Is killing a baby outside the. Womb murder

There is no law passed or recently having been considered in any state that would have legalized infanticide. I suspect you've been lied to or do not have the full story.
almost all infants in their 9th month can live outside the mother,,,so to make abortion legal for a 9th month abortion is infanticide since it takes a doctor to stick a pair of scissors in its head to kill it before it is delivered

I am sure you will come up with some excuse it isnt,,,save your breath because we all know its murder

Nice punt. Which state has passed a law, or recently considered a law, that allows infanticide, allows for the euthanizing , or just the killing of a child born alive either naturally or by way of an unsuccessfully abortion? (Not your version that includes third trimester abortions).
who are you to tell me what I can include or exclude???

killing a living human is murder, and just killing it before it leaves the mother changes nothing

Infanticide is a very specific crime not based on your personal beliefs. You can include it if you want. Yes I personally think sticking a sharp object into the neck of healthy about-to-be born baby is akin to murder or infanticide. I have my doubts about the whole mental health of the mother thing too, but I'm not a psychologist or a woman, and I'm willing to leave it up to the professionals and the woman. I don't know any statistics on how many late term abortions are done based on the mental health of the mother either.
there were about 13K late term abortions per yr,,,

,Nearly 13,000 late-term abortions annually is a national disgrace

you may choose to remain quite while children are being killed,,,just dont slam those of us that choose to speak out and try and stop it

It's the hyperbolic rhetoric that bothers me, not your opinions. By any reasonable measure, nobody is killing children and Democrats are not Pro infanticide. Belief in such rhetoric about your fellow Americans is chilling
It not. It's illegal every in State.

Not that the Dems haven't tried to make it legal, bub.

Complete misrepresentation of the State laws, and comments made by a governor, and one wrong statement, buy Kathy Tran, in the recent news.

Spin spin spin little moonbat!

Feel free to post any facts you have about their efforts to make it infanticide legal. I'll be happy to discuss them with you.

Their support of Planned Parenthood and the harvesting of baby parts.

Hahahaha. That's Just not true. You take that back!

It was a false flag.

It's the "Blood of the Unborn" that they're really after! Once the baby is born, the blood is just no use anymore. Like that vampire thing, only different.
Baal Worship, the killing of babies, is very much frowned upon by God. I believe if we don't do something to hold this practice in check, that God will eventually exact justice upon America.
Does the bible mention abortion?
Pretty sure the jews used to think a womans womb was nothing but water for the first 40 days, so shoving a coat hanger in your woman hole was perfectly acceptable.

Well, you're pretty sure about a lot of things that are completely wrong, so why would this be any different?

In the - admittedly optimistic - possibility that you might FINALLY want to learn something about religious belief, rather than just ignorantly spouting off on what you "know" people believe based on your five minutes of "deep" thought about it, here you go:

"At the same time, feticide is prohibited by Jewish law, though there is disagreement over the exact source of this prohibition and how serious an infraction it is. Some consider it biblical in origin based on a verse (Genesis 9.6) that prohibits shedding the “blood of man within man” — a phrase understood to refer to a fetus. Moreover, Judaism teaches that the body is ultimately the property of God and is merely on loan to human beings. Multiple prohibitions in Jewish law— including prohibitions on suicide, getting tattoos and wounding oneself— collectively serve to reject the idea that individuals enjoy an unfettered right to make choices regarding their own bodies."

Abortion and Judaism | My Jewish Learning

There's a lot more there. It's almost like religious people actually spend centuries thinking about and debating their beliefs, while arrogant imbeciles like you who believe they are smarter for NOT being religious jump to peurile, simplistic conclusions.
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Baal Worship, the killing of babies, is very much frowned upon by God. I believe if we don't do something to hold this practice in check, that God will eventually exact justice upon America.
Does the bible mention abortion?
Pretty sure the jews used to think a womans womb was nothing but water for the first 40 days, so shoving a coat hanger in your woman hole was perfectly acceptable.

Again, and as usual, you are wrong.

In The Bible, if you hurt a woman and she is pregnant and she lost the baby, you would be sent before the courts and the judges, and they would decide your fate.

And please quit with your fear mongering. We have birth control of all sorts. There is really no reason to get pregnant if you do not want to. No one is talking about a total ban on abortion. There needs to be checks and balances on it, and we do need to recognize that once a baby has a heartbeat or can be viable outside the womb even with a little help, we need to respect that life.

Baal Worship, and the selling of bloody baby body parts will eventually be punished by God. When the Age of Grace is over, remember, Judgment comes.. God does not change, but he can with hold his judgment for a time to allow people to repent of their sins.
That isnt the same as abortion though.
Also, how can i be wrong by asking a question? I certainly wasnt wrong about the water womb in jewish folklore.

Actually, you were. You were citing one guy as the whole of Jewish thought throughout history.

Rule of thumb: any time you're tempted to say, "I'm not wrong" on any religious subject, stop right there, because you are.
Baal Worship, the killing of babies, is very much frowned upon by God. I believe if we don't do something to hold this practice in check, that God will eventually exact justice upon America.
Does the bible mention abortion?
Pretty sure the jews used to think a womans womb was nothing but water for the first 40 days, so shoving a coat hanger in your woman hole was perfectly acceptable.

And now know it is a human being at conception, that left to grow it will become a human being.........and at any point where you end it's life, it is killing a growing, living human being...


It is sort of interesting how they dismiss the Bible - and anything else more than ten years old - as ignorant, antiquated nonsense and "we know better now" . . . until they think they can use it to support their argument.
almost all infants in their 9th month can live outside the mother,,,so to make abortion legal for a 9th month abortion is infanticide since it takes a doctor to stick a pair of scissors in its head to kill it before it is delivered

I am sure you will come up with some excuse it isnt,,,save your breath because we all know its murder

Nice punt. Which state has passed a law, or recently considered a law, that allows infanticide, allows for the euthanizing , or just the killing of a child born alive either naturally or by way of an unsuccessfully abortion? (Not your version that includes third trimester abortions).
who are you to tell me what I can include or exclude???

killing a living human is murder, and just killing it before it leaves the mother changes nothing

Infanticide is a very specific crime not based on your personal beliefs. You can include it if you want. Yes I personally think sticking a sharp object into the neck of healthy about-to-be born baby is akin to murder or infanticide. I have my doubts about the whole mental health of the mother thing too, but I'm not a psychologist or a woman, and I'm willing to leave it up to the professionals and the woman. I don't know any statistics on how many late term abortions are done based on the mental health of the mother either.
there were about 13K late term abortions per yr,,,

,Nearly 13,000 late-term abortions annually is a national disgrace

you may choose to remain quite while children are being killed,,,just dont slam those of us that choose to speak out and try and stop it

It's the hyperbolic rhetoric that bothers me, not your opinions. By any reasonable measure, nobody is killing children and Democrats are not Pro infanticide. Belief in such rhetoric about your fellow Americans is chilling

sorry but yes people are killing children and democrats have already committed infanticide,,,

you being OK with it by choosing to ignore it mean nothing to those facts,,,
Baal Worship, the killing of babies, is very much frowned upon by God. I believe if we don't do something to hold this practice in check, that God will eventually exact justice upon America.
Does the bible mention abortion?
Pretty sure the jews used to think a womans womb was nothing but water for the first 40 days, so shoving a coat hanger in your woman hole was perfectly acceptable.

Again, and as usual, you are wrong.

In The Bible, if you hurt a woman and she is pregnant and she lost the baby, you would be sent before the courts and the judges, and they would decide your fate.

And please quit with your fear mongering. We have birth control of all sorts. There is really no reason to get pregnant if you do not want to. No one is talking about a total ban on abortion. There needs to be checks and balances on it, and we do need to recognize that once a baby has a heartbeat or can be viable outside the womb even with a little help, we need to respect that life.

Baal Worship, and the selling of bloody baby body parts will eventually be punished by God. When the Age of Grace is over, remember, Judgment comes.. God does not change, but he can with hold his judgment for a time to allow people to repent of their sins.
That isnt the same as abortion though.
Also, how can i be wrong by asking a question? I certainly wasnt wrong about the water womb in jewish folklore.

We aren't talking about "Folklore" like Global Warming. We are talking about Universal Law, Natural Law, and The Universal Right to Life.

Why do you pay homage to Baal?

Why do you reject The Creator?

Why do you not respect and defend Life?
I dont believe in man made gods.
I do respect life. I dont consider a fetus "life"
It cant breathe. It cant consume on its own. A human fetus doesnt even meet the criteria of a single celled organism. Abortion is purely subjective

"I respect life . . . according to my personal definition of life, because everyone knows that my personal perceptions are the same as objective fact."

Which is another way of saying, "I respect things when I decide it's convenient for me."

Good to know you're just as ignorant and uninformed about the science you pretend to believe in as you are about the religion you pretend you're too "smart" for. At least you're consistent.
Baal Worship, the killing of babies, is very much frowned upon by God. I believe if we don't do something to hold this practice in check, that God will eventually exact justice upon America.
Does the bible mention abortion?
Pretty sure the jews used to think a womans womb was nothing but water for the first 40 days, so shoving a coat hanger in your woman hole was perfectly acceptable.

And now know it is a human being at conception, that left to grow it will become a human being.........and at any point where you end it's life, it is killing a growing, living human being...

I dont agree it is a human being. If you call religious activism in the science community science, then we need to change the definition of a human being.

See above, re: your personal perceptions mean even less than most people's.

We don't need to change the definition of human being. We need to educate YOU about what words mean, and how your feelings about them don't matter.
The fact that anyone has to even ask this question proves just how sick this country is.
sorry but one day before birth is the same as one day after birth,,,

both are murder
In your eyes, perhaps.
If i shove a chicken egg up my ass, is that considered beastality?
if a child is removed from the mother one day before birth it is as much a living breathing baby as it would be the day after,,,unless a baby killer sticks a pair of scissors in its neck
It is removed by c section, that is life.
unless the doctor sticks a pair of scissors in its neck

c-section or vaginal birth its still life,,, its the mother and doctor that makes it murder
Idk i just dont condone killing the baby when it has left the womb. Before then, i dont give shit.
Forced gestation is tyranny

And if anyone starts locking women up and impregnating them against their will, that will certainly be relevant.

Until then, spare us the hyperbole.
Nice punt. Which state has passed a law, or recently considered a law, that allows infanticide, allows for the euthanizing , or just the killing of a child born alive either naturally or by way of an unsuccessfully abortion? (Not your version that includes third trimester abortions).
who are you to tell me what I can include or exclude???

killing a living human is murder, and just killing it before it leaves the mother changes nothing

Infanticide is a very specific crime not based on your personal beliefs. You can include it if you want. Yes I personally think sticking a sharp object into the neck of healthy about-to-be born baby is akin to murder or infanticide. I have my doubts about the whole mental health of the mother thing too, but I'm not a psychologist or a woman, and I'm willing to leave it up to the professionals and the woman. I don't know any statistics on how many late term abortions are done based on the mental health of the mother either.
there were about 13K late term abortions per yr,,,

,Nearly 13,000 late-term abortions annually is a national disgrace

you may choose to remain quite while children are being killed,,,just dont slam those of us that choose to speak out and try and stop it

It's the hyperbolic rhetoric that bothers me, not your opinions. By any reasonable measure, nobody is killing children and Democrats are not Pro infanticide. Belief in such rhetoric about your fellow Americans is chilling

sorry but yes people are killing children and democrats have already committed infanticide,,,

you being OK with it by choosing to ignore it mean nothing to those facts,,,

Social Justice Warriors believe the ends justifies the means.
Baal Worship, the killing of babies, is very much frowned upon by God. I believe if we don't do something to hold this practice in check, that God will eventually exact justice upon America.
Does the bible mention abortion?
Pretty sure the jews used to think a womans womb was nothing but water for the first 40 days, so shoving a coat hanger in your woman hole was perfectly acceptable.

Well, you're pretty sure about a lot of things that are completely wrong, so why would this be any different?

In the - admittedly optimistic - possibility that you might FINALLY want to learn something about religious belief, rather than just ignorantly spouting off on what you "know" people believe based on your five minutes of "deep" thought about it, here you go:

"At the same time, feticide is prohibited by Jewish law, though there is disagreement over the exact source of this prohibition and how serious an infraction it is. Some consider it biblical in origin based on a verse (Genesis 9.6) that prohibits shedding the “blood of man within man” — a phrase understood to refer to a fetus. Moreover, Judaism teaches that the body is ultimately the property of God and is merely on loan to human beings. Multiple prohibitions in Jewish law— including prohibitions on suicide, getting tattoos and wounding oneself— collectively serve to reject the idea that individuals enjoy an unfettered right to make choices regarding their own bodies."

Abortion and Judaism | My Jewish Learning

There's a lot more there. It's almost like religious people actually spend centuries thinking about and debating their beliefs, while arrogant imbeciles like you who believe they are smarter for NOT being religious jump to peurile, simplistic conclusions.
Another christian trying to tell a jew he got his own religion wrong lol
Baal Worship, the killing of babies, is very much frowned upon by God. I believe if we don't do something to hold this practice in check, that God will eventually exact justice upon America.
Does the bible mention abortion?
Pretty sure the jews used to think a womans womb was nothing but water for the first 40 days, so shoving a coat hanger in your woman hole was perfectly acceptable.

And now know it is a human being at conception, that left to grow it will become a human being.........and at any point where you end it's life, it is killing a growing, living human being...


What if the woman doesn't want to grow a baby, but a zygote attached itself to her despite her using birth control?

She probably should have read the instructions on the birth control, which clearly state that it's not 100% effective.

So the fact remains that she herself created that "eeeevil" zygote through her own consciously chosen actions.

None of the scientific facts have changed, despite your appeal to "feewings".
Baal Worship, the killing of babies, is very much frowned upon by God. I believe if we don't do something to hold this practice in check, that God will eventually exact justice upon America.
Does the bible mention abortion?
Pretty sure the jews used to think a womans womb was nothing but water for the first 40 days, so shoving a coat hanger in your woman hole was perfectly acceptable.

Well, you're pretty sure about a lot of things that are completely wrong, so why would this be any different?

In the - admittedly optimistic - possibility that you might FINALLY want to learn something about religious belief, rather than just ignorantly spouting off on what you "know" people believe based on your five minutes of "deep" thought about it, here you go:

"At the same time, feticide is prohibited by Jewish law, though there is disagreement over the exact source of this prohibition and how serious an infraction it is. Some consider it biblical in origin based on a verse (Genesis 9.6) that prohibits shedding the “blood of man within man” — a phrase understood to refer to a fetus. Moreover, Judaism teaches that the body is ultimately the property of God and is merely on loan to human beings. Multiple prohibitions in Jewish law— including prohibitions on suicide, getting tattoos and wounding oneself— collectively serve to reject the idea that individuals enjoy an unfettered right to make choices regarding their own bodies."

Abortion and Judaism | My Jewish Learning

There's a lot more there. It's almost like religious people actually spend centuries thinking about and debating their beliefs, while arrogant imbeciles like you who believe they are smarter for NOT being religious jump to peurile, simplistic conclusions.
Another christian trying to tell a jew he got his own religion wrong lol
Like progressive socialist media/political/entertainment secular Jews telling Christians they got their life wrong.
Baal Worship, the killing of babies, is very much frowned upon by God. I believe if we don't do something to hold this practice in check, that God will eventually exact justice upon America.
Does the bible mention abortion?
Pretty sure the jews used to think a womans womb was nothing but water for the first 40 days, so shoving a coat hanger in your woman hole was perfectly acceptable.

And now know it is a human being at conception, that left to grow it will become a human being.........and at any point where you end it's life, it is killing a growing, living human being...


What if the woman doesn't want to grow a baby, but a zygote attached itself to her despite her using birth control?

thats just KOO-KOO

A Zygote cannot be left to grow on it's own. It doesn't stand a chance of becoming a human being unless it attaches itself to the mothers womb. Many forms of birth control prevent the little suckers from attaching to the womb. Are they murderously send down the river, so to speak, or what?

Are you asking if killing an unborn child becomes any less killing a human being depending on the method you use to do it?
Does the bible mention abortion?
Pretty sure the jews used to think a womans womb was nothing but water for the first 40 days, so shoving a coat hanger in your woman hole was perfectly acceptable.

Again, and as usual, you are wrong.

In The Bible, if you hurt a woman and she is pregnant and she lost the baby, you would be sent before the courts and the judges, and they would decide your fate.

And please quit with your fear mongering. We have birth control of all sorts. There is really no reason to get pregnant if you do not want to. No one is talking about a total ban on abortion. There needs to be checks and balances on it, and we do need to recognize that once a baby has a heartbeat or can be viable outside the womb even with a little help, we need to respect that life.

Baal Worship, and the selling of bloody baby body parts will eventually be punished by God. When the Age of Grace is over, remember, Judgment comes.. God does not change, but he can with hold his judgment for a time to allow people to repent of their sins.
That isnt the same as abortion though.
Also, how can i be wrong by asking a question? I certainly wasnt wrong about the water womb in jewish folklore.

We aren't talking about "Folklore" like Global Warming. We are talking about Universal Law, Natural Law, and The Universal Right to Life.

Why do you pay homage to Baal?

Why do you reject The Creator?

Why do you not respect and defend Life?
I dont believe in man made gods.
I do respect life. I dont consider a fetus "life"
It cant breathe. It cant consume on its own. A human fetus doesnt even meet the criteria of a single celled organism. Abortion is purely subjective

"I respect life . . . according to my personal definition of life, because everyone knows that my personal perceptions are the same as objective fact."

Which is another way of saying, "I respect things when I decide it's convenient for me."

Good to know you're just as ignorant and uninformed about the science you pretend to believe in as you are about the religion you pretend you're too "smart" for. At least you're consistent.
I go by accepted definitions. Not your bedwetting feel good bullshit.
You keep saying im wrong but in another thread, i am STILL waiting kn you to prove me wrong.
You need to take a look in the mirror you condescending, no awareness having douche.
Baal Worship, the killing of babies, is very much frowned upon by God. I believe if we don't do something to hold this practice in check, that God will eventually exact justice upon America.
Does the bible mention abortion?
Pretty sure the jews used to think a womans womb was nothing but water for the first 40 days, so shoving a coat hanger in your woman hole was perfectly acceptable.

And now know it is a human being at conception, that left to grow it will become a human being.........and at any point where you end it's life, it is killing a growing, living human being...

I dont agree it is a human being. If you call religious activism in the science community science, then we need to change the definition of a human being.

See above, re: your personal perceptions mean even less than most people's.

We don't need to change the definition of human being. We need to educate YOU about what words mean, and how your feelings about them don't matter.
Again, i go by actual definitions. Not your feel good bullshit.

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