Is Joe Biden A Little Freaky?

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Stop dodging, and answer the question.
Trump did not say the names of any of his accusers. He said he liked to grab pussy. What about this is confusing you? Do you think he lied about it to sound cool and it’s really something that he never acted on? Do you really think he never had sex with the porn star and the playboy that he paid off? Come on man, get real
No he didn't. Again, where did he say that? And I want the exact wording
You heard the tape and I heard the tape, we’ve both seen Trump and we’ve both heard the accusations against him. Believe whatever you want, I don’t really care. It’s pretty damn obvious to me.

He made a general quote about Hollywood, that we've all known for 100 years.......and again Weinstein proved it to be true....what he didn't say on that tape, was that he did that.......context is really's one reason lefties suck in arguments, they don't understand context and nuance.
He was talking about how he tried to fuck a married women. He said he tried hard, took her furniture shopping, wouldn’t stop kissing her. Said you can do that when you’re a star. Even grab them by the pussies. If you’re having a hard time understanding all that then that’s your problem. Sounds like a case of TDS
But Biden put his hands on a woman’s shoulders

I've always been instinctually repulsed by Joe Biden. I never gave much thought as to why, but now that he's beginning to look more and more like a candidate in 2020 I've begun to look more closely at him -- and the more I look the creepier he seems to be.

Biden is lucky she wasn't carrying Mace
Trump did not say the names of any of his accusers. He said he liked to grab pussy. What about this is confusing you? Do you think he lied about it to sound cool and it’s really something that he never acted on? Do you really think he never had sex with the porn star and the playboy that he paid off? Come on man, get real
No he didn't. Again, where did he say that? And I want the exact wording
You heard the tape and I heard the tape, we’ve both seen Trump and we’ve both heard the accusations against him. Believe whatever you want, I don’t really care. It’s pretty damn obvious to me.

He made a general quote about Hollywood, that we've all known for 100 years.......and again Weinstein proved it to be true....what he didn't say on that tape, was that he did that.......context is really's one reason lefties suck in arguments, they don't understand context and nuance.
He was talking about how he tried to fuck a married women. He said he tried hard, took her furniture shopping, wouldn’t stop kissing her. Said you can do that when you’re a star. Even grab them by the pussies. If you’re having a hard time understanding all that then that’s your problem. Sounds like a case of TDS
But Biden put his hands on a woman’s shoulders
Wow you guys will defend ANYTHING a democrat does........sure, I normally put my hands on a women's shoulders for 1 min or two....that will land you with a visit to HR, now toss in a hair smell and a kiss on the head....and yeah......thanks Anita Hill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So now democrats are cool with:
faking hate crimes
falsifying documents to spy on a political campaign
make up rape charges to derail a supreme court justice
dry hump people on stage
but do not say the N word ever....well again if you're a democrat, it's ok.......socialism is more important than any so called principal the left fakes outrage over.
But Biden put his hands on a woman’s shoulders

And under her breasts....that is the classic stop the roving hands move if you do not recognize it.

He seems to be a sniffer...

Trump did not say the names of any of his accusers. He said he liked to grab pussy. What about this is confusing you? Do you think he lied about it to sound cool and it’s really something that he never acted on? Do you really think he never had sex with the porn star and the playboy that he paid off? Come on man, get real
No he didn't. Again, where did he say that? And I want the exact wording
You heard the tape and I heard the tape, we’ve both seen Trump and we’ve both heard the accusations against him. Believe whatever you want, I don’t really care. It’s pretty damn obvious to me.

He made a general quote about Hollywood, that we've all known for 100 years.......and again Weinstein proved it to be true....what he didn't say on that tape, was that he did that.......context is really's one reason lefties suck in arguments, they don't understand context and nuance.
He was talking about how he tried to fuck a married women. He said he tried hard, took her furniture shopping, wouldn’t stop kissing her. Said you can do that when you’re a star. Even grab them by the pussies. If you’re having a hard time understanding all that then that’s your problem. Sounds like a case of TDS
But Biden put his hands on a woman’s shoulders
Haha, Unthinkable!!!
But Biden put his hands on a woman’s shoulders

And under her breasts....that is the classic stop the roving hands move if you do not recognize it.

He seems to be a sniffer...

Yes, all these women look so traumatized. What a horrible experience for them
Well one of them wrote an op-ed......most wont because of politics......but yes they do look traumatized, watch the videos.....that dude is creepy....but keep defending it.......
No. He's huggykissy like my family is. Don't be slandering a guy like that.

He's not family. He's a total stranger. Don't overlook that critical factor and allow your political inclination to cloud your perception.

Seriously? The Vice President is fondling little girls in front of tv cameras and you think it's no big deal? "Far from what I'm making it out to be"? Really?
Is there no level to which you won't stoop to defend your leaders? You need to do some soul searching, dude.
What exactly are you calling fondeling? Giving a hug? Putting his hands on her shoulders? Whispering into her ear? Giving a kiss on the cheek? The fact that you are trying to demonize that especially when we got legit accused child molesters and pussy grabbers and flashers in office is mind boggling.
Oh no, let's not demonize Biden for putting his slimy hands on those little girls breasts. And the "pussy grabbers" and flashers have all turned out to be Democrats.
which little girls breasts did he grab? You know you lost the arguement when you have to make shit up like you are doing right now. Go to bed
Right in front of her mother. This is child molestation, buddy.

Y’all must be real board. You honestly think that he was intentionally grabbing a little girls breast while standing infront of media cameras. Listen to yourself. Have you honestly never accidentally bumped into somebody and touched them in a bad place? It happens, it’s not molestation. Fucking snowflake. Keep trying to make something out of nothing, you sound like a fool.

Bro, that little girl doesn't have breasts, ok?

She's in the same category with my friend's daughter, running around in the yard in a diaper, barechested and climbing trees.

Don't read something into something that's not there.
The compulsive fondling of pre-pubescent children is not contingent on the presence of developed organs. Pedophilia is an entirely fantasy-based deviation -- which is not to suggest that Biden is or is not a pedophile.

As the male parent of three females (now adults) I can address the issue of touching of young children by strangers via the analogy of adults giving things (candy, etc.) to unfamiliar children. This practice is widely discouraged -- and for good reason. While it was perfectly okay for my brother, or other male relatives or close male friends, to demonstrate their affection by giving our girls little gifts, or holding or touching them, it certainly was not okay for unfamiliar men to presumptuously assume the same liberties and/or extend the same seductive gestures. It is not socially acceptable conduct and Biden should be aware of that.

Heaven forbid you give your cousin or friend's kid zerberts n shit, wtf? I'm gonna disagree with you there.

I suppose tickle torture is out too, huh? That's no fun. Biden is not a stranger to those people.
But Biden put his hands on a woman’s shoulders

And under her breasts....that is the classic stop the roving hands move if you do not recognize it.

He seems to be a sniffer...

Yes, all these women look so traumatized. What a horrible experience for them
Well one of them wrote an op-ed......most wont because of politics......but yes they do look traumatized, watch the videos.....that dude is creepy....but keep defending it.......
No problem. Y’all are delusional
Biden gropes and sniffs your wife or children on C-span

45 paid off Stormy Daniels and Susan prevent thiem from talking them from talking about his affairs with them. He bragged about grabbing Women by the Pussy. He walked into the dressing rooms of underage Beauty Contestants. He fucked around on each of his ex-wives. He perved out on a 10-Year Old and said he would date his own daughter. You have no moral high ground on this

You sir, are a moron. You can't spell, you're overwrought and you think Trump talking about fame and what he felt fame allowed him to do is the same thing as groping women and young females. And, unless you are one of his ex wives, why are you so wound up?
I'm gonna say running with the "Creepy Joe" thing will backfire on those that do. Fine, I don't want him as pres either, but why not go after policy or something?
Slandering the man is not good.
Biden gropes and sniffs your wife or children on C-span

45 paid off Stormy Daniels and Susan prevent thiem from talking them from talking about his affairs with them. He bragged about grabbing Women by the Pussy. He walked into the dressing rooms of underage Beauty Contestants. He fucked around on each of his ex-wives. He perved out on a 10-Year Old and said he would date his own daughter. You have no moral high ground on this

You sir, are a moron. You can't spell, you're overwrought and you think Trump talking about fame and what he felt fame allowed him to do is the same thing as groping women and young females. And, unless you are one of his ex wives, why are you so wound up?
So you’re ok with Trump expessing sexual thoughts while gazing wantingly upon a 10 year old, huh?
Trump did not say the names of any of his accusers. He said he liked to grab pussy. What about this is confusing you? Do you think he lied about it to sound cool and it’s really something that he never acted on? Do you really think he never had sex with the porn star and the playboy that he paid off? Come on man, get real
No he didn't. Again, where did he say that? And I want the exact wording
You heard the tape and I heard the tape, we’ve both seen Trump and we’ve both heard the accusations against him. Believe whatever you want, I don’t really care. It’s pretty damn obvious to me.

He made a general quote about Hollywood, that we've all known for 100 years.......and again Weinstein proved it to be true....what he didn't say on that tape, was that he did that.......context is really's one reason lefties suck in arguments, they don't understand context and nuance.
He was talking about how he tried to fuck a married women. He said he tried hard, took her furniture shopping, wouldn’t stop kissing her. Said you can do that when you’re a star. Even grab them by the pussies. If you’re having a hard time understanding all that then that’s your problem. Sounds like a case of TDS
But Biden put his hands on a woman’s shoulders

Oh nossss! :aargh:
Biden gropes and sniffs your wife or children on C-span

45 paid off Stormy Daniels and Susan prevent thiem from talking them from talking about his affairs with them. He bragged about grabbing Women by the Pussy. He walked into the dressing rooms of underage Beauty Contestants. He fucked around on each of his ex-wives. He perved out on a 10-Year Old and said he would date his own daughter. You have no moral high ground on this

You sir, are a moron. You can't spell, you're overwrought and you think Trump talking about fame and what he felt fame allowed him to do is the same thing as groping women and young females. And, unless you are one of his ex wives, why are you so wound up?
So you’re ok with Trump expessing sexual thoughts while gazing wantingly upon a 10 year old, huh?

What?! Wtf is wrong with ya boy? Oh! I know what this is:

If Republicans go low, Faun will definitely go lower!

He's so low, he's lower than sperm whale shit.
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Biden gropes and sniffs your wife or children on C-span

45 paid off Stormy Daniels and Susan prevent thiem from talking them from talking about his affairs with them. He bragged about grabbing Women by the Pussy. He walked into the dressing rooms of underage Beauty Contestants. He fucked around on each of his ex-wives. He perved out on a 10-Year Old and said he would date his own daughter. You have no moral high ground on this

You sir, are a moron. You can't spell, you're overwrought and you think Trump talking about fame and what he felt fame allowed him to do is the same thing as groping women and young females. And, unless you are one of his ex wives, why are you so wound up?
So you’re ok with Trump expessing sexual thoughts while gazing wantingly upon a 10 year old, huh?

What?! Wtf is wrong witcha boy? Oh! I know what this is:

If Republicans go low, Faun will definitely go lower!
Talking about Trump’s misadventures is going low?
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