Is Kerry the one who shot himself in the leg and left Nam fast.

So you deny Kerry accuse the Military of organized war crimes? You are aware he said the chain of Command was fully aware of all the supposed war crimes? You are aware he illegally met with the North Vietnamese peace delegation? Maybe you are just to stupid to breath?

I deny the claims you made previously...which you now seem to realize were lies since you haven't even tried to document.

And guess what...My Lai WAS an "organized" war crime.

SInce you're still making unsubstantiated claims...find a reputable source that claims that Kerry meeting with the NV peace delegation was illegal

Maybe you're just a dishonest puke.

We'll see
Mia Lia was a single incident that was prosecuted you retard. Kerry wrote his own silver star write up as commander of the op. He lied about seeing atrocities except for the one he committed. There was none of what Kerry claimed happening. As a Naval Officer he was not allowed to visit the North Vienamese peace committee WITHOUT official orders, he broke the LAW. Kerry was caught and his awards were revoked he had to get them reinstated by I think Jimmy Carter.
The last thing any Nam vet who saw combat there talks about is Nam, also my dad served in WW2, and then went back to sea bringing arms. & even seeing no ground combat he would never talk of Nam, to many arm chair hero's, unless you where there you should reserve judgement.
So you deny Kerry accuse the Military of organized war crimes? You are aware he said the chain of Command was fully aware of all the supposed war crimes? You are aware he illegally met with the North Vietnamese peace delegation? Maybe you are just to stupid to breath?

I deny the claims you made previously...which you now seem to realize were lies since you haven't even tried to document.

And guess what...My Lai WAS an "organized" war crime.

SInce you're still making unsubstantiated claims...find a reputable source that claims that Kerry meeting with the NV peace delegation was illegal

Maybe you're just a dishonest puke.

We'll see
Mia Lia was a single incident that was prosecuted you retard. Kerry wrote his own silver star write up as commander of the op. He lied about seeing atrocities except for the one he committed. There was none of what Kerry claimed happening. As a Naval Officer he was not allowed to visit the North Vienamese peace committee WITHOUT official orders, he broke the LAW. Kerry was caught and his awards were revoked he had to get them reinstated by I think Jimmy Carter.
SO your claim now is that "Mia Lia" was the only incident of its kind?

Oh...And you claim to be a vet but you think that soldiers can simply award themselves medals?

You're no Vet

And I'm still waiting for those quotes and links. I'm sure we won't see them
So you deny Kerry accuse the Military of organized war crimes? You are aware he said the chain of Command was fully aware of all the supposed war crimes? You are aware he illegally met with the North Vietnamese peace delegation? Maybe you are just to stupid to breath?

I deny the claims you made previously...which you now seem to realize were lies since you haven't even tried to document.

And guess what...My Lai WAS an "organized" war crime.

SInce you're still making unsubstantiated claims...find a reputable source that claims that Kerry meeting with the NV peace delegation was illegal

Maybe you're just a dishonest puke.

We'll see
Mia Lia was a single incident that was prosecuted you retard. Kerry wrote his own silver star write up as commander of the op. He lied about seeing atrocities except for the one he committed. There was none of what Kerry claimed happening. As a Naval Officer he was not allowed to visit the North Vienamese peace committee WITHOUT official orders, he broke the LAW. Kerry was caught and his awards were revoked he had to get them reinstated by I think Jimmy Carter.
You couldn't provide anything...but I can

Beyond My Lai : New Revelations of Vietnam Atrocities

Now the Los Angeles Times has published a page one story, "Vietnam Horrors: Darkest Yet," based on official government documents detailing 320 incidents of Vietnam war atrocities that were confirmed by army investigators. The documentation, according to the Times, comes from "a once-secret archive assembled by a Pentagon task force in the early 1970s." This "Vietnam War Crimes Working Group" archive, 9,000 pages long, was discovered by Nick Turse, who was doing research for a Ph.D. dissertation as a student at Columbia University. Turse shares the byline on the Timesreport with staff writer Deborah Nelson.
So you deny Kerry accuse the Military of organized war crimes? You are aware he said the chain of Command was fully aware of all the supposed war crimes? You are aware he illegally met with the North Vietnamese peace delegation? Maybe you are just to stupid to breath?

I deny the claims you made previously...which you now seem to realize were lies since you haven't even tried to document.

And guess what...My Lai WAS an "organized" war crime.

SInce you're still making unsubstantiated claims...find a reputable source that claims that Kerry meeting with the NV peace delegation was illegal

Maybe you're just a dishonest puke.

We'll see
Mia Lia was a single incident that was prosecuted you retard. Kerry wrote his own silver star write up as commander of the op. He lied about seeing atrocities except for the one he committed. There was none of what Kerry claimed happening. As a Naval Officer he was not allowed to visit the North Vienamese peace committee WITHOUT official orders, he broke the LAW. Kerry was caught and his awards were revoked he had to get them reinstated by I think Jimmy Carter.
SO your claim now is that "Mia Lia" was the only incident of its kind?

Oh...And you claim to be a vet but you think that soldiers can simply award themselves medals?

You're no Vet

And I'm still waiting for those quotes and links. I'm sure we won't see them
Retard, Kerry was the commander of the boats and HE wrote the citation and sent it up the chain of command. The only non vet here is you apparently, and stupid to boot can not even goggle simple information.
Retard, Kerry was the commander of the boats and HE wrote the citation and sent it up the chain of command. The only non vet here is you apparently, and stupid to boot can not even goggle simple information.

A. I am a Vet...retard. Add that to the list of shit you think you know but don't

B. I'm waiting for YOU to google anything to support your bullshit.
So you deny Kerry accuse the Military of organized war crimes? You are aware he said the chain of Command was fully aware of all the supposed war crimes? You are aware he illegally met with the North Vietnamese peace delegation? Maybe you are just to stupid to breath?

I deny the claims you made previously...which you now seem to realize were lies since you haven't even tried to document.

And guess what...My Lai WAS an "organized" war crime.

SInce you're still making unsubstantiated claims...find a reputable source that claims that Kerry meeting with the NV peace delegation was illegal

Maybe you're just a dishonest puke.

We'll see
Mia Lia was a single incident that was prosecuted you retard. Kerry wrote his own silver star write up as commander of the op. He lied about seeing atrocities except for the one he committed. There was none of what Kerry claimed happening. As a Naval Officer he was not allowed to visit the North Vienamese peace committee WITHOUT official orders, he broke the LAW. Kerry was caught and his awards were revoked he had to get them reinstated by I think Jimmy Carter.
You couldn't provide anything...but I can

Now the Los Angeles Times has published a page one story, "Vietnam Horrors: Darkest Yet," based on official government documents detailing 320 incidents of Vietnam war atrocities that were confirmed by army investigators. The documentation, according to the Times, comes from "a once-secret archive assembled by a Pentagon task force in the early 1970s." This "Vietnam War Crimes Working Group" archive, 9,000 pages long, was discovered by Nick Turse, who was doing research for a Ph.D. dissertation as a student at Columbia University. Turse shares the byline on the Timesreport with staff writer Deborah Nelson.
Ohh ya 320 incidents in 10 years. And correct me if I am wrong but in order to have info on the events that means the Military investigated and dispensed with them? Hardly the earth shattering claims made by Kerry.
Ah yes...John Kerry. Who has his picture hanging in a museum in Vietnam.

The North Vietnamese love him.

That's John McCain. It's a statue. And "North Vietnam" doesn't exist any more.

Photograph of John Kerry meeting with Comrade Do Muoi, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, in Vietnam. Photo displayed in the War Remnants Museum (formerly the "War Crimes Museum") in Saigon. The June 2, 2004, edition of "Viet Nam News" is held beside the Kerry photograph to confirm the date the photo was taken. English-language placard below photograph reads: "Mr. Do Muoi, Secretary General of the Vietnam Communist Party met with Congressmen and Veterans Delegation in Vietnam (July 15-18, 1993)."
Standard practice. You get 3 purples, you are going to receive at a minimum, a bronze star and a fast trip back to the states. In the AF, it was 3 purples, a Silver Star and a desk job. Those that kept getting those things were called bullet magnets and were about as dangerous to those around them as they were the enemy. And it only took him 4 months. Kerry was more than a little crazy. But he served and did a lot of damage to the enemy.

He did more damage to America!
Ah yes...John Kerry. Who has his picture hanging in a museum in Vietnam.

The North Vietnamese love him.

That's John McCain. It's a statue. And "North Vietnam" doesn't exist any more.
View attachment 214898
Photograph of John Kerry meeting with Comrade Do Muoi, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, in Vietnam. Photo displayed in the War Remnants Museum (formerly the "War Crimes Museum") in Saigon. The June 2, 2004, edition of "Viet Nam News" is held beside the Kerry photograph to confirm the date the photo was taken. English-language placard below photograph reads: "Mr. Do Muoi, Secretary General of the Vietnam Communist Party met with Congressmen and Veterans Delegation in Vietnam (July 15-18, 1993)."

See post 49. From Yesterday.

Way to keep up.
Retard, Kerry was the commander of the boats and HE wrote the citation and sent it up the chain of command. The only non vet here is you apparently, and stupid to boot can not even goggle simple information.

You really need to stop because unlike you I DO know how to google and I unlike you am honest

From Snopes

When Kerry returned to his base, his commanding officer, George Elliott, raised an issue with Kerry: the fine line between whether the action merited a medal or a court-martial.

“When [Kerry] came back from the well-publicized action where he beached his boat in middle of ambush and chased a VC around a hootch and ended his life, when [Kerry] came back and I heard his debrief, I said, ‘John, I don’t know whether you should be court-martialed or given a medal, court-martialed for leaving your ship, your post,'” Elliott recalled in an interview.

But I ended up writing it up for a Silver Star, which is well deserved, and I have no regrets or second thoughts at all about that,” Elliott said. A Silver Star, which the Navy said is its fifth-highest medal, commends distinctive gallantry in action.
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Yea...we're Swiftboating again.

The guy won a silver star...a bronze star and was wounded three times.

Whatta you got??

Standard practice. You get 3 purples, you are going to receive at a minimum, a bronze star and a fast trip back to the states. In the AF, it was 3 purples, a Silver Star and a desk job. Those that kept getting those things were called bullet magnets and were about as dangerous to those around them as they were the enemy. And it only took him 4 months. Kerry was more than a little crazy. But he served and did a lot of damage to the enemy.
He did a lot of damage to this country, usual for Democrats - for his own benefit!
His time spent in Nam has nothing to do with Politics. Please stop with all this crap. Y ou want to talk about hiis political carreer, please do. But leave the military career out of it. It cheapens the rest of us.

His time spent in Viet Nam has EVERYTHING to do with 'politics'. When he returned home and lied his ass off about seeing atrocities he never saw, lied about being in Cambodia one Christmas that NEVER happened, and threw his fellow soldiers under the proverbial bus so he could jump-start his anti-war political career HE MADE HIS TIME IN VIET NAM ABOUT POLITICS!

Were you in Nam?

Yeah, I'm that old!
Only one that betrayed his brothers in arms.
I am not sure but is the person Jame Kerry the one who shot himself in the leg and then his father got him out of Nam before he killed himself? I could be wrong about it.

Also has anyone heard about the Speedway Bomber.
, aka The Speedway Bomber, is not a nice man. He’s on a mission to go after any blogger who dares to speak the truth about him. He doesn’t want anyone writing about his sordid past, or his ties to liberal groups and “charitable” foundations that send his “non-profit” businesses money. I try to keep up with so many people that I lose track of them.
What he probably didn’t realize is that conservative bloggers don’t take kindly to attacks on our friends. An attack on one is an attack on all. He wanted to quietly terrorize anyone who wrote about his evil ways through “lawfare.” Little did he know is that he had kicked a bees nest. The Army of Davids has answered the call.
Nope...but not surprised to see that Viet Nam veterans are once again being denigrated by Righties and trumpanzees.
So far you're battin a thousand...wrong on every claim

Stop embarrassing yourself
I am not sure but is the person Jame Kerry the one who shot himself in the leg and then his father got him out of Nam before he killed himself? I could be wrong about it.

Also has anyone heard about the Speedway Bomber.
, aka The Speedway Bomber, is not a nice man. He’s on a mission to go after any blogger who dares to speak the truth about him. He doesn’t want anyone writing about his sordid past, or his ties to liberal groups and “charitable” foundations that send his “non-profit” businesses money. I try to keep up with so many people that I lose track of them.
What he probably didn’t realize is that conservative bloggers don’t take kindly to attacks on our friends. An attack on one is an attack on all. He wanted to quietly terrorize anyone who wrote about his evil ways through “lawfare.” Little did he know is that he had kicked a bees nest. The Army of Davids has answered the call.
Kerry served. Your dotard deferred. Go fuck yourself.
Sorry Black Flag but I tried that in Korea and just was not man enough to perform that act.
bite me
I am not sure but is the person Jame Kerry the one who shot himself in the leg and then his father got him out of Nam before he killed himself? I could be wrong about it.

Also has anyone heard about the Speedway Bomber.
, aka The Speedway Bomber, is not a nice man. He’s on a mission to go after any blogger who dares to speak the truth about him. He doesn’t want anyone writing about his sordid past, or his ties to liberal groups and “charitable” foundations that send his “non-profit” businesses money. I try to keep up with so many people that I lose track of them.
What he probably didn’t realize is that conservative bloggers don’t take kindly to attacks on our friends. An attack on one is an attack on all. He wanted to quietly terrorize anyone who wrote about his evil ways through “lawfare.” Little did he know is that he had kicked a bees nest. The Army of Davids has answered the call.

Is Trump the one who got four deferments from the service due to bone spurs?

One thing is for sure, Kerry went to Viet Nam and served.

Trump danced at Studio 54 and trolled for Russian runway models.

True he did go to Nam. That is about it.
I am not sure but is the person Jame Kerry the one who shot himself in the leg and then his father got him out of Nam before he killed himself? I could be wrong about it.

Also has anyone heard about the Speedway Bomber.
, aka The Speedway Bomber, is not a nice man. He’s on a mission to go after any blogger who dares to speak the truth about him. He doesn’t want anyone writing about his sordid past, or his ties to liberal groups and “charitable” foundations that send his “non-profit” businesses money. I try to keep up with so many people that I lose track of them.
What he probably didn’t realize is that conservative bloggers don’t take kindly to attacks on our friends. An attack on one is an attack on all. He wanted to quietly terrorize anyone who wrote about his evil ways through “lawfare.” Little did he know is that he had kicked a bees nest. The Army of Davids has answered the call.

Is Trump the one who got four deferments from the service due to bone spurs?

One thing is for sure, Kerry went to Viet Nam and served.

Trump danced at Studio 54 and trolled for Russian runway models.

And you did what?

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