Is it time for President Trump to declare WAR against Mexico, Central and South America?

Does anybody here besides myself and Bootney Lee Farnsworth dream of this day?
Wouldn’t the political backlash favor the GOP?
US dicking around down there is a major cause of the current situation. Most recently Shitlery and Obummer’s meddling in Honduras.
We should end the drug war to cut Spending; the right wing has a problem with limiting Government. The Poor get "punished more now".
still talking pig latin. wow, dude, no one knows what the fk you're saying.

I’ll translate for you...every one of his posts are the same.
“I want free shit”
“Give me free shit”
“You owe me free shit”
“Your shit is OUR shit”
We should end the drug war to cut Spending; the right wing has a problem with limiting Government. The Poor get "punished more now".
the poor get punished? prove it.
Does anybody here besides myself and Bootney Lee Farnsworth dream of this day?
Wouldn’t the political backlash favor the GOP?

Yeah, because when your popularity is based on doing stupid, you have to think up of even more stupid shit to keep them happy.

Let’s pretend you’re a good, real, productive American...would you see it differently?

No, if I were a redneck, maybe I'd see it differently.
Does anybody here besides myself and Bootney Lee Farnsworth dream of this day?
Wouldn’t the political backlash favor the GOP?
US dicking around down there is a major cause of the current situation. Most recently Shitlery and Obummer’s meddling in Honduras.
We should end the drug war to cut Spending; the right wing has a problem with limiting Government. The Poor get "punished more now".
still talking pig latin. wow, dude, no one knows what the fk you're saying.

I’ll translate for you...every one of his posts are the same.
“I want free shit”
“Give me free shit”
“You owe me free shit”
“Your shit is OUR shit”
I wanted him to write that.
Only socialism abandons poor
Not what FDR said; only the right wing says that.
naw, they've been saying openly now for the last year. and taking from the rich and giving to the poor has been all welfare and SS is, and instituted by a demoloser each. so no, socialism is all fking leftist hump dream.
income redistribution is all the right wing is doing with tax cut economics. why blame the poor since the rich are getting richer? Not enough generosity to go around.
funny you don't get the tax cuts. no surprise though. Do you even know where money comes from?
lol. a printing press at an official mint?
so the distribution of money is by a government. Agreed?
Does anybody here besides myself and Bootney Lee Farnsworth dream of this day?
Wouldn’t the political backlash favor the GOP?
Not a fan, just build the wall. We exert pressure on Mexico pretty easily. they will protest, but they'll do what we say........
let's hope trump sends the military, I can't wait for that confrontation truly special indeed.

Are you gonna be one of the people that volunteers for the military to defend the border?

Me? I've already did my service to the military. 20 years and 4 war zones.
I'm sure our qualified military can handle this. I don't need to enlist to help out. much easier to call on others to do your dirty work, right?
Say the people that call for violence, but just type on their keyboard.
Do you side with the invading hoards of illegals or American citizens? I think we all know the answer.
only Lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.

socialism on a national basis is all the right wing seems to know.
Socialism is a leftist agenda! Let’s straighten you out a bit.
the right wing has no faith in Capitalism.

Oh yes we do and it's that very Capitalism that is working for this nation for the last 2 years.
Income redistribution on an Institutional, not Individual basis?
again, the main distribution is the government. so your wish is already true. Now people who collect that money are allowed to distribute as they feel free to and not by a government telling them otherwise. Just stop me if you disagree.

BTW, every welfare recipient is allowed to invest their money to make more. why don't they?
I would say it is time to arrest anyone and everyone that funds those groups that are clearly organized and clearly funded. How much, for example, would it cost to feed those thousands? How did they all just have the same idea at the same time that just so happens to time perfectly with the US elections?

Anyone funding this in order to meddle with our elections and our sovereignty should be investigated.

Then, when we find soros along with everyone else, we should line them all on a wall. All of them.

You think they timed their arrival to coincide with the elections? Really? Conspiracy theorist much?

Ever consider that it takes 2 to 3 months to travel that far on foot, and the best time for travel like that is during the summer? And, if they start their travel in the summer (July), they will be getting here around Oct. or Nov.
It depends.
If Mexico allows them to ride on trains and busses they can be here in a week. So you seriously think they are walking the whole way?
Does anybody here besides myself and Bootney Lee Farnsworth dream of this day?
Wouldn’t the political backlash favor the GOP?

Long overdue. Mexico makes money off the millions of illegals who flood into our country. Illegals have RAPED and KILLED thousands of Americans, more than were killed on 9/11 and we bombed Afghanistan to rubble for that. If Jihadists were flooding into the country and hacking off the heads of gay people the left would nuke Mexico.
only Bad capitalists use capitalism to punish.
I agree, which is why your socialists are horrible with their stupid boycotts and witchhunts
Long overdue. Mexico makes money off the millions of illegals who flood into our country. Illegals have RAPED and KILLED thousands of Americans, more than were killed on 9/11 and we bombed Afghanistan to rubble for that. If Jihadists were flooding into the country and hacking off the heads of gay people the left would nuke Mexico.
only Bad capitalists use capitalism to punish.

Do you side with the invading hoards of illegals or American citizens? I think we all know the answer.
only Lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.

socialism on a national basis is all the right wing seems to know.
Socialism is a leftist agenda! Let’s straighten you out a bit.
the right wing has no faith in Capitalism.
Hilarious, the only reason you lefties hate the roaring economy is because it doesn't involve government.
I would say it is time to arrest anyone and everyone that funds those groups that are clearly organized and clearly funded. How much, for example, would it cost to feed those thousands? How did they all just have the same idea at the same time that just so happens to time perfectly with the US elections?

Anyone funding this in order to meddle with our elections and our sovereignty should be investigated.

Then, when we find soros along with everyone else, we should line them all on a wall. All of them.

You think they timed their arrival to coincide with the elections? Really? Conspiracy theorist much?

Ever consider that it takes 2 to 3 months to travel that far on foot, and the best time for travel like that is during the summer? And, if they start their travel in the summer (July), they will be getting here around Oct. or Nov.
It depends.
If Mexico allows them to ride on trains and busses they can be here in a week. So you seriously think they are walking the whole way?
Based on your response, thank the Lord Jesus I have so many in ignore. I can only imagine what they are saying. They think they are all walking here from Honduras?

Holy shit.

My intestinal health thanks me for ignoring nearly all of them. In order for me to know what they saying, I just really need your response. Also, since ALL of them are in lockstep with what their gods in the media tell them, I know ignoring all of them only makes perfect sense.
Does anybody here besides myself and Bootney Lee Farnsworth dream of this day?
Wouldn’t the political backlash favor the GOP?
US dicking around down there is a major cause of the current situation. Most recently Shitlery and Obummer’s meddling in Honduras.
We should end the drug war to cut Spending; the right wing has a problem with limiting Government. The Poor get "punished more now".
Long overdue. Mexico makes money off the millions of illegals who flood into our country. Illegals have RAPED and KILLED thousands of Americans, more than were killed on 9/11 and we bombed Afghanistan to rubble for that. If Jihadists were flooding into the country and hacking off the heads of gay people the left would nuke Mexico.
only Bad capitalists use capitalism to punish.
Only socialism abandons poor
Not what FDR said; only the right wing says that.
naw, they've been saying openly now for the last year. and taking from the rich and giving to the poor has been all welfare and SS is, and instituted by a demoloser each. so no, socialism is all fking leftist hump dream.
income redistribution is all the right wing is doing with tax cut economics. why blame the poor since the rich are getting richer? Not enough generosity to go around.

What's wrong with the rich getting richer? Why does the left always want to punish successful people?
only Bad capitalists use capitalism to punish.

Do you side with the invading hoards of illegals or American citizens? I think we all know the answer.
only Lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.

socialism on a national basis is all the right wing seems to know.
Socialism is a leftist agenda! Let’s straighten you out a bit.
the right wing has no faith in Capitalism.
Hilarious, the only reason you lefties hate the roaring economy is because it doesn't involve government.

They hate a roaring economy because Republicans control the House, Senate, and White House and they are unlikely to win back control when things are going great under the Republicans.

Obama: Unemployed people STFU your jobs are not coming back, what's Trump going to do wave a magic wand?

Trump: No dumb ass, I'm going to re-negotiate trade deals, cut jobs killing taxes and regulations, and secure our borders. MAGA bitch!
What was the name of the book about a country going to war with America, surrendering and receiving help and aid to build their nation for becoming a modern economically sound country? Was a best seller.

Not sure but should that happen we’ll gladly send down every filthy LefTard here to babysit the beaners and teach them to act like semi legit humans.
Ah, another old white fart with nothing better to do than suck off his socialist SS Medicare VA benefits
Do you side with the invading hoards of illegals or American citizens? I think we all know the answer.
only Lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.

socialism on a national basis is all the right wing seems to know.
Socialism is a leftist agenda! Let’s straighten you out a bit.
the right wing has no faith in Capitalism.
Hilarious, the only reason you lefties hate the roaring economy is because it doesn't involve government.

They hate a roaring economy because Republicans control the House, Senate, and White House and they are unlikely to win back control when things are going great under the Republicans.

Obama: Unemployed people STFU your jobs are not coming back, what's Trump going to do wave a magic wand?

Trump: No dumb ass, I'm going to re-negotiate trade deals, cut jobs killing taxes and regulations, and secure our borders. MAGA bitch!

Any idea why the con created fewer jobs in his first 2 years than Obama did in his last 2.?
Ever looked at Obamas job trend graph?
And you do know MAGA was our WWII Nazi group name?
What was the name of the book about a country going to war with America, surrendering and receiving help and aid to build their nation for becoming a modern economically sound country? Was a best seller.

Not sure but should that happen we’ll gladly send down every filthy LefTard here to babysit the beaners and teach them to act like semi legit humans.
Ah, another old white fart with nothing better to do than suck off his socialist SS Medicare VA benefits

I’m in my early 40’s and paying more in property taxes per year than you have earned in the last five years but sure, let’s go with your fairytale if it makes you all warm and fuzzy.

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