Is killing a baby outside the. Womb murder

Baal Worship, the killing of babies, is very much frowned upon by God. I believe if we don't do something to hold this practice in check, that God will eventually exact justice upon America.
Does the bible mention abortion?
Pretty sure the jews used to think a womans womb was nothing but water for the first 40 days, so shoving a coat hanger in your woman hole was perfectly acceptable.

And now know it is a human being at conception, that left to grow it will become a human being.........and at any point where you end it's life, it is killing a growing, living human being...

I dont agree it is a human being. If you call religious activism in the science community science, then we need to change the definition of a human being.


What the hell definition for human being are you using? Can you quote it and link to it?
He has no definition. His only definition is that if he wants to kill it, it isn't human. He was provided definitions of what a baby is, what a human is in post # 33 Is killing a baby outside the. Womb murder and he completely IGNORED it, so he could keep on with his message of killing babies is the right thing to do in any case.
Not that the Dems haven't tried to make it legal, bub.

Complete misrepresentation of the State laws, and comments made by a governor, and one wrong statement, buy Kathy Tran, in the recent news.

Spin spin spin little moonbat!

Feel free to post any facts you have about their efforts to make it infanticide legal. I'll be happy to discuss them with you.
Senate Democrats Vote Down Infanticide Bill

The inflammatory headline is proof that the whole thing was all political theater played for the base.
no it's not
It allows abortion up to labor...that's one goes through an entire pregnancy only at the very last minute and find some health condition

And many of these health conditions don't turn out to be the issue. I have a great niece who has a form of encephalitis that the doctor said she wouldn't live through birth or for just a few days later. It's been 2 1/2 years and she still has some physical problems (has trouble digesting and cant hold her head up), but she is alive and doing well and much better than was expected. The doctors told my niece to abort, she refused and while difficult, it's rewarding for them and the family.

Also there is no need to reduce the amount of doctors to make the reason at all

And there is no need to allow abortions in unlicensed facilities......again no reason at all

this is a backdoor way to get more abortions...we all know this

In fact, the one place that needs more regulation is abortion do they go decades with no government oversight or checks?

Kermit Gosnell and abortion clinic regulation: Did pro-choice politics protect him?
One proposal, drafted by a pro-choice state senator, would “make it mandatory for the Department of Health to immediately respond to any complaints, in addition to doing much more timely inspections.” Another, offered by a pro-lifer, would make the inspections annual and impose on abortion clinics ” the same safety standards which other health care facilities must meet.”

how are abortion clinics not inspected as often as other medical facilities?
...and for commies, abortion should be legal up to 5400 weeks, and anyone can perform the procedure without consent.

I think you are confused. I'm thinking from living in your mommie's basement all your life, you are confusing that time with the time you spent on the womb.
Shut the fuck up, commie.

Maybe when you get your drivers license back from those DUIs, you won't have to ride that bike.
No I wasn't, you reduced it to one doctor, who could say if she has this baby, her mental health will be impaired....booom.....aborting a perfectly good baby......
We know how you lefties are, and we look for the it requires two doctors to put their asses on the line, not just one......makes a bit harder to do and safer for the again.....why do you need to cut it to one doctor and in an unlicensed facility? And why up the second of could be in LABOR and they abort......uh.............

And all that against the backdrop of unwanted pregnancies.

They act like we are living in the stone ages and teenagers/young adults don't know where babies come from. There isn't a teenager today that wasn't born in the age of search engines and doesn't know how to find out whatever they want at a click of a button. Free birth control, information, porn ... Whatever, and don't think kids don't know how to look for it.

In today's day and age, unwanted pregnancies are the result of laziness, unchecked desire, willful ignorance or any combination thereof.
Because kids aren't going to have sex. Great olsan.
Which democrats?
based on the results of the vote in congress where all democrats voted against care for a baby that survived abortion, I would say all of them

Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine argued that the bill was unnecessary, as a 2002 born-alive bill had “reaffirmed” that “infanticide is already illegal in every state.”

In 2002, the “Born-Alive Infants Protection Acteasily passed Congress — through a voice vote in the House and unanimous consent in the Senate. It became law on Aug. 5, 2002. It defined a “person” (or “human being,” “child” and “individual”) for the purposes of any act of Congress or any agency ruling/regulation as “every infant member of the species homo sapiens who is born alive at any stage of development.“

The Facts on the Born-Alive Debate -
they still voted against it,,,,while at the same time dems in some states are passing laws to make it legal,,,

There is no law passed or recently having been considered in any state that would have legalized infanticide. I suspect you've been lied to or do not have the full story.
almost all infants in their 9th month can live outside the mother,,,so to make abortion legal for a 9th month abortion is infanticide since it takes a doctor to stick a pair of scissors in its head to kill it before it is delivered

I am sure you will come up with some excuse it isnt,,,save your breath because we all know its murder

Nice punt. Which state has passed a law, or recently considered a law, that allows infanticide, allows for the euthanizing , or just the killing of a child born alive either naturally or by way of an unsuccessfully abortion? (Not your version that includes third trimester abortions).
based on the results of the vote in congress where all democrats voted against care for a baby that survived abortion, I would say all of them

Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine argued that the bill was unnecessary, as a 2002 born-alive bill had “reaffirmed” that “infanticide is already illegal in every state.”

In 2002, the “Born-Alive Infants Protection Acteasily passed Congress — through a voice vote in the House and unanimous consent in the Senate. It became law on Aug. 5, 2002. It defined a “person” (or “human being,” “child” and “individual”) for the purposes of any act of Congress or any agency ruling/regulation as “every infant member of the species homo sapiens who is born alive at any stage of development.“

The Facts on the Born-Alive Debate -
they still voted against it,,,,while at the same time dems in some states are passing laws to make it legal,,,

There is no law passed or recently having been considered in any state that would have legalized infanticide. I suspect you've been lied to or do not have the full story.
almost all infants in their 9th month can live outside the mother,,,so to make abortion legal for a 9th month abortion is infanticide since it takes a doctor to stick a pair of scissors in its head to kill it before it is delivered

I am sure you will come up with some excuse it isnt,,,save your breath because we all know its murder

Nice punt. Which state has passed a law, or recently considered a law, that allows infanticide, allows for the euthanizing , or just the killing of a child born alive either naturally or by way of an unsuccessfully abortion? (Not your version that includes third trimester abortions).
who are you to tell me what I can include or exclude???

killing a living human is murder, and just killing it before it leaves the mother changes nothing
Complete misrepresentation of the State laws, and comments made by a governor, and one wrong statement, buy Kathy Tran, in the recent news.

Spin spin spin little moonbat!

Feel free to post any facts you have about their efforts to make it infanticide legal. I'll be happy to discuss them with you.
Senate Democrats Vote Down Infanticide Bill

The inflammatory headline is proof that the whole thing was all political theater played for the base.
no it's not
It allows abortion up to labor...that's one goes through an entire pregnancy only at the very last minute and find some health condition

And many of these health conditions don't turn out to be the issue. I have a great niece who has a form of encephalitis that the doctor said she wouldn't live through birth or for just a few days later. It's been 2 1/2 years and she still has some physical problems (has trouble digesting and cant hold her head up), but she is alive and doing well and much better than was expected. The doctors told my niece to abort, she refused and while difficult, it's rewarding for them and the family.

Also there is no need to reduce the amount of doctors to make the reason at all

And there is no need to allow abortions in unlicensed facilities......again no reason at all

this is a backdoor way to get more abortions...we all know this

In fact, the one place that needs more regulation is abortion do they go decades with no government oversight or checks?

Kermit Gosnell and abortion clinic regulation: Did pro-choice politics protect him?
One proposal, drafted by a pro-choice state senator, would “make it mandatory for the Department of Health to immediately respond to any complaints, in addition to doing much more timely inspections.” Another, offered by a pro-lifer, would make the inspections annual and impose on abortion clinics ” the same safety standards which other health care facilities must meet.”

how are abortion clinics not inspected as often as other medical facilities?

The article posted, which I was referring to was about a federal measure "a measure that would have provided medical care to babies born alive after botched abortions.". The Born Alive Act passed in 2002 overwhelmingly by voice vote. It's already the law of the land. This show vote was so they could publish demonizing headlines like that.
Baal Worship, the killing of babies, is very much frowned upon by God. I believe if we don't do something to hold this practice in check, that God will eventually exact justice upon America.
Is God going to wait another 35 years? Or maybe he's waiting to decide whether you self righteous blowhards are going to take health care away from the very same infants & children that you claim to care about so goddam much about so he can deal with YOU first, hypocrite. GFY.
Spin spin spin little moonbat!

Feel free to post any facts you have about their efforts to make it infanticide legal. I'll be happy to discuss them with you.
Senate Democrats Vote Down Infanticide Bill

The inflammatory headline is proof that the whole thing was all political theater played for the base.
no it's not
It allows abortion up to labor...that's one goes through an entire pregnancy only at the very last minute and find some health condition

And many of these health conditions don't turn out to be the issue. I have a great niece who has a form of encephalitis that the doctor said she wouldn't live through birth or for just a few days later. It's been 2 1/2 years and she still has some physical problems (has trouble digesting and cant hold her head up), but she is alive and doing well and much better than was expected. The doctors told my niece to abort, she refused and while difficult, it's rewarding for them and the family.

Also there is no need to reduce the amount of doctors to make the reason at all

And there is no need to allow abortions in unlicensed facilities......again no reason at all

this is a backdoor way to get more abortions...we all know this

In fact, the one place that needs more regulation is abortion do they go decades with no government oversight or checks?

Kermit Gosnell and abortion clinic regulation: Did pro-choice politics protect him?
One proposal, drafted by a pro-choice state senator, would “make it mandatory for the Department of Health to immediately respond to any complaints, in addition to doing much more timely inspections.” Another, offered by a pro-lifer, would make the inspections annual and impose on abortion clinics ” the same safety standards which other health care facilities must meet.”

how are abortion clinics not inspected as often as other medical facilities?

The article posted, which I was referring to was about a federal measure "a measure that would have provided medical care to babies born alive after botched abortions.". The Born Alive Act passed in 2002 overwhelmingly by voice vote. It's already the law of the land. This show vote was so they could publish demonizing headlines like that.

The saddest part is that this question is even being asked.

Baal Worship, the killing of babies, is very much frowned upon by God. I believe if we don't do something to hold this practice in check, that God will eventually exact justice upon America.
Does the bible mention abortion?
Pretty sure the jews used to think a womans womb was nothing but water for the first 40 days, so shoving a coat hanger in your woman hole was perfectly acceptable.

Jeremiah 1:5

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;
Before you were born I sanctified you;
I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”
Baal Worship, the killing of babies, is very much frowned upon by God. I believe if we don't do something to hold this practice in check, that God will eventually exact justice upon America.
Does the bible mention abortion?
Pretty sure the jews used to think a womans womb was nothing but water for the first 40 days, so shoving a coat hanger in your woman hole was perfectly acceptable.

Again, and as usual, you are wrong.

In The Bible, if you hurt a woman and she is pregnant and she lost the baby, you would be sent before the courts and the judges, and they would decide your fate.

And please quit with your fear mongering. We have birth control of all sorts. There is really no reason to get pregnant if you do not want to. No one is talking about a total ban on abortion. There needs to be checks and balances on it, and we do need to recognize that once a baby has a heartbeat or can be viable outside the womb even with a little help, we need to respect that life.

Baal Worship, and the selling of bloody baby body parts will eventually be punished by God. When the Age of Grace is over, remember, Judgment comes.. God does not change, but he can with hold his judgment for a time to allow people to repent of their sins.
That isnt the same as abortion though.
Also, how can i be wrong by asking a question? I certainly wasnt wrong about the water womb in jewish folklore.

We aren't talking about "Folklore" like Global Warming. We are talking about Universal Law, Natural Law, and The Universal Right to Life.

Why do you pay homage to Baal?

Why do you reject The Creator?

Why do you not respect and defend Life?

Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine argued that the bill was unnecessary, as a 2002 born-alive bill had “reaffirmed” that “infanticide is already illegal in every state.”

In 2002, the “Born-Alive Infants Protection Acteasily passed Congress — through a voice vote in the House and unanimous consent in the Senate. It became law on Aug. 5, 2002. It defined a “person” (or “human being,” “child” and “individual”) for the purposes of any act of Congress or any agency ruling/regulation as “every infant member of the species homo sapiens who is born alive at any stage of development.“

The Facts on the Born-Alive Debate -
they still voted against it,,,,while at the same time dems in some states are passing laws to make it legal,,,

There is no law passed or recently having been considered in any state that would have legalized infanticide. I suspect you've been lied to or do not have the full story.
almost all infants in their 9th month can live outside the mother,,,so to make abortion legal for a 9th month abortion is infanticide since it takes a doctor to stick a pair of scissors in its head to kill it before it is delivered

I am sure you will come up with some excuse it isnt,,,save your breath because we all know its murder

Nice punt. Which state has passed a law, or recently considered a law, that allows infanticide, allows for the euthanizing , or just the killing of a child born alive either naturally or by way of an unsuccessfully abortion? (Not your version that includes third trimester abortions).
who are you to tell me what I can include or exclude???

killing a living human is murder, and just killing it before it leaves the mother changes nothing

Infanticide is a very specific crime not based on your personal beliefs. You can include it if you want. Yes I personally think sticking a sharp object into the neck of healthy about-to-be born baby is akin to murder or infanticide. I have my doubts about the whole mental health of the mother thing too, but I'm not a psychologist or a woman, and I'm willing to leave it up to the professionals and the woman. I don't know any statistics on how many late term abortions are done based on the mental health of the mother either.
they still voted against it,,,,while at the same time dems in some states are passing laws to make it legal,,,

There is no law passed or recently having been considered in any state that would have legalized infanticide. I suspect you've been lied to or do not have the full story.
almost all infants in their 9th month can live outside the mother,,,so to make abortion legal for a 9th month abortion is infanticide since it takes a doctor to stick a pair of scissors in its head to kill it before it is delivered

I am sure you will come up with some excuse it isnt,,,save your breath because we all know its murder

Nice punt. Which state has passed a law, or recently considered a law, that allows infanticide, allows for the euthanizing , or just the killing of a child born alive either naturally or by way of an unsuccessfully abortion? (Not your version that includes third trimester abortions).
who are you to tell me what I can include or exclude???

killing a living human is murder, and just killing it before it leaves the mother changes nothing

Infanticide is a very specific crime not based on your personal beliefs. You can include it if you want. Yes I personally think sticking a sharp object into the neck of healthy about-to-be born baby is akin to murder or infanticide. I have my doubts about the whole mental health of the mother thing too, but I'm not a psychologist or a woman, and I'm willing to leave it up to the professionals and the woman. I don't know any statistics on how many late term abortions are done based on the mental health of the mother either.
there were about 13K late term abortions per yr,,,

,Nearly 13,000 late-term abortions annually is a national disgrace

you may choose to remain quite while children are being killed,,,just dont slam those of us that choose to speak out and try and stop it
That's the ironic thing.......lets look at the situation
We now have:
SexEd in schools
Condoms and birth control
Yet we still have high amounts of abortion
AND high amounts of teenage pregnancy

So I thought Sex Ed and birth control was supposed to reduce pregnancy and abortion, how come it hasn't?

the answer is easy, but we'll see what these posters believe

Where we still have incidents of teen pregnancy (albeit somewhat reduced), we are now recording record numbers of a resurgence in STD's.

"New cases of the three most common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in the United States have hit a record high, according to this year's Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance Report , released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)."

When the Progressives started excusing bad behavior, and pretending they were smarter than the people who knew better than to encourage sexual activity by accepting it as something that just had to happen, they created the next crisis they will use to deteriorate society, and will undoubtedly figure out a way to blame those who oppose them.
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Indeed. This shouldn't be a debatable topic.

It not. It's illegal every in State.

Not that the Dems haven't tried to make it legal, bub.

Complete misrepresentation of the State laws, and comments made by a governor, and one wrong statement, buy Kathy Tran, in the recent news.

Spin spin spin little moonbat!

Feel free to post any facts you have about their efforts to make it infanticide legal. I'll be happy to discuss them with you.

Their support of Planned Parenthood and the harvesting of baby parts.

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