Is it Time to Change the Rule of Law in America?

not me, I am a fair person. if you chose to be an asshole who believes anything you hear, then you are a fking immoral human being. We have moved on from the days of medieval trash and burn tactics. We are a civilized society. maybe you should join it.

You're clearly just looking to make your own assumptions here. ;)
that is a fact. Civilization has moved to civility and proof is needed to convict. not just in a trial. so don't go spanking your wanker around like it isn't. it is our society that innocent until proven guilty is how we assimilate in our neighborhoods.

You can tell yourself that, but from what I've seen, an unfortunately large portion of the population is perfectly comfortable considering people guilty until proven innocent if they fit into the proper box. Even if society doesn't do that, this board certainly does! :lol:

At best, people have very different definitions of what proof is. More commonly, IMO, people are more than willing to look at things through the lens of partisanship or bigotry.
I will live my life that way indeed. I will even give fks like you the benefit of a doubt. Cause I believe in not trusting another human being. It's been proven through history and why society moved to its current position of innocent until proven guilty. Again, sane humans require evidence to ruin another's life. you don't, well good for you. I' will still give you the benefit of a doubt.

You really ought to actually read the posts you reply to. ;)

I have not said that I don't require evidence to ruin someone's life. I haven't said I don't believe in using the concept of innocent until proven guilty in my personal life. I've pointed out that society in general all too often seems to use guilty until proven innocent, if the person being accused is part of the 'wrong' group. You are continuously trying to take my comments about what I see in other people and make it seem as though I have said those are my personal opinions, despite my comments to the contrary.

If you want to argue with yourself, have at it.
you only used public opinion. that isn't anything. Society uses innocent until proven guilty in government and private jobs. No one, loses a job over an accusation without evidence. so until you can post something other than a leftist opinion, and not a practical experience, then you have no experience that uses guilty until proven innocent. none, not one.
It's sorta funny, there are many on the Left who say well this isn't a trial in a court of law, as though that makes it okay to forget the presumption of innocence and go with their emotions and feelings instead of facts and evidence. Which is another way of supporting mob rule isn't it? Let's go lynch somebody and have a nice trial later. But that shouldn't be who we are, in or out of a courtroom we oughta be more open-minded about the application of justice until we have learned enough to start drawing a conclusion.

It is not a court of law
There are no criminal charges

The confirmation is a job interview to decide if Kavenaugh is worthy of a judicial promotion

There is no presumption of innocence....just a decision on a promotion
We need a discussion on whether a person now should have to prove his innocence
than having an accuser having to prove the person's guilt.
During the Kavanaugh hearings, one party seemed to demand proof of innocence from
Kavanaugh. This same party did not demand the accuser to prove Kavanaugh's guilt.
This went so far as to have the MSM be complicit in their covering of the hearings.
This went so far as to have the 'grassroot gatherings' be complicit in the covering of
the hearings.
All three entities, the democrat party, the MSM, and the 'grassroot gatherers' all abandoned
what made the United States great with it's judicial system. They all demanded that an accused had to
prove his innocence, even when the evidence did not back the accuser.
Is it time to change our judicial system?
What say you?
A job interview is not a trial, you feckless ****
The simpletons don't know the difference.
Apparently, you don't have a clue. The job interview was in Sept.
Oh so October has just been a figment of the imagination :rolleyes:

That wasn't the job interview. The job interview was in Sept.
The political game was in Oct. Where have you been? And why do you feel a need to insult? It doesn't advance your opinion at all.
The job interview took place up until the time of confirmation
A job interview is not a trial, you feckless ****
The simpletons don't know the difference.
Apparently, you don't have a clue. The job interview was in Sept.
Oh so October has just been a figment of the imagination :rolleyes:

That wasn't the job interview. The job interview was in Sept.
The political game was in Oct. Where have you been? And why do you feel a need to insult? It doesn't advance your opinion at all.
The job interview took place up until the time of confirmation
You can call it whatever you like, RW.
We need a discussion on whether a person now should have to prove his innocence
than having an accuser having to prove the person's guilt.
During the Kavanaugh hearings, one party seemed to demand proof of innocence from
Kavanaugh. This same party did not demand the accuser to prove Kavanaugh's guilt.
This went so far as to have the MSM be complicit in their covering of the hearings.
This went so far as to have the 'grassroot gatherings' be complicit in the covering of
the hearings.
All three entities, the democrat party, the MSM, and the 'grassroot gatherers' all abandoned
what made the United States great with it's judicial system. They all demanded that an accused had to
prove his innocence, even when the evidence did not back the accuser.
Is it time to change our judicial system?
What say you?
As a Deputy I never felt bad if a defendent was found not guilty in a court of law. Our laws are more fair then any Nation on this world. The so call hearing was a trial not a hearing. It was not fair in any form.
We need a discussion on whether a person now should have to prove his innocence
than having an accuser having to prove the person's guilt.
During the Kavanaugh hearings, one party seemed to demand proof of innocence from
Kavanaugh. This same party did not demand the accuser to prove Kavanaugh's guilt.
This went so far as to have the MSM be complicit in their covering of the hearings.
This went so far as to have the 'grassroot gatherings' be complicit in the covering of
the hearings.
All three entities, the democrat party, the MSM, and the 'grassroot gatherers' all abandoned
what made the United States great with it's judicial system. They all demanded that an accused had to
prove his innocence, even when the evidence did not back the accuser.
Is it time to change our judicial system?
What say you?
I didn’t see Kavanaugh convicted of anything......did you?
Only because traitors like you aren't in control.
We need a discussion on whether a person now should have to prove his innocence
than having an accuser having to prove the person's guilt.
During the Kavanaugh hearings, one party seemed to demand proof of innocence from
Kavanaugh. This same party did not demand the accuser to prove Kavanaugh's guilt.
This went so far as to have the MSM be complicit in their covering of the hearings.
This went so far as to have the 'grassroot gatherings' be complicit in the covering of
the hearings.
All three entities, the democrat party, the MSM, and the 'grassroot gatherers' all abandoned
what made the United States great with it's judicial system. They all demanded that an accused had to
prove his innocence, even when the evidence did not back the accuser.
Is it time to change our judicial system?
What say you?
As a Deputy I never felt bad if a defendent was found not guilty in a court of law. Our laws are more fair then any Nation on this world. The so call hearing was a trial not a hearing. It was not fair in any form.

The hearing was a hearing. There was no 'trial'. You quite simply imagined it.
We need a discussion on whether a person now should have to prove his innocence
than having an accuser having to prove the person's guilt.
During the Kavanaugh hearings, one party seemed to demand proof of innocence from
Kavanaugh. This same party did not demand the accuser to prove Kavanaugh's guilt.
This went so far as to have the MSM be complicit in their covering of the hearings.
This went so far as to have the 'grassroot gatherings' be complicit in the covering of
the hearings.
All three entities, the democrat party, the MSM, and the 'grassroot gatherers' all abandoned
what made the United States great with it's judicial system. They all demanded that an accused had to
prove his innocence, even when the evidence did not back the accuser.
Is it time to change our judicial system?
What say you?
I didn’t see Kavanaugh convicted of anything......did you?
Only because traitors like you aren't in control.

Or.....because Kavanaugh was in a job interview. Not a trial.
I'll stick with the classics. Innocent Until Proven Guilty was good enough for citizens of Rome, it's good enough for us.

Don't mess with two millennia of Western Civilization's Progress regarding the Rights of the Individual.

So you believe Hillary is innocent?

You must have been pretty upset at all the “lock her up” chants towards an innocent woman.
We need a discussion on whether a person now should have to prove his innocence
than having an accuser having to prove the person's guilt.
During the Kavanaugh hearings, one party seemed to demand proof of innocence from
Kavanaugh. This same party did not demand the accuser to prove Kavanaugh's guilt.
This went so far as to have the MSM be complicit in their covering of the hearings.
This went so far as to have the 'grassroot gatherings' be complicit in the covering of
the hearings.
All three entities, the democrat party, the MSM, and the 'grassroot gatherers' all abandoned
what made the United States great with it's judicial system. They all demanded that an accused had to
prove his innocence, even when the evidence did not back the accuser.
Is it time to change our judicial system?
What say you?
Yep, They acted like Europeans. Their system is guilty until proven innocent, And they have no right to freedom of speech over there and no right to firearms.
But, not a character assassination. Rapist....serial rapist, pedophile? Did they have a senate...."job interview" on the subject?
You're talking apples and oranges, Toro.

Yeah, you’re right. Nobody said shit like that about the Clintons. :rolleyes:

YOU DID> You fucking asswipes ran screaming through the streets " OMG OMG OMG OMG MonIca!!!!!, OMG OMG OMG:"

Then you turn around & voted for a POS like Trump.

The vast majority of accusations again Clinton came after his elections. So people were not voting knowing about these. You knew about Trump.
Karma is a bitch, There would be no Trump if there was no Obama. And then you silly fuckers tried to force Hildabeast on us

So,you are saying you were so fucking stupid that you voted for Trump & that is Obama's fault?

How did Obama make orump win the nomination? By being black & firing up the racist & bigot vote?
You silly little fuckers forced Obama on the country, now we have Trump.

Why do you hate Americans so much?
We need a discussion on whether a person now should have to prove his innocence
than having an accuser having to prove the person's guilt.
During the Kavanaugh hearings, one party seemed to demand proof of innocence from
Kavanaugh. This same party did not demand the accuser to prove Kavanaugh's guilt.
This went so far as to have the MSM be complicit in their covering of the hearings.
This went so far as to have the 'grassroot gatherings' be complicit in the covering of
the hearings.
All three entities, the democrat party, the MSM, and the 'grassroot gatherers' all abandoned
what made the United States great with it's judicial system. They all demanded that an accused had to
prove his innocence, even when the evidence did not back the accuser.
Is it time to change our judicial system?
What say you?
Yep, They acted like Europeans. Their system is guilty until proven innocent, And they have no right to freedom of speech over there and no right to firearms.
Yeah, you’re right. Nobody said shit like that about the Clintons. :rolleyes:

YOU DID> You fucking asswipes ran screaming through the streets " OMG OMG OMG OMG MonIca!!!!!, OMG OMG OMG:"

Then you turn around & voted for a POS like Trump.

The vast majority of accusations again Clinton came after his elections. So people were not voting knowing about these. You knew about Trump.
Karma is a bitch, There would be no Trump if there was no Obama. And then you silly fuckers tried to force Hildabeast on us

So,you are saying you were so fucking stupid that you voted for Trump & that is Obama's fault?

How did Obama make orump win the nomination? By being black & firing up the racist & bigot vote?
You silly little fuckers forced Obama on the country, now we have Trump.

Why do you hate Americans so much?
Illegitimate could have been used.......the democrats redefined the word, so it would work.
We need a discussion on whether a person now should have to prove his innocence
than having an accuser having to prove the person's guilt.
During the Kavanaugh hearings, one party seemed to demand proof of innocence from
Kavanaugh. This same party did not demand the accuser to prove Kavanaugh's guilt.
This went so far as to have the MSM be complicit in their covering of the hearings.
This went so far as to have the 'grassroot gatherings' be complicit in the covering of
the hearings.
All three entities, the democrat party, the MSM, and the 'grassroot gatherers' all abandoned
what made the United States great with it's judicial system. They all demanded that an accused had to
prove his innocence, even when the evidence did not back the accuser.
Is it time to change our judicial system?
What say you?
Yep, They acted like Europeans. Their system is guilty until proven innocent, And they have no right to freedom of speech over there and no right to firearms.
YOU DID> You fucking asswipes ran screaming through the streets " OMG OMG OMG OMG MonIca!!!!!, OMG OMG OMG:"

Then you turn around & voted for a POS like Trump.

The vast majority of accusations again Clinton came after his elections. So people were not voting knowing about these. You knew about Trump.
Karma is a bitch, There would be no Trump if there was no Obama. And then you silly fuckers tried to force Hildabeast on us

So,you are saying you were so fucking stupid that you voted for Trump & that is Obama's fault?

How did Obama make orump win the nomination? By being black & firing up the racist & bigot vote?
You silly little fuckers forced Obama on the country, now we have Trump.

Why do you hate Americans so much?
Illegitimate could have been used.......the democrats redefined the word, so it would work.

A man elected by both the electoral college and the people....twice....was 'illegitimate'?

I don't think that word means what you think it means.
Notwithstanding whether or not one believed Kavanaugh or Ford, a judicial appointment is not about the rule of law. It is a political process based on the suitability of the individual being appointed. There is no "innocent until proven guilty" standard in the political process.
Agreed, that isn't the point of the OP. The point is the participants such as MSM, senators, and the protesters reacted in a way that seemed
to be willing to change the rule of law for political expediency. I just threw it out there chumming the waters to see what I would get.
You would have to admit that this went beyond a generic political process. The political process would have had it come out in the Sept. hearings
or before if they were sincere.

In a time when a large portion of the country thinks the last President was born in Kenya, I don’t think it went outside the generic political process.
But, not a character assassination. Rapist....serial rapist, pedophile? Did they have a senate...."job interview" on the subject?
You're talking apples and oranges, Toro.

Yeah, you’re right. Nobody said shit like that about the Clintons. :rolleyes:
Now you're just silly, Not one shred of evidence, unless you count public opinion as evidence...and right now I think you do....which surprises me.
There was plenty of evidence against the Clintons...paper trails.....stained blue dress....witnesses with dates, times, days, addresses.
Yeah, Toro, just like the Clintons:rolleyes-41:

Yeah, because Vince Foster was offed, Bill Clinton went to Sex Slave Island, Pizzagate, etc. :rolleyes:

One must be incredibly politically biased and living in a bubble to think only one side does this.
Yep, They acted like Europeans. Their system is guilty until proven innocent, And they have no right to freedom of speech over there and no right to firearms.
Karma is a bitch, There would be no Trump if there was no Obama. And then you silly fuckers tried to force Hildabeast on us

So,you are saying you were so fucking stupid that you voted for Trump & that is Obama's fault?

How did Obama make orump win the nomination? By being black & firing up the racist & bigot vote?
You silly little fuckers forced Obama on the country, now we have Trump.

Why do you hate Americans so much?
Illegitimate could have been used.......the democrats redefined the word, so it would work.

A man elected by both the electoral college and the people....twice....was 'illegitimate'?

I don't think that word means what you think it means.
He's as illegitimate as Trump is, Skylar......using the democrats definition of the word. :auiqs.jpg:
We need a discussion on whether a person now should have to prove his innocence
than having an accuser having to prove the person's guilt.
During the Kavanaugh hearings, one party seemed to demand proof of innocence from
Kavanaugh. This same party did not demand the accuser to prove Kavanaugh's guilt.
This went so far as to have the MSM be complicit in their covering of the hearings.
This went so far as to have the 'grassroot gatherings' be complicit in the covering of
the hearings.
All three entities, the democrat party, the MSM, and the 'grassroot gatherers' all abandoned
what made the United States great with it's judicial system. They all demanded that an accused had to
prove his innocence, even when the evidence did not back the accuser.
Is it time to change our judicial system?
What say you?
Yep, They acted like Europeans. Their system is guilty until proven innocent, And they have no right to freedom of speech over there and no right to firearms.
YOU DID> You fucking asswipes ran screaming through the streets " OMG OMG OMG OMG MonIca!!!!!, OMG OMG OMG:"

Then you turn around & voted for a POS like Trump.

The vast majority of accusations again Clinton came after his elections. So people were not voting knowing about these. You knew about Trump.
Karma is a bitch, There would be no Trump if there was no Obama. And then you silly fuckers tried to force Hildabeast on us

So,you are saying you were so fucking stupid that you voted for Trump & that is Obama's fault?

How did Obama make orump win the nomination? By being black & firing up the racist & bigot vote?
You silly little fuckers forced Obama on the country, now we have Trump.

Why do you hate Americans so much?
Illegitimate could have been used.......the democrats redefined the word, so it would work.

What do you mean by “illegitimate?”
Agreed, that isn't the point of the OP. The point is the participants such as MSM, senators, and the protesters reacted in a way that seemed
to be willing to change the rule of law for political expediency. I just threw it out there chumming the waters to see what I would get.
You would have to admit that this went beyond a generic political process. The political process would have had it come out in the Sept. hearings
or before if they were sincere.

In a time when a large portion of the country thinks the last President was born in Kenya, I don’t think it went outside the generic political process.
But, not a character assassination. Rapist....serial rapist, pedophile? Did they have a senate...."job interview" on the subject?
You're talking apples and oranges, Toro.

Yeah, you’re right. Nobody said shit like that about the Clintons. :rolleyes:
Now you're just silly, Not one shred of evidence, unless you count public opinion as evidence...and right now I think you do....which surprises me.
There was plenty of evidence against the Clintons...paper trails.....stained blue dress....witnesses with dates, times, days, addresses.
Yeah, Toro, just like the Clintons:rolleyes-41:

Yeah, because Vince Foster was offed, Bill Clinton went to Sex Slave Island, Pizzagate, etc. :rolleyes:

One must be incredibly politically biased and living in a bubble to think only one side does this.
Those didn't even enter into my mind, Toro.
In a time when a large portion of the country thinks the last President was born in Kenya, I don’t think it went outside the generic political process.
But, not a character assassination. Rapist....serial rapist, pedophile? Did they have a senate...."job interview" on the subject?
You're talking apples and oranges, Toro.

Yeah, you’re right. Nobody said shit like that about the Clintons. :rolleyes:
Now you're just silly, Not one shred of evidence, unless you count public opinion as evidence...and right now I think you do....which surprises me.
There was plenty of evidence against the Clintons...paper trails.....stained blue dress....witnesses with dates, times, days, addresses.
Yeah, Toro, just like the Clintons:rolleyes-41:

Yeah, because Vince Foster was offed, Bill Clinton went to Sex Slave Island, Pizzagate, etc. :rolleyes:

One must be incredibly politically biased and living in a bubble to think only one side does this.
Those didn't even enter into my mind, Toro.

Of course it didn’t.

That’s the point.
Yep, They acted like Europeans. Their system is guilty until proven innocent, And they have no right to freedom of speech over there and no right to firearms.
Karma is a bitch, There would be no Trump if there was no Obama. And then you silly fuckers tried to force Hildabeast on us

So,you are saying you were so fucking stupid that you voted for Trump & that is Obama's fault?

How did Obama make orump win the nomination? By being black & firing up the racist & bigot vote?
You silly little fuckers forced Obama on the country, now we have Trump.

Why do you hate Americans so much?
Illegitimate could have been used.......the democrats redefined the word, so it would work.

What do you mean by “illegitimate?”
You have to ask a democrat, they throw that word around like a football.
So,you are saying you were so fucking stupid that you voted for Trump & that is Obama's fault?

How did Obama make orump win the nomination? By being black & firing up the racist & bigot vote?
You silly little fuckers forced Obama on the country, now we have Trump.

Why do you hate Americans so much?
Illegitimate could have been used.......the democrats redefined the word, so it would work.

What do you mean by “illegitimate?”
You have to ask a democrat, they throw that word around like a football.

Rustic’s a Democrat?

I didn’t know that.

But you brought it up.

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