Is Jr. Trying To Hang Daddy On Purpose?

You're being a dishonest hack. Money put into a college fund can be used for college. It's not a place rich people hide money. You're trying to distract with a false equivalence.
But that's how Republican hacks roll.

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk

At first they said they didn't collude with Russia.

Donald Trump Jr. and other White House allies on Monday defended his meeting with a Russian lawyer last year who said she had damaging information on Donald Trump’s presidential opponent, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Trump Jr. met with Natalia Veselnitskaya, a lawyer who is linked to the Kremlin, just weeks before his father clinched the GOP presidential nomination in June 2016. Initially, he claimed the purpose of the meeting was “primarily” to discuss an adoption program. A day later, however ― after The New York Times reported that he had been promised information about Clinton before attending the meeting ― Trump Jr. confirmed the nature of the sit-down and said he ended it after Veselnitskaya provided no “meaningful information” about Clinton.

The meeting was also attended by Trump’s then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his son-in-law Jared Kushner, who is now a senior White House adviser.

Trump Allies Defend Russia Meeting, Saying Every Campaign Does This
“Campaigns of all stripes collect dirt on opponents,”
Trump Allies Defend Russia Meeting, Saying Every Campaign Does This
“Campaigns of all stripes collect dirt on opponents,”

Now its a different story.
What's your point?

Other than the fact that Don Jr agreed to meet with this person......and quickly figured out she called the meeting under false pretenses, what else is there to this?

It appears to me that this Russian chick lied to them. Clear evidence of somebody trying to trick the Trumps into something, and you think this is some sort of evidence of collusion between Trump and Putin. I think what was going on was somebody was trying to establish false evidence to implicate Trump in a blackmail scheme. I don't think he was aware just how devious and underhanded these people are.

So you don't realize Fredo lied about the meeting? Why lie if there's "nothing to see here"?

If a crazy woman had called you and told you to meet her somewhere where it is dark dreary, so she can give you info that will get you to win the election. But turns out that she was a mental patient. Would you televised that to the world that you have been suckered into meeting with a mental patient?


people do it everyday. is there a new law forbidding meeting people?
You're being a dishonest hack. Money put into a college fund can be used for college. It's not a place rich people hide money. You're trying to distract with a false equivalence.
But that's how Republican hacks roll.

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk

At first they said they didn't collude with Russia.

Donald Trump Jr. and other White House allies on Monday defended his meeting with a Russian lawyer last year who said she had damaging information on Donald Trump’s presidential opponent, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Trump Jr. met with Natalia Veselnitskaya, a lawyer who is linked to the Kremlin, just weeks before his father clinched the GOP presidential nomination in June 2016. Initially, he claimed the purpose of the meeting was “primarily” to discuss an adoption program. A day later, however ― after The New York Times reported that he had been promised information about Clinton before attending the meeting ― Trump Jr. confirmed the nature of the sit-down and said he ended it after Veselnitskaya provided no “meaningful information” about Clinton.

The meeting was also attended by Trump’s then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his son-in-law Jared Kushner, who is now a senior White House adviser.

Trump Allies Defend Russia Meeting, Saying Every Campaign Does This
“Campaigns of all stripes collect dirt on opponents,”
Trump Allies Defend Russia Meeting, Saying Every Campaign Does This
“Campaigns of all stripes collect dirt on opponents,”

Now its a different story.
And so she had introduced herself to him by saying that she is a Russian lawyer that has damaging info about Hillary?

you got a tape to that?

I didn't think she was a spy. She said she was a college student at Wisconsin

I do not know why they had even came out with that crazy nonsense. It sounds as if it has came straight from out of a Bullwinkle's cartoon. Meeting with secret Russian spies. They better leave that Russian tales alone. It is making people angry that they are believing that people will even listen to that crap.
I think you're the liar here.
Putting $240,000 aside for his kids for whatever reason is the same as any tax deduction. It's a gift to his kids.....and a tax deduction. $240k is alot of money.....especially when the person doing it feels we shouldn't be allowed to make more than $850k.

You're being a dishonest hack. Money put into a college fund can be used for college. It's not a place rich people hide money. You're trying to distract with a false equivalence.
But that's how Republican hacks roll.

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk

At first they said they didn't collude with Russia.

Donald Trump Jr. and other White House allies on Monday defended his meeting with a Russian lawyer last year who said she had damaging information on Donald Trump’s presidential opponent, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Trump Jr. met with Natalia Veselnitskaya, a lawyer who is linked to the Kremlin, just weeks before his father clinched the GOP presidential nomination in June 2016. Initially, he claimed the purpose of the meeting was “primarily” to discuss an adoption program. A day later, however ― after The New York Times reported that he had been promised information about Clinton before attending the meeting ― Trump Jr. confirmed the nature of the sit-down and said he ended it after Veselnitskaya provided no “meaningful information” about Clinton.

The meeting was also attended by Trump’s then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his son-in-law Jared Kushner, who is now a senior White House adviser.

Trump Allies Defend Russia Meeting, Saying Every Campaign Does This
“Campaigns of all stripes collect dirt on opponents,”
Trump Allies Defend Russia Meeting, Saying Every Campaign Does This
“Campaigns of all stripes collect dirt on opponents,”

Now its a different story.
What's your point?

Other than the fact that Don Jr agreed to meet with this person......and quickly figured out she called the meeting under false pretenses, what else is there to this?

It appears to me that this Russian chick lied to them. Clear evidence of somebody trying to trick the Trumps into something, and you think this is some sort of evidence of collusion between Trump and Putin. I think what was going on was somebody was trying to establish false evidence to implicate Trump in a blackmail scheme. I don't think he was aware just how devious and underhanded these people are.

So why were they so anxious to meet with the woman? They could have just told her to go on about her merry way but they didn't. They wanted the information.
How terrible.

Think Hillary or Obama would have said...."NO....I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW ANYTHING DAMAGING ABOUT TRUMP!!!!"

We know that ain't true because Hitlery used it in the second debate. Grabbing pussy.
You're being a dishonest hack. Money put into a college fund can be used for college. It's not a place rich people hide money. You're trying to distract with a false equivalence.
But that's how Republican hacks roll.

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk

At first they said they didn't collude with Russia.

Donald Trump Jr. and other White House allies on Monday defended his meeting with a Russian lawyer last year who said she had damaging information on Donald Trump’s presidential opponent, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Trump Jr. met with Natalia Veselnitskaya, a lawyer who is linked to the Kremlin, just weeks before his father clinched the GOP presidential nomination in June 2016. Initially, he claimed the purpose of the meeting was “primarily” to discuss an adoption program. A day later, however ― after The New York Times reported that he had been promised information about Clinton before attending the meeting ― Trump Jr. confirmed the nature of the sit-down and said he ended it after Veselnitskaya provided no “meaningful information” about Clinton.

The meeting was also attended by Trump’s then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his son-in-law Jared Kushner, who is now a senior White House adviser.

Trump Allies Defend Russia Meeting, Saying Every Campaign Does This
“Campaigns of all stripes collect dirt on opponents,”
Trump Allies Defend Russia Meeting, Saying Every Campaign Does This
“Campaigns of all stripes collect dirt on opponents,”

Now its a different story.
What's your point?

Other than the fact that Don Jr agreed to meet with this person......and quickly figured out she called the meeting under false pretenses, what else is there to this?

It appears to me that this Russian chick lied to them. Clear evidence of somebody trying to trick the Trumps into something, and you think this is some sort of evidence of collusion between Trump and Putin. I think what was going on was somebody was trying to establish false evidence to implicate Trump in a blackmail scheme. I don't think he was aware just how devious and underhanded these people are.

So why were they so anxious to meet with the woman? They could have just told her to go on about her merry way but they didn't. They wanted the information.
How terrible.

Think Hillary or Obama would have said...."NO....I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW ANYTHING DAMAGING ABOUT TRUMP!!!!"

We know that ain't true because Hitlery used it in the second debate. Grabbing pussy.
well we know they wanted to know about trump we got the NBC video of trump and Billy Bush. And the only intent of that video was to deter voters plain and simple.
Peers to me that Don jr was curious about what she had to say...and figured out this woman wasn't honest.....possibly involved in a sting operation....and sent her packing.

Turned out she was a foreign operative working for the Democrats.
But that's how Republican hacks roll.

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk

At first they said they didn't collude with Russia.

Donald Trump Jr. and other White House allies on Monday defended his meeting with a Russian lawyer last year who said she had damaging information on Donald Trump’s presidential opponent, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Trump Jr. met with Natalia Veselnitskaya, a lawyer who is linked to the Kremlin, just weeks before his father clinched the GOP presidential nomination in June 2016. Initially, he claimed the purpose of the meeting was “primarily” to discuss an adoption program. A day later, however ― after The New York Times reported that he had been promised information about Clinton before attending the meeting ― Trump Jr. confirmed the nature of the sit-down and said he ended it after Veselnitskaya provided no “meaningful information” about Clinton.

The meeting was also attended by Trump’s then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his son-in-law Jared Kushner, who is now a senior White House adviser.

Trump Allies Defend Russia Meeting, Saying Every Campaign Does This
“Campaigns of all stripes collect dirt on opponents,”
Trump Allies Defend Russia Meeting, Saying Every Campaign Does This
“Campaigns of all stripes collect dirt on opponents,”

Now its a different story.
What's your point?

Other than the fact that Don Jr agreed to meet with this person......and quickly figured out she called the meeting under false pretenses, what else is there to this?

It appears to me that this Russian chick lied to them. Clear evidence of somebody trying to trick the Trumps into something, and you think this is some sort of evidence of collusion between Trump and Putin. I think what was going on was somebody was trying to establish false evidence to implicate Trump in a blackmail scheme. I don't think he was aware just how devious and underhanded these people are.

So you don't realize Fredo lied about the meeting? Why lie if there's "nothing to see here"?

If a crazy woman had called you and told you to meet her somewhere where it is dark dreary, so she can give you info that will get you to win the election. But turns out that she was a mental patient. Would you televised that to the world that you have been suckered into meeting with a mental patient?


people do it everyday. is there a new law forbidding meeting people?

But what were Putin spies doing meeting with Trump cronies?
But that's how Republican hacks roll.

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk

At first they said they didn't collude with Russia.

Donald Trump Jr. and other White House allies on Monday defended his meeting with a Russian lawyer last year who said she had damaging information on Donald Trump’s presidential opponent, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Trump Jr. met with Natalia Veselnitskaya, a lawyer who is linked to the Kremlin, just weeks before his father clinched the GOP presidential nomination in June 2016. Initially, he claimed the purpose of the meeting was “primarily” to discuss an adoption program. A day later, however ― after The New York Times reported that he had been promised information about Clinton before attending the meeting ― Trump Jr. confirmed the nature of the sit-down and said he ended it after Veselnitskaya provided no “meaningful information” about Clinton.

The meeting was also attended by Trump’s then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his son-in-law Jared Kushner, who is now a senior White House adviser.

Trump Allies Defend Russia Meeting, Saying Every Campaign Does This
“Campaigns of all stripes collect dirt on opponents,”
Trump Allies Defend Russia Meeting, Saying Every Campaign Does This
“Campaigns of all stripes collect dirt on opponents,”

Now its a different story.
And so she had introduced herself to him by saying that she is a Russian lawyer that has damaging info about Hillary?

you got a tape to that?

I didn't think she was a spy. She said she was a college student at Wisconsin

I do not know why they had even came out with that crazy nonsense. It sounds as if it has came straight from out of a Bullwinkle's cartoon. Meeting with secret Russian spies. They better leave that Russian tales alone. It is making people angry that they are believing that people will even listen to that crap.

What we learned is that if you bitch about something long and loud enough (Benghazi & emails and bjs) then eventually it will pay off. Worked on Gore and Hillary.
Peers to me that Don jr was curious about what she had to say...and figured out this woman wasn't honest.....possibly involved in a sting operation....and sent her packing.

Turned out she was a foreign operative working for the Democrats.
He didn't swallow the fake news like some liberals do when breitbart purposely gives them bad info?

You know this Don Jr news is troubling rwnj's based on the amount of replies I've seen today. Snowflakes anyone?
At first they said they didn't collude with Russia.

Donald Trump Jr. and other White House allies on Monday defended his meeting with a Russian lawyer last year who said she had damaging information on Donald Trump’s presidential opponent, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Trump Jr. met with Natalia Veselnitskaya, a lawyer who is linked to the Kremlin, just weeks before his father clinched the GOP presidential nomination in June 2016. Initially, he claimed the purpose of the meeting was “primarily” to discuss an adoption program. A day later, however ― after The New York Times reported that he had been promised information about Clinton before attending the meeting ― Trump Jr. confirmed the nature of the sit-down and said he ended it after Veselnitskaya provided no “meaningful information” about Clinton.

The meeting was also attended by Trump’s then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his son-in-law Jared Kushner, who is now a senior White House adviser.

Trump Allies Defend Russia Meeting, Saying Every Campaign Does This
“Campaigns of all stripes collect dirt on opponents,”
Trump Allies Defend Russia Meeting, Saying Every Campaign Does This
“Campaigns of all stripes collect dirt on opponents,”

Now its a different story.
And so she had introduced herself to him by saying that she is a Russian lawyer that has damaging info about Hillary?

you got a tape to that?

I didn't think she was a spy. She said she was a college student at Wisconsin

I do not know why they had even came out with that crazy nonsense. It sounds as if it has came straight from out of a Bullwinkle's cartoon. Meeting with secret Russian spies. They better leave that Russian tales alone. It is making people angry that they are believing that people will even listen to that crap.

What we learned is that if you bitch about something long and loud enough (Benghazi & emails and bjs) then eventually it will pay off. Worked on Gore and Hillary.

Hillary gave Gore a BJ?
At first they said they didn't collude with Russia.

Donald Trump Jr. and other White House allies on Monday defended his meeting with a Russian lawyer last year who said she had damaging information on Donald Trump’s presidential opponent, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Trump Jr. met with Natalia Veselnitskaya, a lawyer who is linked to the Kremlin, just weeks before his father clinched the GOP presidential nomination in June 2016. Initially, he claimed the purpose of the meeting was “primarily” to discuss an adoption program. A day later, however ― after The New York Times reported that he had been promised information about Clinton before attending the meeting ― Trump Jr. confirmed the nature of the sit-down and said he ended it after Veselnitskaya provided no “meaningful information” about Clinton.

The meeting was also attended by Trump’s then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his son-in-law Jared Kushner, who is now a senior White House adviser.

Trump Allies Defend Russia Meeting, Saying Every Campaign Does This
“Campaigns of all stripes collect dirt on opponents,”
Trump Allies Defend Russia Meeting, Saying Every Campaign Does This
“Campaigns of all stripes collect dirt on opponents,”

Now its a different story.
And so she had introduced herself to him by saying that she is a Russian lawyer that has damaging info about Hillary?

you got a tape to that?

I didn't think she was a spy. She said she was a college student at Wisconsin

I do not know why they had even came out with that crazy nonsense. It sounds as if it has came straight from out of a Bullwinkle's cartoon. Meeting with secret Russian spies. They better leave that Russian tales alone. It is making people angry that they are believing that people will even listen to that crap.

What we learned is that if you bitch about something long and loud enough (Benghazi & emails and bjs) then eventually it will pay off. Worked on Gore and Hillary.

Hillary Clinton, ‘Smart Power’ and a Dictator’s Fall

The Libya Gamble: Inside Hillary Clinton's Push for War & the Making of a Failed State | Democracy Now!
So it seems that the 'fake news' has been right all along.
Peers to me that Don jr was curious about what she had to say...and figured out this woman wasn't honest.....possibly involved in a sting operation....and sent her packing.

Turned out she was a foreign operative working for the Democrats.
He didn't swallow the fake news like some liberals do when breitbart purposely gives them bad info?

You know this Don Jr news is troubling rwnj's based on the amount of replies I've seen today. Snowflakes anyone?
The most troubling thing was this woman, who worked for the Democrats, wanted to talk about stuff that would have been a violation of the Hatch Act.....and they told her they couldn't because they weren't in office yet. They knew that if they tried to negotiate anything with the Russian government before they were even elected, that would have been against the law.....but that is what she wanted to talk about. Reopening Russian adoption. Definite setup for a indictment. They were smart enough to tell her to fuck off.
And so she had introduced herself to him by saying that she is a Russian lawyer that has damaging info about Hillary?

you got a tape to that?

I didn't think she was a spy. She said she was a college student at Wisconsin

I do not know why they had even came out with that crazy nonsense. It sounds as if it has came straight from out of a Bullwinkle's cartoon. Meeting with secret Russian spies. They better leave that Russian tales alone. It is making people angry that they are believing that people will even listen to that crap.

What we learned is that if you bitch about something long and loud enough (Benghazi & emails and bjs) then eventually it will pay off. Worked on Gore and Hillary.

Hillary Clinton, ‘Smart Power’ and a Dictator’s Fall

The Libya Gamble: Inside Hillary Clinton's Push for War & the Making of a Failed State | Democracy Now!
She got gored no doubt. Kerryed too.
You're being a dishonest hack. Money put into a college fund can be used for college. It's not a place rich people hide money. You're trying to distract with a false equivalence.
But that's how Republican hacks roll.

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk

At first they said they didn't collude with Russia.

Donald Trump Jr. and other White House allies on Monday defended his meeting with a Russian lawyer last year who said she had damaging information on Donald Trump’s presidential opponent, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Trump Jr. met with Natalia Veselnitskaya, a lawyer who is linked to the Kremlin, just weeks before his father clinched the GOP presidential nomination in June 2016. Initially, he claimed the purpose of the meeting was “primarily” to discuss an adoption program. A day later, however ― after The New York Times reported that he had been promised information about Clinton before attending the meeting ― Trump Jr. confirmed the nature of the sit-down and said he ended it after Veselnitskaya provided no “meaningful information” about Clinton.

The meeting was also attended by Trump’s then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his son-in-law Jared Kushner, who is now a senior White House adviser.

Trump Allies Defend Russia Meeting, Saying Every Campaign Does This
“Campaigns of all stripes collect dirt on opponents,”
Trump Allies Defend Russia Meeting, Saying Every Campaign Does This
“Campaigns of all stripes collect dirt on opponents,”

Now its a different story.
What's your point?

Other than the fact that Don Jr agreed to meet with this person......and quickly figured out she called the meeting under false pretenses, what else is there to this?

It appears to me that this Russian chick lied to them. Clear evidence of somebody trying to trick the Trumps into something, and you think this is some sort of evidence of collusion between Trump and Putin. I think what was going on was somebody was trying to establish false evidence to implicate Trump in a blackmail scheme. I don't think he was aware just how devious and underhanded these people are.

So why were they so anxious to meet with the woman? They could have just told her to go on about her merry way but they didn't. They wanted the information.

Carter Page, a Trump associate, had to retroactively register as a foreign aide.

a judge granted the FBI a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant last summer in order to monitor Page after providing probable cause that he had acted on behalf of a foreign country.

But he didn't register ahead of time no no. No he only did so after he was caught.

And then there's Manafort. Neither Paul Manafort nor the lobbying firms registered with the Justice Department as foreign agents working on behalf of the party at the time he was working on President Donald Trump's campaign.
Oh EYE like double-standards.
Hillary and Bill both took money from Russia and so did John Podesta.....but none of them had to register as foreign agents.
Why is it Trump and his people had to do it?
Peers to me that Don jr was curious about what she had to say...and figured out this woman wasn't honest.....possibly involved in a sting operation....and sent her packing.

Turned out she was a foreign operative working for the Democrats.
He didn't swallow the fake news like some liberals do when breitbart purposely gives them bad info?

You know this Don Jr news is troubling rwnj's based on the amount of replies I've seen today. Snowflakes anyone?
The most troubling thing was this woman, who worked for the Democrats, wanted to talk about stuff that would have been a violation of the Hatch Act.....and they told her they couldn't because they weren't in office yet. They knew that if they tried to negotiate anything with the Russian government before they were even elected, that would have been against the law.....but that is what she wanted to talk about. Reopening Russian adoption. Definite setup for a indictment. They were smart enough to tell her to fuck off.
Who in Russia did they not tell to fuck off? That's more important. The more that comes out the dirtier it looks
Peers to me that Don jr was curious about what she had to say...and figured out this woman wasn't honest.....possibly involved in a sting operation....and sent her packing.

Turned out she was a foreign operative working for the Democrats.
He didn't swallow the fake news like some liberals do when breitbart purposely gives them bad info?

You know this Don Jr news is troubling rwnj's based on the amount of replies I've seen today. Snowflakes anyone?
The most troubling thing was this woman, who worked for the Democrats, wanted to talk about stuff that would have been a violation of the Hatch Act.....and they told her they couldn't because they weren't in office yet. They knew that if they tried to negotiate anything with the Russian government before they were even elected, that would have been against the law.....but that is what she wanted to talk about. Reopening Russian adoption. Definite setup for a indictment. They were smart enough to tell her to fuck off.
Who in Russia did they not tell to fuck off? That's more important. The more that comes out the dirtier it looks
Your argument is becoming circular.
Apparently when it comes to Trump everything is suspicious and nothing he does is legal.
On the other hand everything Hillary and Obama did was legal and beyond reproach. Even though they did the same thing you claim Trump did, but only did it on a massive scale in comparison.
On the other hand everything Hillary and Obama did was legal and beyond reproach. Even though they did the same thing you claim Trump did, but only did it on a massive scale in comparison.
Looks like there is something here. So you rwnjs were wrong.

Just yesterday you wanted to drop it because there was nothing there. A day ago you didn't know about jr. What else don't you know?
On the other hand everything Hillary and Obama did was legal and beyond reproach. Even though they did the same thing you claim Trump did, but only did it on a massive scale in comparison.
Looks like there is something here. So you rwnjs were wrong.

Just yesterday you wanted to drop it because there was nothing there. A day ago you didn't know about jr. What else don't you know?
There's still nothing here.
It's the media that's trying to make it into something.

Oh.....and people seem to think that every Russian on the planet represents the Russian government.
If that's the case then every American on the planet works and represents the American Government.
Maybe Jr never forgave Dad for cheating on mom.....

Paybacks a bitch , daddy!

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