Is Kerry the one who shot himself in the leg and left Nam fast.

The boat Kerry was on stopped a small Vietnamese boat. A grenade was thrown into the boat - when it blew up a grain of rice flew up and hit Kerry in the eye.....'Purple Heart'. No shit....
Too bad they don’t give out honors for bone spurs or screwing prostitutes. Donald went through his own personal Vietnam you know :lol:
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The POS came home and testified to seeing things he never saw, doing so to jump-start his own personal political career. The only thing good about this guy is

He repeated stories that had been told to him...and he did so to help end an war we shouldn't have been fighting
And never spent a night in a hospital.

I wasn't aware that a hospital stay was a requirement for the Purple Heart

By the way...he still carries shrapnel in his leg from that wound
I am not sure but is the person Jame Kerry the one who shot himself in the leg and then his father got him out of Nam before he killed himself? I could be wrong about it.

Also has anyone heard about the Speedway Bomber.
, aka The Speedway Bomber, is not a nice man. He’s on a mission to go after any blogger who dares to speak the truth about him. He doesn’t want anyone writing about his sordid past, or his ties to liberal groups and “charitable” foundations that send his “non-profit” businesses money. I try to keep up with so many people that I lose track of them.
What he probably didn’t realize is that conservative bloggers don’t take kindly to attacks on our friends. An attack on one is an attack on all. He wanted to quietly terrorize anyone who wrote about his evil ways through “lawfare.” Little did he know is that he had kicked a bees nest. The Army of Davids has answered the call.

Yup. During his "swift boat" lie fest he got his Purple Heart or tried to get one he cause he shot a 40mm grenade launcher to close and fragged him self.
Yup. During his "swift boat" lie fest he got his Purple Heart or tried to get one he cause he shot a 40mm grenade launcher to close and fragged him self.


You were there?

Or you're repeating something you read that you got from someone else who wasn't there.

Yup. During his "swift boat" lie fest he got his Purple Heart or tried to get one he cause he shot a 40mm grenade launcher to close and fragged him self.


You were there?

Or you're repeating something you read that you got from someone else who wasn't there.


No retard, those were the the words of those around him. Only one other person was even there to begin with, yet Kerry backed off his claims when light was shined on it. Kerry's medals are fake. thats about all the time I will spend on that. Now go back to sniffing glue before school.
thats about all the time I will spend on that.

Because you can't document any of that.

You're repeating garbage you heard from the Swift Boat liars...who did NOT serve with Kerry
Ah yes...John Kerry. Who has his picture hanging in a museum in Vietnam.

The North Vietnamese love him.

That's John McCain. It's a statue. And "North Vietnam" doesn't exist any more.
It's a picture. And its of John Kerry.

Do you mean a picture of a delegation sent by Clinton in 1993 to normalize diplomatic relations, displayed in the War Remnants Museum that includes (then Sen.) Kerry as part of that delegation, the one where he isn't even identified?

That's in Ho Chi Minh City, which is the former Saigon, which is in south Vietnam. And obviously it doesn't qualify as "his picture". It's described as "Congressmen and Veterans Delegation". The group.

Again, "north" and "south" Vietnam was an artificial division line set up by outsiders trying to control it, mainly the Chinese and French. That's in the past.
I am not sure but is the person Jame Kerry the one who shot himself in the leg and then his father got him out of Nam before he killed himself? I could be wrong about it.

Also has anyone heard about the Speedway Bomber.
, aka The Speedway Bomber, is not a nice man. He’s on a mission to go after any blogger who dares to speak the truth about him. He doesn’t want anyone writing about his sordid past, or his ties to liberal groups and “charitable” foundations that send his “non-profit” businesses money. I try to keep up with so many people that I lose track of them.
What he probably didn’t realize is that conservative bloggers don’t take kindly to attacks on our friends. An attack on one is an attack on all. He wanted to quietly terrorize anyone who wrote about his evil ways through “lawfare.” Little did he know is that he had kicked a bees nest. The Army of Davids has answered the call.
Nope...but not surprised to see that Viet Nam veterans are once again being denigrated by Righties and trumpanzees.
Go on Conservatives; air out all your grievances against Americans who ACTUALLY SERVED THEIR COUNTRY IN WAR while defending your President that dodged the draft 5 times and won the Presidency by insulting one of the most celebrated Vietnam veterans.
Kerry....then McCain....and now back to Kerry. And yet they love them some trump.
Go on Conservatives; air out all your grievances against Americans who ACTUALLY SERVED THEIR COUNTRY IN WAR while defending your President that dodged the draft 5 times and won the Presidency by insulting one of the most celebrated Vietnam veterans.
Kerry....then McCain....and now back to Kerry. And yet they love them some trump.

Ah yes . The flag waiving pro military right wingers show their true colors once again.
The POS came home and testified to seeing things he never saw, doing so to jump-start his own personal political career. The only thing good about this guy is
He testified that he had seen these things personally and was quickly proven to be a LIAR!

He repeated stories that had been told to him...and he did so to help end an war we shouldn't have been fighting
No Kerry got 3 purple hearts and used a little know section of regs to get assigned OUT of combat. His purple hearts were for minor injuries that did not require much medical attention above a band aide. One commander refused to give him one for one such incident so he petitioned his new commander and he awarded it.
Volunteering to serve in Viet Nam and getting wounded three times is almost as tough as having to deal with a bone spur and receiving FIVE deferrments!
The POS came home and testified to seeing things he never saw, doing so to jump-start his own personal political career. The only thing good about this guy is

He repeated stories that had been told to him...and he did so to help end an war we shouldn't have been fighting

John Kerry lied.
No Kerry got 3 purple hearts and used a little know section of regs to get assigned OUT of combat. His purple hearts were for minor injuries that did not require much medical attention above a band aide. One commander refused to give him one for one such incident so he petitioned his new commander and he awarded it.
Volunteering to serve in Viet Nam and getting wounded three times is almost as tough as having to deal with a bone spur and receiving FIVE deferrments!

John Kerry wounded three times and never spent a night in the hospital. None of which were more serious than what could be treated by a private citizen.

You can ridicule bone spurs in the feet but they're a legitimate exemption from military service. Basic Training calls for hundreds of miles of running, not in running shoes but nice, new combat boots, frequently carrying heavy loads. Impossible with bone spurs. Try again.

I volunteered, how about you?
Go on Conservatives; air out all your grievances against Americans who ACTUALLY SERVED THEIR COUNTRY IN WAR while defending your President that dodged the draft 5 times and won the Presidency by insulting one of the most celebrated Vietnam veterans.

Yep, that's what put Donald Trump over the top. Even his most ardent supporters hated that comment and wish it had never been made.

Yea...we're Swiftboating again.

The guy won a silver star...a bronze star and was wounded three times.

Whatta you got??

Standard practice. You get 3 purples, you are going to receive at a minimum, a bronze star and a fast trip back to the states. In the AF, it was 3 purples, a Silver Star and a desk job. Those that kept getting those things were called bullet magnets and were about as dangerous to those around them as they were the enemy. And it only took him 4 months. Kerry was more than a little crazy. But he served and did a lot of damage to the enemy.
Yea...we're Swiftboating again.

The guy won a silver star...a bronze star and was wounded three times.

Whatta you got??

Standard practice. You get 3 purples, you are going to receive at a minimum, a bronze star and a fast trip back to the states. In the AF, it was 3 purples, a Silver Star and a desk job. Those that kept getting those things were called bullet magnets and were about as dangerous to those around them as they were the enemy. And it only took him 4 months. Kerry was more than a little crazy. But he served and did a lot of damage to the enemy.
He did a lot of damage to this country, usual for Democrats - for his own benefit!

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