Is Joe Biden 'out of gas'? - and, if true, what does that mean?


Cafeteria Centrist
Jul 29, 2009
Illinois, USA
Joe Biden not sure he has the "emotional fuel" for a 2016 bid

ByJAKE MILLER - CBS NEWS - August 26, 2015, 7:12 PM

Amid rising speculation that he plans to jump into the 2016 presidential race, Vice President Joe Biden said Wednesday that he's not sure he has the "emotional fuel" for another political campaign.

During a conference call with Democratic National Committee members convened to discuss the nuclear deal with Iran, the vice president nodded at the impact his son Beau's recent death has had on questions about his political future. A CNN correspondent who first reported the news was dialed into the call, and a person who was on the call confirmed Biden's remarks to CBS News.

"We're dealing at home with ... whether or not there is the emotional fuel at this time to run," Biden acknowledged. "If I were to announce to run, I have to be able to commit to all of you that I would be able to give it my whole heart and my whole soul, and right now, both are pretty well banged up." ...

Joe Biden not sure he has the "emotional fuel" for a bid - Election 2016 - CBS News


I don't think anybody could blame Joe from taking a 'pass' on another candidacy, considering all the Biden family has been through in recent months, God bless 'em.

But, in cold, practical terms, if Joe doesn't come to the rescue of the Democrats, that leaves either Hillary or Bernie, doesn't it?

With Joe out of the picture again, does this change prospects and fortunes, once again?
Joe is a likable guy - but he's been out of gas for a long time. He's a loose canon - a gaffe machine. Go Hillary!
Biden has had more than his share of heartache in a lifetime. Losing his son at this point in his life has to be so devastating. I admire him for his strength to have carried on in his role as Vice President.

Policy disagreements aside, Biden has dedicated a great portion of his life to the people of this country. He has served well and honorably.

If he decides to go gently into this good night I am more than certain everyone would understand and wish him well. I know I would.
Yeah it's like waiting for Jimmy Page to announce his 2015 Tour -- ain't gonna happen

Obama might make Liz Warren run if Biden won't
Biden runs on retard strength. He never knows when to quit. Imagine a retarded a Energizer Bunny - that is Biden.
Have the democrats found a candidate to run yet who is not old, white and rich?

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