Is it time to label the anti vax movement as terrorists ?

Madeley Academy, in Telford, was targeted three times last week. Protesters held yellow placards bearing the slogans “the media is the virus” and “please don’t jab our kids”.

West Mercia Police has increased its presence at the school with “reassurance patrols”.

Now these idiots are moving out of the shadows its about time that we took measures to protect our kids from their malign influence. Kids have enough pressure on them with modern life without some cultist whackjob attacking them and their teachers. Of course American kids have to dodge a hail of bullets most days in school as well.

Law and order forces need to focus on the extremists and smash them to pulp before they hurt our kids.
Its time to label you for what you are, a lying kunt.
Lol, we dont have politicians banned from twitter for spreading shit.

Your medicine in the lunatic hospital

Someone not getting the vaccine does not harm you.
Thus, none of what you said makes any sense.
Oh yes they can! Those of us with a brain can catch it from one of the idiots. It is called breakthrough infection...or have you been on the moon for the last few months. Also. some of us have family and friends who are endangering others in their family who cannot get the shot by being stupid.

The anti=vaxxers are thinking about themselves..AND NO ONE ELSE. The should be banished to an island where they can infect each other The antis are sort of like trump....all he cares about is his own fat ars.
Even though Tennessee is the most infected per Capita state...
The Governor is not mandating masks but is mandating in person classes for the public schools.

He has gone right along with the anti-mask and antivaxxer activists. All this despite the hospitals (including the children hospital) literally overflowing with patients.

You kinda have to wonder why at this point. It didn't get to that point by magic or "luck of the draw"

Maybe something different needs to happen.
You can also catch covid from someone who has been vaccinated.
And thus, your statement makes no sense.
And the chances of that happening are tiny compared to the chance of an anti infected someone else. You are a loser and you are losing.

MAGA slime are very stupid.
He has gone right along with the anti-mask and antivaxxer activists.
Refusing to order vaccines is not anti-vaccine, as everyone can get the vaccine.
Refusing to order masks is not anti-mask, as everyone can wear a mask.
But I do understand your need to couch the terms in that manner.
Refusing to order vaccines is not anti-vaccine, as everyone can get the vaccine.
Refusing to order masks is not anti-mask, as everyone can wear a mask.
But I do understand your need to couch the terms in that manner.
How about I just call you Stupid...or better than that....IGNORED!
Oh yes they can! Those of us with a brain can catch it from one of the idiots. It is called breakthrough infection...or have you been on the moon for the last few months. Also. some of us have family and friends who are endangering others in their family who cannot get the shot by being stupid.

The anti=vaxxers are thinking about themselves..AND NO ONE ELSE. The should be banished to an island where they can infect each other The antis are sort of like trump....all he cares about is his own fat ars.

Sooooo, the jab is so effective that you have to be protected from the unvaxxed.

Do you have any idea how retarded that dounds?

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