Is it time to take from the rich to give to the poor?

A Franchise Transactions Tax would generate enough income to pay off the deficit and provide universal Healthcare for every American.

So all they have to do is make Wall St. pay $XXX dollars per share sold or bought? per total transaction (10,000 shares pays the same as 10 shares)?

That can generate $3T to break even? Why did they not do it? They have had 12 years now of Obiden.
So all they have to do is make Wall St. pay $XXX dollars per share? per transaction? and they can generate $3T to break even? Why did they not do it? They have had 12 years now of Obiden.
Just .003% on every traded stock would do the trick!
The only way to redistribute money is through taxation and government spending that provides well-paid middle-class jobs (awarding contracts for public works infrastructure projects for example). Wealth is generally obtained with after-tax money and generally cannot be taxed.

Is it time to take from the rich to give to the poor?

The hockey stick graph introduced to the climate issue startled enough to start the trend to deal with it.

That shape showed the gross indecency and immorality of our collective focus.

That same immoral shape is what most countries now suffer in their socio-economic demographic pyramids, with a relatively small poor sector when compared to the whole; and especially when compared to the rich.

Statistically and in the long run, the rich have done a good job of improving our collective good.

Going from good to excellent would, cost the rich so little. I have to wonder why their demographers are not recommending that the rich take just a wee bit off the shank of the stick and fix the tip.

It is loose change (a bit of butt tape to our hockey stick), and if the rich will not fix the economy on their own, perhaps we should take their loose change, fix things, --- and raise their grade to excellent.

I understand that there are already several billionaires eager to start such a fund.

Get together, rich benevolent bunch, and set things right.

That will show the world why the rich rule the world.

My rich friends. Boost the trickle down with a one time trickle up and end poverty.

Please hurry, before I must answer yes to my own question.

9 out of 10 Americans are completely wrong about this mind-blowing fact. - Upworthy
/----/ They have been taking from the producers and giving to the non producers since 1964 with LBJ's Great Society. Try and keep up.
Just .003% on every traded stock would do the trick!

If AVG stock = $10.00 then 0.003*$10 = 3 cents. $3T/$0.03 = 100T shares. Is that Wall St. annual trade total? Maybe the AVG stock price is $1? I have no idea. $100?

(That is using 0.3% or 0.003 multiplier. I think that is what you meant.)
found this. I gotta get back to work!

Oct 5, 2019 · Each day around 7bn shares worth $320bn change hands on America’s stockmarket.

7Billion per day X 365 days is 2.6T. But wall st. is only open maybe 200 days? 1.4Trades.

Billy Boy may be close this time? perhaps?
I think there should be a financial transactions tax on every traded share on Wall Street. Charge .003% tax on every traded share and increase the capital gains tax to 25%.
That would have a big negative effect on the stock market, and the middle class would see their retirement accounts take a big hit. Why should they be punished because you want to stick it to the rich?
Is it time to take from the rich to give to the poor?

The hockey stick graph introduced to the climate issue startled enough to start the trend to deal with it.

That shape showed the gross indecency and immorality of our collective focus.

That same immoral shape is what most countries now suffer in their socio-economic demographic pyramids, with a relatively small poor sector when compared to the whole; and especially when compared to the rich.

Statistically and in the long run, the rich have done a good job of improving our collective good.

Going from good to excellent would, cost the rich so little. I have to wonder why their demographers are not recommending that the rich take just a wee bit off the shank of the stick and fix the tip.

It is loose change (a bit of butt tape to our hockey stick), and if the rich will not fix the economy on their own, perhaps we should take their loose change, fix things, --- and raise their grade to excellent.

I understand that there are already several billionaires eager to start such a fund.

Get together, rich benevolent bunch, and set things right.

That will show the world why the rich rule the world.

My rich friends. Boost the trickle down with a one time trickle up and end poverty.

Please hurry, before I must answer yes to my own question.

9 out of 10 Americans are completely wrong about this mind-blowing fact. - Upworthy
It’s time to revamp the tax system. Moving towards a consumption tax will incentivize the rich to spend more and even enable welfare state to “have skin in the game”.

Your proposal of redistribution of other people’s wealth is a failed economic model whose success is rooted in class envy. Factor in the Liberal Democrats’ refusal to cut spending and the problem worsens. To put it simply, your plan of Redistribution punishes wealthy. Why wouldn’t you want a plan that creates and expands more wealth??
Let's see those startling stats.
Sure .. it's more in the higher 50% range according to these statistics .. yet .. the 10% between 50 - 59% is minimal .. not paying their fair share .. not to mention the bottom half of the equation.

U.S. households that paid no income tax 2022, by income level

Published by Statista Research Department, Nov 23, 2023
In total, about 59.9 percent of U.S. households paid income tax in 2022. The remaining 40.1 percent of households paid no individual income tax. In that same year, about 47.1 percent of U.S. households with an income between 40,000 and 50,000 U.S. dollars paid no individual income taxes.
1000s' of threads like this. 12 years of Obiden....yet they have done nothing. They spend $7T right now (with $5T revenue).

Go ahead....point out where they can raise $2T to break even and another $1T for the poor.//
Eh, look at that graph again, for the first time, and see just how little of those little blocks have to move to the left.

I don't care how much you want to cloud the issue with numbers, I have an analogy that is an uncomfortable truth.

We are engaging in a negative social conditioning that we should stop doing.

We are too rich to knowingly maintain a poor class.

The moral law should set the poverty line not the rich.
Live with your collective shame, as your rich hoards the breadcrumbs that would end the poverty trashing up your streets.

Did you note how little it would take?

Of course not.
You apparently can afford internet service and a computer. Cancel the service, sell your computer and give the money to the poor. LEAD by example or go hide in shame. We'll be over here watching you NOT do anything.
Thievery is wrong, even when the filthy government does it.

As we have seen all over the world when the government is used for thievery it destroys countries.
It works best in the West and you have no better way of governance to offer.

What I propose is basically a visual representation of reality and the thieves cannot hide in such a system. You should applaud my efforts in visibly taking from those you hate. Thieves.

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