Is it time to label the anti vax movement as terrorists ?

You need the hat. What makes you accept lie after lie and still believe anything you hear from liars? You got problems. Covid isn't one of them.

Foiled again!

Everybody knows those are super-conductors anyway.....

Madeley Academy, in Telford, was targeted three times last week. Protesters held yellow placards bearing the slogans “the media is the virus” and “please don’t jab our kids”.

West Mercia Police has increased its presence at the school with “reassurance patrols”.

Now these idiots are moving out of the shadows its about time that we took measures to protect our kids from their malign influence. Kids have enough pressure on them with modern life without some cultist whackjob attacking them and their teachers. Of course American kids have to dodge a hail of bullets most days in school as well.

Law and order forces need to focus on the extremists and smash them to pulp before they hurt our kids.
Just when you Left wing clowns couldn't get any companies need to increase their premiums to account for the added medical expence they are causing. The same for life insurance. They not to be treated any better than smokers.

They needed to be excluded from community events and cultural activities. a sence they are anarchist.

They are thumbing their nose at their fellow man....DISGUSTING!
If you're that worried about getting sick, then stay home. Seeing how the vaccines don't stop the Delta strain, you shouldn't be attending any crowded events, anyway.
If she is picketing my kids school and threatening their teachers then she is a terrorist. They are also a threat to the public health. They need to wake up to their obligations and become a part of responsible society. Scum.
the reason they are picketing is because the government is forcing them to do something that they feel might harm them. If the lefties would allow people to make their own decisions, instead of politicizing a vaccine, there would be no picketing or threatening. BTW: Picketing in the US is allowed as it is called free speech, which you know nothing about.
Its a silent killer that we will not beat unless we pull together. Anti vaxxers are a threat to me and my family. They need to be neutralised.
Are you saying the vaccine doesn't work? How are anti vaxxers a threat? Vaccinated people spread the virus just as easily as unvaccinated people. So, it seems everyone is still a threat to you and your family, even you, so you may need to neutralize yourself and family.

Madeley Academy, in Telford, was targeted three times last week. Protesters held yellow placards bearing the slogans “the media is the virus” and “please don’t jab our kids”.

West Mercia Police has increased its presence at the school with “reassurance patrols”.

Now these idiots are moving out of the shadows its about time that we took measures to protect our kids from their malign influence. Kids have enough pressure on them with modern life without some cultist whackjob attacking them and their teachers. Of course American kids have to dodge a hail of bullets most days in school as well.

Law and order forces need to focus on the extremists and smash them to pulp before they hurt our kids.

Kids should not get the shot. Actual medical professionals say it is not necessary and could be dangerous.

Madeley Academy, in Telford, was targeted three times last week. Protesters held yellow placards bearing the slogans “the media is the virus” and “please don’t jab our kids”.

West Mercia Police has increased its presence at the school with “reassurance patrols”.

Now these idiots are moving out of the shadows its about time that we took measures to protect our kids from their malign influence. Kids have enough pressure on them with modern life without some cultist whackjob attacking them and their teachers. Of course American kids have to dodge a hail of bullets most days in school as well.

Law and order forces need to focus on the extremists and smash them to pulp before they hurt our kids.
/——/ Get your jab, otherwise Tommy will call you mean names.
If she is picketing my kids school and threatening their teachers then she is a terrorist. They are also a threat to the public health. They need to wake up to their obligations and become a part of responsible society. Scum.
Dumbass, schools are full of unvaccinated kids. Are they terrorists too? You are truly a fucking moron of Biblical proportions.
Refusing to order vaccines is not anti-vaccine, as everyone can get the vaccine.
Refusing to order masks is not anti-mask, as everyone can wear a mask.
But I do understand your need to couch the terms in that manner.
Do you not understand the American political system?

Is it time to label the anti vax movement as terrorists ?​

Wait..... :laughing0301:

Let me.....:laughing0301:

Okay. Just so we're clear, you're asking if it is time to label the people being forced to undergo a medical procedure as memebers of a terrorist movement, but NOT the people trying to forcibly stab others with a needle?

I just want to make sure I am clear.

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