Is it time to label the anti vax movement as terrorists ?

Wanna know who paid the largest criminal fine in the history of the U.S.? It was Pfizer in 2009. That should make sane Americans (us laymen) pause, and ask why mRNA should not be questioned.
Wild Bill Kelsoe
Did you get polio vaccine when you were a child or did you roll around in the floor and refuse it? When your kids went to school did they get the required c=vaccination or did you refuse and send them into the class where they could either catch or spread any numbers of diseases.

This anti-vaxx movement has been around a long time, but it was reinforced by the giant orange turd who decided he didn't want to comply....but did get a shot. Grow a Brain.

Kindly show your reliable source and working link proving that President Trump state he would not get the vaccine.

As you know, but seem bent on ignoring, is the fact that none of the vaccines you mention were experimental and all had long-term testing.
Masks worn by everyone in a militant fashion do work. There can't be any cheating. And the option to attend classes by computer should be permitted... especially when you are the sickest state in the nation.

That's why unpopular mandates are needed.

Masks don't protect the person wearing them...they protect the other people in the mask wearer's proximity.

But since online classes are prohibited and masking is voluntary Tennessee is going to continue to be the sickest state in the union.
Please show us any study done by anyone that supports your allegation that masks protect anyone from the COVID-19 virus. You cannot because they do not. Masks are a feel-good pacifier to make some FEEL like they are doing something to fight an invisible killer.

You don't even know what fascism is.

You run around demanding people show you their papers, then you call them nazis if they refuse.

Totally clueless

Yep just yesterday I was looking for the zig zag man. "Come on man" show me the papers.....

Fascism showed it's putrid face in Jan when the MAGA-MOB laid siege to the Capitol Building while Congress was certifying the election victory for Joe Biden. Their rage fueled by the lies of the exalted leader, they overwhelmed the capitol police and invaded the building.

Madeley Academy, in Telford, was targeted three times last week. Protesters held yellow placards bearing the slogans “the media is the virus” and “please don’t jab our kids”.

West Mercia Police has increased its presence at the school with “reassurance patrols”.

Now these idiots are moving out of the shadows its about time that we took measures to protect our kids from their malign influence. Kids have enough pressure on them with modern life without some cultist whackjob attacking them and their teachers. Of course American kids have to dodge a hail of bullets most days in school as well.

Law and order forces need to focus on the extremists and smash them to pulp before they hurt our kids.
Why not just declare everyone a terrorist & rename the country the United Prison State of America?

Madeley Academy, in Telford, was targeted three times last week. Protesters held yellow placards bearing the slogans “the media is the virus” and “please don’t jab our kids”.

West Mercia Police has increased its presence at the school with “reassurance patrols”.

Now these idiots are moving out of the shadows its about time that we took measures to protect our kids from their malign influence. Kids have enough pressure on them with modern life without some cultist whackjob attacking them and their teachers. Of course American kids have to dodge a hail of bullets most days in school as well.

Law and order forces need to focus on the extremists and smash them to pulp before they hurt our kids.

6: Law enforcement agents are permitted to listen in on discussions between prisoners and their attorneys, thus denying them their Constitutional right to confidential legal counsel.

7: Terrorism suspects may be tried in secret military tribunals where defendants have no right to a public trial, no right to trial by jury, no right to confront the evidence, and no right to appeal to an independent court. In short, the Constitution does not apply.

Did you get polio vaccine when you were a child or did you roll around in the floor and refuse it? When your kids went to school did they get the required c=vaccination or did you refuse and send them into the class where they could either catch or spread any numbers of diseases.

This anti-vaxx movement has been around a long time, but it was reinforced by the giant orange turd who decided he didn't want to comply....but did get a shot. Grow a Brain.
Is the polio vaccine 10 months old, or decades old?

Madeley Academy, in Telford, was targeted three times last week. Protesters held yellow placards bearing the slogans “the media is the virus” and “please don’t jab our kids”.

West Mercia Police has increased its presence at the school with “reassurance patrols”.

Now these idiots are moving out of the shadows its about time that we took measures to protect our kids from their malign influence. Kids have enough pressure on them with modern life without some cultist whackjob attacking them and their teachers. Of course American kids have to dodge a hail of bullets most days in school as well.

Law and order forces need to focus on the extremists and smash them to pulp before they hurt our kids.
About 70 of those showing vaccine resistance are Blacks, dufus. A few professional basketball players have also stepped up and made anti mandate comments. So you want to label 70% of Blacks terrorists? That would of course be interpreted as racist, but of course you're a Leftard so it doesn't apply.
Traditional vaccination is based on sound, proven science. This new mRNA crap is not.

It is blatantly dishonest to compare the two as you are doing

Traditional vaccination is based on sound, proven science. This new mRNA crap is not.

It is blatantly dishonest to compare the two as you are doing.
Explain Bob....tell us why the FDA is totally wrong. Make it good!

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