Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?

since I'm neither one this like all your yer a fag post is false ,
You're both. And Hitler was better than you. Always remember that, butt pirate.[/QUOTE saying and doing the same thing endlessly is the definition of insanity.
And that's why you're a faggot.
saying and doing the same thing endlessly is the definition of insanity.

So you're actually insane then?
another demonstration of ignorance,
another crash and burn

No, you're an idiot, you've commented nothing worthwhile, then again, you never do.
only an idiot would keep addressing / answering them.
So you're an idiot?

I've been thinking daws is thinking of Transgendering, the comments he made on that other thread about men with a penis entering female bathrooms, well, it sounded like he was thinking of Transgendering.
that would make even more ignorant and wrong.

"that would make even more ignorant and wrong."

So not only spelling errors you make, on this occasion you're missing entire words.
No, you're an idiot, you've commented nothing worthwhile, then again, you never do.
only an idiot would keep addressing / answering them.

Who is "them"? Make it good because you're about to be put on ignore.

More intelligent stuff from you huh? :rolleyes-41:
it's called playing to the house .....

Which house? Half the forum already has you on ignore.
It's time to throw secular leftist scum out of helicopters and deport the rest.
Spoken like a devote Christian.
I never said I was a Christian.
What do you care if folks are Secular?
I don't, I hate secular leftists because they are a secular religious cult disguised as a political and economic philosophy, and they hate the natural order. Theyre like Islam in reverse, So they're scum to me.

Clear enough for ya?
ok slapdick what is the natural order this should be good .
like a blind man explaining what an elephant is ..
He was, he didn't defend pedos and he didn't like faggots. That makes him better than you.
since I'm neither one this like all your yer a fag post is false ,
You're both. And Hitler was better than you. Always remember that, butt pirate.[/QUOTE saying and doing the same thing endlessly is the definition of insanity.
And that's why you're a faggot.
saying and doing the same thing endlessly is the definition of insanity.
Stating facts, like that you are a simply being consistent with the truth. Not like what you do, using your butthole as an artificial vagina thinking it will some day evolve into a real ass-gina.
It's time to throw secular leftist scum out of helicopters and deport the rest.
Spoken like a devote Christian.
I never said I was a Christian.
What do you care if folks are Secular?
I don't, I hate secular leftists because they are a secular religious cult disguised as a political and economic philosophy, and they hate the natural order. Theyre like Islam in reverse, So they're scum to me.

Clear enough for ya?
ok slapdick what is the natural order this should be good .
like a blind man explaining what an elephant is ..
So you're retarded as well as a faggot I see.
No, you're an idiot, you've commented nothing worthwhile, then again, you never do.
only an idiot would keep addressing / answering them.
So you're an idiot?

I've been thinking daws is thinking of Transgendering, the comments he made on that other thread about men with a penis entering female bathrooms, well, it sounded like he was thinking of Transgendering.
that would make even more ignorant and wrong.

"that would make even more ignorant and wrong."

So not only spelling errors you make, on this occasion you're missing entire words.
missing a word or to here and there is nothing compared to needing to have even simple concepts explained to you .
since I'm neither one this like all your yer a fag post is false ,
You're both. And Hitler was better than you. Always remember that, butt pirate.[/QUOTE saying and doing the same thing endlessly is the definition of insanity.
And that's why you're a faggot.
saying and doing the same thing endlessly is the definition of insanity.
Stating facts, like that you are a simply being consistent with the truth. Not like what you do, using your butthole as an artificial vagina thinking it will some day evolve into a real ass-gina.
figured that was above you level of basic comprehension
Spoken like a devote Christian.
I never said I was a Christian.
What do you care if folks are Secular?
I don't, I hate secular leftists because they are a secular religious cult disguised as a political and economic philosophy, and they hate the natural order. Theyre like Islam in reverse, So they're scum to me.

Clear enough for ya?
ok slapdick what is the natural order this should be good .
like a blind man explaining what an elephant is ..
So you're retarded as well as a faggot I see.
missed that one completely too .
you're scary ignorant
You're both. And Hitler was better than you. Always remember that, butt pirate.[/QUOTE saying and doing the same thing endlessly is the definition of insanity.
And that's why you're a faggot.
saying and doing the same thing endlessly is the definition of insanity.
Stating facts, like that you are a simply being consistent with the truth. Not like what you do, using your butthole as an artificial vagina thinking it will some day evolve into a real ass-gina.
figured that was above you level of basic comprehension
No moron, here ya go...just helping your retarded sodomite self out.

"In philosophy, the natural order is the moral source from which natural law seeks to derive its authority. It encompasses the natural relations of beings to one another, in the absence of law, which natural law attempts to reinforce."
You idiot your excuse doesn't even make sense.

Your comment:

"Only in your masturbation fantasy pall"

  1. a cloth spread over a coffin, hearse, or tomb.
    synonyms: funeral cloth · coffin covering
  2. a dark cloud or covering of smoke, dust, or similar matter:
    "a pall of black smoke hung over the quarry"
So what is it? A masturbation fantasy coffin/hearse/tomb/covering of smoke? You're a sub-idiot, you're an amoeba.
He's a little narcissistic punk ass queer.
That is one of the main indicators of narcissism in an individual. A refusal to admit they lied or are wrong....even when everyone knows it.

The poor homo is a mental case.
that;s fucking hilarious ,
coming form someone who proclaims he's the voice of the people but want's to throw them from helicopters for being different from him .
he yammerers endlessly about his imaginary sexual prowess and his even more imaginary bravery.
in reality a cowardly pants shitter and a little man in everyway that matters ,
if that's not narcissism then nothing is .

Hey did you get yourself some more Kleenex already?
didn't fly the first time and it aint going to now,

Hey Chucklenuts :meow:
didn't you post this already and didn't you say you were putting me on ignore?
I never said I was a Christian.
What do you care if folks are Secular?
I don't, I hate secular leftists because they are a secular religious cult disguised as a political and economic philosophy, and they hate the natural order. Theyre like Islam in reverse, So they're scum to me.

Clear enough for ya?
ok slapdick what is the natural order this should be good .
like a blind man explaining what an elephant is ..
So you're retarded as well as a faggot I see.
missed that one completely too .
you're scary ignorant
You're a stupid faggot, has anyone ever told you that before?
And that's why you're a faggot.
saying and doing the same thing endlessly is the definition of insanity.
Stating facts, like that you are a simply being consistent with the truth. Not like what you do, using your butthole as an artificial vagina thinking it will some day evolve into a real ass-gina.
figured that was above you level of basic comprehension
No moron, here ya go...just helping your retarded sodomite self out.

"In philosophy, the natural order is the moral source from which natural law seeks to derive its authority. It encompasses the natural relations of beings to one another, in the absence of law, which natural law attempts to reinforce."
you have no clue as to what any of that means.
What do you care if folks are Secular?
I don't, I hate secular leftists because they are a secular religious cult disguised as a political and economic philosophy, and they hate the natural order. Theyre like Islam in reverse, So they're scum to me.

Clear enough for ya?
ok slapdick what is the natural order this should be good .
like a blind man explaining what an elephant is ..
So you're retarded as well as a faggot I see.
missed that one completely too .
you're scary ignorant
You're a stupid faggot, has anyone ever told you that before?
only ignorant people like you.
and they wrong about both things too .just like you.
And that's why you're a faggot.
saying and doing the same thing endlessly is the definition of insanity.
Stating facts, like that you are a simply being consistent with the truth. Not like what you do, using your butthole as an artificial vagina thinking it will some day evolve into a real ass-gina.
figured that was above you level of basic comprehension
No moron, here ya go...just helping your retarded sodomite self out.

"In philosophy, the natural order is the moral source from which natural law seeks to derive its authority. It encompasses the natural relations of beings to one another, in the absence of law, which natural law attempts to reinforce."
you have no clue as to what any of that means.
Yes I do, you clueless pole smoking queer. It means exactly what it says, the natural order is understood to be set by God or nature, and is the source people who believe in natural rights go to in order to justify natural law and laws based upon it....that's why you're faggot ass is an enemy of it. You're against the natural order.... Stupid sodomite queer.
What do you care if folks are Secular?
I don't, I hate secular leftists because they are a secular religious cult disguised as a political and economic philosophy, and they hate the natural order. Theyre like Islam in reverse, So they're scum to me.

Clear enough for ya?
ok slapdick what is the natural order this should be good .
like a blind man explaining what an elephant is ..
So you're retarded as well as a faggot I see.
missed that one completely too .
you're scary ignorant
You're a stupid faggot, has anyone ever told you that before?

LOL! You must be talking to someone I have in Iggyland.....
I don't, I hate secular leftists because they are a secular religious cult disguised as a political and economic philosophy, and they hate the natural order. Theyre like Islam in reverse, So they're scum to me.

Clear enough for ya?
ok slapdick what is the natural order this should be good .
like a blind man explaining what an elephant is ..
So you're retarded as well as a faggot I see.
missed that one completely too .
you're scary ignorant
You're a stupid faggot, has anyone ever told you that before?
only ignorant people like you.
and they wrong about both things too .just like you.
You're the ignorant one. Believe it.
I don't, I hate secular leftists because they are a secular religious cult disguised as a political and economic philosophy, and they hate the natural order. Theyre like Islam in reverse, So they're scum to me.

Clear enough for ya?
ok slapdick what is the natural order this should be good .
like a blind man explaining what an elephant is ..
So you're retarded as well as a faggot I see.
missed that one completely too .
you're scary ignorant
You're a stupid faggot, has anyone ever told you that before?

LOL! You must be talking to someone I have in Iggyland.....
ok slapdick what is the natural order this should be good .
like a blind man explaining what an elephant is ..
So you're retarded as well as a faggot I see.
missed that one completely too .
you're scary ignorant
You're a stupid faggot, has anyone ever told you that before?

LOL! You must be talking to someone I have in Iggyland.....

Yeah, I kicked him to the curb recently...he can't debate and he has nothing worth considering. Time is too short so I put him on ignore. You can lead a horse to water but if he doesn't want to drink because he is stubborn? Well, let him be thirsty....I have other people that are more worthy of my attention.
So you're retarded as well as a faggot I see.
missed that one completely too .
you're scary ignorant
You're a stupid faggot, has anyone ever told you that before?

LOL! You must be talking to someone I have in Iggyland.....

Yeah, I kicked him to the curb recently...he can't debate and he has nothing worth considering. Time is too short so I put him on ignore. You can lead a horse to water but if he doesn't want to drink because he is stubborn? Well, let him be thirsty....I have other people that are more worthy of my attention.
Yeah...I might just have to put him on ignore soon. He's entertaining though.

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