christian faith. It is quite impossible to reconcile ancient Christian views on homosexuality with the modern view without an official mandate in writing. Many churches have already reformed their view on homosexuality. I understand your observation but the church is much more splintered than it was in Luther’s day.
Most of the fellows listed earned their fortune as best selling authors.

Not doing their work in theology.

Should theologians be prohibited from writing books?
What are there books about ?

Theology books are usually tomes about the science of theology, whether its Osteen's "Become a Better You" or its Augustine's "De civitate Dei contra paganos"
they should write what they want but give the money they earn to the needy. Why do they need a jet or a yacht ?

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