Is it time to question Obama under oath?...

Should Obama be questioned under oath by Congress?...

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 80.0%
  • No

    Votes: 4 20.0%

  • Total voters
Please elaborate....

I want to hear which terror organizations CONUS and OCONUS former President Obama's administration funneled American tax dollars into importing, growing, arming and deploying--in his own words. I want to hear his reasons for ROE restrictions in several theatres of the War on Terror which cost the lives of many good soldiers uttered aloud for the ears of the American people. I want to hear about why JTF-North's ROE and force requirement allocations were hamstrung in the face of growing actual armies of Narco-terrorists not too far south of our southern borders.

No, what you REALLY want is to distract from Trump's troubles.
I wouldn't give his to a MONKEY on a ROCK!

Please elaborate....

I want to hear which terror organizations CONUS and OCONUS former President Obama's administration funneled American tax dollars into importing, growing, arming and deploying--in his own words. I want to hear his reasons for ROE restrictions in several theatres of the War on Terror which cost the lives of many good soldiers uttered aloud for the ears of the American people. I want to hear about why JTF-North's ROE and force requirement allocations were hamstrung in the face of growing actual armies of Narco-terrorists not too far south of our southern borders.

No, what you REALLY want is to distract from Trump's troubles.
I wouldn't give his to a MONKEY on a ROCK!


No that's what I really want . . . answers to the questions in my first post in this thread. Meanwhile, good luck. I hope you catch a big one . . .

What would you like to ask President Obama? Why would you ask President Obama questions based on the intelligence community? Why don't you want to question the intelligence community? Why don't you want anyone to ask Trump questions?
Anyone remotely connected to this should be questioned. It is the only way to find out what happened.
It would not be good for the country. We have enough division as it is.
Most intellectually honest people, regardless of political persuasion, pretty much know that Mueller's investigation has turned into political warfare and is now intermixed into everything that is what's wrong in Washington.
Will he swear on a Bible or Koran?
Maybe he can swear on the same book he used when he won two landslide elections -- electoral and popular votes included
Maybe the constitution should be amended to allow two term presidents to run a third time and we would see how many votes that lowlife would get. He could swear on a Sears catalog.
Please elaborate....

Elaborate? On Obama? What, do I need to write a book? His entire administration was based on the Alinsky motif of "overwhelming the system." It would take the rest of the 21st century to investigate much less prosecute Obama on questions about these actions alone:

Obamacare not only is unconstitutional but illegally bypasses Congress, infringes on states’ rights and marking an unprecedented and unauthorized expansion of IRS power.

Obama already has granted largely unreported de facto amnesty to millions of illegal aliens using illicit inter-agency directives and executive orders.

The Obama administration recklessly endangered the public by releasing from prison criminal illegal aliens at a rate far beyond what is publicly known.

The president’s personal role in the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi attack, originally claimed by him to be an uprising in response to an obscure You Tube video, has now with new evidence regarding what was really secretly transpiring at the U.S. mission prior to the assault – arguably impeachable activities in and of themselves.

Illicit edicts on gun control in addition to the deadly “Fast and Furious” gun-running operation intended to collect fraudulent gun data, resulted in at least one dead border agent and many Mexicans since.

From “fusion centers” to data mining to drones to alarming Department of Homeland Security power grabs, how U.S. citizens are fast arriving at the stage of living under a virtual surveillance regime.

New evidence of rank corruption, cronyism and impeachable offenses related to Obama’s first-term “green” funding adventures.

The illegality of leading a U.S.-NATO military campaign without congressional approval.

Obama has weakened America both domestically and abroad by emboldening enemies, tacitly supporting a Muslim Brotherhood revolution, spurning allies and minimizing the threat of Islamic fundamentalism.

In 2010, Obama ordered the assassination of Anwar al-Awlaki was killed in a drone strike in September 2011, along with naturalized U.S. citizen and al-Qaida propagandist Samir Khan. Awlaki’s 16-year-old American-born son, Abdulrahman, was killed in a similar strike two weeks earlier. While there is little argument that Awlaki was involved in terrorist activity, the Obama administration failed to provide due process to the U.S. citizens targeted for the use of deadly force.

Obama appointed more than 30 unelected “czars” to positions in federal agencies while the Constitution requires that such appointments be vetted by Congress. Article II, Section 2.

In 2010, the Obama Administration sued the State of Arizona for enforcing federal immigration law. Just one week after it sued Arizona, Obama’s Justice Department said it would not pursue “sanctuary cities” that openly violate federal law by protecting illegal aliens.

Illegal-alien amnesty by executive order. In June 2012, Obama issued an executive order declaring that illegal immigrants who were brought to the U.S. before they turned 16 and who are younger than 30 would not be deported. Obama’s executive order mimics some of the provisions in the DREAM Act, which has failed to pass in Congress.

In April 2010, the U.S. Senate rejected the “cap-and-trade” bill, which created a carbon-tax system and amplified federal power over the energy industry. Nonetheless, Obama’s EPA administrator, Lisa Jackson, declared carbon dioxide a pollutant. Before Congress had voted on the matter, on Dec. 7, 2009, Jackson signed an “endangerment finding” labeling CO2 and five other gases threats to human health. That step provided the EPA with the authority to regulate the gases in the absence of congressional approval, and the federal agency rolled out new rules.

After Obama took office, the Department of Justice dismissed voter intimidation charges against two leaders of the New Black Panther Party, or NBPP, related to the 2008 presidential election.

President Obama announced in 2011 that his administration believed the Defense of Marriage Act, or DOMA, to be unconstitutional and instructed the Justice Department to no longer defend it in court. DOMA, which was passed in 1996 under President Bill Clinton, says states will not be forced to recognize homosexual marriages performed in other states, and the federal government doesn’t recognize such unions.

Illegally conducting war against Libya.

No doubt the predator drone killings, usurpation of the war power, secret interpretations of the PATRIOT Act, those three are vastly greater in their threat to the constitutional processes and structure than anything under Clinton or Nixon. And that doesn't even get into his refusal to act on ISIS, his wire-tapping of Trump Tower or his reshuffling of intelligence sharing in an unprecedented way to create rampant Trump administration leaks just days before leaving office.
Will he swear on a Bible or Koran?
Maybe he can swear on the same book he used when he won two landslide elections -- electoral and popular votes included
Maybe the constitution should be amended to allow two term presidents to run a third time and we would see how many votes that lowlife would get. He could swear on a Sears catalog.
You would be ok with the constitution being re-written to appoint Trump king, so your opinions mean little to me
Please elaborate....

About what?

Or do you just want Congress to go for a fishing expedition.

Oh heck you know that is exactly what Nunes would love to do if he could get away with it- except he can't.

Former President Obama would simply claim that everything that happened during his Presidency is subject to Executive privilege and Nunes can just go kiss Trump's ass like he normally does.
What would you like to ask President Obama? Why would you ask President Obama questions based on the intelligence community? Why don't you want to question the intelligence community? Why don't you want anyone to ask Trump questions?

No one is allowed to ask Don the Con questions- it is verboten to question their Dear Leader.
If any other former presidents men were under this much fire the press would be knocking on his door...
Why are former President's men under fire?

If you cross Trump, your viability is at risk. Trump revoked Nrennan's security clearance because of Brennan's opinions, not because Brennan compromised the information he has. In other words, this is retribution, not for cause.

No, Brennen claims he knows Trump colluded with the Russians, that information was either obtained through his security status or he is making crap up. Either way it is reason enough for dismissal from the privilege, possibly criminal.

'possibly criminal' lol

Despite what you Trumpkins want- criticizing your Dear Leader is still not a crime.
Pretty clear what the Trumpkins want.

Like a good Banana Republic or Marxist regime- they want to be able to purge the government- and the population- of anyone and everyone who was part of the previous administration- anyone whose loyalty to Don the Con is questioned- anyone who puts country before Donald Trump.

What they want to set the state for is criminal investigations not only of anyone who dares run for office against Don the Con, but anyone who dares criticize Don the Con, and of course anyone in the previous administration.

What they want is a system of fear so that no one dares raise criticism of their Dear Leader.

Will he swear on a Bible or Koran?
Maybe he can swear on the same book he used when he won two landslide elections -- electoral and popular votes included
Maybe the constitution should be amended to allow two term presidents to run a third time and we would see how many votes that lowlife would get. He could swear on a Sears catalog.
You would be ok with the constitution being re-written to appoint Trump king, so your opinions mean little to me
Where did I say that, Boff Peckerlicker?
Muslims usually don't have any respect for an " oath" since Obama is Muslim he can and would lie his ass off. Oath mean nothing.
Please elaborate....

What would he be asked?

To prove his place of birth, produce his school records, admit he got into law school because of this color?

Let's try to be real, and allow Trump to do what he has said he wants to do, sit down and answer Mr. Mueller and his team's questions:

Did you ever receive a loan from a foreign bank?

Which one and was their a co-signer?

What did you and Putin talk about in Helsinki?

Have you ever had sex with a Russian Prostitute? Did Putin or a Russian Oligarch pay for her (or both of them)?

Why hasn't Mexico paid for the wall?

Why haven't you repealed the PPACA and not produced a better system as promised?

How many taxpayer dollars have been spent for you to play golf this year?

Why did you change the reason for the meeting at Trump Tower three, or was it four, times?
Will he swear on a Bible or Koran?
Maybe he can swear on the same book he used when he won two landslide elections -- electoral and popular votes included
Maybe the constitution should be amended to allow two term presidents to run a third time and we would see how many votes that lowlife would get. He could swear on a Sears catalog.
You would be ok with the constitution being re-written to appoint Trump king, so your opinions mean little to me
Where did I say that, Boff Peckerlicker?
The fact you are demanding the guy who went 8 years with zero indictments and zero convictions in his administration should be compelled to testify under oath before the guy who couldn't go a year without having indictments and convictions -- tells me your level of Trump penis sucking knows no limits -- so if Trump wanted to be king, you would be all for it -- you have shown me ZERO to think otherwise
Or do you just want Congress to go for a fishing expedition.
That's what they are doing to the lake is lets see what Obama the seditious one has to say...under oath...

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