Is killing a baby outside the. Womb murder

Yea I think so
You think so? You’ve got to be a Republican. Because they don’t have any problem at all. They arm school shooters. They’re trying to take away healthcare from disabled and sick children right now. And they use such for political reasons.

The only reason they pretend to protect the fetus is because they don’t have to pay anything for it and it’s a way to legislate women’s bodies and turn women into property. When you no longer have control over your own body, which Republicans are trying to do to women, then women are not people, they’re property.
You are a ingoramous
A fertilize egg will not develop into a "life" unless it has the proper environment to grow into that life. The same is true for the acorn. The acorn, while it has separate and distinct oak DNA from it's parent tree, is still not a tree.

Furthermore, those little tree saplings will never sneak your car out in the middle of the night and wreck it either. I could've killed that little brat then!

If you pull a baby out of the womb and leave it alone it will die.
If you pull an oak try out of the ground and set it aside, it will die.

I don't care if you think one death is different than another because it suits your argument.
Even a baby in the womb can have a heartbeat, brain activity and move of its own volition, which is a tad bit more than an oak tree can do.

Well, imo it's best to prevent the seeds from sprouting, but each garden and gardener is different. Some like nice orderly plots were all plants outside the lines are considered weeds and pulled. Some, have shit just growing everywhere.
Yea I think so
The really sad part is that this question is asked because Trumpettes are so fucking stupid that they think Democrats are actually trying to make it legal to kill healthy babies after they are born.

Anorther fake outrage all because Trumpettes are all dumber than shit.

Hey, maybe we can arrest all the families who "pull the plug" when their loved ones are in life support with no chance of recovery. If I sign a DNR, will Trumpettes have me arrested for attempting suicide?
What fake outrage, then explain what the gov of Va meant, when he said they would birth the kid, make it comfortable and resuscitate it and then have the parents make a decision?
And many democrats are ok with aborting a 9 month old pregnancy.......explain that
They were talking about babies born with no chance of survival. Taken out by c-section to protect the woman. Alive but no hope as decided by at least two doctors.

THAT is what they were talking about. So how did you think this was something else? Too much Fox, Limbaugh, & Trump. Lying to you & making you stupid.

The bill would protect doctors in these cases.
I'm not sure what it is your debating. My point is there is nothing sacred about a fertilized egg. Millions of the are created and never develop into living breathing human beings. Somewhere between the point where it attaches to the womb and the day it is born it reaches and arbitrary place called viability, when it has the means to survive outside the womb. Imho, the State at that point has the right to protect that individual.

Killing a baby outside the womb is a particular type of homicide.

Your decision to differentiate the existence of life on progression of matter is not your point as much as your unfounded opinion, which you are welcome to have to whatever degree that makes a difference.

Survival outside the womb is not determined by age, and there is nothing arbitrary about that. Your random set of conditions are specific to your desired equation for life and not necessarily dependent on fact. Furthermore it's against the law for the State to attempt to protect the life of an unborn child.

There' is no need to argue your foolishness with me, I already indicated a coroner would have to list the cause of death as a homicide if the baby was left to die outside the womb.
Well, imo it's best to prevent the seeds from sprouting, but each garden and gardener is different. Some like nice orderly plots were all plants outside the lines are considered weeds and pulled. Some, have shit just growing everywhere.

Birth control and education are available.
Yea I think so
The really sad part is that this question is asked because Trumpettes are so fucking stupid that they think Democrats are actually trying to make it legal to kill healthy babies after they are born.

Anorther fake outrage all because Trumpettes are all dumber than shit.

Hey, maybe we can arrest all the families who "pull the plug" when their loved ones are in life support with no chance of recovery. If I sign a DNR, will Trumpettes have me arrested for attempting suicide?
What fake outrage, then explain what the gov of Va meant, when he said they would birth the kid, make it comfortable and resuscitate it and then have the parents make a decision?
And many democrats are ok with aborting a 9 month old pregnancy.......explain that
They were talking about babies born with no chance of survival. Taken out by c-section to protect the woman. Alive but no hope as decided by at least two doctors.

THAT is what they were talking about. So how did you think this was something else? Too much Fox, Limbaugh, & Trump. Lying to you & making you stupid.

The bill would protect doctors in these cases.
no, that is not what they were talking about
Show me that
Yea I think so
You think so? You’ve got to be a Republican. Because they don’t have any problem at all. They arm school shooters. They’re trying to take away healthcare from disabled and sick children right now. And they use such for political reasons.

The only reason they pretend to protect the fetus is because they don’t have to pay anything for it and it’s a way to legislate women’s bodies and turn women into property. When you no longer have control over your own body, which Republicans are trying to do to women, then women are not people, they’re property.
you sir are a moron. Women are not property to us, but they are to your Muslim friends.....ironic you bring that up.
And killing kids because you want to go clubbing is not good for any society. And if you really believed that line about my bodies, then you would be speaking against AOC's GND, you would be against soda bans and for legalizing drugs and cigarettes, but you don't, because you're full of shit.
Pretending you give a shit about kids as your party wants to cut funding to help them & steals them from those seeking refuge.

The NGD is all about the children. The children you want to suffer because you are too stupid to believe that AGW is real. So really. I don't want to hear another Trumpette posting here pretending they give a shirt about children
They were talking about babies born with no chance of survival. Taken out by c-section to protect the woman. Alive but no hope as decided by at least two doctors.

THAT is what they were talking about. So how did you think this was something else? Too much Fox, Limbaugh, & Trump. Lying to you & making you stupid.

The bill would protect doctors in these cases.

No they weren't, but keep telling yourself that. It's probably the only way you can muster any self respect for supporting the measures.
Yea I think so
The really sad part is that this question is asked because Trumpettes are so fucking stupid that they think Democrats are actually trying to make it legal to kill healthy babies after they are born.

Anorther fake outrage all because Trumpettes are all dumber than shit.

Hey, maybe we can arrest all the families who "pull the plug" when their loved ones are in life support with no chance of recovery. If I sign a DNR, will Trumpettes have me arrested for attempting suicide?
What fake outrage, then explain what the gov of Va meant, when he said they would birth the kid, make it comfortable and resuscitate it and then have the parents make a decision?
And many democrats are ok with aborting a 9 month old pregnancy.......explain that
They were talking about babies born with no chance of survival. Taken out by c-section to protect the woman. Alive but no hope as decided by at least two doctors.

THAT is what they were talking about. So how did you think this was something else? Too much Fox, Limbaugh, & Trump. Lying to you & making you stupid.

The bill would protect doctors in these cases.
no, that is not what they were talking about
Show me that
It is. Why don't you know this?


Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) stunned many people on Wednesday by saying some babies should be allowed to die right after they're born.

The news came soon after a Democrat bill was blocked in the Virginia House of Delegates that would have allowed babies to be aborted up until the last second, even while the mother is in delivery.

Northam, who was a pediatric neurologist before being elected Virginia's governor in 2018, made the comment during an interview with Washington, DC radio station WTOP.


First NY, Now Virginia: Democrat Proposes Bill Pushing to Abort Babies 'Just Seconds Before' Birth

Stunned by NY's Late-Term Abortion Law? Well, Prepare to Be Stunned Again

'Shameful and Demonic': Hillsong NYC Pastor Speaks Out Against New NY Abortion Law
The program's host asked Northam if he supported the bill that would allow a woman to receive an abortion even while she was going into labor.

"This is why decisions such as this should be made by providers, physicians, and the mothers and fathers that are involved," Northam told the listening audience. "When we talk about third-trimester abortions, these are done with the consent of obviously the mother, with the consent of the physician — more than one physician, by the way — and it's done in cases where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that's non-viable."

"If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen," he continued. "The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother."

Virginia's Democrat Governor Accused of Supporting 'Infanticide', Would Let Babies Die Right After They're Born
They were talking about babies born with no chance of survival. Taken out by c-section to protect the woman. Alive but no hope as decided by at least two doctors.

THAT is what they were talking about. So how did you think this was something else? Too much Fox, Limbaugh, & Trump. Lying to you & making you stupid.

The bill would protect doctors in these cases.

No they weren't, but keep telling yourself that. It's probably the only way you can muster any self respect for supporting the measures.
I expect an apology. I am sick & tired of you dumbases posting lies & calling people liars. I posted what was said. Read the fucking thing & get a fucking education you stupid fuck
Yea I think so
You think so? You’ve got to be a Republican. Because they don’t have any problem at all. They arm school shooters. They’re trying to take away healthcare from disabled and sick children right now. And they use such for political reasons.

The only reason they pretend to protect the fetus is because they don’t have to pay anything for it and it’s a way to legislate women’s bodies and turn women into property. When you no longer have control over your own body, which Republicans are trying to do to women, then women are not people, they’re property.
you sir are a moron. Women are not property to us, but they are to your Muslim friends.....ironic you bring that up.
And killing kids because you want to go clubbing is not good for any society. And if you really believed that line about my bodies, then you would be speaking against AOC's GND, you would be against soda bans and for legalizing drugs and cigarettes, but you don't, because you're full of shit.
Pretending you give a shit about kids as your party wants to cut funding to help them & steals them from those seeking refuge.

The NGD is all about the children. The children you want to suffer because you are too stupid to believe that AGW is real. So really. I don't want to hear another Trumpette posting here pretending they give a shirt about children

Again, you changed the subject, so I'm winning this debate.....we're talking about killing kids not some bullshit made up Climate Change crap. I'm assuming NGD is supposed to be GND? and AGW is for Anthropogenic Global Warming...yeah I know your terms, you're not dealing with some anti science idiot, like you back to the ABORTION debate

show me where those laws were for condemned kids only??????? I'm waiting......
Just because an egg get fertilized doesn't mean that fertilized egg represents a life. It is no more a human being than an acorn is an oak tree.

if left alone it will become life which is the same thing

if it wasnt so sad, I would say all these excuses for a mother killing her own child was funny

If left alone, it will die. Many forms of birth control prevent the fertilized egg from attaching to the mothers womb. Do you consider that the murder of a life as well?

murder implies outside input from another person

Is that a no? Taking a chemical compound to prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the womb did require input from a doctor, who prescribed it, and the company who developed it. Wasn't it created to specifically stop that which some anti-choice folks call a human being from living.

opinions vary,,,and the topic here is late term or after birth abortions

There is no such thing as after birth abortion. That's called homicide. Specifically infanticide. It's illegal all over the country.
Yea I think so
The really sad part is that this question is asked because Trumpettes are so fucking stupid that they think Democrats are actually trying to make it legal to kill healthy babies after they are born.

Anorther fake outrage all because Trumpettes are all dumber than shit.

Hey, maybe we can arrest all the families who "pull the plug" when their loved ones are in life support with no chance of recovery. If I sign a DNR, will Trumpettes have me arrested for attempting suicide?
What fake outrage, then explain what the gov of Va meant, when he said they would birth the kid, make it comfortable and resuscitate it and then have the parents make a decision?
And many democrats are ok with aborting a 9 month old pregnancy.......explain that
They were talking about babies born with no chance of survival. Taken out by c-section to protect the woman. Alive but no hope as decided by at least two doctors.

THAT is what they were talking about. So how did you think this was something else? Too much Fox, Limbaugh, & Trump. Lying to you & making you stupid.

The bill would protect doctors in these cases.
no, that is not what they were talking about
Show me that
It is. Why don't you know this?


Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) stunned many people on Wednesday by saying some babies should be allowed to die right after they're born.

The news came soon after a Democrat bill was blocked in the Virginia House of Delegates that would have allowed babies to be aborted up until the last second, even while the mother is in delivery.

Northam, who was a pediatric neurologist before being elected Virginia's governor in 2018, made the comment during an interview with Washington, DC radio station WTOP.


First NY, Now Virginia: Democrat Proposes Bill Pushing to Abort Babies 'Just Seconds Before' Birth

Stunned by NY's Late-Term Abortion Law? Well, Prepare to Be Stunned Again

'Shameful and Demonic': Hillsong NYC Pastor Speaks Out Against New NY Abortion Law
The program's host asked Northam if he supported the bill that would allow a woman to receive an abortion even while she was going into labor.

"This is why decisions such as this should be made by providers, physicians, and the mothers and fathers that are involved," Northam told the listening audience. "When we talk about third-trimester abortions, these are done with the consent of obviously the mother, with the consent of the physician — more than one physician, by the way — and it's done in cases where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that's non-viable."

"If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen," he continued. "The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother."

Virginia's Democrat Governor Accused of Supporting 'Infanticide', Would Let Babies Die Right After They're Born

So lets look at this:

The news came soon after a Democrat bill was blocked in the Virginia House of Delegates that would have allowed babies to be aborted up until the last second, even while the mother is in delivery.

Thank you for proving my point......

This is why decisions such as this should be made by providers, physicians, and the mothers and fathers that are involved," Northam told the listening audience. "When we talk about third-trimester abortions, these are done with the consent of obviously the mother, with the consent of the physician — more than one physician, by the way — and it's done in cases where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that's non-viable

Virginia governor under fire for comments on late-term abortion bill

The bill, proposed in the Virginia House of Delegates by Democrat Kathy Tran, would require only one doctor to make the determination that the pregnancy threatens the woman's life or health. The proposed legislation would also eliminate the requirement that abortions during the second trimester be performed in a state-licensed hospital.

Why change it from 2 to 1?
I thought you guys were big on licensing and safety and cleanliness?

Why is abortion the only thing you guys don't want regulated? I find that curious
Yea I think so
You think so? You’ve got to be a Republican. Because they don’t have any problem at all. They arm school shooters. They’re trying to take away healthcare from disabled and sick children right now. And they use such for political reasons.

The only reason they pretend to protect the fetus is because they don’t have to pay anything for it and it’s a way to legislate women’s bodies and turn women into property. When you no longer have control over your own body, which Republicans are trying to do to women, then women are not people, they’re property.
you sir are a moron. Women are not property to us, but they are to your Muslim friends.....ironic you bring that up.
And killing kids because you want to go clubbing is not good for any society. And if you really believed that line about my bodies, then you would be speaking against AOC's GND, you would be against soda bans and for legalizing drugs and cigarettes, but you don't, because you're full of shit.
Pretending you give a shit about kids as your party wants to cut funding to help them & steals them from those seeking refuge.

The NGD is all about the children. The children you want to suffer because you are too stupid to believe that AGW is real. So really. I don't want to hear another Trumpette posting here pretending they give a shirt about children

Again, you changed the subject, so I'm winning this debate.....we're talking about killing kids not some bullshit made up Climate Change crap. I'm assuming NGD is supposed to be GND? and AGW is for Anthropogenic Global Warming...yeah I know your terms, you're not dealing with some anti science idiot, like you back to the ABORTION debate

show me where those laws were for condemned kids only??????? I'm waiting......

You lied & now based on what this governor said. Bevause you only heard the :"Trump" view. Now you try to cover your ass. That shit don't fly here.

You were wrong. Man up, big boy & admit it.
Yea I think so
You think so? You’ve got to be a Republican. Because they don’t have any problem at all. They arm school shooters. They’re trying to take away healthcare from disabled and sick children right now. And they use such for political reasons.

The only reason they pretend to protect the fetus is because they don’t have to pay anything for it and it’s a way to legislate women’s bodies and turn women into property. When you no longer have control over your own body, which Republicans are trying to do to women, then women are not people, they’re property.
you sir are a moron. Women are not property to us, but they are to your Muslim friends.....ironic you bring that up.
And killing kids because you want to go clubbing is not good for any society. And if you really believed that line about my bodies, then you would be speaking against AOC's GND, you would be against soda bans and for legalizing drugs and cigarettes, but you don't, because you're full of shit.
Pretending you give a shit about kids as your party wants to cut funding to help them & steals them from those seeking refuge.

The NGD is all about the children. The children you want to suffer because you are too stupid to believe that AGW is real. So really. I don't want to hear another Trumpette posting here pretending they give a shirt about children

Again, you changed the subject, so I'm winning this debate.....we're talking about killing kids not some bullshit made up Climate Change crap. I'm assuming NGD is supposed to be GND? and AGW is for Anthropogenic Global Warming...yeah I know your terms, you're not dealing with some anti science idiot, like you back to the ABORTION debate

show me where those laws were for condemned kids only??????? I'm waiting......

You lied & now based on what this governor said. Bevause you only heard the :"Trump" view. Now you try to cover your ass. That shit don't fly here.

You were wrong. Man up, big boy & admit it.
No I wasn't, you reduced it to one doctor, who could say if she has this baby, her mental health will be impaired....booom.....aborting a perfectly good baby......
We know how you lefties are, and we look for the it requires two doctors to put their asses on the line, not just one......makes a bit harder to do and safer for the again.....why do you need to cut it to one doctor and in an unlicensed facility? And why up the second of could be in LABOR and they abort......uh.............
The saddest part is that this question is even being asked.

Well this is next on the Progressive agenda.

So let's assume at some point Progressives say that it is safer for a woman to give birth than to have an abortion, which medicine seems to indicate. Why not then let the baby be born and kill it rather than an infant that is half in and half out of the womb?

Guess what, it's the mother's "choice" either way, so why not be "safe" about it?

Ya big liar. It's third on the agenda list I have .......

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