Is letting 8,000,000 illegals into the US adding to inflation (Poll)

Is Joe Biden's "open border" policy contributing to inflation?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 72.7%
  • No

    Votes: 6 27.3%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
I'm sure everyone has heard of the "Law of Supply and Demand". When demand goes up and supply is unchanged, prices rise.

This OP is suggesting that part of the inflation problem is that the Biden administration is letting in ~10,000 migrants a day.

Those 8,000,000 or so migrants need to eat, buy things, and use services that we pay for with our tax dollars.

When you go to the grocery store realize that you aren't just paying for your family's food, you are also paying for the migrant's food.

The "supply" of food is the same, but the "demand" is increasing every day that the border is open.

Inflation is falling slowly. But if the border isn't closed will inflation keep falling, or will it start rising?

Here is the current inflation rate. 3.1% compounded by the prior inflation rates. Is Biden's open border policy contributing to inflation?

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Anytime Government spends money we don't have it contributes to inflation.... just wait till the schools get over filled and hospital waiting rooms have lines out the door....
And guess what? its been estimated that only 27% of these asylum seekers are working... the rest are waiting for hand outs...
Yep, always wondered how the "independently wealthy" lived. Who knew they lived on the streets.

I'm sure everyone has heard of the "Law of Supply and Demand". When demand goes up and supply is unchanged, prices rise.

This OP is suggesting that part of the inflation problem is that the Biden administration is letting in ~10,000 migrants a day.

Those 8,000,000 or so migrants need to eat, buy things, and use services that we pay for with our tax dollars.

When you go to the grocery store realize that you aren't just paying for your family's food, you are also paying for the migrant's food.

The "supply" of food is the same, but the "demand" is increasing every day that the border is open.

Inflation is falling slowly. But if the border isn't closed will inflation keep falling, or will it start rising?

Here is the current inflation rate. 3.1% compounded by the prior inflation rates. Is Biden's open border policy contributing to inflation?

View attachment 877143
There is the demand illegals place on the economy that makes items more scarce, and there is the money being printed to take care of them which also devalues the dollar, so yes

Just basic economics.

But Dims will deny this, but they also think men can have babies, so...............
I'm sure everyone has heard of the "Law of Supply and Demand". When demand goes up and supply is unchanged, prices rise.

This OP is suggesting that part of the inflation problem is that the Biden administration is letting in ~10,000 migrants a day.

Those 8,000,000 or so migrants need to eat, buy things, and use services that we pay for with our tax dollars.

When you go to the grocery store realize that you aren't just paying for your family's food, you are also paying for the migrant's food.

The "supply" of food is the same, but the "demand" is increasing every day that the border is open.

Inflation is falling slowly. But if the border isn't closed will inflation keep falling, or will it start rising?

Here is the current inflation rate. 3.1% compounded by the prior inflation rates. Is Biden's open border policy contributing to inflation?

View attachment 877143
Anyone who votes no is an idiot. These costs add to the national debt and our out of control national debt contributes to inflation. The thing is, if we eliminated democratic policies and actually fixed things, we wouldn't need high interest rates to tame inflation, which causes increased income inequality.
There is the demand illegals place on the economy that makes items more scarce, and there is the money being printed to take care of them which also devalues the dollar, so yes

Just basic economics. But Dims will deny this, but they also think men can have babies, so...............
Thank you for validating my concerns.
Every time anyone goes to the grocery store they realize that Bidenomics is a disaster.

So what happens if the House doesn't cut spending enough, the Debt keeps rising, and interest on the Debt causes the dollar to collapse?
I suggest a tax on democrats to pay for the illegals... every registered democrat in the nation should have a 5% annual tax placed on them...
Anyone who votes no is an idiot. These costs add to the national debt and our out of control national debt contributes to inflation. The thing is, if we eliminated democratic policies and actually fixed things, we wouldn't need high interest rates to tame inflation, which causes increased income inequality.
I'm not as partisan as you are. Republican tax cuts and spending increases contributed to the Debt.

The policies that we need are:
1. Massive cuts in spending (go back to 2019 Budget levels)
2. Fix entitlements
3. Increased revenue:
  • Add a 0.2% financial transaction tax on ALL financial buy/sell transactions (stocks, bonds, derivatives, bitcoin, etc.) (gains 150b/yr)
  • Add a Remittance Tax on all money sent out of the US (~$6b/yr)
  • Remove the cap on SS tax, and raise the ages from 62/67 to 63/68 (saves SS)
  • Raise the tax and co-pay for Medicare
  • Remove Capital Gains tax break (39% to 20%) gain is ordinary income. ($100b/yr gained)
I'm sure everyone has heard of the "Law of Supply and Demand".
When demand goes up and supply is unchanged, prices rise.
This OP is suggesting that part of the inflation problem is that the Biden administration is letting in ~10,000 migrants a day.
Those 8,000,000 or so migrants need to eat, buy things, and use services ...
"Buy things"? You mean they are spending money?
Thank you for validating my concerns.
Every time anyone goes to the grocery store they realize that Bidenomics is a disaster.

So what happens if the House doesn't cut spending enough, the Debt keeps rising, and interest on the Debt causes the dollar to collapse?
What do you mean if?

Don't you mean when?

I'm sure everyone has heard of the "Law of Supply and Demand". When demand goes up and supply is unchanged, prices rise.

This OP is suggesting that part of the inflation problem is that the Biden administration is letting in ~10,000 migrants a day.

Those 8,000,000 or so migrants need to eat, buy things, and use services that we pay for with our tax dollars.

When you go to the grocery store realize that you aren't just paying for your family's food, you are also paying for the migrant's food.

The "supply" of food is the same, but the "demand" is increasing every day that the border is open.

Inflation is falling slowly. But if the border isn't closed will inflation keep falling, or will it start rising?

Here is the current inflation rate. 3.1% compounded by the prior inflation rates. Is Biden's open border policy contributing to inflation?

View attachment 877143
Interesting economic take. Thanks for posting it.:cool:
I'm not as partisan as you are. Republican tax cuts and spending increases contributed to the Debt.

The policies that we need are:
1. Massive cuts in spending (go back to 2019 Budget levels)
2. Fix entitlements
3. Increased revenue:
  • Add a 0.2% financial transaction tax on ALL financial buy/sell transactions (stocks, bonds, derivatives, bitcoin, etc.) (gains 150b/yr)
  • Add a Remittance Tax on all money sent out of the US (~$6b/yr)
  • Remove the cap on SS tax, and raise the ages from 62/67 to 63/68 (saves SS)
  • Raise the tax and co-pay for Medicare
  • Remove Capital Gains tax break (39% to 20%) gain is ordinary income. ($100b/yr gained)
Actually, tax revenues have gone up every year. The tax cuts did not decrease tax revenues. Spending was out of control. We can't do massive cuts in spending willy nilly as that will cause an economic collapse. The best thing to do is hold future spending to today's levels and let the economy grow. Yes, entitlements need to be fixed. As far as your #3 goes:

I don't know about your first bullet point. I'm mostly against that.

I'm ok with your second and third points. Would also means test SS, I don't care that the rich paid into it.

Don't know about raising the medicare tax and co-pays. I'd have to think about that. Maybe, maybe not. One thing we have never done is fix the cost of exploding health care costs. The left only want to address that problem by stiffing everyone at the top instead of finding ways to cut health care costs to everyone, including Big Pharma, providers, and insurance companies. Only cutting costs for Americans doesn't control rising health care costs.

I also don't know about your last bullet point. There are good points and bad points to taxing gains differently. I would favor really looking at the nuts and bolts of it instead of making a decision based on emotions.

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