Is it time for Pence to assume his Constitutional responsibility?

what whining was that? and what does your response have to do with what I was responding to?
as for your garbage no the president should not sign that bullshit and allow illegals to get 1800's and other countries to get billions of dollars.
If the Cry Baby Loser is in a snit because his Treasury Secretary negotiated a bill that Congressional Republicans passed, that's too bad. Boo hoo. That does not give him the right to trash the nation as he absconds by popular demand.
There is a conspicuous abdication of national leadership as Trump is incapacitated by his egomaniacal grievances, paranoidal brooding, and petty sniveling about Democrats and Republicans alike, even his own appointees who have accepted reality over trumpery.
The alternative to Trump is too horrible to contemplate. WE THE PEOPLE will not allow that.
You don't even know what the alternative is. You've been fed a bunch of lies about Joe Biden and china and socialism and pedophilia and not bothered to apply an ounce of common sense much less critical thinking to them.

You haven't got a clue.
/---/ If Trump prevails, will you keep the $2,000 check or return $1,400?
I'll accept the bipartisan determination of Congress. The nation desperately needs unity right now.
you leftists created the division fuck you unity is dead

You right wing fascist white pigs are the ones causing disunity in a desperate attempt to preserve political power.
what did we do for the last 4 years that cause any disunity? hell make that the last 12 years?
when you leftists went far left extremist you created the disunity because asshat I'm not going left to be part of the group fuck your unity burn this country down before we will ever unify with you communist pigs
That's obviously not you in your avatar picture. I hope the soldier in that pic finds you.
That's not a soldier dumbass that's an Airman his AFSC IS 81150 THAT THAT AIRMAN IS ME
when you leftists went far left extremist...
... over 81 million Americans voted to dump the Trump at their first opportunity.
Repeat a big enough lie long enough until it becomes accepted
That's tRump's schtick, dingbat.
millions of lies spewed about the president by democrat propaganda media
Aren't you the guy who vanishes when someone remembers you're the "stolen valor" guy? Or is that somebody else?
when you leftists went far left extremist...
... over 81 million Americans voted to dump the Trump at their first opportunity.
Repeat a big enough lie long enough until it becomes accepted
That's tRump's schtick, dingbat.
millions of lies spewed about the president by democrat propaganda media
Aren't you the guy who vanishes when someone remembers you're the "stolen valor" guy? Or is that somebody else?
I served in the Air Force 52nd SPS 3902 SPS In Germany and Nebraska I was a SRT team leader ARTteam leader and Fire Team leader I was an EST team member on my base stateside other than that go fuck your stolen valor fucking ****
what whining was that? and what does your response have to do with what I was responding to?
as for your garbage no the president should not sign that bullshit and allow illegals to get 1800's and other countries to get billions of dollars.
If the Cry Baby Loser is in a snit because his Treasury Secretary negotiated a bill that Congressional Republicans passed, that's too bad. Boo hoo. That does not give him the right to trash the nation as he absconds by popular demand.
again what does that have to do with my original comment?
The alternative to Trump is too horrible to contemplate. WE THE PEOPLE will not allow that.
You, the minority cult, won't have any choice. So shut up already.
We’re shutting your fucking HOUSE down already, because we’re just not putting up with that wife-swapping and prostitution playhouse shit and people getting married on Wednesday in the eyes of God in a casino chapel etc.
when you leftists went far left extremist...
... over 81 million Americans voted to dump the Trump at their first opportunity.
Repeat a big enough lie long enough until it becomes accepted
That's tRump's schtick, dingbat.
millions of lies spewed about the president by democrat propaganda media
Aren't you the guy who vanishes when someone remembers you're the "stolen valor" guy? Or is that somebody else?
I served in the Air Force 52nd SPS 3902 SPS In Germany and Nebraska I was a SRT team leader ARTteam leader and Fire Team leader I was an EST team member on my base stateside other than that go fuck your stolen valor fucking ****

Thank you for your service, sir
With the Cry Baby Loser giving in, Throttlebottom will have to stand back and stand by.

Screen Shot 2020-12-27 at 8.23.17 PM.png
In South Bend, Indiana, Lanetris Haines, a self-employed single mother of three, stood to lose her $129 weekly jobless benefit unless Trump signed the package into law or succeeded in his improbable quest for changes.
Trump was spending Sunday golfing at his West Palm Beach course.
He has given no indication he plans to sign the bill as he spends the last days of his presidency in a rage. Indeed, his dissatisfaction with the legislation seems only to have grown in recent days...
There is a conspicuous abdication of national leadership as Trump is incapacitated by his egomaniacal grievances, paranoidal brooding, and petty sniveling about Democrats and Republicans alike, even his own appointees who have accepted reality over trumpery.

He is in such a snit he refuses to sign critical legislation negotiated by his own Secretary of the Treasury.

There is no reason to distract him. In his mind, he's already gone - just a little too eager to fulfill the hopes of most Americans.

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View attachment 434074

"Are you too weak to ever take responsibility?
Stop blaming the dog!
We don't have a dog!"
Meanwhile back on planet earth: Democrats promote and other wise incite race riots (along with the highly unethical and biased main steam media). And Democrats actually tried to remove Trump last year without any actual reasons. Its time we started to look deeper into WHO and WHAT the Democrats truly are.
Meanwhile back on planet earth: Democrats promote and other wise incite race riots (along with the highly unethical and biased main steam media). And Democrats actually tried to remove Trump last year without any actual reasons. Its time we started to look deeper into WHO and WHAT the Democrats truly are.
Desperate attempts at diversion often resort to lies.

You may as well accept the will of the People.

The cultish devotion to Cry Baby Loser is emotional, subject to paranoid delusions, and does not lend itself to rational discussion.

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