Is Joe Biden A Little Freaky?

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Biden likes to cop a feel from women half his age. How Dem's respond to this after their Kavanaugh fiasco should be interesting.
I am one that does not like to be hugged by acquaintances, I prefer my space, and outside of immediate family hugging me, it makes me very uncomfortable. I have had women come and hug me and I'd rather they not, that said. I find the accusations against Biden a nothing burger. I will attack Biden's policies but this smelling the hair, kissing the hair is strange however not a dis qualifier in his attempt to win the Presidency.

Feeling uncomfortable is not a crime.
Biden gropes and sniffs your wife or children on C-span

45 paid off Stormy Daniels and Susan prevent thiem from talking them from talking about his affairs with them. He bragged about grabbing Women by the Pussy. He walked into the dressing rooms of underage Beauty Contestants. He fucked around on each of his ex-wives. He perved out on a 10-Year Old and said he would date his own daughter. You have no moral high ground on this

You sir, are a moron. You can't spell, you're overwrought and you think Trump talking about fame and what he felt fame allowed him to do is the same thing as groping women and young females. And, unless you are one of his ex wives, why are you so wound up?
So you’re ok with Trump expessing sexual thoughts while gazing wantingly upon a 10 year old, huh?
Joe is actually touching those children. It is so obvious that Progs are a hundred times worse then non Progs at this. Its just not investigated by the journalists.
I am one that does not like to be hugged by acquaintances, I prefer my space, and outside of immediate family hugging me, it makes me very uncomfortable. I have had women come and hug me and I'd rather they not, that said. I find the accusations against Biden a nothing burger. I will attack Biden's policies but this smelling the hair, kissing the hair is strange however not a dis qualifier in his attempt to win the Presidency.

Feeling uncomfortable is not a crime.

A repeated pattern of touching women which leads to their discomfort is a disqualifier for elected office to anyone with a shred of intellectual integrity.
Breaking: 2nd woman comes forward to report Biden grabbed her, inappropriate touching. Remember liberals, you said the Kavanaugh accusers must be believed. "He put his hand around my neck and pulled me in to rub noses with me. When he was pulling me in, I thought he was going to kiss me on the mouth.”
Biden gropes and sniffs your wife or children on C-span

45 paid off Stormy Daniels and Susan prevent thiem from talking them from talking about his affairs with them. He bragged about grabbing Women by the Pussy. He walked into the dressing rooms of underage Beauty Contestants. He fucked around on each of his ex-wives. He perved out on a 10-Year Old and said he would date his own daughter. You have no moral high ground on this

You sir, are a moron. You can't spell, you're overwrought and you think Trump talking about fame and what he felt fame allowed him to do is the same thing as groping women and young females. And, unless you are one of his ex wives, why are you so wound up?
So you’re ok with Trump expessing sexual thoughts while gazing wantingly upon a 10 year old, huh?
Joe is actually touching those children. It is so obvious that Progs are a hundred times worse then non Progs at this. Its just not investigated by the journalists.

off your meds?
Biden gropes and sniffs your wife or children on C-span

45 paid off Stormy Daniels and Susan prevent thiem from talking them from talking about his affairs with them. He bragged about grabbing Women by the Pussy. He walked into the dressing rooms of underage Beauty Contestants. He fucked around on each of his ex-wives. He perved out on a 10-Year Old and said he would date his own daughter. You have no moral high ground on this

You sir, are a moron. You can't spell, you're overwrought and you think Trump talking about fame and what he felt fame allowed him to do is the same thing as groping women and young females. And, unless you are one of his ex wives, why are you so wound up?
So you’re ok with Trump expessing sexual thoughts while gazing wantingly upon a 10 year old, huh?
Joe is actually touching those children. It is so obvious that Progs are a hundred times worse then non Progs at this. Its just not investigated by the journalists.

off your meds?

A 2nd woman just accused creepy Joe of grabbing her, inappropriate touching. This dam is about to break wide open, Biden is toast.

I've always been instinctually repulsed by Joe Biden. I never gave much thought as to why, but now that he's beginning to look more and more like a candidate in 2020 I've begun to look more closely at him -- and the more I look the creepier he seems to be.

He is not a little creepy.
He is creepy as f*ck.
NO NORMAL MAN puts his hands on little girls like does, we don't. At all. Nope. Nada. Zero. Doesn't happen.
His handling of the preteen black girl in the red dress that day blew my mind. Holy shit.
I am one that does not like to be hugged by acquaintances, I prefer my space, and outside of immediate family hugging me, it makes me very uncomfortable. I have had women come and hug me and I'd rather they not, that said. I find the accusations against Biden a nothing burger. I will attack Biden's policies but this smelling the hair, kissing the hair is strange however not a dis qualifier in his attempt to win the Presidency.

Feeling uncomfortable is not a crime.

A repeated pattern of touching women which leads to their discomfort is a disqualifier for elected office to anyone with a shred of intellectual integrity.

I disagree, discomfort is to general a phrase and he did nothing illegal, I'd never vote for him for political reasons however I don't think his intentions are bad.
Biden gropes and sniffs your wife or children on C-span

45 paid off Stormy Daniels and Susan prevent thiem from talking them from talking about his affairs with them. He bragged about grabbing Women by the Pussy. He walked into the dressing rooms of underage Beauty Contestants. He fucked around on each of his ex-wives. He perved out on a 10-Year Old and said he would date his own daughter. You have no moral high ground on this

You sir, are a moron. You can't spell, you're overwrought and you think Trump talking about fame and what he felt fame allowed him to do is the same thing as groping women and young females. And, unless you are one of his ex wives, why are you so wound up?
So you’re ok with Trump expessing sexual thoughts while gazing wantingly upon a 10 year old, huh?

What?! Wtf is wrong witcha boy? Oh! I know what this is:

If Republicans go low, Faun will definitely go lower!
Talking about Trump’s misadventures is going low?
When you make up shit and have no facts...yeah....Funny how Stormy's original lawyer said don't challenge it and Avenatti the fame whore said to. Now he's off the jail and Story owe Trump big time's hilarious......somehow the truth and Trump always come out on top.
I am one that does not like to be hugged by acquaintances, I prefer my space, and outside of immediate family hugging me, it makes me very uncomfortable. I have had women come and hug me and I'd rather they not, that said. I find the accusations against Biden a nothing burger. I will attack Biden's policies but this smelling the hair, kissing the hair is strange however not a dis qualifier in his attempt to win the Presidency.

Feeling uncomfortable is not a crime.

A repeated pattern of touching women which leads to their discomfort is a disqualifier for elected office to anyone with a shred of intellectual integrity.

I disagree, discomfort is to general a phrase and he did nothing illegal, I'd never vote for him for political reasons however I don't think his intentions are bad.
I agree, but it looks horrific, If anyone ever did that to my wife, they are going to the hospital as a patient
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