Is killing a baby outside the. Womb murder

Abortion no longer fits the medical definition if the baby has been born.
you left the medical definition a long time ago when you compared humans to treews
There is no such thing as after birth abortion. That's called homicide. Specifically infanticide. It's illegal all over the country.
you and I believe that,,,but there are democrats that are currently trying to make it legal

its called the complete lives system

Which democrats?
based on the results of the vote in congress where all democrats voted against care for a baby that survived abortion, I would say all of them
Yet another fucking stupid ignorant uneducated piece of shut Trmpette .

There was no vote about this.

There is an existing law protecting babies born alive.
Yes there you not pay any attention?

Text - S.311 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

This Act may be cited as the “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act”.

Here is the vote
U.S. Senate: U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 116th Congress - 1st Session

This bill establishes requirements for the degree of care a health care practitioner must exercise in the event a child is born alive following an abortion or attempted abortion.

A health care practitioner who is present must (1) exercise the same degree of care as reasonably provided to another child born alive at the same gestational age, and (2) immediately admit the child to a hospital. The bill also requires a health care practitioner or other employee to immediately report any failure to comply with this requirement to law enforcement.

A person who violates the requirements is subject to criminal penalties—a fine, up to five years in prison, or both.

Additionally, an individual who intentionally kills or attempts to kill a child born alive is subject to prosecution for murder. (that's the part the left hates...and how we know they are ok with murder)

It's already the law of the land. By a voice vote in 2002! Infanticide is illegal in all 50 states. Proving this whole show is political theater for Rubes.

H.R.2175 - 107th Congress (2001-2002): Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002
And now know it is a human being at conception, that left to grow it will become a human being.........and at any point where you end it's life, it is killing a growing, living human being...


What if the woman doesn't want to grow a baby, but a zygote attached itself to her despite her using birth control?

She probably should have read the instructions on the birth control, which clearly state that it's not 100% effective.

So the fact remains that she herself created that "eeeevil" zygote through her own consciously chosen actions.

None of the scientific facts have changed, despite your appeal to "feewings".

Why the fuck did God make fucking so pleasurable? Was she a practical joker or what?

Are you trying to say that God made sex pleasurable because He wants us to fuck like rabid weasels, with no self-control? Because that's like saying God made eating pleasurable because He wants us all to be morbidly obese and die of heart attacks.

Yes. I confirmed it this weekend. She's kind of a sick joker in that regard. She planted these things to help us survive......but now that we have an abundance of food and choice of partners, they can kill.

You "confirmed" it? Meaning you asked another arrogant imbecile whether or not he/she agreed with you?
Well, imo it's best to prevent the seeds from sprouting, but each garden and gardener is different. Some like nice orderly plots were all plants outside the lines are considered weeds and pulled. Some, have shit just growing everywhere.

Birth control and education are available.
Republicans try to make BC less available. You know it.

It is not free. You need to see a doctor and that isn't free.

No reason it SHOULD be free, your desire to be taken care of every minute of the day like the helpless lump of skin you are notwithstanding. And condoms ARE free, with no doctor necessary. Find the gay-friendly non-profit of your choice and ask.
What if the woman doesn't want to grow a baby, but a zygote attached itself to her despite her using birth control?

She probably should have read the instructions on the birth control, which clearly state that it's not 100% effective.

So the fact remains that she herself created that "eeeevil" zygote through her own consciously chosen actions.

None of the scientific facts have changed, despite your appeal to "feewings".

Why the fuck did God make fucking so pleasurable? Was she a practical joker or what?

Are you trying to say that God made sex pleasurable because He wants us to fuck like rabid weasels, with no self-control? Because that's like saying God made eating pleasurable because He wants us all to be morbidly obese and die of heart attacks.

Yes. I confirmed it this weekend. She's kind of a sick joker in that regard. She planted these things to help us survive......but now that we have an abundance of food and choice of partners, they can kill.

You "confirmed" it? Meaning you asked another arrogant imbecile whether or not he/she agreed with you?

Nah, I did a bunch of vitamin A this weekend and asked her! "Yep." she said, "Fuck man, I just wanted ya'll to survive!
Is killing a baby outside the. Womb murder

not if you let them get deathly sick then take away their health insurance - thats called RW government
Well, imo it's best to prevent the seeds from sprouting, but each garden and gardener is different. Some like nice orderly plots were all plants outside the lines are considered weeds and pulled. Some, have shit just growing everywhere.

Birth control and education are available.
Republicans try to make BC less available. You know it.

It is not free. You need to see a doctor and that isn't free.

No reason it SHOULD be free, your desire to be taken care of every minute of the day like the helpless lump of skin you are notwithstanding. And condoms ARE free, with no doctor necessary. Find the gay-friendly non-profit of your choice and ask.

If you can't keep up with the conversation, you should really STFU.

One of your Trumpette buddies claimed no one was limiting access to birth control because you can get it anywhere.

Access means affording it. To get effective BC you need to see a doctor to determine what works best for you & that appointment is not free & neither is filling those prescriptions.

The ACA said health insurance plans should include access to birth control & be covered. People buying health insurance or getting it through work now have better ACCESS. Guess what? Better access means fewer unwanted pregnancies & thereby fewer abortions.

Evidently that is a bad thing.

I guess you now think gay sex requires birth control?

Condoms are not effective birth control.

As for no profit clinics, you assfucks are truing to shut down the most effective one - Planned Parenthood.

In summary, you are just stupid. Stupid people who want to make birth control less accessible & then dance naked around the fire about people getting abortions.
Is not the murder of a newborn not a rite of passage for a liberal debutante?

That is so terribly disgusting. How can you even think such a thing?

It has to be the blood of the unborn, not the new born, that's a different ritual. Jesus........ops. (I'm going to .....Heaven.)
Birth control and education are available.
Republicans try to make BC less available. You know it.

It is not free. You need to see a doctor and that isn't free.

No reason it SHOULD be free, your desire to be taken care of every minute of the day like the helpless lump of skin you are notwithstanding. And condoms ARE free, with no doctor necessary. Find the gay-friendly non-profit of your choice and ask.

If you can't keep up with the conversation, you should really STFU.

One of your Trumpette buddies claimed no one was limiting access to birth control because you can get it anywhere.

Access means affording it. To get effective BC you need to see a doctor to determine what works best for you & that appointment is not free & neither is filling those prescriptions.

The ACA said health insurance plans should include access to birth control & be covered. People buying health insurance or getting it through work now have better ACCESS. Guess what? Better access means fewer unwanted pregnancies & thereby fewer abortions.

Evidently that is a bad thing.

I guess you now think gay sex requires birth control?

Condoms are not effective birth control.

As for no profit clinics, you assfucks are truing to shut down the most effective one - Planned Parenthood.

In summary, you are just stupid. Stupid people who want to make birth control less accessible & then dance naked around the fire about people getting abortions.
food cost money too you dumbfuck,,,

and birth control is a product not a right you dumbfuck,,,not to mention it cost less than 10$ most or the time

maybe the bimbo should keep her legs closed if she doesnt want a baby

and if youre refering to me as the trumpette,,,the jokes on you because I cant stand the stupid fuck
Sorry about the double negative.

Infanticide IS a rite of passage but I have been reminded that only applies to The Liberal Democrat Elite. Simple death by pre-birth abortion suffices for the non elites.
Sorry about the double negative.

Infanticide IS a rite of passage but I have been reminded that only applies to The Liberal Democrat Elite. Simple death by pre-birth abortion suffices for the non elites.

Not true. After the little one is born the blood is tainted for that rite. If you try, demons will rise up and destroy everyone in the room. It's also the same rite for everyone. No elitism allowed.
Pardon me...but what the hell are you talking about?

Who is killing babies?
I asked you very particularly...what "liberal" has killed a baby OUTSIDE THE WOMB.

The answer of course is none
I asked you very particularly...what "liberal" has killed a baby OUTSIDE THE WOMB.

The answer of course is none
how could you know that???

and of course we all know they stop short by sticking scissors in the babys neck before it leaves the birth canal

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