Is it time to take from the rich to give to the poor?

Why don't you give your money? Seems to me you fools love to believe that you are doing something righteous for demanding other people give their money through force. Just not you.

Ohhhhh riiiiiiight, you're not "rich." Well, I bet to the poor, you are.

Woke for thee not for me. That's the banner that should be waving at every demoncrap rally.

All of you cry about the poor like some deranged some trained useful idiotic monkey, but you never actually do it yourself. Going to pot rallies and sitting around a room getting high isn't DOING ANYTHING.

Like climate weirdos. Woke for thee but not for me. What are you doing to get rid of your fossil fuels? Ohhhhh do you "recycle."

Oh never mind. You are brainwashed in all serious you need to get away from the sources you get for information from.
I did not read all your personal garbage, but would be at a net $ lose with my own policy. Thanks for going personal. It shows how puny your mind is.

All the lurkers will see that and how I did not just tell you to fuck off.
I think there should be a financial transactions tax on every traded share on Wall Street. Charge .003% tax on every traded share and increase the capital gains tax to 25%.
I prefer a cure to a bunch of ad hock band aids.
It works best in the West and you have no better way of governance to offer.

What I propose is basically a visual representation of reality and the thieves cannot hide in such a system. You should applaud my efforts in visibly taking from those you hate. Thieves.
The only thing that I despise is the filthy ass government that takes the money I earned or else put my children in debt to give it to others tht didn't earn it.
I don't care how much you want to cloud the issue with numbers,

You have to have number to find the money. Real money. Not money that will vanish if you Tax too high and kill the GDP. Then you stand around playing pocket pools going "huh? how did that happen"?
It works best in the West and you have no better way of governance to offer.

What I propose is basically a visual representation of reality and the thieves cannot hide in such a system. You should applaud my efforts in visibly taking from those you hate. Thieves.
^^^ only generous with other people's money, unwilling to walk the walk.
Is it time to take from the rich to give to the poor?

The hockey stick graph introduced to the climate issue startled enough to start the trend to deal with it.

That shape showed the gross indecency and immorality of our collective focus.

That same immoral shape is what most countries now suffer in their socio-economic demographic pyramids, with a relatively small poor sector when compared to the whole; and especially when compared to the rich.

Statistically and in the long run, the rich have done a good job of improving our collective good.

Going from good to excellent would, cost the rich so little. I have to wonder why their demographers are not recommending that the rich take just a wee bit off the shank of the stick and fix the tip.

It is loose change (a bit of butt tape to our hockey stick), and if the rich will not fix the economy on their own, perhaps we should take their loose change, fix things, --- and raise their grade to excellent.

I understand that there are already several billionaires eager to start such a fund.

Get together, rich benevolent bunch, and set things right.

That will show the world why the rich rule the world.

My rich friends. Boost the trickle down with a one time trickle up and end poverty.

Please hurry, before I must answer yes to my own question.

9 out of 10 Americans are completely wrong about this mind-blowing fact. - Upworthy

I've said all along global warming aka climate change is just a huge wealth redistribution scam
Raygunn started it.
If we kept the same brackets from before the Reagan tax cuts anyone earning 50 thousand dollars a year would be in the 50% bracket. There were more brackets and no cost-of-living adjustments. You want to see that the same then. The 1970's were murder. Once we cut the last thread to gold in 1971 and had the oil shocks with the massive expansion of the 1960's social programs and war on poverty, the pain started to really hurt. And this is just the Federal Income Tax that would be collected today.
Each day around 7bn shares worth $320bn change hands on America’s stockmarket

therefore: $320B/$7B == $46/share (AVG)

At your numbers:
(at $0.003cents/share)
  • 0.003*$46 = 14 cents per share.​
  • 0.14*7B equals $0.98B (revenue per trading day)​
  • $0.98B *~200 trading days=$196B per year. (way short on revenue generated)​
  • Round up to $200B per year in TAX revenue.
  • you need 15X that amount to generate $3

  • You have to raise up TAX per share by 15X
  • 15*0.003 == 0.045 per share (call it 5 Cents per share)
  • ($0.05 * $46 shares = $2.3/share)
  • $2.3/share * 7 billion shares per day == $16B per day.
  • $16B/day*200 days = $3.2T

Bottom line: you have to take closer to $2/share to generate $3T. Check my math. please. (assuming they keep trading 7B/day)
We need a mass retirement and resignation to help the economy. There's too many in the labor pool.
If we kept the same brackets from before the Reagan tax cuts anyone earning 50 thousand dollars a year would be in the 50% bracket. There were more brackets and no cost-of-living adjustments. You want to see that the same then. The 1970's were murder. Once we cut the last thread to gold in 1971 and had the oil shocks with the massive expansion of the 1960's social programs and war on poverty, the pain started to really hurt. And this is just the Federal Income Tax that would be collected today.

Married filing jointly


Each day around 7bn shares worth $320bn change hands on America’s stockmarket

therefore: $320B/$7B == $46/share (AVG)

At your numbers:
(at $0.003cents/share)
  • 0.003*$46 = 14 cents per share.​
  • 0.14*7B equals $0.98B (revenue per trading day)​
  • $0.98B *~200 trading days=$196B per year. (way short on revenue generated)​
  • Round up to $200B per year in TAX revenue.
  • you need 15X that amount to generate $3

  • You have to raise up TAX per share by 15X
  • 15*0.003 == 0.045 per share (call it 5 Cents per share)
  • ($0.05 * $46 shares = $2.3/share)
  • $2.3/share * 7 billion shares per day == $16B per day.
  • $16B/day*200 days = $3.2T

Bottom line: you have to take closer to $2/share to generate $3T. Check my math. please. (assuming they keep trading 7B/day)

(assuming they keep trading 7B/day)


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