Is it time to label the anti vax movement as terrorists ?

You are offered a free vaccine. You deny the offer and decide to endanger everyone around you. IT IS ON YOU. YOU SHOUL BE SEEN AS A PARIAH AND AN OUTCAST. The fat, the gay, and the drug addict are not actively endangering others. The anti-vaxxers are!

I had covid already you ignorant baboon. My resistance is 27 times greater than yours.

YOU are a threat to me!

Well, not really.

You're an idiot. Idiots don't threaten me.
Its a silent killer that we will not beat unless we pull together. Anti vaxxers are a threat to me and my family. They need to be neutralised.

Their opinions need to be neutralized with facts. Calling them terrorists will only lead to a greater degree of hyperbole, on both sides, which is not conducive to rational discussion.
You are offered a free vaccine. You deny the offer and decide to endanger everyone around you. IT IS ON YOU. YOU SHOUL BE SEEN AS A PARIAH AND AN OUTCAST. The fat, the gay, and the drug addict are not actively endangering others. The anti-vaxxers are!
People are dying from taking the vaccine also. So fuck off, I'm 51 in good health and I have over a 99% chance to survive if I get it. Also it doesn't matter if 100% of people are vaccinated. People would still get it and spread it. Think for yourself for once.
When dems see failure on their horizon they get tyrannical and a little nutty and then they lose the moderate voter....every time....
Not at all unlike dangerous animals when they are threatened and cornered, they are at their most dangerous.

Their behavior has become totally unacceptable. They see this as one chance to overturn a great country and turn it, Socialist. This is so sad!

You asshole Karens need to shut your whore mouths.

If the vaccine works then just go get your godamn vacine and stop your fucking worrying. You are safe so leave others alone. We get sick of your pussy whining.

If the vaccine doesn't work to protect you then you wasted your time getting your vaccine and bitching about the people that didn't get it.

Madeley Academy, in Telford, was targeted three times last week. Protesters held yellow placards bearing the slogans “the media is the virus” and “please don’t jab our kids”.

West Mercia Police has increased its presence at the school with “reassurance patrols”.

Now these idiots are moving out of the shadows its about time that we took measures to protect our kids from their malign influence. Kids have enough pressure on them with modern life without some cultist whackjob attacking them and their teachers. Of course American kids have to dodge a hail of bullets most days in school as well.

Law and order forces need to focus on the extremists and smash them to pulp before they hurt our kids.
Many Liberals have been anti-vaccine long before this was claimed to be political. There is a claimed connection with vaccines to autism. Many blacks in America have a distrust of the American government, are you now wanting to claim liberals and blacks are terrorists?

Arizona Democratic Senator was chased into a public restroom by the radical LUCHA, do you want to put the terrorist symbol on the liberal group LUCHA? Are you going to call them out as whack jobs, or are you going to defend them like other lefties on this board have done?

Which schools are American kids dodging a hail of bullets at? Please provide the link, I know you are lying and will divert as usual. Quit gaslighting.
Fact is being vaccinated, you can get covid and spread it. Just like me.
And it's probably never going away. I think a covid booster will come with each years flu shot eventually, and a % of people will still die.
And it's probably never going away. I think a covid booster will come with each years flu shot eventually, and a % of people will still die.
It is never going away when the vaccine itself produces these variants. This is being done purposely because an army of idiots believe these liars. They are not going to let Covid go anywhere but on the news every fucking night scaring stupid gullible people out of the little wits they have.
Its a silent killer that we will not beat unless we pull together. Anti vaxxers are a threat to me and my family. They need to be neutralised.
It is never going away when the vaccine itself produces these variants. This is being done purposely because an army of idiots believe these liars. They are not going to let Covid go anywhere but on the news every fucking night scaring stupid gullible people out of the little wits they have.

Here's your hat.

We have some real Left Wing Libtard assholes in this country.

Near the top now are the Vaxnazis.

Of course they are only that way now because Joe Potatohead is President and is making oppressive mandates.

Back when Trump was talking about the vaccine they all were against it.

Stupid confused Libtards.

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