Is it time to take from the rich to give to the poor?

I was so incredibly blessed to have walked off 3 jobs in my lifetime. No notice. Just didn't show up. Next to my 3 kids being born the greatest 3 days of my life. Empowering. Exhilarating.
I was so incredibly blessed to have walked off 3 jobs in my lifetime. No notice. Just didn't show up. Next to my 3 kids being born the greatest 3 days of my life. Empowering. Exhilarating.
No character, no honor.
Thanks for the old news and issues. Care to speak to the new and possible?
The Nobility With No Ability

Most wealth comes from Daddy's Money. That includes what the richkid makes after Daddy sets him up where it's easy to make more money and also those who brown-up to the rich and get rewarded for that rather than for talent.

Everybody is programmed to ignore that source, and also to contrast "the rich" with "the poor," which has come to mean lazy, violent, and useless feral races.
Since Reagan or a couple years before the rich waged class warfare on the middle class.

1. Tax breaks to the rich. Reagan Bush and Trump did it.
2. Hiring illegals. We have an illegal employer problem that rips the middle class off.
3. Shifting the tax burden more on to us.
4. Breaking unions
5. Sending good paying manufacturing jobs overseas. Even Trump wants to tariff but too much. He will start a trade war with China we don't need.
6. Outsourcing phone jobs to India
7. Our pay has gone up 18% since Reagan the rich went up 1322%

Not just India, I've talked to people in Mexico, South Africa and the Philippines over the last few months. The gal from South Africa had the best grasp of English.

And I'm surprised you're not freaking out about xidens 10+ million illegals, most all will be looking for work when the freebies run out.

Is it time to take from the rich to give to the poor?

The hockey stick graph introduced to the climate issue startled enough to start the trend to deal with it.

That shape showed the gross indecency and immorality of our collective focus.

That same immoral shape is what most countries now suffer in their socio-economic demographic pyramids, with a relatively small poor sector when compared to the whole; and especially when compared to the rich.

Statistically and in the long run, the rich have done a good job of improving our collective good.

Going from good to excellent would, cost the rich so little. I have to wonder why their demographers are not recommending that the rich take just a wee bit off the shank of the stick and fix the tip.

It is loose change (a bit of butt tape to our hockey stick), and if the rich will not fix the economy on their own, perhaps we should take their loose change, fix things, --- and raise their grade to excellent.

I understand that there are already several billionaires eager to start such a fund.

Get together, rich benevolent bunch, and set things right.

That will show the world why the rich rule the world.

My rich friends. Boost the trickle down with a one time trickle up and end poverty.

Please hurry, before I must answer yes to my own question.

9 out of 10 Americans are completely wrong about this mind-blowing fact. - Upworthy

The whole “the rich need to pay their fair share” is just a ruse, and a political talking point. If they truly believe that, rich liberals would already be volunteering extra money to the government, but they don’t.

Also, rich republicans give to charity just like rich liberals do, and rich liberals take advantage of the same “filthy” tax breaks that rich republicans do.
The only way to redistribute money is through taxation and government spending that provides well-paid middle-class jobs (awarding contracts for public works infrastructure projects for example). Wealth is generally obtained with after-tax money and generally cannot be taxed.

Why must we redistribute money? Who says you are allowed to use the government to take from one group to give to another? Sure, the fortunate among us SHOULD help the poor, but by no means should be obligated or forced to do so

Our cotus says that taxation is SUPPOSED to be proportionate, which the progressive tax code is not.

Also, our government has been taxing us all our lives, yet we still seem to say that the government should take more, regardless of how much they increase our taxes.

The truth is, increased taxation doesn’t lead to prosperity for the people, it means the government just increases spending to soak up all the new income, and the fat cat contractors (the liberals hate so much) reap the millions in profits, while their employees are still struggling to make ends meet.

Prosperity can only happen in a free market society, by deregulation, lower taxes, and keeping big government out of people’s pockets.
Nope. All at once. Every 55 plus year old leaves the workforce. Everything gets fixed in a few seconds. A newer better america.
Completely irrational.
The Nobility With No Ability

Most wealth comes from Daddy's Money. That includes what the richkid makes after Daddy sets him up where it's easy to make more money and also those who brown-up to the rich and get rewarded for that rather than for talent.

Everybody is programmed to ignore that source, and also to contrast "the rich" with "the poor," which has come to mean lazy, violent, and useless feral races.
Everything you post is about your bitter jealousy or your inferiority complex.
Is it time to take from the rich to give to the poor?

The hockey stick graph introduced to the climate issue startled enough to start the trend to deal with it.

That shape showed the gross indecency and immorality of our collective focus.

That same immoral shape is what most countries now suffer in their socio-economic demographic pyramids, with a relatively small poor sector when compared to the whole; and especially when compared to the rich.

Statistically and in the long run, the rich have done a good job of improving our collective good.

Going from good to excellent would, cost the rich so little. I have to wonder why their demographers are not recommending that the rich take just a wee bit off the shank of the stick and fix the tip.

It is loose change (a bit of butt tape to our hockey stick), and if the rich will not fix the economy on their own, perhaps we should take their loose change, fix things, --- and raise their grade to excellent.

I understand that there are already several billionaires eager to start such a fund.

Get together, rich benevolent bunch, and set things right.

That will show the world why the rich rule the world.

My rich friends. Boost the trickle down with a one time trickle up and end poverty.

Please hurry, before I must answer yes to my own question.

9 out of 10 Americans are completely wrong about this mind-blowing fact. - Upworthy
The US has spent more than 20 trillion on the "war on poverty" how much more do you loons expect the tax payer to fund. If a rich person wants to give money to causes more power to them, but what you people want is theft.
Why must we redistribute money? Who says you are allowed to use the government to take from one group to give to another? Sure, the fortunate among us SHOULD help the poor, but by no means should be obligated or forced to do so

Our cotus says that taxation is SUPPOSED to be proportionate, which the progressive tax code is not.

Also, our government has been taxing us all our lives, yet we still seem to say that the government should take more, regardless of how much they increase our taxes.

The truth is, increased taxation doesn’t lead to prosperity for the people, it means the government just increases spending to soak up all the new income, and the fat cat contractors (the liberals hate so much) reap the millions in profits, while their employees are still struggling to make ends meet.

Prosperity can only happen in a free market society, by deregulation, lower taxes, and keeping big government out of people’s pockets.
The fundamental economic problem is the hemorrhaging of money from the domestic economy. It's hard to fill a bathtub without a drain plug.
The source is a left wing blog that calls itself "upworthy". A short google reveals that "upworthy" is an evolution of the ultra left wing "Move-On".
Do you dispute the accuracy of the stats or is character assassination all you are good for?
The only thing that I despise is the filthy ass government that takes the money I earned or else put my children in debt to give it to others tht didn't earn it.
Many feel that way, but if we do not clean the poor off our streets, they will go find those with wealth and take it.

How many poor do, you want to pay for a jail cell for.

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