CDZ Is "Let's Go B******" protected free speech?

Then me and you disagree............

Yep, and since we live in a free country we can do so! Ain't it a great country.

You want to allow them to FORCE A INJECTION into their body against their will............OR BE FIRED........ That is BS..........

Yes, I think they have the right to do so. It is not about wanting anything, it is about the rights of the employer.
Yes, I think they have the right to do so. It is not about wanting anything, it is about the rights of the employer.
It's a FASCIST tactic...........Plain and simple. It is an OR ELSE tactic that is being used all over the world..........where they have gone full Nazi over it.

Denying people to work because they disagree with putting a chemical injection in your body is completely against the Freedom this country is supposed to represent. From a virus that has a low death rate and could be less if cheap drugs were used.

What we have in this country now is UTTER BS............Looking at Europe and Austrailia.......Show us your papers over a low death rate virus is INSANITY.


It's a FASCIST tactic...........Plain and simple. It is an OR ELSE tactic that is being used all over the world..........where they have gone full Nazi over it.

You people need to learn the difference between the Govt doing something and private entities doing things.
Everyone is expendable, those that think they are not are just fooling themselves.
Stalin thought the same.......only difference is he killed them........Here they want to take your job and way of making a living..........then say you will not be allowed to work or eat here........It is in New York.......Chicago.......Los Angeles..........Philly..........Leftist showing us their true colors.

You really think Let's Go Brandon is just for Brandon himself....

Everyone is expendable, those that think they are not are just fooling themselves.
Before I started my own business segment, I was employed and the Company put me through Grad School to boot. A new boss came in and she was awful. I resigned. Her boss and her bosses boss begged me to stay. Why? They invested significant resources in grooming me. I get it but in the end I was an at will employee. If you're in a job where you are a revenue generator, companies will be reticent to let you go. I have clients now who have some pseudo toxic employees but they produce so they look the other way. And that includes blue collar truck drivers, who understand their routes, the routines, don't mind working late shifts, weekend shifts or 70 hour days. Welcome to the business world of 2021.

Good help is tough to find. The owner of that company (Seafood distributor) would not care if all wore MAGA hats. So long as they showed up for work.
You people need to learn the difference between the Govt doing something and private entities doing things.
Fascism with either is BS...............You are saying if you don't do what we say even though we don't agree that we will starve you and your family out.

Same can be a response.........we will sue your ass into oblivion and boycott your business til you get KARMA.,

Ain't it cool...........
You really think Let's Go Brandon is just for Brandon himself....

I do not care. It has nothing to do with what it is about, it has to do with the rights of employers to fire people they wish to fire.
Fascism with either is BS...............You are saying if you don't do what we say even though we don't agree that we will starve you and your family out.

A private entity cannot engage in Fascism.

Same can be a response.........we will sue your ass into oblivion and boycott your business til you get KARMA.,

Yes, boycotting them would be a correct answer. You can sue but you will not win.
I do not care. It has nothing to do with what it is about, it has to do with the rights of employers to fire people they wish to fire. will destroy any who has different views..........or refuses to put and injection in that doesn't work.........

Not to mention you are happy that military who refused for a various reasons should be destroyed.

You are the problem skippy.
You are saying if you don't do what we say even though we don't agree that we will starve you and your family out.

That is the way it has always been. Do not do what the boss tells you, then you are out of a job. This is not new
Yes, boycotting them would be a correct answer. You can sue but you will not win.
Tell that to the leftist in this country..........Who sued people with the gov't til they went bankrupt....

How about the KARMA in return...........see how that works. will destroy any who has different views..........or refuses to put and injection in that doesn't work.........

I am not destroying anyone, I do not engage in such actions, I do not even agree with them. But they do have the right to do it.

Not to mention you are happy that military who refused for a various reasons should be destroyed.

I am not happy about it, but the military should remove people that do not follow lawful orders. You cannot have a military without discipline.
I do believe an employer can make that a requirement for employment. I do not agree with them doing so, but I fully support their rights to do so.

My wife has been "forced" to take a flu shot for the past decade to keep her job, you people never whined about that.
Oh, the imaginary nursey? Her choice.

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