Is Kissinger as senile as McCain? proof of what he said


wanna lick?
Aug 26, 2008
[ame=]YouTube - McCain/Palin v. Kissinger ...on Kissinger[/ame]


Not only does Kissinger believe we should negotiate with Iran but so does every other former Secretary of State:

[ame=]YouTube - Colin Powell Says US Should Negotiating With Iran[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Warren Christopher On Meeting With Iran[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - James Baker on meeting with Iraq without preconditions[/ame]

it looks like out of Touch McCain is the ONLY one who believes there no room to talk to Iran....
McCain very specifically said no presidential meetings.

Kissenger said "very high-level" but not presidential.

Obama said he would, as president, meet with Amadamnutjob:

NEW YORK — Democrat Barack Obama says he probably wouldn't have invited Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to speak at Columbia University but would be willing as president to meet with the Iranian leader as a way to protect U.S. interests.

Not merely send SecState, but he himself.
Go back to last nights debate and read again what Obama said last night about what Kissinger said. He didn't say with the fucking president.

The point was that Henry K said we should have talks with no "pre-conditions". That is what McFumbles says we shouldn't do. He doesnt' talk to his people.
YouTube - McCain/Palin v. Kissinger ...on Kissinger


Not only does Kissinger believe we should negotiate with Iran but so does every other former Secretary of State:

YouTube - Colin Powell Says US Should Negotiating With Iran

YouTube - Warren Christopher On Meeting With Iran

YouTube - James Baker on meeting with Iraq without preconditions

it looks like out of Touch McCain is the ONLY one who believes there no room to talk to Iran....
why do you insist on keeping this lie going
Obama was wrong, even Kissinger himself said so
you guys are so pathetically obsessed with age. You do know don't you that Michael DeBakey was still doing open heart surgery when he was 90.
Go back to last nights debate and read again what Obama said last night about what Kissinger said. He didn't say with the fucking president.

The point was that Henry K said we should have talks with no "pre-conditions". That is what McFumbles says we shouldn't do. He doesnt' talk to his people.
actually, he didnt
why do you insist on keeping this lie going
Obama was wrong, even Kissinger himself said so

:lol: so you watch the video of Kissinger HIMSELF saying he believes in HIGH LEVEL talks with Iran and you say I'M continuing the lie? :clap2: congrats you win dumbfuck of the day award...

it's clear that you can't count on what anyone in McCain camp says from day to day... of course Kissinger TODAY says he didn't say that... perhaps someone should play him the tape...refresh his cloudy memory...
No undecided or independent voter gives a flying fuck about the Con circle jerk over the semantics of "pre-conditions".

The country is melting down because of republican wars and republican economic policies. People want somebody who will give a different direction. And I doubt they're going to want someone who voted with Bush 95% of the time.
:lol: so you watch the video of Kissinger HIMSELF saying he believes in HIGH LEVEL talks with Iran and you say I'M continuing the lie? :clap2: congrats you win dumbfuck of the day award...

it's clear that you can't count on what anyone in McCain camp says from day to day... of course Kissinger TODAY says he didn't say that... perhaps someone should play him the tape...refresh his cloudy memory...
high level isnt POTUS

No undecided or independent voter gives a flying fuck about the Con circle jerk over the semantics of "pre-conditions".

The country is melting down because of republican wars and republican economic policies. People want somebody who will give a different direction. And I doubt they're going to want someone who voted with Bush 95% of the time.
sheeesh last i heard it was 90%, now you morons are claiming 95%?
make up your stupid minds already
here is a snip of the exchange at the debate...once again the Cons are trying to say Obama said one thing when, what he actually said IS exactly what Kissinger himself proven by the video I provided

Senator McCain mentioned Henry Kissinger, who's one of his advisers, who, along with five recent secretaries of state, just said that we should meet with Iran -- guess what -- without precondition. This is one of your own advisers.
Now, understand what this means "without preconditions." It doesn't mean that you invite them over for tea one day. What it means is that we don't do what we've been doing, which is to say, "Until you agree to do exactly what we say, we won't have direct contacts with you."

Look, Dr. Kissinger did not say that he would approve of face-to- face meetings between the president of the United States and the president -- and Ahmadinejad. He did not say that.

Obama didn't mention himself specifically as President but I personally don't see why the President HIMSELF shouldn't be involved in those talks.

It's pathetic that you cons actually think that the PResident of the United States isn't the right person to talk to possibly one of the biggest threats to our security....
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No undecided or independent voter gives a flying fuck about the Con circle jerk over the semantics of "pre-conditions".

The country is melting down because of republican wars and republican economic policies. People want somebody who will give a different direction. And I doubt they're going to want someone who voted with Bush 95% of the time.
Are you sure it's the war?

Last time I looked the US constitution gave the federal gov't--as duly elected--the power over the US military and foreign policy.

Alas, I am at a loss to find any language supporting the Dept of Health and Human Services and the myriad og programs it runs...which ironically outspend the US military.

So I was thinking...

...if we abolished just that one facet of the federal budget we could balane the budget, buy down our debt AND still ahve scads of money leftover to kill Marxists/jihadis who would destroy the US if left to their own devises.
:lol: so you watch the video of Kissinger HIMSELF saying he believes in HIGH LEVEL talks with Iran and you say I'M continuing the lie? :clap2: congrats you win dumb(dumb) of the day award...

it's clear that you can't count on what anyone in McCain camp says from day to day... of course Kissinger TODAY says he didn't say that... perhaps someone should play him the tape...refresh his cloudy memory...

The point is, Obama tried to use Kissingers "High-Level" to defend Obama's statement that he as President of the United States would meet with Leaders of Rogue Nations without preconditions. McCain called him on the comparison not the quote.

Just envision George Bush saying it and it will become crystal clear. :)

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