Is killing a baby outside the. Womb murder

I expect an apology. I am sick & tired of you dumbases posting lies & calling people liars. I posted what was said. Read the fucking thing & get a fucking education you stupid fuck

But I am not sorry you don't know what you are talking about.
No I wasn't, you reduced it to one doctor, who could say if she has this baby, her mental health will be impaired....booom.....aborting a perfectly good baby......
We know how you lefties are, and we look for the it requires two doctors to put their asses on the line, not just one......makes a bit harder to do and safer for the again.....why do you need to cut it to one doctor and in an unlicensed facility? And why up the second of could be in LABOR and they abort......uh.............

And all that against the backdrop of unwanted pregnancies.

They act like we are living in the stone ages and teenagers/young adults don't know where babies come from. There isn't a teenager today that wasn't born in the age of search engines and doesn't know how to find out whatever they want at a click of a button. Free birth control, information, porn ... Whatever, and don't think kids don't know how to look for it.

In today's day and age, unwanted pregnancies are the result of laziness, unchecked desire, willful ignorance or any combination thereof.
The saddest part is that this question is even being asked.

Indeed. This shouldn't be a debatable topic.

It not. It's illegal every in State.

Not that the Dems haven't tried to make it legal, bub.

Complete misrepresentation of the State laws, and comments made by a governor, and one wrong statement, buy Kathy Tran, in the recent news.

Spin spin spin little moonbat!
opinions vary,,,and the topic here is late term or after birth abortions

Abortion no longer fits the medical definition if the baby has been born.
you left the medical definition a long time ago when you compared humans to treews
if left alone it will become life which is the same thing

if it wasnt so sad, I would say all these excuses for a mother killing her own child was funny

If left alone, it will die. Many forms of birth control prevent the fertilized egg from attaching to the mothers womb. Do you consider that the murder of a life as well?

murder implies outside input from another person

Is that a no? Taking a chemical compound to prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the womb did require input from a doctor, who prescribed it, and the company who developed it. Wasn't it created to specifically stop that which some anti-choice folks call a human being from living.

opinions vary,,,and the topic here is late term or after birth abortions

There is no such thing as after birth abortion. That's called homicide. Specifically infanticide. It's illegal all over the country.
you and I believe that,,,but there are democrats that are currently trying to make it legal

its called the complete lives system
Yea I think so
You think so? You’ve got to be a Republican. Because they don’t have any problem at all. They arm school shooters. They’re trying to take away healthcare from disabled and sick children right now. And they use such for political reasons.

The only reason they pretend to protect the fetus is because they don’t have to pay anything for it and it’s a way to legislate women’s bodies and turn women into property. When you no longer have control over your own body, which Republicans are trying to do to women, then women are not people, they’re property.
you sir are a moron. Women are not property to us, but they are to your Muslim friends.....ironic you bring that up.
And killing kids because you want to go clubbing is not good for any society. And if you really believed that line about my bodies, then you would be speaking against AOC's GND, you would be against soda bans and for legalizing drugs and cigarettes, but you don't, because you're full of shit.
Pretending you give a shit about kids as your party wants to cut funding to help them & steals them from those seeking refuge.

The NGD is all about the children. The children you want to suffer because you are too stupid to believe that AGW is real. So really. I don't want to hear another Trumpette posting here pretending they give a shirt about children

Again, you changed the subject, so I'm winning this debate.....we're talking about killing kids not some bullshit made up Climate Change crap. I'm assuming NGD is supposed to be GND? and AGW is for Anthropogenic Global Warming...yeah I know your terms, you're not dealing with some anti science idiot, like you back to the ABORTION debate

show me where those laws were for condemned kids only??????? I'm waiting......

You lied & now based on what this governor said. Bevause you only heard the :"Trump" view. Now you try to cover your ass. That shit don't fly here.

You were wrong. Man up, big boy & admit it.
Loom its ass fuck dave the ingoramous
opinions vary,,,and the topic here is late term or after birth abortions

Abortion no longer fits the medical definition if the baby has been born.
you left the medical definition a long time ago when you compared humans to treews
If left alone, it will die. Many forms of birth control prevent the fertilized egg from attaching to the mothers womb. Do you consider that the murder of a life as well?

murder implies outside input from another person

Is that a no? Taking a chemical compound to prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the womb did require input from a doctor, who prescribed it, and the company who developed it. Wasn't it created to specifically stop that which some anti-choice folks call a human being from living.

opinions vary,,,and the topic here is late term or after birth abortions

There is no such thing as after birth abortion. That's called homicide. Specifically infanticide. It's illegal all over the country.
you and I believe that,,,but there are democrats that are currently trying to make it legal

its called the complete lives system

Which democrats?
Yea I think so

No disrespect intended toward you personally, however, this question in and of itself is a psychotic one and anti-human race. Every last person who reads it has known the answer since their first moment of self-awareness outside the womb. Not many questions exceed common sense or foundational concepts of primeval human right and wrong. Congratulations: you've come up with such a question. This, my confused fellow human is how precisely murder cults flourish and exactly how human evil can find ways to reign civilizations. Now go wash out your eyes, scrub your mind, and lament knowing the answer before asking this question. Ancient Human RIGHT and benevolence and GOOD are not protean.
The saddest part is that this question is even being asked.

Indeed. This shouldn't be a debatable topic.

It not. It's illegal every in State.

Not that the Dems haven't tried to make it legal, bub.

Complete misrepresentation of the State laws, and comments made by a governor, and one wrong statement, buy Kathy Tran, in the recent news.

Spin spin spin little moonbat!

Feel free to post any facts you have about their efforts to make it infanticide legal. I'll be happy to discuss them with you.
opinions vary,,,and the topic here is late term or after birth abortions

Abortion no longer fits the medical definition if the baby has been born.
you left the medical definition a long time ago when you compared humans to treews
murder implies outside input from another person

Is that a no? Taking a chemical compound to prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the womb did require input from a doctor, who prescribed it, and the company who developed it. Wasn't it created to specifically stop that which some anti-choice folks call a human being from living.

opinions vary,,,and the topic here is late term or after birth abortions

There is no such thing as after birth abortion. That's called homicide. Specifically infanticide. It's illegal all over the country.
you and I believe that,,,but there are democrats that are currently trying to make it legal

its called the complete lives system

Which democrats?
based on the results of the vote in congress where all democrats voted against care for a baby that survived abortion, I would say all of them
Indeed. This shouldn't be a debatable topic.

It not. It's illegal every in State.

Not that the Dems haven't tried to make it legal, bub.

Complete misrepresentation of the State laws, and comments made by a governor, and one wrong statement, buy Kathy Tran, in the recent news.

Spin spin spin little moonbat!

Feel free to post any facts you have about their efforts to make it infanticide legal. I'll be happy to discuss them with you.
Senate Democrats Vote Down Infanticide Bill
opinions vary,,,and the topic here is late term or after birth abortions

Abortion no longer fits the medical definition if the baby has been born.
you left the medical definition a long time ago when you compared humans to treews
Is that a no? Taking a chemical compound to prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the womb did require input from a doctor, who prescribed it, and the company who developed it. Wasn't it created to specifically stop that which some anti-choice folks call a human being from living.

opinions vary,,,and the topic here is late term or after birth abortions

There is no such thing as after birth abortion. That's called homicide. Specifically infanticide. It's illegal all over the country.
you and I believe that,,,but there are democrats that are currently trying to make it legal

its called the complete lives system

Which democrats?
based on the results of the vote in congress where all democrats voted against care for a baby that survived abortion, I would say all of them

Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine argued that the bill was unnecessary, as a 2002 born-alive bill had “reaffirmed” that “infanticide is already illegal in every state.”

In 2002, the “Born-Alive Infants Protection Acteasily passed Congress — through a voice vote in the House and unanimous consent in the Senate. It became law on Aug. 5, 2002. It defined a “person” (or “human being,” “child” and “individual”) for the purposes of any act of Congress or any agency ruling/regulation as “every infant member of the species homo sapiens who is born alive at any stage of development.“

The Facts on the Born-Alive Debate -
opinions vary,,,and the topic here is late term or after birth abortions

Abortion no longer fits the medical definition if the baby has been born.
you left the medical definition a long time ago when you compared humans to treews
opinions vary,,,and the topic here is late term or after birth abortions

There is no such thing as after birth abortion. That's called homicide. Specifically infanticide. It's illegal all over the country.
you and I believe that,,,but there are democrats that are currently trying to make it legal

its called the complete lives system

Which democrats?
based on the results of the vote in congress where all democrats voted against care for a baby that survived abortion, I would say all of them

Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine argued that the bill was unnecessary, as a 2002 born-alive bill had “reaffirmed” that “infanticide is already illegal in every state.”

In 2002, the “Born-Alive Infants Protection Acteasily passed Congress — through a voice vote in the House and unanimous consent in the Senate. It became law on Aug. 5, 2002. It defined a “person” (or “human being,” “child” and “individual”) for the purposes of any act of Congress or any agency ruling/regulation as “every infant member of the species homo sapiens who is born alive at any stage of development.“

The Facts on the Born-Alive Debate -
they still voted against it,,,,while at the same time dems in some states are passing laws to make it legal,,,
It not. It's illegal every in State.

Not that the Dems haven't tried to make it legal, bub.

Complete misrepresentation of the State laws, and comments made by a governor, and one wrong statement, buy Kathy Tran, in the recent news.

Spin spin spin little moonbat!

Feel free to post any facts you have about their efforts to make it infanticide legal. I'll be happy to discuss them with you.
Senate Democrats Vote Down Infanticide Bill

The inflammatory headline is proof that the whole thing was all political theater played for the base.
Abortion no longer fits the medical definition if the baby has been born.
you left the medical definition a long time ago when you compared humans to treews
There is no such thing as after birth abortion. That's called homicide. Specifically infanticide. It's illegal all over the country.
you and I believe that,,,but there are democrats that are currently trying to make it legal

its called the complete lives system

Which democrats?
based on the results of the vote in congress where all democrats voted against care for a baby that survived abortion, I would say all of them

Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine argued that the bill was unnecessary, as a 2002 born-alive bill had “reaffirmed” that “infanticide is already illegal in every state.”

In 2002, the “Born-Alive Infants Protection Acteasily passed Congress — through a voice vote in the House and unanimous consent in the Senate. It became law on Aug. 5, 2002. It defined a “person” (or “human being,” “child” and “individual”) for the purposes of any act of Congress or any agency ruling/regulation as “every infant member of the species homo sapiens who is born alive at any stage of development.“

The Facts on the Born-Alive Debate -
they still voted against it,,,,while at the same time dems in some states are passing laws to make it legal,,,

There is no law passed or recently having been considered in any state that would have legalized infanticide. I suspect you've been lied to or do not have the full story.
No I wasn't, you reduced it to one doctor, who could say if she has this baby, her mental health will be impaired....booom.....aborting a perfectly good baby......
We know how you lefties are, and we look for the it requires two doctors to put their asses on the line, not just one......makes a bit harder to do and safer for the again.....why do you need to cut it to one doctor and in an unlicensed facility? And why up the second of could be in LABOR and they abort......uh.............

And all that against the backdrop of unwanted pregnancies.

They act like we are living in the stone ages and teenagers/young adults don't know where babies come from. There isn't a teenager today that wasn't born in the age of search engines and doesn't know how to find out whatever they want at a click of a button. Free birth control, information, porn ... Whatever, and don't think kids don't know how to look for it.

In today's day and age, unwanted pregnancies are the result of laziness, unchecked desire, willful ignorance or any combination thereof.
That's the ironic thing.......lets look at the situation
We now have:
SexEd in schools
Condoms and birth control
Yet we still have high amounts of abortion
AND high amounts of teenage pregnancy

So I thought Sex Ed and birth control was supposed to reduce pregnancy and abortion, how come it hasn't?

the answer is easy, but we'll see what these posters believe
you left the medical definition a long time ago when you compared humans to treews
you and I believe that,,,but there are democrats that are currently trying to make it legal

its called the complete lives system

Which democrats?
based on the results of the vote in congress where all democrats voted against care for a baby that survived abortion, I would say all of them

Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine argued that the bill was unnecessary, as a 2002 born-alive bill had “reaffirmed” that “infanticide is already illegal in every state.”

In 2002, the “Born-Alive Infants Protection Acteasily passed Congress — through a voice vote in the House and unanimous consent in the Senate. It became law on Aug. 5, 2002. It defined a “person” (or “human being,” “child” and “individual”) for the purposes of any act of Congress or any agency ruling/regulation as “every infant member of the species homo sapiens who is born alive at any stage of development.“

The Facts on the Born-Alive Debate -
they still voted against it,,,,while at the same time dems in some states are passing laws to make it legal,,,

There is no law passed or recently having been considered in any state that would have legalized infanticide. I suspect you've been lied to or do not have the full story.
almost all infants in their 9th month can live outside the mother,,,so to make abortion legal for a 9th month abortion is infanticide since it takes a doctor to stick a pair of scissors in its head to kill it before it is delivered

I am sure you will come up with some excuse it isnt,,,save your breath because we all know its murder
Baal Worship, the killing of babies, is very much frowned upon by God. I believe if we don't do something to hold this practice in check, that God will eventually exact justice upon America.
Does the bible mention abortion?
Pretty sure the jews used to think a womans womb was nothing but water for the first 40 days, so shoving a coat hanger in your woman hole was perfectly acceptable.

And now know it is a human being at conception, that left to grow it will become a human being.........and at any point where you end it's life, it is killing a growing, living human being...

I dont agree it is a human being. If you call religious activism in the science community science, then we need to change the definition of a human being.


What the hell definition for human being are you using? Can you quote it and link to it?

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