Is it time for Universal Healthcare....and can it be done?


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
First off, for those that know me...I am a conservative.
I do ask the question in sincerity.
Last year with health premiums, and healthcare bills, my wife and I spent $7,040 for the two of us.
Then add in the employers portion of premium and that totals up to roughly $11,000.
Even with that, we are well below the average cost the average American pays.
So, would I pay out say... $600 a month in taxes, and my employer in lieu of paying premiums, pay another $400 a month? Instead of paying an insurer?
Yes, yes I would.
But only if the care was equally as good.
And would it be?
How would we, as a nation, pay for the bums and lazy asses who won't work?
Should a "health tax" be income specific? So someone who makes $250,000 a year would pay a great deal more than a $50,000 a year person? Would that work?

One thing is for certain. The current system is not working well. We are paying more and more and more to insurers who are raising deductibles and increasing premiums while covering less.
What fix is there?
20+ trillion in debt. 150+ trillion unfunded liabilities.

I think it's time to stop demanding free shit.
First off, for those that know me...I am a conservative.
I do ask the question in sincerity.
Last year with health premiums, and healthcare bills, my wife and I spent $7,040 for the two of us.
Then add in the employers portion of premium and that totals up to roughly $11,000.
Even with that, we are well below the average cost the average American pays.
So, would I pay out say... $600 a month in taxes, and my employer in lieu of paying premiums, pay another $400 a month? Instead of paying an insurer?
Yes, yes I would.
But only if the care was equally as good.
And would it be?
How would we, as a nation, pay for the bums and lazy asses who won't work?
Should a "health tax" be income specific? So someone who makes $250,000 a year would pay a great deal more than a $50,000 a year person? Would that work?

One thing is for certain. The current system is not working well. We are paying more and more and more to insurers who are raising deductibles and increasing premiums while covering less.
What fix is there?
Unfortunately, the socialist concept of universal health care adheres to the "from each, to each" concept. You say you and you wife have paid so much into the system? Obviously you are a "from-er". In reality, you are already footing the bill for many "to-ers".
It is way past time for Universal Health Care. Why are we the only developed country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap College and training good vacations Fair taxes on the rich national ID card to stop illegal immigration Etc etc etc? Scumbag GOP and silly dupes Like Norman...
With a Constitutional amendment, i would be ok with this.
However, the fed govs corruption and incompetency might have some effect on the actual outcome of money and service. Frankly, that scares the shit out of me.
These guys are fucking idiots.
Why would i want lawyers and elitists legislating and regulating 20% of our economy? Especially considering all they know about healthcare is i pay for most of theirs..
In another thread, a poster brought up the Singapore system. It seemed very well thought out. I'm a republican too, but our health care is a disaster. Honestly, I think our political system is too fractured to come up with a government solution. I'm almost always against big universal plans, but I'll admit they are not impossible. The problem is you need to be unified to come up with something halfway intelligent like the Singapore system, and we are definitely not that.
It is way past time for Universal Health Care. Why are we the only developed country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap College and training good vacations Fair taxes on the rich national ID card to stop illegal immigration Etc etc etc? Scumbag GOP and silly dupes Like Norman...

It's way past the time when this anti-American idiot was supposed to exit the great country.

Remember, the Venezuelan paradise is just one plane ticket away. Free care for all! You might get the eal treatment, but hey, it's free! :twirl:

So tired of these traitors.
It is way past time for Universal Health Care. Why are we the only developed country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap College and training good vacations Fair taxes on the rich national ID card to stop illegal immigration Etc etc etc? Scumbag GOP and silly dupes Like Norman...
TN has free college and tech school and they didnt raise taxes for it. Can you believe that? No fucking taxes. TN is mostly republicans.
Might want to rethink your tired cliches.
It is way past time for Universal Health Care. Why are we the only developed country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap College and training good vacations Fair taxes on the rich national ID card to stop illegal immigration Etc etc etc? Scumbag GOP and silly dupes Like Norman...

Hey, I know....lets just tell the fed to print every single person in the US a billion dollars.
It is way past time for Universal Health Care. Why are we the only developed country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap College and training good vacations Fair taxes on the rich national ID card to stop illegal immigration Etc etc etc? Scumbag GOP and silly dupes Like Norman...

It's way past the time when this anti-American idiot was supposed to exit the great country.

Remember, the Venezuelan paradise is just one plane ticket away. Free care for all! You might get the eal treatment, but hey, it's free! :twirl:

So tired of these traitors.
You can't move there stupid and I am not talking about a broke third world country d u h ...
First off, for those that know me...I am a conservative.
I do ask the question in sincerity.
Last year with health premiums, and healthcare bills, my wife and I spent $7,040 for the two of us.
Then add in the employers portion of premium and that totals up to roughly $11,000.
Even with that, we are well below the average cost the average American pays.
So, would I pay out say... $600 a month in taxes, and my employer in lieu of paying premiums, pay another $400 a month? Instead of paying an insurer?
Yes, yes I would.
But only if the care was equally as good.
And would it be?
How would we, as a nation, pay for the bums and lazy asses who won't work?
Should a "health tax" be income specific? So someone who makes $250,000 a year would pay a great deal more than a $50,000 a year person? Would that work?

One thing is for certain. The current system is not working well. We are paying more and more and more to insurers who are raising deductibles and increasing premiums while covering less.
What fix is there?
Unfortunately, the socialist concept of universal health care adheres to the "from each, to each" concept. You say you and you wife have paid so much into the system? Obviously you are a "from-er". In reality, you are already footing the bill for many "to-ers".

I have received quotes from $1600-$1800 per month for a family plan. The best plan had a $2000 per year deductible. My wife stays at the job she has just for the insurance. Would our tax bill under the universal plan be $22,000 per year? We have an HMO plan right now, so wait times suck and we have limited choices. I sometimes wonder if it could get any worse?
First off, for those that know me...I am a conservative.
I do ask the question in sincerity.
Last year with health premiums, and healthcare bills, my wife and I spent $7,040 for the two of us.
Then add in the employers portion of premium and that totals up to roughly $11,000.
Even with that, we are well below the average cost the average American pays.
So, would I pay out say... $600 a month in taxes, and my employer in lieu of paying premiums, pay another $400 a month? Instead of paying an insurer?
Yes, yes I would.
But only if the care was equally as good.
And would it be?
How would we, as a nation, pay for the bums and lazy asses who won't work?
Should a "health tax" be income specific? So someone who makes $250,000 a year would pay a great deal more than a $50,000 a year person? Would that work?

One thing is for certain. The current system is not working well. We are paying more and more and more to insurers who are raising deductibles and increasing premiums while covering less.
What fix is there?
Before I went on Medicare 4 years ago, I was paying Aetna QPOS $2000 a MONTH for an individual policy in NY. (No dental).

BTW Medicare costs 110, 220, or 440 (or 512 at top) a Month depending on your income level.
Supplemental coverage for no co-pay, etc, is another 300 a Month.
Prescription supplemental another 50 a Month.

So I'm paying $800 a month for just me now on Medicare with frills.
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One of the biggest problems in creating any kind of government system in the US, is that we need competent intelligent people to create it. Unfortunately, to become a legislator in our system, you just need to be rich and power hungry. You could have the common sense of a turnip.
One of the biggest problems in creating any kind of government system in the US, is that we need competent intelligent people to create it. Unfortunately, to become a legislator in our system, you just need to be rich and power hungry. You could have the common sense of a turnip.
Rich, power hungry, and totally void of morals and any kind of ethical base. Decent people want nothing to do with running for office. If they've even ever popped a pimple, that would be blown out of proportion.
First off, for those that know me...I am a conservative.
I do ask the question in sincerity.
Last year with health premiums, and healthcare bills, my wife and I spent $7,040 for the two of us.
Then add in the employers portion of premium and that totals up to roughly $11,000.
Even with that, we are well below the average cost the average American pays.
So, would I pay out say... $600 a month in taxes, and my employer in lieu of paying premiums, pay another $400 a month? Instead of paying an insurer?
Yes, yes I would.
But only if the care was equally as good.
And would it be?
How would we, as a nation, pay for the bums and lazy asses who won't work?
Should a "health tax" be income specific? So someone who makes $250,000 a year would pay a great deal more than a $50,000 a year person? Would that work?

One thing is for certain. The current system is not working well. We are paying more and more and more to insurers who are raising deductibles and increasing premiums while covering less.
What fix is there?
When you get the illegals out of the country, the border wall built and tax everyone a fair flat tax and I mean absolutely everyone we will talk until then NO. HELL NO.

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