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Is it time for a woman President?

obama never would have been nominated if he WASN'T black, you fool. EVERYONE who voted for him voted for him because he was/is black.

Pure nonsense. Like millions of other Americans, I voted for President Obama because he was clearly the better candidate. He's an intellectual giant as compared with either McCain or Romney.

Both of whom are out of touch with the American people. McCain is a war mongering old goat and Romney is an elitist asshole - exactly the worst possible candidate for America right now.

If they had run Huntsman, I would have very likely have voted for him.

Oh, sorry, I can't say that Romney was the worst possible candidate. If you take into account all the total assholes that were running in the GOP primary, Romney actually looked pretty good. Which says a lot about just how out of touch the entire GOP is with the American people.

The 2012 GOP primaries were actually pretty funny. Whether it was Bachman, Perry, Santorum or Cain, the more the American people saw of each the more they realized that each was a buffoon.

Come on! There are people who think that Sarah Palin would be a good President! Even the McCain camp realized that she was a disaster.

Do conservatives actually take politics seriously?

It seems that they put no more thought into who they support politically than they did voting for their high school prom queen.
Do you not understand that as an American, he isn't in the least bit remarkable? With his skill set, he would have ended up assistant manager at a McDonald's in Honolulu had he been born white.
As a black man, he is remarkable though he wouldn't appreciate my remarks.
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."
THAT is why he got into Columbia. THAT is why he got into Harvard. THAT is why he was elected to the Illinois House and the US Senate. THAT is why he was chosen to be a key note speaker at the DNC Convention in '04.

As an American, he is a dime a dozen loser. He had done nothing notable, had accomplished nothing of import. His only qualifications were exactly what Joe Biden said about him in the quote above.
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That's kinda too bad. Obama is still black (well half....) but any hope He might do anything other than tear down America, cut it down to "size", should have long since been abandoned. So if you really voted sincerely based on hope....well, you have our sympathy. But only a little bit of it.

You can keep reciting your partisan dribble as much as you want. Nobody believes it except for the brain washed drones of the 1%.

Obamacare has proven to be a huge success - which is why the GOP isn't whining about it anymore.

The President has proven to be a very capable leader in foreign policy.

The GOP may have obstructed most of the President's domestic agenda, but don't be surprised if the GOP is run out of Washington a lot sooner than you think.
A HUGE success! Yup I heard today another 1/4 million in Virginia are losing their health plans they were promised they would be able to keep.

As far as being run out of town... I hear that even Dems are predicting the GOP will have the House AND Senate after the midterms.
How is a female Bush II/Obama going to be different?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


If you think that Hillary Clinton dances to anyone else's tune, you really haven't been paying attention.

She's a royal bitch - which is EXACTLY what we need in a female President!

We really need to stop this bizarre practice we have of rewarding failure. She needs to be retired because she's a fuck-up and this will clear room for competent people to rise in their careers. Everytime we promote failures we plug up the promotion ladder and we create really perverse incentives.
How is a female Bush II/Obama going to be different?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


If you think that Hillary Clinton dances to anyone else's tune, you really haven't been paying attention.

She's a royal bitch - which is EXACTLY what we need in a female President!

We really need to stop this bizarre practice we have of rewarding failure.

Curious wording, considering we're discussing the creator of "No child left behind".

And this is what the Wingnuts don't get. Obama didn't win because he was Black.

Obama won because Bush screwed up.

McCain didn't offer a clear alternative to Bush and really, neither did Romney.
obama never would have been nominated if he WASN'T black, you fool. EVERYONE who voted for him voted for him because he was/is black.

Um, no, guy.

Obama got the nomination because he was the guy who said Iraq was a really terrible idea when Hillary and Biden and Kerry and Edwards couldn't wait to sign on to the war resolution. On the most important issue of the day, he was right. (or for those of you who still want to pretend attacking a country that wasn't our enemy over weapons that didn't exist, he was on the right side of public opinion.)

I know a lot of people who voted for Obama in 2008. (I wasn't one of them.) Not a one of them told me it was because he was black.

I voted for him in 2012 because "He wasn't a Mormon". but that's another story.
You gotta love Thomas Sowell. I agree 100%

With many people now acting as if it is time for "a woman" to become president, apparently they have learned absolutely nothing from the disastrous results of the irresponsible self-indulgence of choosing a President of the United States on the basis of demographic characteristics, instead of individual qualifications.

It would not matter to me if the next five presidents in a row were all women, if these happened to be the best individuals available at the time. But to say that we should now elect "a woman" president in 2016 is to say that we are willfully blind to the dangers of putting life and death decisions in the hands of someone chosen for symbolic reasons.

When I read the thread title I began trying to figure out how best to say what I soon discovered the brilliant Thomas Sowell had already written and you'd already posted in your OP.

Don't care if the next 6 are women or Black or bald or fat or little people or Latino or Jewish or Native American or Gay or a Twin or combinations of the aforementioned characteristics.

I want the best qualified person for the job.

Leave the first this or that until AFTER the returns have been announced and the winner is known to all.

That's when the first this or that is an appropriate comment.

Otherwise there will be more chances that some brainiacs will vote for the wrong guy for the wrong reasons!
Obama is an example of that. He has been a disaster.
[.]Do you even know why people feel "entitled" to things they have paid for all their working lives?

I seriously doubt that you can even grasp the concept.

They aren't paying for it. Someone else is paying for it.

the delusion a lot of you guys have is that you are more entitled to benefits than other people are.

The problem being when the government stopped calling these things 'Welfare" and started calling them "Entitlements".

But even Rush Limbaugh calls Social Security Welfare.

He says the same thing about Unemployment, but he doesn't like to talk about that time in his 20's when he was an unemployed record spinner and collected unemployment after he got fired from his gig after he got caught soliciting a male prostitute.
Is that the same male prostitute Obama was photographed with in the backseat of a car moments after giving the guy a blow job? That male prostitute?
And avg guy whines from around the corner, just waiting to run away again.
You gotta love Thomas Sowell. I agree 100%

With many people now acting as if it is time for "a woman" to become president, apparently they have learned absolutely nothing from the disastrous results of the irresponsible self-indulgence of choosing a President of the United States on the basis of demographic characteristics, instead of individual qualifications.

It would not matter to me if the next five presidents in a row were all women, if these happened to be the best individuals available at the time. But to say that we should now elect "a woman" president in 2016 is to say that we are willfully blind to the dangers of putting life and death decisions in the hands of someone chosen for symbolic reasons.
Her popularity and ability to be elected has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with her being a woman: she is at present the best that either party has to offer. Period. Trying to make it something else simply shows your bias. If the republicans have a better candidate, please bring this person forward. Come on, show us. Are you hiding her/him for some reason? There is no better candidate at this time: she is the one with the best qualifications. Where is your candidate with better qualifications? Where, come on, produce this person.
You gotta love Thomas Sowell. I agree 100%

With many people now acting as if it is time for "a woman" to become president, apparently they have learned absolutely nothing from the disastrous results of the irresponsible self-indulgence of choosing a President of the United States on the basis of demographic characteristics, instead of individual qualifications.

It would not matter to me if the next five presidents in a row were all women, if these happened to be the best individuals available at the time. But to say that we should now elect "a woman" president in 2016 is to say that we are willfully blind to the dangers of putting life and death decisions in the hands of someone chosen for symbolic reasons.
Her popularity and ability to be elected has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with her being a woman: she is at present the best that either party has to offer. Period. Trying to make it something else simply shows your bias. If the republicans have a better candidate, please bring this person forward. Come on, show us. Are you hiding her/him for some reason? There is no better candidate at this time: she is the one with the best qualifications. Where is your candidate with better qualifications? Where, come on, produce this person.

What exact qualification do you think Hillary has? What great success? What of note when SOS? She's a quitter just like the left accuses Palin. Granted she is much more qualified then Obama was but really she really has nothing of note except being married to Bill. Maybe that is why she never left the hound dog.
obama never would have been nominated if he WASN'T black, you fool. EVERYONE who voted for him voted for him because he was/is black.

Pure nonsense. Like millions of other Americans, I voted for President Obama because he was clearly the better candidate. He's an intellectual giant as compared with either McCain or Romney.

Both of whom are out of touch with the American people. McCain is a war mongering old goat and Romney is an elitist asshole - exactly the worst possible candidate for America right now.

If they had run Huntsman, I would have very likely have voted for him.

Oh, sorry, I can't say that Romney was the worst possible candidate. If you take into account all the total assholes that were running in the GOP primary, Romney actually looked pretty good. Which says a lot about just how out of touch the entire GOP is with the American people.

The 2012 GOP primaries were actually pretty funny. Whether it was Bachman, Perry, Santorum or Cain, the more the American people saw of each the more they realized that each was a buffoon.

Come on! There are people who think that Sarah Palin would be a good President! Even the McCain camp realized that she was a disaster.

Do conservatives actually take politics seriously?

It seems that they put no more thought into who they support politically than they did voting for their high school prom queen.
Do you not understand that as an American, he isn't in the least bit remarkable? With his skill set, he would have ended up assistant manager at a McDonald's in Honolulu had he been born white.
As a black man, he is remarkable though he wouldn't appreciate my remarks.
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."
THAT is why he got into Columbia. THAT is why he got into Harvard. THAT is why he was elected to the Illinois House and the US Senate. THAT is why he was chosen to be a key note speaker at the DNC Convention in '04.

As an American, he is a dime a dozen loser. He had done nothing notable, had accomplished nothing of import. His only qualifications were exactly what Joe Biden said about him in the quote above.

Does everyone understand how down right racist was Biden's remark? Did he consciously realize he was being racist, I doubt it, which is actually more troubling. It is in the blood of the democrat party to look down on black, and I think unintentionally. When we speak of the poor, which are more white then black, do the democrats even mention whites? No they just focus on blacks as if all blacks are poor needing the democrat's help. I will admit that most poor blacks are democrats but I will be damned if I know why.
Freewill unwittingly describes the racist far right of my Republican Party.

And the far right fools wonder why the millennials overwhelmingly will have nothing to do with the GOP. Next year alone, they will have more voters than the evangelicals in America.
That HRC is a quitter . . . link?

Sarah quit, yes.

Did or did not Hillary quit on Hillarycare oh those so many years ago? Of course she was doing it illegally but she was new that could be forgiven, no link for well known history.

Did she complete her second term as Senator or did she quit for what she thought was a better opportunity? Why yes she did. Again no link for the obvious.

Did she quit as SOS after a dismal career? Yes, again.

Did she quit on her support for the Iraq war over politics? Why yes, yes she did. Link to story here:

United States Senate career of Hillary Rodham Clinton - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Clinton opposed the Iraq War troop surge of 2007 and supported a February 2007 non-binding Senate resolution against it, which failed to gain cloture.[69] (In 2014, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates related that after Clinton had left the Senate and become Secretary of State, she told President Barack Obama that her opposition to the surge had been political, due to her facing a strong challenge from Obama in the upcoming Democratic presidential primary.[70]) In March 2007 she voted in favor of a war spending bill that required President Bush to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq within a certain deadline; it passed almost completely along party lines[71] but was subsequently vetoed by President Bush. In May 2007 a compromise war funding bill that removed withdrawal deadlines but tied funding to progress benchmarks for the Iraqi government passed the Senate by a vote of 80-14 and would be signed by Bush; Clinton was one of those that voted against it.[72]
Freewill unwittingly describes the racist far right of my Republican Party.

And the far right fools wonder why the millennials overwhelmingly will have nothing to do with the GOP. Next year alone, they will have more voters than the evangelicals in America.

You're as much a Republican as Obama is a Kenyan born Muslim.

Here is how jakethefake works. A clear example of racism is presented voiced not by a fringe element of the Democrat party but by stalwart Joe "they will put ya all back in chains" Biden. So old jake quotes someone he says in somewhere on the right of the party he has never had a good word for and he does it without quote or citation. Typical leftwing tomfoolery.

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