Is it time for a modern Martin Luther ?

You seem to be very one sided when it comes to anything about religion.
I think it jas been hijacked. I would like a world wherethere is a more ethical and humanitarian ethos. But I cant see our spiritual leaders providing that.I was brought up a Christian so I cant really speak of other religions but Christianity seems to be in big trouble.
I think it jas been hijacked. I would like a world wherethere is a more ethical and humanitarian ethos. But I cant see our spiritual leaders providing that.I was brought up a Christian so I cant really speak of other religions but Christianity seems to be in big trouble.
No offense intended but your lack of balance and objectivity suggests otherwise. Your claim could have been made at anytime through history by others who wanted that claim to be true. It's like old people today saying the world used to be better.
No offense intended but your lack of balance and objectivity suggests otherwise. Your claim could have been made at anytime through history by others who wanted that claim to be true. It's like old people today saying the world used to be better.
Maybe we need to stop the church (take your pick) getting between us and God. What do they add ?
Maybe we need to stop the church (take your pick) getting between us and God. What do they add
Wouldn't that be up to each person to decide for themselves?

Don't for a minute think they offer no value whatsoever. If that were truly the case churches would have died out a ling time ago.
Wouldn't that be up to each person to decide for themselves?

Don't for a minute think they offer no value whatsoever. If that were truly the case churches would have died out a ling time ago.
Perhaps you could list some of the benefits ?
Most of the fellows listed earned their fortune as best selling authors.

Not doing their work in theology.

Should theologians be prohibited from writing books?
people start new denominations all the time. There is literally a Martin Luther on every corner.

You don’t like Joel O, go to another
Perhaps you could list some of the benefits ?
1. Christianity promotes the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness, humility, chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience and kindness.

2. Christianity created wonderful charities and organizations.

3. Christian persons and institutions are usually the first source of literacy, education, and healthcare in the poorer regions.

4. Christianity has been the source of abundant human services from hospitals, orphanages, nursing homes, and schools, to advocacy on behalf of those with no voice, to supporting cultural outreaches, and seeking always to find ways in which to protect and promote human life and its authentic flourishing.

5. Christianity gave us the concept of subsidiarity.

6. Christianity has done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility.

7. Christianity teaches accountability and responsibility.

8. Christianity teaches that we have a choice in how we behave.

9. Christianity teaches that actions have consequences.

10. Christianity inspires a sense of wonder in nature and the universe.

11. Christianity helps us feel connected to one another and to nature.

12. Christianity helps us feel less alone in the world.

13. Christianity serves to ennoble the human spirit.

14. Christianity serves to bind the community together.

15. Christianity inspires love, peace and happiness.

16. Christianity serves to create traditions.

17. Christianity brings order to our lives.

18. Christianity brings comfort to the terminally ill.

19. Christianity can act as a source of hope for the oppressed.

20. Christianity teaches that we can transform ourselves.

21. Christian values were the foundation which Western Civilization was built upon.

22. No other institution played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church.

23. Modern science was born in the Catholic Church.

24. Catholic priests developed the idea of free-market.

25. The Catholic Church invented the university.

26. Western law grew out of Church canon law.

27. The Church humanized the West by insisting on the sacredness of all human life.

28. The Church constantly sought to alleviate the evils of slavery and repeatedly denounced the mass enslavement of conquered populations and the infamous slave trade, thereby undermining slavery at its sources.

29. Christianity gave us great thinkers, leaders and humanitarians.

30. Christianity gave us America.

31. Christianity gave us incredible artwork.

32. Christianity gave us incredible music.

33. Christianity gave us incredible architecture.

34. Christianity has spread democracy.

35. Christians fought other Christians in WWII to end their aggression.

36. Christians rebuilt Europe after WWII.

37. Christians rebuilt Japan after WWII.

38. Christians put a man on the moon.

39. Christians ended the cold war.
Maybe we need to stop the church (take your pick) getting between us and God. What do they add ?
In the 500s, St. Teresa of Avila commented something to the effect if there were seven levels up to God, the Church, being tied up in welcoming people and getting them started, were only available for a level or two--from then on almost everyone was on their own.

I am of the opinion most churches, synagogues, temples, etc do a very good job with introducing the preliminaries and starting people on their way. They have little time left for anything else. From there on it is not so much they are between us and God, but from then on we are indeed more like a sheep without a shepherd--who must and need to take that leap towards God on our own. That does not mean we should lose contact with the lower levels. St. Teresa said we are still a part of those as well, and there are always continuing things to learn at all levels, many things to learn at every level.
Perhaps you could list some of the benefits ?
Or I could just go with what William James had to say about the benefits of religion...

When all is said and done, we are in the end absolutely dependent on the universe; and into sacrifices and surrenders of some sort, deliberately looked at and accepted, we are drawn and pressed as into our only permanent positions of repose. Now in those states of mind which fall short of religion, the surrender is submitted to as an imposition of necessity, and the sacrifice is undergone at the very best without complaint. In the religious life, on the contrary, surrender and sacrifice are positively espoused: even unnecessary givings-up are added in order that the happiness may increase. Religion thus makes easy and felicitous what in any case is necessary; and if it be the only agency that can accomplish this result, its vital importance as a human faculty stands vindicated beyond dispute. It becomes an essential organ of our life, performing a function which no other portion of our nature can so successfully fulfill.​
1. Christianity promotes the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness, humility, chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience and kindness.

2. Christianity created wonderful charities and organizations.

3. Christian persons and institutions are usually the first source of literacy, education, and healthcare in the poorer regions.

4. Christianity has been the source of abundant human services from hospitals, orphanages, nursing homes, and schools, to advocacy on behalf of those with no voice, to supporting cultural outreaches, and seeking always to find ways in which to protect and promote human life and its authentic flourishing.

5. Christianity gave us the concept of subsidiarity.

6. Christianity has done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility.

7. Christianity teaches accountability and responsibility.

8. Christianity teaches that we have a choice in how we behave.

9. Christianity teaches that actions have consequences.

10. Christianity inspires a sense of wonder in nature and the universe.

11. Christianity helps us feel connected to one another and to nature.

12. Christianity helps us feel less alone in the world.

13. Christianity serves to ennoble the human spirit.

14. Christianity serves to bind the community together.

15. Christianity inspires love, peace and happiness.

16. Christianity serves to create traditions.

17. Christianity brings order to our lives.

18. Christianity brings comfort to the terminally ill.

19. Christianity can act as a source of hope for the oppressed.

20. Christianity teaches that we can transform ourselves.

21. Christian values were the foundation which Western Civilization was built upon.

22. No other institution played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church.

23. Modern science was born in the Catholic Church.

24. Catholic priests developed the idea of free-market.

25. The Catholic Church invented the university.

26. Western law grew out of Church canon law.

27. The Church humanized the West by insisting on the sacredness of all human life.

28. The Church constantly sought to alleviate the evils of slavery and repeatedly denounced the mass enslavement of conquered populations and the infamous slave trade, thereby undermining slavery at its sources.

29. Christianity gave us great thinkers, leaders and humanitarians.

30. Christianity gave us America.

31. Christianity gave us incredible artwork.

32. Christianity gave us incredible music.

33. Christianity gave us incredible architecture.

34. Christianity has spread democracy.

35. Christians fought other Christians in WWII to end their aggression.

36. Christians rebuilt Europe after WWII.

37. Christians rebuilt Japan after WWII.

38. Christians put a man on the moon.

39. Christians ended the cold war.
Some of those assertions are a bit dubious. And many of these do not need an actual church to make happen. Do we really need a church to deliver point 1 ?
In the 500s, St. Teresa of Avila commented something to the effect if there were seven levels up to God, the Church, being tied up in welcoming people and getting them started, were only available for a level or two--from then on almost everyone was on their own.

I am of the opinion most churches, synagogues, temples, etc do a very good job with introducing the preliminaries and starting people on their way. They have little time left for anything else. From there on it is not so much they are between us and God, but from then on we are indeed more like a sheep without a shepherd--who must and need to take that leap towards God on our own. That does not mean we should lose contact with the lower levels. St. Teresa said we are still a part of those as well, and there are always continuing things to learn at all levels, many things to learn at every level.
That looks like another construct. Im not convinced.
Some of those assertions are a bit dubious. And many of these do not need an actual church to make happen. Do we really need a church to deliver point 1 ?
I believe they are all spot on. Of course we need churches. Why else do you think atheistic nations abolished religion?
I believe they are all spot on. Of course we need churches. Why else do you think atheistic nations abolished religion?
Abolishing "religion" had very limited impact on Christianity. Probably strengthened it. A church is just a location.
Seems like a trojan horse strategy to me.
I would argue that it is probably in the better long term interest. Organised religion is in retreat across the world. I would argue because it is so corrupt.

You dont need an electrified amphitheatre to pray in and nor do you need an Armani suited preacher flying in to bless you.
I would argue that it is probably in the better long term interest. Organised religion is in retreat across the world. I would argue because it is so corrupt.

You dont need an electrified amphitheatre to pray in and nor do you need an Armani suited preacher flying in to bless you.

Your theorem doesn't make sense.

Organized Government is a lot more corrupt, and is by no means "in retreat". Corruption and "being in retreat" don't have any correlation.
I would argue that it is probably in the better long term interest. Organised religion is in retreat across the world. I would argue because it is so corrupt.

You dont need an electrified amphitheatre to pray in and nor do you need an Armani suited preacher flying in to bless you.
Still sounds like a trojan horse to me. Why would you care what others do?
Your theorem doesn't make sense.

Organized Government is a lot more corrupt, and is by no means "in retreat". Corruption and "being in retreat" don't have any correlation.
Its not either, or. I dont understand the connection between corrupt government and corrupt religious movements. They are both a blight on us.
Why is it a trojan horse ? The only target is corrupt religious organisations.
So you say but the Trojan horse wasn’t presented as what it really was, now was it?

So your statement is in keeping with the tradition of Trojan horses.

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