CDZ Is it Time for Germany to Get Over War Guilt?

Now I really don't care about keeping any particular European mutt heritage pure, it is more important to eradicate honeysuckle if you ask me.

But, if I did I would use your tax incentives (go big government!) to encourage young families to have kids and I would import as many desirable immigrants as I thought I could indoctrinate in my culture every year.

Wealth is a funny thing where perceived property values matter. No increase in demand (population who needs homes), no decrease in interest rates and property values stagnate it seems so if other countries figure out how to feed a billion mouths and have a reasonable economy.....
Mutt heritage? Maybe you are a squatter over there being a mutt yourself and hate the existing culture. Import more immigrants to feed and house sounds like a mutt idea. Apparently your G-d is money. Worshiping the golden calf. To each his own.
Eradicating honey suckle? Wow.... talking about the genocide of the Caucasian race? You are a squatter after all.
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Now I really don't care about keeping any particular European mutt heritage pure, it is more important to eradicate honeysuckle if you ask me.

But, if I did I would use your tax incentives (go big government!) to encourage young families to have kids and I would import as many desirable immigrants as I thought I could indoctrinate in my culture every year.

Wealth is a funny thing where perceived property values matter. No increase in demand (population who needs homes), no decrease in interest rates and property values stagnate it seems so if other countries figure out how to feed a billion mouths and have a reasonable economy.....
Mutt heritage? Maybe you are a squatter over there being a mutt yourself and hate the existing culture. Import more immigrants to feed and house sounds like a mutt idea. Apparently your G-d is money. Worshiping the golden calf. To each his own.
Eradicating honey suckle? Wow.... talking about the genocide of the Caucasian race? You are a squatter after all.

Are we talking genetics or culture?

Who are your pure bred Germans? Are we talking people who can trace their heritage back to Roman times? The Holy Roman Empire? Pre WWI? How about the Rhineland Germans? Those in the Sudetenland count? What IS the genetic German non mutt?

Or culture? This is easier to have a real cultural German. If you discount religion it could be a Muslim immigrant who bought in entirely. There are probably plenty of those. Heck, there are probably a few who have converted to "German" by largely dropping their Islamic upbringing and just show up in church for the holidays.
Now I really don't care about keeping any particular European mutt heritage pure, it is more important to eradicate honeysuckle if you ask me.

But, if I did I would use your tax incentives (go big government!) to encourage young families to have kids and I would import as many desirable immigrants as I thought I could indoctrinate in my culture every year.

Wealth is a funny thing where perceived property values matter. No increase in demand (population who needs homes), no decrease in interest rates and property values stagnate it seems so if other countries figure out how to feed a billion mouths and have a reasonable economy.....
Mutt heritage? Maybe you are a squatter over there being a mutt yourself and hate the existing culture. Import more immigrants to feed and house sounds like a mutt idea. Apparently your G-d is money. Worshiping the golden calf. To each his own.
Eradicating honey suckle? Wow.... talking about the genocide of the Caucasian race? You are a squatter after all.

Are we talking genetics or culture?

Who are your pure bred Germans? Are we talking people who can trace their heritage back to Roman times? The Holy Roman Empire? Pre WWI? How about the Rhineland Germans? Those in the Sudetenland count? What IS the genetic German non mutt?

Or culture? This is easier to have a real cultural German. If you discount religion it could be a Muslim immigrant who bought in entirely. There are probably plenty of those. Heck, there are probably a few who have converted to "German" by largely dropping their Islamic upbringing and just show up in church for the holidays.
So you were talking about genetics. Now it makes sense and I realize that you want to eradicate Caucasians by importing Middle Easterners. Your effort focuses on the Germans for now then on to French, English, Scandinavians etc. Who will eradicate you when you are done? The Chinese? I am familiar with squatters acting like chameleons to melt in, then like parasites killing the host but when the host dies, then what? We had examples of it here in the U.S. in the near past.
Now I really don't care about keeping any particular European mutt heritage pure, it is more important to eradicate honeysuckle if you ask me.
What did you mean by that what I highlighted?

oh, sorry. I do some horticultural boards where honeysuckle is well known.

I view invasive honeysuckle plants as more of a problem than a failure to maintain Germanic purity. Cultural or Genetic German purity.
Now I really don't care about keeping any particular European mutt heritage pure, it is more important to eradicate honeysuckle if you ask me.
What did you mean by that what I highlighted?

oh, sorry. I do some horticultural boards where honeysuckle is well known.

I view invasive honeysuckle plants as more of a problem than a failure to maintain Germanic purity. Cultural or Genetic German purity.
Nice spin. I got it right in my previous post. # 63
Younger Germans are starting to rebel against the penitent status their country has accepted since the end of WW2, culminating with the disastrous refugee policies of Angela Merkel. Isn't Nazi Germany as distinct from the Germany of today as the Confederacy is from the modern South?

The question is whether or not this realization has come too late. What do you think?
Shaming From Sadists With Ulterior Motives

Normal Germans don't feel that. It's a made-up cause for the traitors in the ruling class to change the country's demography into one they believed would be more subservient. Islam, after all, means "submission."
Germany has surpassed Japan with the world's lowest birth rate and the highest median age 46.1, compared to 35.2 in the US. Demographics have to change in Germany otherwise, the country's productivity will fall as the population ages. Migrants are typically young in their mid 20's with young families. Demographically, this is exactly what countries with aging populations need.

Not really; it's productivity per capita that matters, not gross GDP, and productivity has gone through the roof this entire century. The U.S. could get by just fine, and much better, with a smaller population, like less than 200 million, much less, in fact.
As the population ages, fertility drops which leads to lower birthrates and further aging of the population which means even lower fertility rates and a smaller and smaller workforce. That of course is not the only problem. Older people need more healthcare and other services. Germany and Japan have the oldest populations in the world and if trends continue, they will get older and older.
Younger Germans are starting to rebel against the penitent status their country has accepted since the end of WW2, culminating with the disastrous refugee policies of Angela Merkel. Isn't Nazi Germany as distinct from the Germany of today as the Confederacy is from the modern South?

The question is whether or not this realization has come too late. What do you think?
Shaming From Sadists With Ulterior Motives

Normal Germans don't feel that. It's a made-up cause for the traitors in the ruling class to change the country's demography into one they believed would be more subservient. Islam, after all, means "submission."
Germany has surpassed Japan with the world's lowest birth rate and the highest median age 46.1, compared to 35.2 in the US. Demographics have to change in Germany otherwise, the country's productivity will fall as the population ages. Migrants are typically young in their mid 20's with young families. Demographically, this is exactly what countries with aging populations need.

Not really; it's productivity per capita that matters, not gross GDP, and productivity has gone through the roof this entire century. The U.S. could get by just fine, and much better, with a smaller population, like less than 200 million, much less, in fact.
As the population ages, fertility drops which leads to lower birthrates and further aging of the population which means even lower fertility rates and a smaller and smaller workforce. That of course is not the only problem. Older people need more healthcare and other services. Germany and Japan have the oldest populations in the world and if trends continue, they will get older and older.

So what? Skyrocketing productivity and automation reduces the demand for workers at a far higher rate than population is falling, which reduces incomes and standards of living, which reduces the ability of workers to feed families, which results in people having fewer children in advanced countries. Add to that the fact that the financial sector has channeled the entire increase in produced wealth into it's own pockets and left none for anybody else and those problems are multiplied many times over. Add to that the capital surpluses going to investment out-sourcing to lower wage countries where workers are even more impoverished and you compound the problem even more on top of that. The lower incomes in turn reduce demand for goods eventually, and the snowballing effects get more and more destructive. Importing more and more workers from elsewhere to lower wages in lower productivity service industries does literally nothing to increase GDP, it just increases demands on infrastructure and social services while wiping out the tax base needed to sustain even the most basic needs, and rots away the factors that made for the original prosperity in the first place. It's a race to the bottom, and never ends up pretty, just opens up the doors to demagoguery, chronic poverty, corruption, disease epidemics, famines, etc.

Of course, for fake 'progressives', it's all about screwing Whitey, not anything else, so naturally they can't admit that, they're just racists and bigots who think if they get rid of white people everybody is going to rich and happy or something. White people are the problem for them, mostly white working class people; that's what they wish was the real problem, anyway, never mind they're playing right into the hands of very white and very elitist white establishment 'globalists' who regard everybody not of a certain social and economic status to be disposable; we all look alike to them.

The right wing serves as the other side of the tag team, and just as stupid and ignorant, they just use different lies and fantasy constructs that of course compliment and abet the same results. For most people, 'left' and 'right' wings are distinctions without a difference as far as existential results go. It' merely a matter of rhetoric, fashion sense, and ego whether one is a right or left handed wing nut, which peer group you want to suck up to, the fools backed by billionaires like Soros or the fools backed by the Kochs.
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Don't Whine About the Greatest Cowardice in History

The Inca cowards were afraid to fight, too. They ran like rabbits and were hunted down. Do we respect them, bleed our hearts for them, and lay all the blame on the Spaniards?


Indian troops: 6,000
Spanish troops: 177

Indian dead: 2,000
Spanish dead: Zero

The Spanish had guns, the Incas didn't.

The Races Are Descended From Different Primate Species

The Spanish deserved to be rewarded for the superior IQs that enabled them to develop superior weaponry. The Indians were incapable of ever developing that far; they had reached the limits of their evolution and are living on borrowed time even now.

What happened to their superior IQ's since then?
Madrid Is Better Than Mud

The Spaniards still live a lot better than the obsolete human species they conquered.

to stay on point, since then the French have passed the Spaniards genetically or mentally?
Divide and Conquer

So what if they did? The French have been decadent since their best youth were slaughtered in World War I. You're trying to create conflict within the White race.
Younger Germans are starting to rebel against the penitent status their country has accepted since the end of WW2, culminating with the disastrous refugee policies of Angela Merkel. Isn't Nazi Germany as distinct from the Germany of today as the Confederacy is from the modern South?

The question is whether or not this realization has come too late. What do you think?

As a Jew who lost 80% of grandparents and great grandparents' generations to the Holocaust I say yes it is well past the time to get over it. Don't forget or whitewash your history, but Germany has risen from that time as a great and moral Capitalistic Democracy.

They must also not let the Muslims twist the memory of the Holocaust to their invading hordes favor. Funny how re Muslims of today benefit the most from the Holocaust when they are the one's actively trying to start another one!

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The Spanish had guns, the Incas didn't.

The Races Are Descended From Different Primate Species

The Spanish deserved to be rewarded for the superior IQs that enabled them to develop superior weaponry. The Indians were incapable of ever developing that far; they had reached the limits of their evolution and are living on borrowed time even now.

What happened to their superior IQ's since then?
Madrid Is Better Than Mud

The Spaniards still live a lot better than the obsolete human species they conquered.

to stay on point, since then the French have passed the Spaniards genetically or mentally?
Divide and Conquer

So what if they did? The French have been decadent since their best youth were slaughtered in World War I. You're trying to create conflict within the White race.

Ah, got it. The French and Spanish are the same race, right?

How about the Egyptians? They a different enough race?
The Races Are Descended From Different Primate Species

The Spanish deserved to be rewarded for the superior IQs that enabled them to develop superior weaponry. The Indians were incapable of ever developing that far; they had reached the limits of their evolution and are living on borrowed time even now.

What happened to their superior IQ's since then?
Madrid Is Better Than Mud

The Spaniards still live a lot better than the obsolete human species they conquered.
ave passed the Spaniards genetically or mentally?
Divide and Conquer

So what if they did? The French have been decadent since their best youth were slaughtered in World War I. You're trying to create conflict within the White race.

Ah, got it. The French and Spanish are the same race, right?

How about the Egyptians? They a different enough race?
Only Simians Adopted Islam

The Egyptians worship death. All that technology and labor wasted on tombs for their tyrants explains why such a death-wish race would create the Muslim Brotherhood.
Younger Germans are starting to rebel against the penitent status their country has accepted since the end of WW2, culminating with the disastrous refugee policies of Angela Merkel. Isn't Nazi Germany as distinct from the Germany of today as the Confederacy is from the modern South?

The question is whether or not this realization has come too late. What do you think?
Shaming From Sadists With Ulterior Motives

Normal Germans don't feel that. It's a made-up cause for the traitors in the ruling class to change the country's demography into one they believed would be more subservient. Islam, after all, means "submission."
Germany has surpassed Japan with the world's lowest birth rate and the highest median age 46.1, compared to 35.2 in the US. Demographics have to change in Germany otherwise, the country's productivity will fall as the population ages. Migrants are typically young in their mid 20's with young families. Demographically, this is exactly what countries with aging populations need.

Not really; it's productivity per capita that matters, not gross GDP, and productivity has gone through the roof this entire century. The U.S. could get by just fine, and much better, with a smaller population, like less than 200 million, much less, in fact.
As the population ages, fertility drops which leads to lower birthrates and further aging of the population which means even lower fertility rates and a smaller and smaller workforce. That of course is not the only problem. Older people need more healthcare and other services. Germany and Japan have the oldest populations in the world and if trends continue, they will get older and older.

So what? Skyrocketing productivity and automation reduces the demand for workers at a far higher rate than population is falling, which reduces incomes and standards of living, which reduces the ability of workers to feed families, which results in people having fewer children in advanced countries. Add to that the fact that the financial sector has channeled the entire increase in produced wealth into it's own pockets and left none for anybody else and those problems are multiplied many times over. Add to that the capital surpluses going to investment out-sourcing to lower wage countries where workers are even more impoverished and you compound the problem even more on top of that. The lower incomes in turn reduce demand for goods eventually, and the snowballing effects get more and more destructive. Importing more and more workers from elsewhere to lower wages in lower productivity service industries does literally nothing to increase GDP, it just increases demands on infrastructure and social services while wiping out the tax base needed to sustain even the most basic needs, and rots away the factors that made for the original prosperity in the first place. It's a race to the bottom, and never ends up pretty, just opens up the doors to demagoguery, chronic poverty, corruption, disease epidemics, famines, etc.

Of course, for fake 'progressives', it's all about screwing Whitey, not anything else, so naturally they can't admit that, they're just racists and bigots who think if they get rid of white people everybody is going to rich and happy or something. White people are the problem for them, mostly white working class people; that's what they wish was the real problem, anyway, never mind they're playing right into the hands of very white and very elitist white establishment 'globalists' who regard everybody not of a certain social and economic status to be disposable; we all look alike to them.

The right wing serves as the other side of the tag team, and just as stupid and ignorant, they just use different lies and fantasy constructs that of course compliment and abet the same results. For most people, 'left' and 'right' wings are distinctions without a difference as far as existential results go. It' merely a matter of rhetoric, fashion sense, and ego whether one is a right or left handed wing nut, which peer group you want to suck up to, the fools backed by billionaires like Soros or the fools backed by the Kochs.
You suffer from same delusion of many right wing extremist; that is immigration is bad for the country.
Shaming From Sadists With Ulterior Motives

Normal Germans don't feel that. It's a made-up cause for the traitors in the ruling class to change the country's demography into one they believed would be more subservient. Islam, after all, means "submission."
Germany has surpassed Japan with the world's lowest birth rate and the highest median age 46.1, compared to 35.2 in the US. Demographics have to change in Germany otherwise, the country's productivity will fall as the population ages. Migrants are typically young in their mid 20's with young families. Demographically, this is exactly what countries with aging populations need.

Not really; it's productivity per capita that matters, not gross GDP, and productivity has gone through the roof this entire century. The U.S. could get by just fine, and much better, with a smaller population, like less than 200 million, much less, in fact.
As the population ages, fertility drops which leads to lower birthrates and further aging of the population which means even lower fertility rates and a smaller and smaller workforce. That of course is not the only problem. Older people need more healthcare and other services. Germany and Japan have the oldest populations in the world and if trends continue, they will get older and older.

So what? Skyrocketing productivity and automation reduces the demand for workers at a far higher rate than population is falling, which reduces incomes and standards of living, which reduces the ability of workers to feed families, which results in people having fewer children in advanced countries. Add to that the fact that the financial sector has channeled the entire increase in produced wealth into it's own pockets and left none for anybody else and those problems are multiplied many times over. Add to that the capital surpluses going to investment out-sourcing to lower wage countries where workers are even more impoverished and you compound the problem even more on top of that. The lower incomes in turn reduce demand for goods eventually, and the snowballing effects get more and more destructive. Importing more and more workers from elsewhere to lower wages in lower productivity service industries does literally nothing to increase GDP, it just increases demands on infrastructure and social services while wiping out the tax base needed to sustain even the most basic needs, and rots away the factors that made for the original prosperity in the first place. It's a race to the bottom, and never ends up pretty, just opens up the doors to demagoguery, chronic poverty, corruption, disease epidemics, famines, etc.

Of course, for fake 'progressives', it's all about screwing Whitey, not anything else, so naturally they can't admit that, they're just racists and bigots who think if they get rid of white people everybody is going to rich and happy or something. White people are the problem for them, mostly white working class people; that's what they wish was the real problem, anyway, never mind they're playing right into the hands of very white and very elitist white establishment 'globalists' who regard everybody not of a certain social and economic status to be disposable; we all look alike to them.

The right wing serves as the other side of the tag team, and just as stupid and ignorant, they just use different lies and fantasy constructs that of course compliment and abet the same results. For most people, 'left' and 'right' wings are distinctions without a difference as far as existential results go. It' merely a matter of rhetoric, fashion sense, and ego whether one is a right or left handed wing nut, which peer group you want to suck up to, the fools backed by billionaires like Soros or the fools backed by the Kochs.
You suffer from same delusion of many right wing extremist; that is immigration is bad for the country.

You suffer from the delusion that most of it isn't bad, and you cherry pick nonsense and will not address any negative fact about it. It's all about Whitey for the 'progressive' racists. Massive waves of immigrants have always been bad for most Americans, and the evidence goes back to 1820, economically, politically, and socially. How many school textbooks point out that from 1810 to the 1850's English natives, those here 3 generations or more, became shorter and their lifespans decreased an average of 15%, for instance? Or that alcohol consumption increased from the same as Europe's to over three times the per capita of Europe, creating a nation of drunks that continued right up to Prohibition? All kinds of Fun Facts out there about the delusion that unrestricted immigration and criminal illegal aliens are not in the least beneficial, and never have been.

And I'm not a 'right wing extremist', you're just delusional. Most Liberals opposed criminal illegal aliens, in the 1950's LULAC, Cesar Chavez, and every hispanic organization opposed it, as did liberals like Barbara Jordan. You just like having a peer group to suck up to, and have no desire to be an independent thinker or a real liberal. The racism of the faux 'left' appeals to you.
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Younger Germans are starting to rebel against the penitent status their country has accepted since the end of WW2, culminating with the disastrous refugee policies of Angela Merkel. Isn't Nazi Germany as distinct from the Germany of today as the Confederacy is from the modern South?

The question is whether or not this realization has come too late. What do you think?

As a Jew who lost 80% of grandparents and great grandparents' generations to the Holocaust I say yes it is well past the time to get over it. Don't forget or whitewash your history, but Germany has risen from that time as a great and moral Capitalistic Democracy.

They must also not let the Muslims twist the memory of the Holocaust to their invading hordes favor. Funny how re Muslims of today benefit the most from the Holocaust when they are the one's actively trying to start another one!

Sent from my iPhone using

The German Left is so out of touch with reality and insane all they are going to succeed in doing is win more support for the extreme right. this is what happened during the Wiemar Republic and is now happening all across Europe.
What happened to their superior IQ's since then?
Madrid Is Better Than Mud

The Spaniards still live a lot better than the obsolete human species they conquered.
ave passed the Spaniards genetically or mentally?
Divide and Conquer

So what if they did? The French have been decadent since their best youth were slaughtered in World War I. You're trying to create conflict within the White race.

Ah, got it. The French and Spanish are the same race, right?

How about the Egyptians? They a different enough race?
Only Simians Adopted Islam

The Egyptians worship death. All that technology and labor wasted on tombs for their tyrants explains why such a death-wish race would create the Muslim Brotherhood.

Did you just say only monkeys adopted Islam?

Let me get this straight. Germans are genetically superior to Egyptians by this train of thought?
Shaming From Sadists With Ulterior Motives

Normal Germans don't feel that. It's a made-up cause for the traitors in the ruling class to change the country's demography into one they believed would be more subservient. Islam, after all, means "submission."
Germany has surpassed Japan with the world's lowest birth rate and the highest median age 46.1, compared to 35.2 in the US. Demographics have to change in Germany otherwise, the country's productivity will fall as the population ages. Migrants are typically young in their mid 20's with young families. Demographically, this is exactly what countries with aging populations need.

Not really; it's productivity per capita that matters, not gross GDP, and productivity has gone through the roof this entire century. The U.S. could get by just fine, and much better, with a smaller population, like less than 200 million, much less, in fact.
As the population ages, fertility drops which leads to lower birthrates and further aging of the population which means even lower fertility rates and a smaller and smaller workforce. That of course is not the only problem. Older people need more healthcare and other services. Germany and Japan have the oldest populations in the world and if trends continue, they will get older and older.

So what? Skyrocketing productivity and automation reduces the demand for workers at a far higher rate than population is falling, which reduces incomes and standards of living, which reduces the ability of workers to feed families, which results in people having fewer children in advanced countries. Add to that the fact that the financial sector has channeled the entire increase in produced wealth into it's own pockets and left none for anybody else and those problems are multiplied many times over. Add to that the capital surpluses going to investment out-sourcing to lower wage countries where workers are even more impoverished and you compound the problem even more on top of that. The lower incomes in turn reduce demand for goods eventually, and the snowballing effects get more and more destructive. Importing more and more workers from elsewhere to lower wages in lower productivity service industries does literally nothing to increase GDP, it just increases demands on infrastructure and social services while wiping out the tax base needed to sustain even the most basic needs, and rots away the factors that made for the original prosperity in the first place. It's a race to the bottom, and never ends up pretty, just opens up the doors to demagoguery, chronic poverty, corruption, disease epidemics, famines, etc.

Of course, for fake 'progressives', it's all about screwing Whitey, not anything else, so naturally they can't admit that, they're just racists and bigots who think if they get rid of white people everybody is going to rich and happy or something. White people are the problem for them, mostly white working class people; that's what they wish was the real problem, anyway, never mind they're playing right into the hands of very white and very elitist white establishment 'globalists' who regard everybody not of a certain social and economic status to be disposable; we all look alike to them.

The right wing serves as the other side of the tag team, and just as stupid and ignorant, they just use different lies and fantasy constructs that of course compliment and abet the same results. For most people, 'left' and 'right' wings are distinctions without a difference as far as existential results go. It' merely a matter of rhetoric, fashion sense, and ego whether one is a right or left handed wing nut, which peer group you want to suck up to, the fools backed by billionaires like Soros or the fools backed by the Kochs.
You suffer from same delusion of many right wing extremist; that is immigration is bad for the country.

And you suffer from the liberal delusional of believing illegal and legal immigrants are the same and that there are not different types of immigrants. The immigrants coming from the African and Arab world are not helping the European society. They are overburdening it and will eventually destroy it.

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Madrid Is Better Than Mud

The Spaniards still live a lot better than the obsolete human species they conquered.
ave passed the Spaniards genetically or mentally?
Divide and Conquer

So what if they did? The French have been decadent since their best youth were slaughtered in World War I. You're trying to create conflict within the White race.

Ah, got it. The French and Spanish are the same race, right?

How about the Egyptians? They a different enough race?
Only Simians Adopted Islam

The Egyptians worship death. All that technology and labor wasted on tombs for their tyrants explains why such a death-wish race would create the Muslim Brotherhood.

Did you just say only monkeys adopted Islam?

Let me get this straight. Germans are genetically superior to Egyptians by this train of thought?
Rainbow Bow-Wows Going, "Wow. Just Wow"

The different ethnic groups descended from different primate species, each with different limitations on its evolution. That is obvious if you live in the real world, but not if you live in a childish Kumbaya cartoon-world.
ave passed the Spaniards genetically or mentally?
Divide and Conquer

So what if they did? The French have been decadent since their best youth were slaughtered in World War I. You're trying to create conflict within the White race.

Ah, got it. The French and Spanish are the same race, right?

How about the Egyptians? They a different enough race?
Only Simians Adopted Islam

The Egyptians worship death. All that technology and labor wasted on tombs for their tyrants explains why such a death-wish race would create the Muslim Brotherhood.

Did you just say only monkeys adopted Islam?

Let me get this straight. Germans are genetically superior to Egyptians by this train of thought?
Rainbow Bow-Wows Going, "Wow. Just Wow"

The different ethnic groups descended from different primate species, each with different limitations on its evolution. That is obvious if you live in the real world, but not if you live in a childish Kumbaya cartoon-world.

Ok. So Germans between 10,000 and 1000 BC were inferior to Egyptians but then became superior after 1800 AD when they were mixed with monkeys?

I am lost on the fine points of your theory.
ave passed the Spaniards genetically or mentally?
Divide and Conquer

So what if they did? The French have been decadent since their best youth were slaughtered in World War I. You're trying to create conflict within the White race.

Ah, got it. The French and Spanish are the same race, right?

How about the Egyptians? They a different enough race?
Only Simians Adopted Islam

The Egyptians worship death. All that technology and labor wasted on tombs for their tyrants explains why such a death-wish race would create the Muslim Brotherhood.

Did you just say only monkeys adopted Islam?

Let me get this straight. Germans are genetically superior to Egyptians by this train of thought?
Rainbow Bow-Wows Going, "Wow. Just Wow"

The different ethnic groups descended from different primate species, each with different limitations on its evolution. That is obvious if you live in the real world, but not if you live in a childish Kumbaya cartoon-world.

This is absolute poppycock. Every living human being is descended from one and only one species: homo sapiens.

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