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Is Jeb Bush The Only Real Option?

He has a couple of issues that will hurt him. He is not fiscally conservative (would increase federal spending), and would not hesitate to raise taxes. His immigration reform policy is also not very popular amongst many Republicans. All Republicans support some form of immigration reform, but not rewarding those who broke the law. Implement laws to jail employers who knowingly hire illegals, and the immigration issue will take care of itself. Without a source of income, many of the illegals would voluntarily return to their country of origin.

They did pass a law to punish employers who hire illegals. It lasted about three days. Why would things be different now?

Anyway, I don't think Christie is dead. He's definitely wounded, but I think there is a chance he could recover. Bush has even higher negatives in a recent poll though.
Um NO! He will lose in the primaries because we don't need another mental midget leading the nation. It will be either Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio (YES he will make a comeback), Scott Walker or Rand Paul.

My vote and money is going to Ted Cruz!

Even Republicans hate Ted Cruz

He will never leave the clown car

but he could "enliven" the primaries. I mean if agreeing that shutting down the govt was preferable to allowing Obamacare to be funded becomes a sort of litumus test for all the candidates ......

except only the rightwingnutttiest 20% of the country agreed with that move.

so no.... the point is not to "enliven", it's to get credible competent people... all cruz is interested in is getting funding from the heritage foundation and their ilk.

i'll also point out that cruz's little temper tantrum cost 1.5 billion a day in real funds and cost our economy 24 billion.
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Even Republicans hate Ted Cruz

He will never leave the clown car

but he could "enliven" the primaries. I mean if agreeing that shutting down the govt was preferable to allowing Obamacare to be funded becomes a sort of litumus test for all the candidates ......

except only the rightwingnutttiest 20% of the country agreed with that move.

so no.... the point is not to "enliven", it's to get credible competent people... all cruz is interested in is getting funding from the heritage foundation and their ilk.

i'll also point out that cruz's little temper tantrum cost 1.5 billion a day in real funds and cost our economy 24 billion.

Ted Cruz is just a modern incarnation of McCarthy. A mean spirited little pandering fear-monger. He represents those who are part of the problem.
They all know their nutcase candidates can't win and Christie is pretty much dead in the water.

Republicans are realizing that Jeb Bush is their only option in 2016 - The Week


Um NO! He will lose in the primaries because we don't need another mental midget leading the nation. It will be either Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio (YES he will make a comeback), Scott Walker or Rand Paul.

My vote and money is going to Ted Cruz!

Even Republicans hate Ted Cruz

He will never leave the clown car

Good mock what you are afraid of. Ted Cruz will be the next President! Mark my words@!
Um NO! He will lose in the primaries because we don't need another mental midget leading the nation. It will be either Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio (YES he will make a comeback), Scott Walker or Rand Paul.

My vote and money is going to Ted Cruz!

Even Republicans hate Ted Cruz

He will never leave the clown car

Good mock what you are afraid of. Ted Cruz will be the next President! Mark my words@!

I am convinced that he stands no chance.

to each his or her own .... I guess we will see.
They all know their nutcase candidates can't win and Christie is pretty much dead in the water.

Republicans are realizing that Jeb Bush is their only option in 2016 - The Week


Um NO! He will lose in the primaries because we don't need another mental midget leading the nation. It will be either Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio (YES he will make a comeback), Scott Walker or Rand Paul.

My vote and money is going to Ted Cruz!

of all the people you listed, Christie is the smartest.... which is why the radical right hates him... that and the fact that he wanted to get things done and didn't care about offending the wackobirds.

feel free to nominate any of those people... and get your butts kicked again. because none of them could carry the country... which isn't a bunch of wingnuts.

as for cruz.... not even a starter....

I don't dislike Christie like the other people. I mean he took on the Unions prior to Walker doing it. He cut taxes and balanced the budget. I would have no problem voting for him. I just prefer one of the other candidates.
Um NO! He will lose in the primaries because we don't need another mental midget leading the nation. It will be either Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio (YES he will make a comeback), Scott Walker or Rand Paul.

My vote and money is going to Ted Cruz!

Even Republicans hate Ted Cruz

He will never leave the clown car

Good mock what you are afraid of. Ted Cruz will be the next President! Mark my words@!

Cruz would not pull 150 electoral votes. Mark my words
So when Hillary is unable or unwilling to run, what then Dems?

Jerry Moonbeam Brown? Bite me Biden? Fauxahontas Warren?

Democrats have no bench and are proud of it.

It's Hillary or bust.

After Hillary

Joe Biden
John Kerry
Andrew Cuomo
Elizabeth Warren
Martin O'Malley
LOL, you have the nerve to knock Cruz and then list those jokers!:eusa_silenced:

Cruz could not beat any one of them. Some of the other republicans could
He has a couple of issues that will hurt him. He is not fiscally conservative (would increase federal spending), and would not hesitate to raise taxes. His immigration reform policy is also not very popular amongst many Republicans. All Republicans support some form of immigration reform, but not rewarding those who broke the law. Implement laws to jail employers who knowingly hire illegals, and the immigration issue will take care of itself. Without a source of income, many of the illegals would voluntarily return to their country of origin.

They did pass a law to punish employers who hire illegals. It lasted about three days. Why would things be different now?

Anyway, I don't think Christie is dead. He's definitely wounded, but I think there is a chance he could recover. Bush has even higher negatives in a recent poll though.
The law only fines businesses that hire illegals, and even then the Obama administration has reduced the fines by an average of 40 percent. If they jailed employers that hired illegals, once they start making arrests, you'll see the practice come to a halt soon. I am aware that the Obama administration will not jail employers that hire illegals, as they need the Hispanic vote.

The Obama administration regularly cuts a break for businesses that hire illegal immigrants, reducing their fines by an average of 40 percent from what they should be, according to an audit released Tuesday that suggests the government could be doing more to go after unscrupulous employers.

Obama Eases Penalties for Businesses That Hire Illegals
I guess if you get all your news from Rush and Fox you might be right
But those folks don't vote Democrat anyway

Biden and Kerry have more experience than Hillary. Biden is mocked by the right, but they mock everyone. Kerry is earning his chops as Secretary of State and your Swiftboat 2016 will fall flat

Cuomo has a good record in NY, but tends to be dull. Still better than Walker, Cruz, Paul or Ryan

Warren is too new. Unless she builds a huge following, 2016 is too early

O'Malley has a good record in Maryland but is unknown nationwide. But Dems like to nominate unknowns

Good luck selling those turkeys. :lol:

You'd better hope Hillary doesn't bow out or drop dead, you guys have nada......

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Keep in mind.....they do get to run against Republicans

That gives the huge advantage from the start


though it is hard to win when the other "team" is handing out money.

Republicans need to promise people that are "on the dole" (aka the democrat base) that if they vote for Republicans- they can stay "on the dole". Tell 'em (in a folksy but sincere way) - If you like your unemployment check, you can keep your unemployment check; if you like your food stamps you can keep your food stamps; if you like your section 8 apartment, you can keep your section 8 apartment, Period. Not only that!! We'll give y'all a raise!! Just vote Republican on election day!! (or better yet! stay home- eat some free govt cheese- also we'll be passing out free marijuana (and oxy's..shhh) that day! )

That'll confuse the fuck out of them.

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though it is hard to win when the other "team" is handing out money.

Republicans need to promise people that are "on the dole" (aka the democrat base) that if they vote for Republicans- they can stay "on the dole". Tell 'em (in a folksy but sincere way) - If you like your unemployment check, you can keep your unemployment check; if you like your food stamps you can keep your food stamps; if you like your section 8 apartment, you can keep your section 8 apartment, Period. Not only that!! We'll give y'all a raise!! Just vote Republican on election day!! (or better yet! stay home- eat some free govt cheese- also we'll be passing out free marijuana (and oxy's..shhh) that day! )

That'll confuse the fuck out of them.


Just because your side's poor people are stupid, doesn't mean theirs are.

I mean, the dumb trailer trash that keeps voting for Republicans because they are right with Jesus, they are easy to fool, and you've been doing it for years, telling them you don't really mean their social security and unemployment when you talk about those "welfare people".
Good luck selling those turkeys. :lol:

You'd better hope Hillary doesn't bow out or drop dead, you guys have nada......

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Keep in mind.....they do get to run against Republicans

That gives the huge advantage from the start


though it is hard to win when the other "team" is handing out money.

Republicans need to promise people that are "on the dole" (aka the democrat base) that if they vote for Republicans- they can stay "on the dole". Tell 'em (in a folksy but sincere way) - If you like your unemployment check, you can keep your unemployment check; if you like your food stamps you can keep your food stamps; if you like your section 8 apartment, you can keep your section 8 apartment, Period. Not only that!! We'll give y'all a raise!! Just vote Republican on election day!! (or better yet! stay home- eat some free govt cheese- also we'll be passing out free marijuana (and oxy's..shhh) that day! )

That'll confuse the fuck out of them.


Stop pretending that Republicans don't offer "free stuff". There is not a politician in existence who is not offering something to someone. Republicans offer tax cuts to all without touching spending, Republicans offer jobs that never materialize.

But the huge advantage democrats have is the alignment of Blue and Red States. Even a generic Democrat has 200 electoral votes before the election even starts. A generic Republican has around 140 electoral votes. That leaves it up to the swing states where a Republican has to win about 70% of the vote. Hard to do when most are leaning blue
I can't see how another BUsh gets elected, especially against a Clinton.

I also dispute that Bush is the only viable candidate they have.

Walker is very viable. Kasich is viable.

Frankly, I'd rather have the GOP nominate Cruz or Rand Paul and take a shellacking. then and only then, will the GOP rank and file realize that they need to address their problems with women and working folks and minorities.

Instead, they've had the ability to say, "Well Mccain/Romney weren't 'real' conservatives, and conservatives stayed home and that's why they lost."

Once it becomes widely known that Walker didn't graduate college; his days as a serious contender for President are over.

I think Walker came close to getting a degree but never finished. He would do well in swing states Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ohio and Pennsylvania

Overall, I think he is dull and lacks charisma.

He could be a viable candidate, but I don't think he would make 270

Disagree on PA and OH in the General. MN is firmly blue.

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