Is killing a baby outside the. Womb murder

Just because an egg get fertilized doesn't mean that fertilized egg represents a life. It is no more a human being than an acorn is an oak tree.

Non-Sequitur argument seeing as you cannot have one without the other, and each would cease to exist/propagate without the presence of the other. You are simply choosing when to determine when what is, and will be, becomes another, as well as when in essence they are the same in genetic structure.

Would you have the same discussion about the desire to kill a teenager before they become an adult by age progression?

A fertilize egg will not develop into a "life" unless it has the proper environment to grow into that life. The same is true for the acorn. The acorn, while it has separate and distinct oak DNA from it's parent tree, is still not a tree.

Furthermore, those little tree saplings will never sneak your car out in the middle of the night and wreck it either. I could've killed that little brat then!
all it requires for both is to be left alone and allowed to live
A fertilize egg will not develop into a "life" unless it has the proper environment to grow into that life. The same is true for the acorn. The acorn, while it has separate and distinct oak DNA from it's parent tree, is still not a tree.

Furthermore, those little tree saplings will never sneak your car out in the middle of the night and wreck it either. I could've killed that little brat then!

You cannot have one without the other, and you are trying to debate your desire to excuse actions with a random state of progression that suits your convenience.
Honestly, i dont give a shit about latin and dont understand how it is relevant to scientific definitions that we use today.

changing the meaning of words dont change the reality that its a life after conception which is the scientific definition we use today

what other things do you deny about science???

Just because an egg get fertilized doesn't mean that fertilized egg represents a life. It is no more a human being than an acorn is an oak tree.

if left alone it will become life which is the same thing

if it wasnt so sad, I would say all these excuses for a mother killing her own child was funny

If left alone, it will die. Many forms of birth control prevent the fertilized egg from attaching to the mothers womb. Do you consider that the murder of a life as well?

murder implies outside input from another person

Is that a no? Taking a chemical compound to prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the womb did require input from a doctor, who prescribed it, and the company who developed it. Wasn't it created to specifically stop that which some anti-choice folks call a human being from living.
A fertilize egg will not develop into a "life" unless it has the proper environment to grow into that life. The same is true for the acorn. The acorn, while it has separate and distinct oak DNA from it's parent tree, is still not a tree.

Furthermore, those little tree saplings will never sneak your car out in the middle of the night and wreck it either. I could've killed that little brat then!

If you pull a baby out of the womb and leave it alone it will die.
If you pull an oak try out of the ground and set it aside, it will die.

I don't care if you think one death is different than another because it suits your argument.
Even a baby in the womb can have a heartbeat, brain activity and move of its own volition, which is a tad bit more than an oak tree can do.
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changing the meaning of words dont change the reality that its a life after conception which is the scientific definition we use today

what other things do you deny about science???

Just because an egg get fertilized doesn't mean that fertilized egg represents a life. It is no more a human being than an acorn is an oak tree.

if left alone it will become life which is the same thing

if it wasnt so sad, I would say all these excuses for a mother killing her own child was funny

If left alone, it will die. Many forms of birth control prevent the fertilized egg from attaching to the mothers womb. Do you consider that the murder of a life as well?

murder implies outside input from another person

Is that a no? Taking a chemical compound to prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the womb did require input from a doctor, who prescribed it, and the company who developed it. Wasn't it created to specifically stop that which some anti-choice folks call a human being from living.

opinions vary,,,and the topic here is late term or after birth abortions
You think so? You’ve got to be a Republican. Because they don’t have any problem at all. They arm school shooters. They’re trying to take away healthcare from disabled and sick children right now. And they use such for political reasons.

The only reason they pretend to protect the fetus is because they don’t have to pay anything for it and it’s a way to legislate women’s bodies and turn women into property. When you no longer have control over your own body, which Republicans are trying to do to women, then women are not people, they’re property.

When the baby is no longer in the woman's body, then there is no way you can say it is a matter of the woman's body. Furthermore, your attempts to make snide remarks about the care of children after birth, is kind of derailed when you are talking about killing a baby after birth.

Try to stay o topic so you don't look like a total retard. As far as the question asked by the OP (is it murder), a coroner would have to list the cause of death as a homicide, whether or not you wanted to call it murder.
I thought I was pretty clear. Republicans, by helping school shooters, promote the murder of children and they want to take away healthcare from children and disabled children. We are seeing it every day. And when it comes to abortion, Republicans just want to legislate a woman’s body. They don’t care about the fetus because the fetus doesn’t cost anything. Once it’s born they turn their back on it or support the rights of school shooters. I don’t know what else to say? That’s the reality of Republicans and children and the fetus. I’m just repeating what they want. What they promote. What their policies are.
because murder is wrong,,,
Killing commies is not. Worthless spawn grow up to be commies.


It's not murder.

Trump says he loves little Kim. Lil Kim is the dictator in charge of the worst communist state in the world.

How do you hate communists when your leader doesn’t?
I thought I was pretty clear.

You were clear, clearly deranged anyway.
Your idea anyone should care about a child or person of any age after birth, is stupid when you support the idea of killing a baby after birth.

Seriously, you don't need Republicans, Democrats, President Trump or North Korea at that point.
A fertilize egg will not develop into a "life" unless it has the proper environment to grow into that life. The same is true for the acorn. The acorn, while it has separate and distinct oak DNA from it's parent tree, is still not a tree.

Furthermore, those little tree saplings will never sneak your car out in the middle of the night and wreck it either. I could've killed that little brat then!

You cannot have one without the other, and you are trying to debate your desire to excuse actions with a random state of progression that suits your convenience.

I'm not sure what it is your debating. My point is there is nothing sacred about a fertilized egg. Millions of the are created and never develop into living breathing human beings. Somewhere between the point where it attaches to the womb and the day it is born it reaches and arbitrary place called viability, when it has the means to survive outside the womb. Imho, the State at that point has the right to protect that individual.

Killing a baby outside the womb is a particular type of homicide.
Trump says he loves little Kim. Lil Kim is the dictator in charge of the worst communist state in the world.

How do you hate communists when your leader doesn’t?
You make an ass out of u and me.

I really only care about killing commies trying to take my rights/property. America seems to be full of such people.

Baby- a very young child. How could it not be murder? Everyone should understand why the late term abortion process is so grotesque. To legally kill a full term unborn baby they need to keep a couple of inches of it's head in the birth canal so it's technically not born yet. To perform this bit of butchering the mother's life is put in jeopardy when the baby has to be turned around inside her to offer a feet first birth. The baby is stabbed in the back of the head and it's brain sucked out with a frankenstein machine. We wouldn't allow it to happen to puppies but we do it to humans. The governor of Va. who is a surgeon himself got a pass from the media when he spilled the beans about the democrat plan to "make the baby comfortable" before it is killed.
...and for commies, abortion should be legal up to 5400 weeks, and anyone can perform the procedure without consent.

I think you are confused. I'm thinking from living in your mommie's basement all your life, you are confusing that time with the time you spent on the womb.
Yea I think so
You think so? You’ve got to be a Republican. Because they don’t have any problem at all. They arm school shooters. They’re trying to take away healthcare from disabled and sick children right now. And they use such for political reasons.

The only reason they pretend to protect the fetus is because they don’t have to pay anything for it and it’s a way to legislate women’s bodies and turn women into property. When you no longer have control over your own body, which Republicans are trying to do to women, then women are not people, they’re property.
Typical dean post, I'm reporting him, this stupidity has to stop, at first it was fun to mock, but he doesn't ever debate a subject at all.....everyone of his posts are just talking points and not even on the subject
Yea I think so
The really sad part is that this question is asked because Trumpettes are so fucking stupid that they think Democrats are actually trying to make it legal to kill healthy babies after they are born.

Anorther fake outrage all because Trumpettes are all dumber than shit.

Hey, maybe we can arrest all the families who "pull the plug" when their loved ones are in life support with no chance of recovery. If I sign a DNR, will Trumpettes have me arrested for attempting suicide?
The saddest part is that this question is even being asked.

Well this is next on the Progressive agenda.

So let's assume at some point Progressives say that it is safer for a woman to give birth than to have an abortion, which medicine seems to indicate. Why not then let the baby be born and kill it rather than an infant that is half in and half out of the womb?

Guess what, it's the mother's "choice" either way, so why not be "safe" about it?
Yea I think so
You think so? You’ve got to be a Republican. Because they don’t have any problem at all. They arm school shooters. They’re trying to take away healthcare from disabled and sick children right now. And they use such for political reasons.

The only reason they pretend to protect the fetus is because they don’t have to pay anything for it and it’s a way to legislate women’s bodies and turn women into property. When you no longer have control over your own body, which Republicans are trying to do to women, then women are not people, they’re property.
you sir are a moron. Women are not property to us, but they are to your Muslim friends.....ironic you bring that up.
And killing kids because you want to go clubbing is not good for any society. And if you really believed that line about my bodies, then you would be speaking against AOC's GND, you would be against soda bans and for legalizing drugs and cigarettes, but you don't, because you're full of shit.
Yea I think so
The really sad part is that this question is asked because Trumpettes are so fucking stupid that they think Democrats are actually trying to make it legal to kill healthy babies after they are born.

Anorther fake outrage all because Trumpettes are all dumber than shit.

Hey, maybe we can arrest all the families who "pull the plug" when their loved ones are in life support with no chance of recovery. If I sign a DNR, will Trumpettes have me arrested for attempting suicide?
What fake outrage, then explain what the gov of Va meant, when he said they would birth the kid, make it comfortable and resuscitate it and then have the parents make a decision?
And many democrats are ok with aborting a 9 month old pregnancy.......explain that

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