Is it time for a modern Martin Luther ?

It takes Trinitarians worldwide working together to make all the the changes - to hide, alter, modify and falsify the ancient Biblical family.

the wives of the prophets and men of God were not sex partners nor bedfellow - they were and commanded to strive to live forever committed and faithfully married as husband and wives unto God - in their vows with their wives.
It takes Trinitarians worldwide working together to make all the the changes - to hide, alter, modify and falsify the ancient Biblical family.

the wives of the prophets and men of God were not sex partners nor bedfellow - they were and commanded to strive to live forever committed and faithfully married as husband and wives unto God - in their vows with their wives.
The free woman and the bond woman fought over Abraham, and even at that Sarah was Abraham's half sister and it was a little bit too incestuous. There's something between a Patriarch and an everyday man taken advantage of by so many women, but none of them come off as righteous as lond man and one woman married.
Perhaps you are right - in the end
marriage has not always been the beautiful picture we would all like it to be - even in the Old testament, man and wife have struggled as a society to live up to God's expectations in any form of marriage.

Incest marriage was permitted from Cain and Seth until Moses - Moses commanded the Hebrews to stop practicing incest. Before Moses, this was the main form of marriage for the Hebrews
The DNA structure of Adam was a mold that all children born from him would also carry the same DNA - also the rib of a human does grow back if removed

ribs are the only bone that humans have - that is able to fully regenerate.

Incest - Was the first marriage of Adam and Eve. According to the Bible. The Rib taken from Adam was used to create Eve. She was Bone of His Bone - Flesh of His Fesh. Almost like a DNA Clone - an identical replicate copy of Adam. But a Female.

Gen 2:23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman because she was taken out of Man.

In Fact, Adam and Eve were much Closer than being Brother and Sister. They were The Same Flesh and Bone. the same DNA.

Moses would not have had to have given the commandment to the Hebrews to stop practicing incest, had they continued to obey his marriage law. They disobeyed and corrupted their DNA to the point that incest became a DNA mutation that multiplied the corruption caused by other corrupted forms of sexual lifestyles.
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The Trinitarian translation is very different from the manuscripts.
I believe that the manuscripts are in contrast to the Trinitarian view and the view that Martian Luther portrays in his Copy Cat Catholic Translation,

In Hebrew manuscripts in Gen 16:5 we find that – Sarah said unto Abram.

חמס / châmâs' violence, evil, hatred, oppression- - is upon - or is come upon me giving my maid into your bosom.

this Hebrew word is - “ חמס / châmâs' “ - meaning = violence; evil; cruel damage; hatred; false injustice - as the oppressor, the unrighteous and as a physical - action of violence.

this Hebrew word, châmâs' is the word that Sarah used - in Gen 16:5

this Hebrew word, châmâs' is the same Hebrew word used in Gen 6:11. earth was filled with violence - “ חמס / châmâs' “ God will destroy man with the earth.

We can see exactly what this Hebrew word means


châmâs' does not mean to do something wrong or to make a mistake - this is a Trinitarian untruth.

Zep 1:9 i punish all which fill their masters' houses with VIOLENCE “ חמס / châmâs' “ and deceit.
Oba 1:10.- for Esau’s seed committed VIOLENCE “ חמס / châmâs' “ against Jacob
2sa 22:3, 49. - God my savior – saves me from VIOLENCE “ חמס / châmâs'
Psa 11:5.- God hates the wicked and him that loveth VIOLENCE “ חמס / châmâs'
Psa 18:48. - God delivereth me from from the VIOLENT “ חמס / châmâs' “ men
Psa 25:19. - my enemies - are many; and they hate me with VIOLENCE “ חמס / châmâs'
Psa 55:9. - o lord; i have seen VIOLENCE “ חמס / châmâs'“ in the city.
Psa 58:2 - the wickedness of the VIOLENT “ חמס / châmâs'
Psa 72:14 - he shall redeem their soul from deceit and VIOLENCE “ חמס / châmâs'
Psa 73:6 VIOLENCE “ חמס / châmâs' “ covereth them as a garment.
Eze 7:1 VIOLENCE “ חמס / châmâs' “ is risen up into a rod of wickedness.
Hab 2:8 the VIOLENCE “ חמס / châmâs' “ of the land; of the city
Amo 3:10 - for they know not to do right, who store up VIOLENCE “ חמס / châmâs'
Eze 7:11 VIOLENCE “ חמס / châmâs' “ is risen up into a rod of wickedness
Eze 7:23 make a chain: for the land is full of bloody crimes, and the city is full of חמס / châmâs' violence.
Amo 3:10 they store up VIOLENCE “ חמס / châmâs' “ and robbery
Hab 2:7 because .......of men's blood, and VIOLENCE “ חמס / châmâs' “ of the land.

the Hebrew word VIOLENCE “ חמס / châmâs' “ never ever means “ MY WRONG or MY MISTAKE or some random mistake

this is a word that literally means evil wickedness, hatred, persecution and violence and vile evil and is used; over 60 times - in the bible. here are the total of the 60 instances - where this Hebrew word is used.

Mal 2:16. Zep 1:9. Hab 2:17 / 2:8 / 1:9 / 1:3 / 1:2. Mic 6:12. Jon 3:8. Oba 1:10. Amo 6:3 / 3:10 Joe 3:19 Eze 45:9 / 45:9 / 45:9 / 28:16 / 12:19 / 8:17 / 7:23 / 7:11. Jer 51:46 /51:35 / 20:8 / 6:7. Isa 60:18 / 60:18 / 59:6 / 53:9. Pro 26:6 / 16:29 / 13:2 / 10:11 / 10:11 / 10:6 / 4:17 / 3:31. Psa 140:11 / 140:4 / 140:1 / 73:6 / 72:14 / 73:6 / 72:14 / 58:2 / 55:9 / 35:11 / 27:12 / 25:19 / 18:48 / 11:5 / 7:16. Job 19:7 / 16:17 1 ch 12:172. Sa 22:49 2 / 22:3. Jdg 9:24. Deu 19:16 / 19:16. Exo 23:1. Gen 49:5 / 16:5 / 6:13 / 6:11. Zep 3:4. Eze 22:26. Lam 2:6. Jer 22:3 / 13:22 / 13:22. Pro 8:36. Job 21:27 / 15:33

This Hebrew word - does not simply mean someone making a mistake or committing some type of wrongdoing or doing something wrong

The false Trinitarian mistranslation of Gen 16:5 - it reads - And Sarah said unto Abram; my wrong or my mistake - be upon you abraham - my wrong be upon you:

but this is a false translation of the verse - it was Hagar and Ishmael who were being violent, and acting out hatred and persecution against them.

Sarah was literally saying that - the injustice and cruelty that i have endured - is now yours to deal with - Abraham.

and this is exactly immediately - exactly what abraham did.
Abraham made Sarah’s problem and the very violence and persecution that Sarah and Isaac were experiencing - his very own problem, personally.

Abraham’s very next move, the very next morning, he rose up early and told his other wife and their son to get out of his home and to leave.

the story explains that Sarah tried first to go directly to Hagar and talk to her and defend herself and Hagar ran away into the desert after being confronted
- Sarah was trying everything she could to make the situation work - saying look abraham, violence has come about - evil injustice has come upon, me giving my worker into your bosom, to be your wife and as soon as she conceived - i then became hated, despised and condemned, cursed and offensive in her eyes.

saying, let God judge the division. Abraham, seeing that Sarah was being abused, seeing that his son Isaac was also being abused by Ishmael and that Hagar was not going to change.

When Hagar first left and away - the Angel of the Lord appeared to Hagar and commanded her to return back to Sarah - go back to Sarah and to submit and humble herself and to respect Sarah. Because God knew that this is not what Hagar had been doing and God knew exactly what Hagar was doing. God knew that Hagar and Ishmael were being hateful, violent and were persecuting Sarah and Ishmael.

God's remedy was to command Hagar to return and change her violent behavior, to submit herself to Sarah - RESPECT SARAH

the translators - have in fact purposely lied to you.

Sarah is never recorded in scripture blaming herself - for Hagar and Ishmael’s behavior. Sarah and Isaac were hated, contempted disdained and worthy of physical persecution. - in the eyes of Hagar and Ishmael. in their eyes, their outlook - their actions and daily conduct.

in the eyes of Hagar and Ishmael - Sarah and Isaac were loathed, detested and despised. in their eyes their actions and outlook and treatment of Sarah and Ishmael. Sarah was defending herself and defending her husband - Abram, Sarah was saying look – Abram. I gave my maid servant / worker - into your bosom / in your heart, in your bosom, to be your wife.

meaning - i gave her to you
for you to love her – I placed her in your bosom - and she now is become hateful and violent after conceiving her son .

this Hebrew word bosom - חוק is chêq or chôq - meaning - literally - to enclose, to hold, embrace. - the bosom, the heart, the midst or within from inside one’s self or their feelings or emotions

2 Sam 12:3 the man laid the lamb in his חוק chôq bosom, as a daughter.

2 Sam 12:8 And “ I GOD “ gave - your WIVES into thy חוק chôq bosom.

Num 11:12 bear the sucking child in your חוק chôq bosom.
Ruth 4:16 Naomi took the child, and laid it in her חוק chôq bosom
1st Ki 1:2 the young virgin laid in his חוק chôq bosom
isa 40:1 he carries the lambs in his חוק chôq bosom

in fact - the wrong and the violence had already been committed by Hagar and Ishmael. the bible explains in - Gal 4:29 - but as then he that was born after the flesh Ishmael PERSECUTED / TORMENTED Isaac.

Sarah was not fighting
with Hagar over Abraham - in the manuscripts.

Gen 21:9 And Sarah saw the son of Hagar mocking and making fun of and tormenting and persecuting “ Isaac “ :10 she said unto Abraham, Cast out this bondwoman and her son: for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, even with Isaac. :12 And God said unto Abraham, Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad, and because of thy bondwoman; IN ALL THAT SARAH HATH SAID UNTO THEE, HEARKEN UNTO HER VOICE;

Ishmael was tormenting and persecuting - “ Isaac “
Gen 21:9 And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, which she had born unto Abraham, mocking. This Hebrew word MOCKING / MAKING FUN - is - צָחַק - tsâchaq / tsaw-khak' - meaning = To laugh and scorn)

As in - Jdg 16:25 And it came to pass, when their hearts were merry, that they said, Call for Samson, that he may make us צָחַק - tsâchaq / tsaw-khak' - meaning = scorn) to mockery

And they called for Samson out of the prison house; and he made them צָחַק - tsâchaq / tsaw-khak' - scorn) to mockery and they set him between the pillars. Here they had burned out Samson’s eyes and were putting him in their temple to make MOCKERY AND SCORN of him.

Gen 21:9 And Sarah saw the son of Hagar making צָחַק - tsâchaq / tsaw-khak' - scorn) mockery mocking and making fun of “ Ishmael “

Sarah was not fighting with Hagar over Abraham - in the manuscripts.

Sarah and Isaac were treated with hated and were despised and condemned, cursed and offensive in the eyes of my Hagar and Ishmael - and Hagar ran away when she was confronted for her behavior and God commanded Hagar to return back to Sarah and to submit herself

When Hagar refused to obey and continued to allow her son to persecute Isaac - God’s command, was the ultimate decision that Abraham obeyed God in removing Hagar and Ishmael out of his home - as God commanded him to do.

Gal 4:29 Ishmael PERSECUTED / TORMENTED Isaac.

Gen 16:5 Sarah said unto Abram - חמס / châmâs' violence, evil, hatred, oppression - is upon me - giving my maid into your bosom.
:4 Sarah was despised in the eyes of Hagar.

Abraham and Sarah loved Hagar and Ishmael very much - Sarah was not upset and fighting with Hagar because Hagar had married Abraham- Sarah gladly agreed to Abraham taking another wife, in fact it was Sarah who first wanted Hagar to be added as another wife

It was not until that AFTER Hagar had conceived her son Ishmael - then Ismael began to act out VIOLENCE and HATRED toward her son - in an attempt to remove her son out of her way and take control of her family.


ONLY AND AFTER Hagar and Ishmael joined together to began tormenting and persecuting her and Isaac. ONLY THEN - did Sarah see that there was a huge problem that could not be resolved - she could no longer handle the situation, Sarah would have been fine with Hagar acting hateful and violent toward her - this was not the problem for Sarah -

the problem Sarah had, - was that Ishmael and Hagar were becoming hateful and violent and tormenting and persecuting her son Isaac - attempting to destroy her son and destroy his life.

There was no fight between Sarah and Hagar over having sexual intercourse with Abraham - the problem was that Hagar and Ishmael were trying to destroy her son and persecuting and tormenting and violent and aggressive persecuting her son - to destroy him in any way they could.

Trinitarians attempt to twist every single narrative in the translation they they do not agree with - because they have absolutely no manuscripts for their faith system.

Evil injustice had come about by Sarah placing her Hagar into the bosom of Abraham - and ONLY after she had conceived her son, the violence was then unbearable THEN, = THIS IS THE VERY VIOLENCE AND WONG that what Sarah was describing -

Not saying that she had committed wrong or made some minor mistake - or was a sexual deviant or sex pervert this is a complete lie.

saying let God judge the division - to divide the inheritance -
Gen 21:10 the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, even with Isaac.

Ishmael was trained and conditioned by his mother to be a hateful, violent anti - polygamous traitor to his own family and to destroy anyone who he feels is in his way.
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