Is it time for Universal Healthcare....and can it be done?

We need to get the health care lobby out of government, keeping their monopoly pricing alive.

It goes both ways. If you want the health care industry to stop colluding with government, you have to prevent the government meddling in the first place.
Let's see... how does this sound to everyone? "Doctor Trump will see you now ..."
First off, for those that know me...I am a conservative.
I do ask the question in sincerity.
Last year with health premiums, and healthcare bills, my wife and I spent $7,040 for the two of us.
Then add in the employers portion of premium and that totals up to roughly $11,000.
Even with that, we are well below the average cost the average American pays.
So, would I pay out say... $600 a month in taxes, and my employer in lieu of paying premiums, pay another $400 a month? Instead of paying an insurer?
Yes, yes I would.
But only if the care was equally as good.
And would it be?
How would we, as a nation, pay for the bums and lazy asses who won't work?
Should a "health tax" be income specific? So someone who makes $250,000 a year would pay a great deal more than a $50,000 a year person? Would that work?

One thing is for certain. The current system is not working well. We are paying more and more and more to insurers who are raising deductibles and increasing premiums while covering less.
What fix is there?


Koch-backed study finds ‘Medicare for All’ would save U.S. trillions

So we can save $2 trillion, cover everybody, and put that $2 trillion towards an infrastructure plan that creates millions of jobs rebuilding the country?

And we're not doing this right now because?
So! Are ewe for absolutely everyone paying federal taxes to cover it?
Just the bloated rich, just like the Democratic Party d u h.
You cannot collect enough money that way!
It will take time, just like it took 35 years for the GOP to make them so bloated and wreck the middle class and our infrastructure.
Sneak across their border.
They have a National ID card and they and enforce it, like every other developed country except our idiot a******GOP one...

You're quite the accomplished Communist.
Communists believe in a dictatorship that owns all business and industry, idiot.

Fits you perfectly. You can't justify the Gov taking over health care and not the rest of business
Good regulation is not owning everything. Regulation is socialism, owning is communism--and doesn't work.
regulation is socialism... hmmm..
It is way past time for Universal Health Care. Why are we the only developed country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap College and training good vacations Fair taxes on the rich national ID card to stop illegal immigration Etc etc etc? Scumbag GOP and silly dupes Like Norman...

It's way past the time when this anti-American idiot was supposed to exit the great country.

Remember, the Venezuelan paradise is just one plane ticket away. Free care for all! You might get the eal treatment, but hey, it's free! :twirl:

So tired of these traitors.
You can't move there stupid and I am not talking about a broke third world country d u h ...

Evidently you CAN move there. Here are a couple of pointers to get started.
What should I know before moving to Venezuela? - Caracas Forum - TripAdvisor
Sure, all you need is a job waiting 4 you...

Screw a job, they have socialism...everything is fair and beautiful.
They have a National ID card and they and enforce it, like every other developed country except our idiot a******GOP one...

You're quite the accomplished Communist.
Communists believe in a dictatorship that owns all business and industry, idiot.

Fits you perfectly. You can't justify the Gov taking over health care and not the rest of business
Good regulation is not owning everything. Regulation is socialism, owning is communism--and doesn't work.
regulation is socialism... hmmm..

Bernie needs to go back to school so he can learn the difference between "free" and "costs trillions of dollars".

This is usually taught in the first grade. He can start there. Next, he can read up on the nation called "America", and what it means to be an "American".
We have to fix our election system first. I'd never be comfortable with government controlling health care in a country that can elect Trump.
You're quite the accomplished Communist.
Communists believe in a dictatorship that owns all business and industry, idiot.

Fits you perfectly. You can't justify the Gov taking over health care and not the rest of business
Good regulation is not owning everything. Regulation is socialism, owning is communism--and doesn't work.
regulation is socialism... hmmm..

Bernie needs to go back to school so he can learn the difference between "free" and "costs trillions of dollars".

This is usually taught in the first grade. He can start there. Next, he can read up on the nation called "America", and what it means to be an "American".
We had free college a lot of places before Ronnie Ray Gun ended it in in California.
You're quite the accomplished Communist.
Communists believe in a dictatorship that owns all business and industry, idiot.

Fits you perfectly. You can't justify the Gov taking over health care and not the rest of business
Good regulation is not owning everything. Regulation is socialism, owning is communism--and doesn't work.
regulation is socialism... hmmm..

Bernie needs to go back to school so he can learn the difference between "free" and "costs trillions of dollars".

This is usually taught in the first grade. He can start there. Next, he can read up on the nation called "America", and what it means to be an "American".
It would be free to the people going to college d u h... And we had free college lots of places before Ronnie Ray Gun ended it in California.
Communists believe in a dictatorship that owns all business and industry, idiot.

Fits you perfectly. You can't justify the Gov taking over health care and not the rest of business
Good regulation is not owning everything. Regulation is socialism, owning is communism--and doesn't work.
regulation is socialism... hmmm..

Bernie needs to go back to school so he can learn the difference between "free" and "costs trillions of dollars".

This is usually taught in the first grade. He can start there. Next, he can read up on the nation called "America", and what it means to be an "American".
We had free college a lot of places before Ronnie Ray Gun ended it in in California.
Well you are the sixth largest economy in the entire world. What is stopping ewe?
Look at Britain.

Free medical care.

Just get on the waiting list for your appointment.

Free prescription medication.

So long as a bureaucrat gets around to agreeing with the doctor (hardly "yours") who prescribed. It may take a while.

Free dental care.

Look at any Brit's teeth - if you can stand the sight without puking.

Free eyeglasses.

With thick lenses and fall-apart plastic frames.

Oh, be sure you understand the meaning of your ultimately being placed on "The Liverpool Protocol". Given the above chances are pretty good you'd welcome that.

I don't think many people have Dental plans in the US either. The one my wife's work offers barely covers anything anyway.
Communists believe in a dictatorship that owns all business and industry, idiot.

Fits you perfectly. You can't justify the Gov taking over health care and not the rest of business
Good regulation is not owning everything. Regulation is socialism, owning is communism--and doesn't work.
regulation is socialism... hmmm..

Bernie needs to go back to school so he can learn the difference between "free" and "costs trillions of dollars".

This is usually taught in the first grade. He can start there. Next, he can read up on the nation called "America", and what it means to be an "American".
We had free college a lot of places before Ronnie Ray Gun ended it in in California.

Yeah, Reagan had nothing to do with it...dumbass.
It is way past time for Universal Health Care. Why are we the only developed country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap College and training good vacations Fair taxes on the rich national ID card to stop illegal immigration Etc etc etc? Scumbag GOP and silly dupes Like Norman...

It's way past the time when this anti-American idiot was supposed to exit the great country.

Remember, the Venezuelan paradise is just one plane ticket away. Free care for all! You might get the eal treatment, but hey, it's free! :twirl:

So tired of these traitors.
You can't move there stupid and I am not talking about a broke third world country d u h ...

Evidently you CAN move there. Here are a couple of pointers to get started.
What should I know before moving to Venezuela? - Caracas Forum - TripAdvisor
Sure, all you need is a job waiting 4 you...

Screw a job, they have socialism...everything is fair and beautiful.
Not when their one industry gets cut 75% duh...
It's way past the time when this anti-American idiot was supposed to exit the great country.

Remember, the Venezuelan paradise is just one plane ticket away. Free care for all! You might get the eal treatment, but hey, it's free! :twirl:

So tired of these traitors.
You can't move there stupid and I am not talking about a broke third world country d u h ...

Evidently you CAN move there. Here are a couple of pointers to get started.
What should I know before moving to Venezuela? - Caracas Forum - TripAdvisor
Sure, all you need is a job waiting 4 you...

Screw a job, they have socialism...everything is fair and beautiful.
Not when their one industry gets cut 75% duh...

You don't fully understand socialism, do you?
Single payer health care must have rationing in order to exist.

I definitely understand this point. But, with my current blue cross HMO plan, it takes months to see a specialist, the specialist has to be in the HMO, or it takes an act of god to get it approved. I just don't know if many people are actually in a better position with these typical HMO plans than a Universal one.
Fits you perfectly. You can't justify the Gov taking over health care and not the rest of business
Good regulation is not owning everything. Regulation is socialism, owning is communism--and doesn't work.
regulation is socialism... hmmm..

Bernie needs to go back to school so he can learn the difference between "free" and "costs trillions of dollars".

This is usually taught in the first grade. He can start there. Next, he can read up on the nation called "America", and what it means to be an "American".
We had free college a lot of places before Ronnie Ray Gun ended it in in California.

Yeah, Reagan had nothing to do with it...dumbass.
Your link says he tried like hell to add tuition but had to settle for huge registration fees. He started the idea and his disciples finished it all over the country. D u h.
Good regulation is not owning everything. Regulation is socialism, owning is communism--and doesn't work.
regulation is socialism... hmmm..

Bernie needs to go back to school so he can learn the difference between "free" and "costs trillions of dollars".

This is usually taught in the first grade. He can start there. Next, he can read up on the nation called "America", and what it means to be an "American".
We had free college a lot of places before Ronnie Ray Gun ended it in in California.

Yeah, Reagan had nothing to do with it...dumbass.
Your link says he tried like hell to add tuition but had to settle for huge registration fees. He started the idea and his disciples finished it all over the country. D u h.

Really, it also says he lost the battle to lobbyists....WTF you only read every third or fourth word?
Single payer health care must have rationing in order to exist.

I definitely understand this point. But, with my current blue cross HMO plan, it takes months to see a specialist, the specialist has to be in the HMO, or it takes an act of god to get it approved. I just don't know if many people are actually in a better position with these typical HMO plans than a Universal one.

Think about it, take your current system and add 30 million people with the same number of hospitals and providers. I kind think the rationing you're talking about would get a whole lot worse. Now throw in the fact that the UHC plans call for big-time cuts in payment to those providers and hospitals, which means fewer providers and systems down the road plus fewer innovations in drugs and protocols. It sounds like such a good idea but it cannot work unless you incorporate a VAT tax of around 25%, which is how those social democratic countries pay for their UHC. I don't think many people are going to support that.
Single payer health care must have rationing in order to exist.

I definitely understand this point. But, with my current blue cross HMO plan, it takes months to see a specialist, the specialist has to be in the HMO, or it takes an act of god to get it approved. I just don't know if many people are actually in a better position with these typical HMO plans than a Universal one.

Think about it, take your current system and add 30 million people with the same number of hospitals and providers. I kind think the rationing you're talking about would get a whole lot worse. Now throw in the fact that the UHC plans call for big-time cuts in payment to those providers and hospitals, which means fewer providers and systems down the road plus fewer innovations in drugs and protocols. It sounds like such a good idea but it cannot work unless you incorporate a VAT tax of around 25%, which is how those social democratic countries pay for their UHC. I don't think many people are going to support that.

You could very well be right. What you say makes a lot of sense to me.

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