Is it time to take from the rich to give to the poor?

The fundamental economic problem is the hemorrhaging of money from the domestic economy. It's hard to fill a bathtub without a drain plug.

Well, cutting spending is the only answer. Fiscal responsibility and being wise with the people’s money.

Every time they raise taxes, it’s just a percentage more of your labor you give away for free.
The fair share is to let the poor have the crumbs from the rich table when the thing is overflowing.

These are our crumbs we are talking about and not a slice of bread.

Again, I think rich people should help the poor, but it should be voluntary not forced.

Also, the more you increase taxes, the less people want to give to charity.

Where does the government get the power to play Robin Hood? It’s not the federal governments job to take care of people. That’s up to your community or your state if you vote for it.
Ending poverty does just that. It puts the wealth where it is needed.

Did you note how little change is actually needed?
Ending poverty is impossible. The only way you could do that is if you forced everyone to live off the same income.

Let’s say you gave everyone in the country a million dollars. Everyone is rich, right? Well no, not really, because now inflation will take over and the cost of everything will go up, some people will find ways of making more money than others and in a short time, you’ll be right back at the start, unless you basically force everyone to live to the exact same standard.
We are already taking from the rich and giving to the poor. We are taking from the upper middle class, the middle class and the lower middle class and giving it to the poor as well.

That is why we have so many poor.
Wall Street Is the Same Kind of Tyranny as Washington Is
No, Wall Street is greed, but it’s all about people making as much money as they can for themselves, government is about taking that money and giving it to other people.

Now, what harm does anyone do to anyone else if they play the market and win? Now, what harm does government do if they take people money and redistribute it to others?
Again, I think rich people should help the poor, but it should be voluntary not forced.

Also, the more you increase taxes, the less people want to give to charity.

Where does the government get the power to play Robin Hood? It’s not the federal governments job to take care of people. That’s up to your community or your state if you vote for it.
We don't, and never will, vote for solutions to our problems. We vote for people who say they're going to solve our problems. However, the irony is that if those we elect propose actual solutions, we would never vote for them.
We are already taking from the rich and giving to the poor. We are taking from the upper middle class, the middle class and the lower middle class and giving it to the poor as well.

That is why we have so many poor.
In America people are free to become rich or remain poor, and anything in between. I'm an "inbetweener" and happily so. :)
Is it time to take from the rich to give to the poor?

The hockey stick graph introduced to the climate issue startled enough to start the trend to deal with it.

That shape showed the gross indecency and immorality of our collective focus.

That same immoral shape is what most countries now suffer in their socio-economic demographic pyramids, with a relatively small poor sector when compared to the whole; and especially when compared to the rich.

Statistically and in the long run, the rich have done a good job of improving our collective good.

Going from good to excellent would, cost the rich so little. I have to wonder why their demographers are not recommending that the rich take just a wee bit off the shank of the stick and fix the tip.

It is loose change (a bit of butt tape to our hockey stick), and if the rich will not fix the economy on their own, perhaps we should take their loose change, fix things, --- and raise their grade to excellent.

I understand that there are already several billionaires eager to start such a fund.

Get together, rich benevolent bunch, and set things right.

That will show the world why the rich rule the world.

My rich friends. Boost the trickle down with a one time trickle up and end poverty.

Please hurry, before I must answer yes to my own question.

9 out of 10 Americans are completely wrong about this mind-blowing fact. - Upworthy

When are you giving up your money? I mean I own a decent home, a decent car, have a PlayStation 5, air conditioning, have steaks for dinner when I want and so on. Compared to a lot of people in America I am rich, and them compared to homeless people they are rich. So I have no doubt you're rich compared to a lot of people so why aren't you giving up your money? Or do you only believe people should give up their money that have more than you?

The rich already paid taxes. why should they have to pay more just because they have more? They built and run their companies, and earn their money. It's their money.

And if you don't think they get taxed enough then blame the people that don't change the tax laws. But they won't change them because they enjoy being able to exploit the tax laws and their friends and donors do as well.

Trump pointed out to Hillary he works the tax laws in his favor and if she doesn't like it then she needs to get them changed, but she won't because she uses them also

Thomas sowell explains how taxing the rich even more doesn't matter because it still won't dent our trillions of dollars of debt. Tax spending is what hurts us, not tax income. The more tax money they bring in the more that's spent. We have to spend less to make more, not get more and spend more.

He also goes into detail of how having millionaires and billionaires helps the economy because their pursuit of more money puts more in our market and employees more people. If you tax them too much they will pull business out and go to another country. And shows how countries like Africa suffer due to lack of billionaire businesses compared to America's billionaire businesses.

"Make the rich pay more" is only used by two groups.

1 groups of people who have less than the rich and are unhappy they have less and think they should pay more and then they will get more

2 politicians that say it because they think the average American is stupid and will cheer and vote for them chanting "yeah tax dem dere rich folks. They are fighting for us poor people!" When the reality is they aren't, they are just saying shit to make rubes think they are working for them.
Is it time to take from the rich to give to the poor?

The hockey stick graph introduced to the climate issue startled enough to start the trend to deal with it.

That shape showed the gross indecency and immorality of our collective focus.

That same immoral shape is what most countries now suffer in their socio-economic demographic pyramids, with a relatively small poor sector when compared to the whole; and especially when compared to the rich.

Statistically and in the long run, the rich have done a good job of improving our collective good.

Going from good to excellent would, cost the rich so little. I have to wonder why their demographers are not recommending that the rich take just a wee bit off the shank of the stick and fix the tip.

It is loose change (a bit of butt tape to our hockey stick), and if the rich will not fix the economy on their own, perhaps we should take their loose change, fix things, --- and raise their grade to excellent.

I understand that there are already several billionaires eager to start such a fund.

Get together, rich benevolent bunch, and set things right.

That will show the world why the rich rule the world.

My rich friends. Boost the trickle down with a one time trickle up and end poverty.

Please hurry, before I must answer yes to my own question.

9 out of 10 Americans are completely wrong about this mind-blowing fact. - Upworthy
Robin Hood?
You sound Russian.

Two Russian peasant ladies lived across the road from each other. One had a cow, sold milk and was therefore (by local standards) rich. The other old lady had no cow and was poorer. A genie appeared and offered the poor lady one wish. Thinking for a moment she answered: ‘Kill my neighbor’s cow.’
Marxism Originated in the Heiristocracy

Your fairy tale has nothing to do with inheritance, so you're evading the issue and using a strawman anyway. It's also dishonest to pretend that this is a common attitude and even if it were, it doesn't apply to the unearned possessions of spoiled Daddy-moochers, which is ultimately stolen from the serfs. The fact is, for hundreds of years the Russians thought that inherited wealth was God's will and that the nobility must be more deserving for that superstitious and self-hating reason. Preppylove is as irrational as the Hindu justification of their nation-crushing caste system: that the upper class were good people in a previous life.
NO, but it is time for the richest to STOP TRYING TO BUY AMERICA, by buying our politicians.
Ideal as well. Lower taxes on the rich would likely mean they would actually pay them.

Taking away the unearned money from just those born in the 1% would give us $3 trillion a year and eliminate the income tax for even the living 1%. But Americans have been reduced to serfs worshiping Prince Charming. Instead of the expected glass slipper, we get the jackboot.
We are already taking from the rich and giving to the poor. We are taking from the upper middle class, the middle class and the lower middle class and giving it to the poor as well.

That is why we have so many poor.
Divide and Hide

What class are the dead in? And why are we afraid to take tax revenue from them alone? Who caused this bickering about taxes when no living person should have to pay any percentage at all?
The rich are just smarter about money than most. Getting rich in America is easy once you understand that you can't have your cake (money) and eat (spend) it too. It's one or the other, not both. You can spend all of your money and make someone else rich (been there, done that), or you can keep it and make yourself rich (done that too).

Edit. Not rich but pretty well off.
Many wealthy people are amazingly well disciplined.
Every Inheritance and Trust Fund Comes From the Labor of Sperm Bingo
Progs had many chances to address this. They have not. Unfortunately the same Progs would low all the money on more programs that have marginal affect and then cost endless dollars as they never end. Look at the ghettos. They are Perma Ghettos now. They are separate nations within the United States. Endless fiscal resources spent on them and gentrifying them is a no no. Every huge city project they get their cut like Joe gets.
The only way to redistribute money is through taxation and government spending that provides well-paid middle-class jobs (awarding contracts for public works infrastructure projects for example). Wealth is generally obtained with after-tax money and generally cannot be taxed.

How about the housing crash. The rich bought up our foreclosed homes cheap. Talk about redistributing wealth. John had a $200K home. He lost the home and some rich person bought it from the bank for $100K. Now John rents the home from the new owner. John is now paying the rich person's mortgage. And today the house is worth $250K.

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