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Is it time for a woman President?

Again the democrat party looks down on the black community when they play their voter id BS. When the left wing is defending NOT proving who a person is with voter id, what is their excuse? That blacks are either too lazy or stupid to produce an id they already have. Not that the POOR will be disenfranchised they only make mention of those poor black folks. They do it without realizing what they are saying, I just wonder why blacks don't catch on.
What exact qualification do you think Hillary has? What great success? What of note when SOS? She's a quitter just like the left accuses Palin. Granted she is much more qualified then Obama was but really she really has nothing of note except being married to Bill. Maybe that is why she never left the hound dog.

And this is what the Wingnuts don't get. Obama didn't win because he was Black.

Obama won because Bush screwed up.

McCain didn't offer a clear alternative to Bush and really, neither did Romney.
obama never would have been nominated if he WASN'T black, you fool. EVERYONE who voted for him voted for him because he was/is black.

Um, no, guy.

Obama got the nomination because he was the guy who said Iraq was a really terrible idea when Hillary and Biden and Kerry and Edwards couldn't wait to sign on to the war resolution. On the most important issue of the day, he was right. (or for those of you who still want to pretend attacking a country that wasn't our enemy over weapons that didn't exist, he was on the right side of public opinion.)

I know a lot of people who voted for Obama in 2008. (I wasn't one of them.) Not a one of them told me it was because he was black.

I voted for him in 2012 because "He wasn't a Mormon". but that's another story.
Do you not understand that no one would have ever heard of a white barack obama?

What had he ever done that set him apart from his classmates at Occidental? What did he do there that would get a white guy into Harvard?

Barack obama is a nobody that is a somebody expressly because he is black.
The far righty racists have been getting ass kicked steadily for many decades.

That will not stop for Freewill and his ilk. They are not good Republicans, not mainstream Americans.

BHO is not a Muslim, not a Marxist, and was born in Hawaii. Those who argue otherwise will be made fun of in the future and pilloried by the millennials.

We in the mainstream GOP are throwing out those in the party of stupid.
You gotta love Thomas Sowell. I agree 100%

With many people now acting as if it is time for "a woman" to become president, apparently they have learned absolutely nothing from the disastrous results of the irresponsible self-indulgence of choosing a President of the United States on the basis of demographic characteristics, instead of individual qualifications.

It would not matter to me if the next five presidents in a row were all women, if these happened to be the best individuals available at the time. But to say that we should now elect "a woman" president in 2016 is to say that we are willfully blind to the dangers of putting life and death decisions in the hands of someone chosen for symbolic reasons.
Her popularity and ability to be elected has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with her being a woman: she is at present the best that either party has to offer. Period. Trying to make it something else simply shows your bias. If the republicans have a better candidate, please bring this person forward. Come on, show us. Are you hiding her/him for some reason? There is no better candidate at this time: she is the one with the best qualifications. Where is your candidate with better qualifications? Where, come on, produce this person.

It has everything to do with her being a woman. She is another very un-notable person who's biggest achievement in life is to have been married to bill clinton.
Had her husband not been elected governor of Arkansas, she would still be double billing clients in Little Rock.
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It has everything to do with her being a woman. She is another very un-notable person who's biggest achievement in life is to have been married to bill clinton.
Had her husband not been elected governor of Arkansas, she would still be double billing clients in Little Rock.
Bullshit. It has nothing to do with her being a woman. It has everything to do with the fact the GOP has no viable candidate or platform. You didn't have a viable platform or candidate with McCain or with Romney, and yet you bitch and whine that the only reason Obama was elected is because he is black. Bullshit. He won because he was a better candidate with a better platform that appealed to more people. It is the same with Hillary. You got no one. Not a soul in the Republican party than can beat her and you know it. You've got no viable platform and no viable candidate, yet you bitch and whine it's because she is a woman that she is popular and destined to be the next president. What a pathetic party the GOP is. Where is your candidate that is better than she is? Where is that person? You got nothing, nothing. Instead of admitting that, you say it's because Mrs. Clinton is a woman she will be elected. You're laughable.
You gotta love Thomas Sowell. I agree 100%

With many people now acting as if it is time for "a woman" to become president, apparently they have learned absolutely nothing from the disastrous results of the irresponsible self-indulgence of choosing a President of the United States on the basis of demographic characteristics, instead of individual qualifications.

It would not matter to me if the next five presidents in a row were all women, if these happened to be the best individuals available at the time. But to say that we should now elect "a woman" president in 2016 is to say that we are willfully blind to the dangers of putting life and death decisions in the hands of someone chosen for symbolic reasons.
Her popularity and ability to be elected has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with her being a woman: she is at present the best that either party has to offer. Period. Trying to make it something else simply shows your bias. If the republicans have a better candidate, please bring this person forward. Come on, show us. Are you hiding her/him for some reason? There is no better candidate at this time: she is the one with the best qualifications. Where is your candidate with better qualifications? Where, come on, produce this person.

What exact qualification do you think Hillary has? What great success? What of note when SOS? She's a quitter just like the left accuses Palin. Granted she is much more qualified then Obama was but really she really has nothing of note except being married to Bill. Maybe that is why she never left the hound dog.

Amen, brother!

And if Obama was a sneak who'd use his Saul Alinsky radical's tactics to gain an unfair advantage over WE, THE PEOPLE who are SUPPOSED to be his BOSS...Hillary is a freakin Alinsky-ite too!!!

And there are a LOT of liberal women.
It has everything to do with her being a woman. She is another very un-notable person who's biggest achievement in life is to have been married to bill clinton.
Had her husband not been elected governor of Arkansas, she would still be double billing clients in Little Rock.
Bullshit. It has nothing to do with her being a woman. It has everything to do with the fact the GOP has no viable candidate or platform. You didn't have a viable platform or candidate with McCain or with Romney, and yet you bitch and whine that the only reason Obama was elected is because he is black. Bullshit. He won because he was a better candidate with a better platform that appealed to more people. It is the same with Hillary. You got no one. Not a soul in the Republican party than can beat her and you know it. You've got no viable platform and no viable candidate, yet you bitch and whine it's because she is a woman that she is popular and destined to be the next president. What a pathetic party the GOP is. Where is your candidate that is better than she is? Where is that person? You got nothing, nothing. Instead of admitting that, you say it's because Mrs. Clinton is a woman she will be elected. You're laughable.
You just don't get how unremarkable both obama and clinton are. obama would have never been in the public eye had he been white and hillary would be, at best, a lawyer in Little Rock had she not married bill.
You gotta love Thomas Sowell. I agree 100%

With many people now acting as if it is time for "a woman" to become president, apparently they have learned absolutely nothing from the disastrous results of the irresponsible self-indulgence of choosing a President of the United States on the basis of demographic characteristics, instead of individual qualifications.

It would not matter to me if the next five presidents in a row were all women, if these happened to be the best individuals available at the time. But to say that we should now elect "a woman" president in 2016 is to say that we are willfully blind to the dangers of putting life and death decisions in the hands of someone chosen for symbolic reasons.
Her popularity and ability to be elected has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with her being a woman: she is at present the best that either party has to offer. Period. Trying to make it something else simply shows your bias. If the republicans have a better candidate, please bring this person forward. Come on, show us. Are you hiding her/him for some reason? There is no better candidate at this time: she is the one with the best qualifications. Where is your candidate with better qualifications? Where, come on, produce this person.

What exact qualification do you think Hillary has? What great success? What of note when SOS? She's a quitter just like the left accuses Palin. Granted she is much more qualified then Obama was but really she really has nothing of note except being married to Bill. Maybe that is why she never left the hound dog.

Hillary rode a man's coattails to get to where she's gotten and has accomplished nothing of note on her own. She is an anti-feminist.
I'm 52, and obviously a lot clearer than you are.

Old enough to realize the "Free Market", Capitalism will provide shit is exactly that, shit.
Im exactly your age (Feb 1962) and I know that the free market will do a far far better job of providing things to people than the government ever can.
Then again I got off my ass and did something.

I've probably done more than you have.

But I realize that "I didn't build that". That everything that's gone well for me is because we've had a progressive government that looks out for it citizens.

It certainly wasn't the market looking out for me. Pretty much, I haven't worked for a single employer who hasn't tried to pull some kind of shit. The capper for me was the guys who fired me after I got injured because I ran up too many medical bills on insurance i paid for.

I'm not for abolishing capitalism, just keeping it on a very short leash with a newspaper rolled up to swat it on the snout when it pisses on the rug.
As with every story, there's likely a lot more to it. I've been dealing with you here for over 3 years and with the level of credibility you've established here, I expect you were fired because the effects of your off the job injury made it impossible for you to do your job.
My first impression is that you set yourself on fire while free basing.
You made me laugh out loud.
The far righty racists have been getting ass kicked steadily for many decades.

That will not stop for Freewill and his ilk. They are not good Republicans, not mainstream Americans.

BHO is not a Muslim, not a Marxist, and was born in Hawaii. Those who argue otherwise will be made fun of in the future and pilloried by the millennials.

We in the mainstream GOP are throwing out those in the party of stupid.

You're a fucking Socialist, not a millennial, so shut the fuck up. You don't speak for them.

Your thread that belittled CEOs (which you supposedly are) was your coming out as a Socialist. You can't hide the truth now, Fakey. Float away.
You gotta love Thomas Sowell. I agree 100%

With many people now acting as if it is time for "a woman" to become president, apparently they have learned absolutely nothing from the disastrous results of the irresponsible self-indulgence of choosing a President of the United States on the basis of demographic characteristics, instead of individual qualifications.

It would not matter to me if the next five presidents in a row were all women, if these happened to be the best individuals available at the time. But to say that we should now elect "a woman" president in 2016 is to say that we are willfully blind to the dangers of putting life and death decisions in the hands of someone chosen for symbolic reasons.

Well, the Left's first Black president has proven to be a total failure so I guess they will probably never push the election of another Black to that office. Perhaps the Left will now try their luck with a female.
Yes. One ultra liberal black man is enough. They can't lead.

At 1:25 Olive takes a skillet and knocks the SHIT out of Popeye.

Arrest her!

Ban her from the cartoon Presidential race!

Question: As this cartoon was made in the early 1950's and reflects a surprising amount of violence, do you think we are more violent as a culture today as compared to the 50's or is our level of tolerance for violence reduced to the point where we are hypersensitive now and ready to 'riot' (figure of speech) over the least little thing?

Adrian Peterson should be returned to the game. Parents who don't spank are raising future assholes who don't know how to restrain themselves.
Do you not understand that no one would have ever heard of a white barack obama?

What had he ever done that set him apart from his classmates at Occidental? What did he do there that would get a white guy into Harvard?

Barack obama is a nobody that is a somebody expressly because he is black.

Uh, no, guy. Your whole premise is that no one would have heard of Obama if he wasn't black.

He wasn't even the first black Senator from IL. that dubious distinction went to Carol Mosely-Braun. It might have been a novel thing if he were the first, but the second, not so much.

Now, you can whine about "affirmative action", but frankly, the guy accomplished things you or I never could have. I htink there's a lot of legitimate criticism that can be made of his management and leadership style, but you seem to be intent on diminishing his worth.

As a rule, when people need to tear others down, it's often because they have self-esteem issues. You need to look into that.
You just don't get how unremarkable both obama and clinton are. obama would have never been in the public eye had he been white and hillary would be, at best, a lawyer in Little Rock had she not married bill.

Uh. NO.

I find it amusing that you guys thought Bush was all that, and the only thing he had going for him was that his father was President.

Frankly, that Obama and Clinton have accomplished as much as they have in a society that is rigged for white men is amazing in itself.
The far righty racists have been getting ass kicked steadily for many decades.

That will not stop for Freewill and his ilk. They are not good Republicans, not mainstream Americans.

BHO is not a Muslim, not a Marxist, and was born in Hawaii. Those who argue otherwise will be made fun of in the future and pilloried by the millennials.

We in the mainstream GOP are throwing out those in the party of stupid.

You are quit the pretender. I claim to be a right wing conservative. You make the same claim. I would wish for everyone on the board to vote who they believe.

Do you try and be wrong or does it just come naturally? YOU are NOT a Republican any more so then Obama is a Kenyan born Muslim. Both statements are true. YOU may consider yourself a Republican just as you may consider yourself a cumquat. But the fact are revealed by your fruits. I didn't say Obama was born any where other the Hawaii. I never said he was Muslim, hell he doesn't attend any church as far as I know. After winning the election why would he bother to go worship himself?

So jake you try and twist words into what is not said, so typical of leftists. And your toadies join in, or more then likely one of your other personas.

You and your dishonest ilk is the problem with the country and just look around and see the results.
You gotta love Thomas Sowell. I agree 100%

With many people now acting as if it is time for "a woman" to become president, apparently they have learned absolutely nothing from the disastrous results of the irresponsible self-indulgence of choosing a President of the United States on the basis of demographic characteristics, instead of individual qualifications.

It would not matter to me if the next five presidents in a row were all women, if these happened to be the best individuals available at the time. But to say that we should now elect "a woman" president in 2016 is to say that we are willfully blind to the dangers of putting life and death decisions in the hands of someone chosen for symbolic reasons.
Her popularity and ability to be elected has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with her being a woman: she is at present the best that either party has to offer. Period. Trying to make it something else simply shows your bias. If the republicans have a better candidate, please bring this person forward. Come on, show us. Are you hiding her/him for some reason? There is no better candidate at this time: she is the one with the best qualifications. Where is your candidate with better qualifications? Where, come on, produce this person.

What exact qualification do you think Hillary has? What great success? What of note when SOS? She's a quitter just like the left accuses Palin. Granted she is much more qualified then Obama was but really she really has nothing of note except being married to Bill. Maybe that is why she never left the hound dog.

Hillary rode a man's coattails to get to where she's gotten and has accomplished nothing of note on her own. She is an anti-feminist.

We all know that the only qualification for a democrat is a D besides the name. Power is everything.
Time, indeed.

Moochelle will oppose Hillary.

And even those who are saddened by the results their Black Messiah produced will go for her because she's black and she's a woman so they're neither sexist NOR racist - hence exempt from any critical analysis.
I'd love to see Condi Rice vs michelle obama

Michelle has no interest.

However, I would be happy to vote for Condi. Have you seen the buzz touting her for NFL Commissioner?

The job that pays $29 million a year...in a "non-profit" enterprise?

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