CDZ Is "Let's Go B******" protected free speech?

Do you like Brandon.......Mr. Libertarian Con you are again defending him by saying YOU CAN BE FIRED..........

I do not like Biden, so far he has been even worse than Trump.

I am not defending him, I am defending the rights of employers to fire people for pretty much any reason they desire. I would do the same thing if they were firing someone for saying Fuck Trump.
Which is the answer to their COHERSION............Flood lawsuits at the companies firing people and make them regret it................


Why do you all hate business owners so very much? Why should they not have the same rights as their employees?
I do not like Biden, so far he has been even worse than Trump. economy was booming til the Swamp unloaded this BS on this country and the world...............Then they create a Boogieman ......THE ANTIVAXXERS............BOO....... And say they did all this shit........while they say NOTHING about Wuhan and the Gain of Function there by our own govt

Then change the definition of everything to suit the narrative for 2 years.

I am not defending him, I am defending the rights of employers to fire people for pretty much any reason they desire. I would do the same thing if they were firing someone for saying Fuck Trump.
And I'm for Suing their asses off for being assholes to the 1st Amendment..........Too many damned Karen's in this world................
The 1st Amendment puts limits on the Fed Govt, not private employers. How can you be an adult and not know this?
I see you went away from the Vaxx

If they fire for political believes they can be sued just the same.......Boycotted........

Time to take the gloves off and PUNCH LEFTISTS IN THIS COUNRTY with their OWN MEDICINE.
I see you went away from the Vaxx

If they fire for political believes they can be sued just the same.......Boycotted........

Dude, the topic of the thread is speech, not vaccines. Do try and keep up.

They cannot be sued for firing for political beliefs, those are not one of the "protected" classes.
Dude, we are talking about someone being fired for saying "lets go brandon"...can you not stay on topic just once?
My last comment was another reason why people say LET'S GO BRANDON..........the virus and OVERREACH........threatening 100 million jobs with OSHA.......

Do you believe in forced injections by an EMPLOYER.....................speak into the microphone.
Freedom of expression. I want anyone who wants to use the term to be able to use it.

It demonstrates how sick and juvenile we have become as a society, and how far we still have to go.

Say it, loud and proud. Show the world what you are.
Sure I can't stand the leftist in this country.

That loud enough for you are do you want all caps,.
Do you believe in forced injections by an EMPLOYER.....................speak into the microphone.

I do believe an employer can make that a requirement for employment. I do not agree with them doing so, but I fully support their rights to do so.

My wife has been "forced" to take a flu shot for the past decade to keep her job, you people never whined about that.
I do believe an employer can make that a requirement for employment. I do not agree with them doing so, but I fully support their rights to do so.
Then me and you disagree............You want to allow them to FORCE A INJECTION into their body against their will............OR BE FIRED........ That is BS..........


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