Is Kerry the one who shot himself in the leg and left Nam fast.

No Kerry got 3 purple hearts and used a little know section of regs to get assigned OUT of combat. His purple hearts were for minor injuries that did not require much medical attention above a band aide. One commander refused to give him one for one such incident so he petitioned his new commander and he awarded it.
Yep I did remember him, wish he had been in Korea with me. He would have never left. We did not put up with the jerks who like to run up a Military record so they could come back to State side just to run for office. I know Kennedy did but he served to the fullest. They even lost one in Europe.

Yeah well Kerry went to war with the idea to come home a war hero and run for office.

Of course when he got back he realized the anti war movement was way to powerful. So he changed his strategy. He became an anti war vet.

He pretended to throw his war medals in the air. Of course he still has them all. He ran for office and won and you know the rest.
Yea...we're Swiftboating again.

The guy won a silver star...a bronze star and was wounded three times.

Whatta you got??

Standard practice. You get 3 purples, you are going to receive at a minimum, a bronze star and a fast trip back to the states. In the AF, it was 3 purples, a Silver Star and a desk job. Those that kept getting those things were called bullet magnets and were about as dangerous to those around them as they were the enemy. And it only took him 4 months. Kerry was more than a little crazy. But he served and did a lot of damage to the enemy.
He did a lot of damage to this country, usual for Democrats - for his own benefit!
His time spent in Nam has nothing to do with Politics. Please stop with all this crap. Y ou want to talk about hiis political carreer, please do. But leave the military career out of it. It cheapens the rest of us.
Yea...we're Swiftboating again.

The guy won a silver star...a bronze star and was wounded three times.

Whatta you got??

Standard practice. You get 3 purples, you are going to receive at a minimum, a bronze star and a fast trip back to the states. In the AF, it was 3 purples, a Silver Star and a desk job. Those that kept getting those things were called bullet magnets and were about as dangerous to those around them as they were the enemy. And it only took him 4 months. Kerry was more than a little crazy. But he served and did a lot of damage to the enemy.
He did a lot of damage to this country, usual for Democrats - for his own benefit!
His time spent in Nam has nothing to do with Politics. Please stop with all this crap. Y ou want to talk about hiis political carreer, please do. But leave the military career out of it. It cheapens the rest of us.

His time spent in Viet Nam has EVERYTHING to do with 'politics'. When he returned home and lied his ass off about seeing atrocities he never saw, lied about being in Cambodia one Christmas that NEVER happened, and threw his fellow soldiers under the proverbial bus so he could jump-start his anti-war political career HE MADE HIS TIME IN VIET NAM ABOUT POLITICS!
Yea...we're Swiftboating again.

The guy won a silver star...a bronze star and was wounded three times.

Whatta you got??

Standard practice. You get 3 purples, you are going to receive at a minimum, a bronze star and a fast trip back to the states. In the AF, it was 3 purples, a Silver Star and a desk job. Those that kept getting those things were called bullet magnets and were about as dangerous to those around them as they were the enemy. And it only took him 4 months. Kerry was more than a little crazy. But he served and did a lot of damage to the enemy.
He did a lot of damage to this country, usual for Democrats - for his own benefit!
His time spent in Nam has nothing to do with Politics. Please stop with all this crap. Y ou want to talk about hiis political carreer, please do. But leave the military career out of it. It cheapens the rest of us.

His time spent in Viet Nam has EVERYTHING to do with 'politics'. When he returned home and lied his ass off about seeing atrocities he never saw, lied about being in Cambodia one Christmas that NEVER happened, and threw his fellow soldiers under the proverbial bus so he could jump-start his anti-war political career HE MADE HIS TIME IN VIET NAM ABOUT POLITICS!

Were you in Nam?
Were you in Nam?
I was in Afghanistan and Iraq...and that (and your question) has absolutely NOTHING to do with the FACT that Kerry came back home and made his time in Viet Nam about BS claims of personally seeing atrocities it was proven he never saw, about his claiming to have been in locations he was never in, and about him throwing fellow soldiers under the bus so he could jump-start his anti-war political career.
Kerry was (and is) an asshole on many different levels.

His Vietnam service was a sham according to the people that served with him.

His post Vietnam anti war shenanigans border on being traitorous.

He is a stupid Left Wing Moon Bat and was a terrible Secretary of State.

Thank god he wasn't elected President.
Were you in Nam?
I was in Afghanistan and Iraq...and that (and your question) has absolutely NOTHING to do with the FACT that Kerry came back home and made his time in Viet Nam about BS claims of personally seeing atrocities it was proven he never saw, about his claiming to have been in locations he was never in, and about him throwing fellow soldiers under the bus so he could jump-start his anti-war political career.

He was on the Mekong Delta on a Swift Boat. And he earned his Silver. But he had a tendancy to stray from the center of the delta and get too close to the banks where they picked up small arms fire. He turned the helm over to one of his men, grabbed the M-2 and started blasting away. When the boat hit the bank, Kerry grabbed a M-16 and attack an enemy position. He already had a Bronze and 3 purple hearts. No one can deny he was brave. He was beyond brave. He was foolish. So they ended it with a Silver and a fast trip home like they do with all bullet magnets. Please keep his Nam time seperate from his Washington time.
Yea...we're Swiftboating again.

The guy won a silver star...a bronze star and was wounded three times.

Whatta you got??

Standard practice. You get 3 purples, you are going to receive at a minimum, a bronze star and a fast trip back to the states. In the AF, it was 3 purples, a Silver Star and a desk job. Those that kept getting those things were called bullet magnets and were about as dangerous to those around them as they were the enemy. And it only took him 4 months. Kerry was more than a little crazy. But he served and did a lot of damage to the enemy.
He did a lot of damage to this country, usual for Democrats - for his own benefit!
His time spent in Nam has nothing to do with Politics. Please stop with all this crap. Y ou want to talk about hiis political carreer, please do. But leave the military career out of it. It cheapens the rest of us.

His time spent in Viet Nam has EVERYTHING to do with 'politics'. When he returned home and lied his ass off about seeing atrocities he never saw, lied about being in Cambodia one Christmas that NEVER happened, and threw his fellow soldiers under the proverbial bus so he could jump-start his anti-war political career HE MADE HIS TIME IN VIET NAM ABOUT POLITICS!

Oh, and another thing. When you are on the Mekong, it depends on which side of the delta you are in to what country you are in. And it's well known that Crazy Kerry did exit his boat and pursue the enemy on the banks. So he could very well have been in Cambodia. Sort of like me saying I was never in Laos although we landed in Thailand.
But he had a tendancy to stray from the center of the delta and get too close to the banks where they picked up small arms fire.
So you are saying Kerry was undisciplined and put his fellow boat crew members in harm's way unnecessarily.....Got it.

Instead of being awarded a medal he was lucky he was not reprimanded for his foolish and reckless behavior that could have gotten the US Military's (not his) boat destroyed and his team members killed.

He was beyond brave. He was foolish.

On this we agree.

Keep his Viet Nam time separate from his DC time? Sorry, no can do. Again, the moment he came home, stepped up to the microphones, and began lying his ass off about what he saw / didn't see in Viet Nam he tied the two together.
Oh, and another thing. When you are on the Mekong, it depends on which side of the delta you are in to what country you are in.

That has nothing to do with the fact that he LIED about being in Cambodia. That was PROVEN to be a lie, and which side of the Mekong he was on had nothing to do with it. The POS LIED! Next...
My guess is Kerry put himself in for the Purple Heart. I knew a young officer who dug through the regs looking for every possible medal he could earn / qualify for. He was an a-hole, too.
Are we Swiftboating already?
When over 200 men that served with you all say the same thing then I tend to believe them. You are aware that Kerry went on to claim in the Congress that his fellow service members committed atrocities? Of course his whole story line came apart when he claimed he was in Cambodia on illegal aids and there was absolute proof he never got NEAR Cambodia? Further he violated Federal law when he meet with the North Vietnamese delegation in Paris.
Yeah...but but but...Trump.....
I am not sure but is the person Jame Kerry the one who shot himself in the leg and then his father got him out of Nam before he killed himself? I could be wrong about it.

Also has anyone heard about the Speedway Bomber.
, aka The Speedway Bomber, is not a nice man. He’s on a mission to go after any blogger who dares to speak the truth about him. He doesn’t want anyone writing about his sordid past, or his ties to liberal groups and “charitable” foundations that send his “non-profit” businesses money. I try to keep up with so many people that I lose track of them.
What he probably didn’t realize is that conservative bloggers don’t take kindly to attacks on our friends. An attack on one is an attack on all. He wanted to quietly terrorize anyone who wrote about his evil ways through “lawfare.” Little did he know is that he had kicked a bees nest. The Army of Davids has answered the call.
Kerry served. Your dotard deferred. Go fuck yourself.

Why do you support a millionaire who is paid from an evil corporation who uses child and slave labor from colored people overseas to make sneakers?

That's fucked up, dude.
I am not sure but is the person Jame Kerry the one who shot himself in the leg and then his father got him out of Nam before he killed himself? I could be wrong about it.

Also has anyone heard about the Speedway Bomber.
, aka The Speedway Bomber, is not a nice man. He’s on a mission to go after any blogger who dares to speak the truth about him. He doesn’t want anyone writing about his sordid past, or his ties to liberal groups and “charitable” foundations that send his “non-profit” businesses money. I try to keep up with so many people that I lose track of them.
What he probably didn’t realize is that conservative bloggers don’t take kindly to attacks on our friends. An attack on one is an attack on all. He wanted to quietly terrorize anyone who wrote about his evil ways through “lawfare.” Little did he know is that he had kicked a bees nest. The Army of Davids has answered the call.
Kerry served. Your dotard deferred. Go fuck yourself.
Sorry Black Flag but I tried that in Korea and just was not man enough to perform that act.

Purple Fart Kerry can eat a bag of dicks.
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This Kerry?

Yea...we're Swiftboating again.

The guy won a silver star...a bronze star and was wounded three times.

Whatta you got??

Standard practice. You get 3 purples, you are going to receive at a minimum, a bronze star and a fast trip back to the states. In the AF, it was 3 purples, a Silver Star and a desk job. Those that kept getting those things were called bullet magnets and were about as dangerous to those around them as they were the enemy. And it only took him 4 months. Kerry was more than a little crazy. But he served and did a lot of damage to the enemy.
He did a lot of damage to this country, usual for Democrats - for his own benefit!
His time spent in Nam has nothing to do with Politics. Please stop with all this crap. Y ou want to talk about hiis political carreer, please do. But leave the military career out of it. It cheapens the rest of us.
Wrong he came home and LIED about his time there. He claimed all the troops in Nam were rapists and murderers and you defend that? Further he ILLEGALLY met with our enemy at time of war and tried to make deals he had no authority to make.
Yea...we're Swiftboating again.

The guy won a silver star...a bronze star and was wounded three times.

Whatta you got??

Standard practice. You get 3 purples, you are going to receive at a minimum, a bronze star and a fast trip back to the states. In the AF, it was 3 purples, a Silver Star and a desk job. Those that kept getting those things were called bullet magnets and were about as dangerous to those around them as they were the enemy. And it only took him 4 months. Kerry was more than a little crazy. But he served and did a lot of damage to the enemy.
He did a lot of damage to this country, usual for Democrats - for his own benefit!
His time spent in Nam has nothing to do with Politics. Please stop with all this crap. Y ou want to talk about hiis political carreer, please do. But leave the military career out of it. It cheapens the rest of us.
Wrong he came home and LIED about his time there. He claimed all the troops in Nam were rapists and murderers and you defend that? Further he ILLEGALLY met with our enemy at time of war and tried to make deals he had no authority to make.
Every bit of what you just said is lies.

He didn't lie about his time there.
He never said "all" anything. We all know those things went on. (My Lai?)
And there's nothing illegal about a private citizen meeting with North Vietnamese IN FUCKING PARIS...during peace negotiations
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Yea...we're Swiftboating again.

The guy won a silver star...a bronze star and was wounded three times.

Whatta you got??

Standard practice. You get 3 purples, you are going to receive at a minimum, a bronze star and a fast trip back to the states. In the AF, it was 3 purples, a Silver Star and a desk job. Those that kept getting those things were called bullet magnets and were about as dangerous to those around them as they were the enemy. And it only took him 4 months. Kerry was more than a little crazy. But he served and did a lot of damage to the enemy.
He did a lot of damage to this country, usual for Democrats - for his own benefit!
His time spent in Nam has nothing to do with Politics. Please stop with all this crap. Y ou want to talk about hiis political carreer, please do. But leave the military career out of it. It cheapens the rest of us.
Wrong he came home and LIED about his time there. He claimed all the troops in Nam were rapists and murderers and you defend that? Further he ILLEGALLY met with our enemy at time of war and tried to make deals he had no authority to make.
Every bit of what you just said is lies.

He didn't lie about his time there.
He never said "all" anything. We all know those things went on. (My Lai?)
He said what he said and that you defend his lies and attack on our Government just proves how disloyal you are and where you stand. As for his meeting with the North Vietnamese that too is on record it is why he had to get his record returned and his metals reissued cause the Government stripped him of them.
He said what he said and that you defend his lies and attack on our Government just proves how disloyal you are and where you stand.

OK. Post the actual quotes with credible links and we'll see who's lying.

And save the "you're disloyal" shit Here you are supporting a Putin Puppet and attacking a man who has a silver star and a bronze star and three purple hearts.

I say YOU are the disloyal one. You dishonor every soldier who ever served. those links or admit you're a liar
He said what he said and that you defend his lies and attack on our Government just proves how disloyal you are and where you stand.

OK. Post the actual quotes with credible links and we'll see who's lying.

And save the "you're disloyal" shit Here you are supporting a Putin Puppet and attacking a man who has a silver star and a bronze star and three purple hearts.

I say YOU are the disloyal one. You dishonor every soldier who ever served. those links or admit you're a liar
So you deny Kerry accuse the Military of organized war crimes? You are aware he said the chain of Command was fully aware of all the supposed war crimes? You are aware he illegally met with the North Vietnamese peace delegation? Maybe you are just to stupid to breath?
So you deny Kerry accuse the Military of organized war crimes? You are aware he said the chain of Command was fully aware of all the supposed war crimes? You are aware he illegally met with the North Vietnamese peace delegation? Maybe you are just to stupid to breath?

I deny the claims you made previously...which you now seem to realize were lies since you haven't even tried to document.

And guess what...My Lai WAS an "organized" war crime.

SInce you're still making unsubstantiated claims...find a reputable source that claims that Kerry meeting with the NV peace delegation was illegal

Maybe you're just a dishonest puke.

We'll see

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