Is it time to label the anti vax movement as terrorists ?

Its a silent killer that we will not beat unless we pull together. Anti vaxxers are a threat to me and my family. They need to be neutralised.

Did you know that if you're diabetic, and do not take proper care of yourself, that you are at risk of having a limb amputated due to diabetic complications?

If you're stupid enough to allow that to happen, then you probably should be denied health care.
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You do not have freedom to threaten the health of me or others.

Nobody is threatening your health or that of others, by refusing to comply with your tyrannical demands that we put our own health and safety at risk to be used as Guinea pigs in risky medical experiments.

It is you who is threatening and attacking our health, by making these demands of us, and seeking to deny us the freedom to refuse to particulate in these dangerous experiments. It is you and your ilk who are willfully crossing the Mengele line. A couple generations ago, we put German and Japanese war criminals to death for the very same crimes that you are now advocating and demanding.
Why do you MAGA freaks deny science? Are you really so dedicated to ignoring those around you? Your ignorance is only exceeded by your stupidity.

That from someone who thinks that “science” supports the claim that Bruce Jenner is a woman.

Law and order forces need to focus on the extremists and smash them to pulp before they hurt our kids.
OI! Over here, we call what these CITIZENS are doing, "protests". No one is shooting, shanking, or otherwise physically attacking anyone in these schools. Advocating that the Schutzstaffel be set on protesters is a REALLY poor idea. The Left has been pushing harder and harder for months and once they go for the children, all hell is apt to break loose. The alphabet agencies don't have the muscle it will take to stop the pushback that will occur. Filth on the Left will welcome troops into the job of crushing resistance. The fools are so hate-filled that they cannot imagine the power they advocate be used on their enemies, might someday be used against THEM. Fools...
You do not have freedom to threaten the health of me or others.
IF the the vaccine works, you are in no danger. If someone, standing next to you has not had the vaccine, they MAY be at risk, but you don't know and it is their problem, not your business.

How many people have recovered from the disease? You do know that when they recover, their immunity is far greater than your own, right?
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Some brave and patriotic NY anti-vax protestors rip down a COVID testing site.

Because COVID testing sights are evil Hitler commie Soros recruitment locations 'n stuff.

A testing site. MAGA. Freedum. Liburdy.


Madeley Academy, in Telford, was targeted three times last week. Protesters held yellow placards bearing the slogans “the media is the virus” and “please don’t jab our kids”.

West Mercia Police has increased its presence at the school with “reassurance patrols”.

Now these idiots are moving out of the shadows its about time that we took measures to protect our kids from their malign influence. Kids have enough pressure on them with modern life without some cultist whackjob attacking them and their teachers. Of course American kids have to dodge a hail of bullets most days in school as well.

Law and order forces need to focus on the extremists and smash them to pulp before they hurt our kids.
The kids were already hurt when the Prog people took control of the Western World in earnest in the 1960's. They are the fascists, they are the communists, they are purveyors of exterminations in this modern world now. And they did this with the help of the greatest generation and the help of Republicans. Every generation of kids is tough going through the ways of growing up. Generations from the Baby Boomers on are much tougher. Spoiled to the core and influenced by outsiders. Humans have a history of debauchery against each other. You are not any different. And when total authoritarian leadership is in control, they will force age old traditions that gets people to the next generation at the cheapest price on us all. The ones who survive. The other option is to voluntarily increase the common sense ways to survive with freedoms. But we have been chucking that. For you know better.
Some brave and patriotic NY anti-vax protestors rip down a COVID testing site.

Because COVID testing sights are evil Hitler commie Soros recruitment locations 'n stuff.

A testing site. MAGA. Freedum. Liburdy.

/———/ “Freedum. Liburdy.”
You deserve neither.
Some brave and patriotic NY anti-vax protestors rip down a COVID testing site.

Because COVID testing sights are evil Hitler commie Soros recruitment locations 'n stuff.

A testing site. MAGA. Freedum. Liburdy.

Not believing in the vax doesnt necessarily make you a terrorist. But attacking schools and hospitals, handing out death threats and so on. That crosses the line. Why cant these oddballs stay in their kitchen injecting sunshine up their flabby arses ? We could all get along a bit better in that instance.

Madeley Academy, in Telford, was targeted three times last week. Protesters held yellow placards bearing the slogans “the media is the virus” and “please don’t jab our kids”.

West Mercia Police has increased its presence at the school with “reassurance patrols”.

Now these idiots are moving out of the shadows its about time that we took measures to protect our kids from their malign influence. Kids have enough pressure on them with modern life without some cultist whackjob attacking them and their teachers. Of course American kids have to dodge a hail of bullets most days in school as well.

Law and order forces need to focus on the extremists and smash them to pulp before they hurt our kids.
"Hail of bullets" is a bit of an exaggeration.
Not believing in the vax doesnt necessarily make you a terrorist. But attacking schools and hospitals, handing out death threats and so on. That crosses the line. Why cant these oddballs stay in their kitchen injecting sunshine up their flabby arses ? We could all get along a bit better in that instance.
/——/ I’m spending the week at a national hotel chain that offers a complimentary breakfast. You have to show proof of vaccination to get into the dining area. You should see the reaction of guests who are turned away.
Not believing in the vax doesnt necessarily make you a terrorist. But attacking schools and hospitals, handing out death threats and so on. That crosses the line. Why cant these oddballs stay in their kitchen injecting sunshine up their flabby arses ? We could all get along a bit better in that instance.
Dead serious here: They think they're brave patriots saving the country from the commies. Stopping the Chinese tanks from rolling down Main Street.

Again: Not kidding. This is real.
Dead serious here: They think they're brave patriots saving the country from the commies. Stopping the Chinese tanks from rolling down Main Street.

Again: Not kidding. This is real.
/——-/ Today’s talking point direct from LiberalPropagandaville.

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