Is Mark Zuckerberg a Holocaust Denier?…Benzi Gopstein Thinks So


Bursting Bubbles
Feb 24, 2012
Is Mark Zuckerberg a Holocaust Denier?…Benzi Gopstein Thinks So

Virulent Anti-Goyim Racism Still Flourishing in the Jewish Community

Here we have poor Mark Zuckerberg getting through his long delayed marriage with all the adjustment surprises that await all who have been there know.

His Facebook public offering has gone South on him and the lawsuits are starting to roll in from disgruntled shareholders. That would be enough to fill most people’s cups of tea.

But not for Mr. Benzi Gopstein, head of the Lehava Organization for the Prevention of Assimilation, in Jerusalem. He feels that Mr. Zuckerberg’s marriage to a non Jewish Chinese woman is mongrelizing the Race because pure blood Jews will not be among the offspring.

To your hard core racist Jews this has been pitched as a Neo-Holocaust. These folks are never shy about piggybacking any issue or event they can to keep the Jewish boys from grabbing onto the Goyim girls.

Good gosh Mr. Gopstein, What happened to the Orthodox concept of ‘Go forth and be a light unto all nations.’ Was that page torn out of your yeshiva book?

But brother Gopstein is no rookie with it comes to scaring Jews about intermarriage. This comes straight from the Talmud, the issue of mating with subhuman non Jews, or Goyim, the slang term for we lesser beings. This nasty little story has been around for a long long time, but politicians and mass media will not touch it with a ten foot pole.

See article:Is Mark Zuckerberg a Holocaust Denier?…Benzi Gopstein Thinks So | Veterans Today
Alright, let's for the sake of argument say he is.

So what? What exactly do you want any of us to do about it?
Alright, let's for the sake of argument say he is.

So what? What exactly do you want any of us to do about it?

I wasn't aware that I was asking any of you to do anything about it and assuming I'm not communicating with a Schizophrenic, are you so pretentious as to assume your speaking on behalf of the entire board with the "any of US". Who exactly is us? do you have a mouse in your pocket?...a pet monkey nearby?...perhaps a pet gerbil for some fun?
Alright, let's for the sake of argument say he is.

So what? What exactly do you want any of us to do about it?

I wasn't aware that I was asking any of you to do anything about it and assuming I'm not communicating with a Schizophrenic, are you so pretentious as to assume your speaking on behalf of the entire board with the "any of US". Who exactly is us? do you have a mouse in your pocket?...a pet monkey nearby?...perhaps a pet gerbil for some fun?

In other words, you don't have anything for anyone to do about this.

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