Is Jr. Trying To Hang Daddy On Purpose?

Some Russian person - a woman, no less - got a meeting with Jr by promising to give him some information embarrassing to HRC. So what? She had no such information, and the meeting lasted long enough to see what she was up to, then it ended.

So what?

So it's a violation of the Logan Act and the Campaign Finance Act. Not to mention the Trump Team lied about it.
We have all, to some extent, believed that, in order to be so wealthy, they must be intelligent. The fact is, however, every single one of this spoiled, entitled klan inherited all that they have. Not even one of them has ever had to earn so much as one cent.

I don't think little DonDon is smart enough to hang daddy but I don't think he wants to. As crazy as they are, you is how loyal they are to each other.

Along with never having had to earn their way, they've also never had to play by the same rules as the rest of. They really are spoiled and entitled, used to riding roughshod over us commoners, never having to explain themselves.

The problem is that they've never had to answer to the kind of power the US govt has or to its laws.

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Is Jr. Trying To Hang Daddy On Purpose?

Could it be payback for raping his mother and pulling her hair out?


The Time Donald Trump's Ex-Wife Accused Him of Brutally Raping Her

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