CDZ Is Medical Care a Human/Social Right?


Platinum Member
May 26, 2021
First a little background on myself. Raised conservative, but feel that Libertarian really is how I identify currently. With that said, yes, I'm for the free market, capitalism, small government, personal freedoms, liberty, as little taxes as possible, etc. But I also realize that there will always be a need for social programs, so that's where I tend to disagree with the Libertarian viewpoint.

The Declaration of Independence provides us with Life, Liberty and Pursuit of happiness as unalienable rights.
If Life is a right within our society, shouldn't those technologies and medicines that provide and extend life be offered with no cost? Are we as a society looking at medical care, from all political sides, through the wrong lens. If we agree that life is a right, those medicines and technologies that can enhance, cure and extend, should be a right provided to the citizens rather than being a commodity to exchange.

As much money as we spend and give away, I really feel that this country can create a healthcare system, private/public/hybrid, that could be free to all.
First a little background on myself. Raised conservative, but feel that Libertarian really is how I identify currently. With that said, yes, I'm for the free market, capitalism, small government, personal freedoms, liberty, as little taxes as possible, etc. But I also realize that there will always be a need for social programs, so that's where I tend to disagree with the Libertarian viewpoint.

The Declaration of Independence provides us with Life, Liberty and Pursuit of happiness as unalienable rights.
If Life is a right within our society, shouldn't those technologies and medicines that provide and extend life be offered with no cost? Are we as a society looking at medical care, from all political sides, through the wrong lens. If we agree that life is a right, those medicines and technologies that can enhance, cure and extend, should be a right provided to the citizens rather than being a commodity to exchange.

As much money as we spend and give away, I really feel that this country can create a healthcare system, private/public/hybrid, that could be free to all.
If healthcare is supposed to be free, then have doctors and nurses work for free. If school is supposed to be free, then teachers should work for free....See how that works...
No and it would be nothing more than another step towards forced medical procedures to provide more profits and control for poisonous profit and control vipers which is already upon us.
If healthcare is supposed to be free, then have doctors and nurses work for free. If school is supposed to be free, then teachers should work for free....See how that works...
Absolutely understood. All professional medical providers still get paid and paid well for their professional and educational experience. Of course the healthcare is not "Free" as someone has to pay for it. But this country is wealthy, we have the financial means to do great things. If we honestly looked at the money that comes in and then goes out to other countries who provide nothing for us. When we look at inflated costs, isn't there a better way to provide medical needs to everyone.
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There is no such thing as a social right. Life is a right does not mean someone else has to pay for your medical care. Do you get free tickets to Disneyland because you have a right to happiness?
My point is are we making healthcare to political and too divisive. There has to be a middle ground solution. The wealthiest country in this world, with the greatest resources, there should be a way instead of politicizing healthcare.

I want to discuss how can we make it work instead of shooting it down with the same old scare tactics and memes. Of course healthcare is not "Free", but we don't we as a country have the means to make it work?
I'm with Tipsycatlover on such thing as "social rights", except "you have the right to remain silent".

If a state government decides they want to have a gov't funded medical center or clinics, thats all on them. Of course, they ARE using OUR money for it. But plenty of "no pay" places are funded by private entities, companies, and organizations. You just have to get off your lazy ass and go find one.

Can you imagine the taxes we would have to pay in order to have "free" healthcare in this country???
No. There are no Social Rights. In fact I don’t believe there are ANY Rights. Everything should be EARNED. Nothing handed out for free.

ESPECIALLY NOT things that sustain and extend the existence of individuals who cannot provide for themselves. Healthcare being very high in that list.
No and it would be nothing more than another step towards forced medical procedures to provide more profits and control for poisonous profit and control vipers which is already upon us.
Not really contributing to the convo
Let's not confuse "rights" with "goods or services"

If a "right" depends on someone else's services, work, or money, it is not a right. It falls under "goods and services."

I have a right to seek out health care. I do not have a right to force somebody else to work and/or pay for that service.

I have a right to self defense. I do not have a right to force somebody to provide me with a weapon or any protective service.

I have a right to seek out shelter. I do not have the right to force somebody to provide me with housing.

Forcing provision over limited resources ultimately pits people against one another over those resources.
I'm with Tipsycatlover on such thing as "social rights", except "you have the right to remain silent".

If a state government decides they want to have a gov't funded medical center or clinics, thats all on them. Of course, they ARE using OUR money for it. But plenty of "no pay" places are funded by private entities, companies, and organizations. You just have to get off your lazy ass and go find one.

Can you imagine the taxes we would have to pay in order to have "free" healthcare in this country???
Life is a right... why can't technologies to extend that right be bundled in?
Can anyone really know true cost at this time with how inflated current costs are?
No. There are no Social Rights. In fact I don’t believe there are ANY Rights. Everything should be EARNED. Nothing handed out for free.

ESPECIALLY NOT things that sustain and extend the existence of individuals who cannot provide for themselves. Healthcare being very high in that list.
There are plenty of people who have provided for themselves, but will incur a catastrophic medical event that can financially ruin them. Someone else who has more financial means has the same catastrophic medical event and can afford the treatments has more of a right to life because they may have been smarter, or more educated, more financially savy, or even perhaps... luckier?
Let's not confuse "rights" with "goods or services"

If a "right" depends on someone else's services, work, or money, it is not a right. It falls under "goods and services."

I have a right to seek out health care. I do not have a right to force somebody else to work and/or pay for that service.

I have a right to self defense. I do not have a right to force somebody to provide me with a weapon or any protective service.

I have a right to seek out shelter. I do not have the right to force somebody to provide me with housing.

Forcing provision over limited resources ultimately pits people against one another over those resources.
Um... If you're sick, you can choose or not choose to see a Dr. You're not forced to see one.

Goods and services... I understand your point, but my thought is that we remove medical care out of the realm of goods and services and see those services as a way to serve humanity.
My point is are we making healthcare to political and too divisive. There has to be a middle ground solution. The wealthiest country in this world, with the greatest y resources, there should be a way instead of politicizing healthcare.

I want to discuss how can we make it work instead of shooting it down with the same old scare tactics and memes. Of course healthcare is not "Free", but we don't we as a country have the means to make it work?
No. Why would you want to?
There is no such thing as a social right. Life is a right does not mean someone else has to pay for your medical care. Do you get free tickets to Disneyland because you have a right to happiness?
What a cynical snarky bastard! Yet you're anti-abortion, right? Y'all are all nutcases.
No. There are no Social Rights. In fact I don’t believe there are ANY Rights. Everything should be EARNED. Nothing handed out for free.

ESPECIALLY NOT things that sustain and extend the existence of individuals who cannot provide for themselves. Healthcare being very high in that list.
So, let them die...

Fuck you, you evil wrinkled devil.
What a cynical snarky bastard! Yet you're anti-abortion, right? Y'all are all nutcases.
Oh no. I'm definitely pro abortion. We need an abortion clinic on every street corner in the black hoods and Latino barrio.

Like every responsible person, I also believe in neutering and spaying the poor little creatures who cannot control themseelves.
I'm with Tipsycatlover on such thing as "social rights", except "you have the right to remain silent".

If a state government decides they want to have a gov't funded medical center or clinics, thats all on them. Of course, they ARE using OUR money for it. But plenty of "no pay" places are funded by private entities, companies, and organizations. You just have to get off your lazy ass and go find one.

Can you imagine the taxes we would have to pay in order to have "free" healthcare in this country???
Your ignorance is boundless. EVERY other developed nation has universal health care. And it WORKS everywhere. Ask a Canadian if they want to exchange their system for our putrid medical regime. People requiring health care very often are workers, but underpaid. This notion that they haven't "earned" something is nonsense, simply arrogant strutting, pretending to be better than others, and trust me, I've read your posts and you ain't better than much and I included slime mold to help you out.
First a little background on myself. Raised conservative, but feel that Libertarian really is how I identify currently. With that said, yes, I'm for the free market, capitalism, small government, personal freedoms, liberty, as little taxes as possible, etc. But I also realize that there will always be a need for social programs, so that's where I tend to disagree with the Libertarian viewpoint.

The Declaration of Independence provides us with Life, Liberty and Pursuit of happiness as unalienable rights.
If Life is a right within our society, shouldn't those technologies and medicines that provide and extend life be offered with no cost? Are we as a society looking at medical care, from all political sides, through the wrong lens. If we agree that life is a right, those medicines and technologies that can enhance, cure and extend, should be a right provided to the citizens rather than being a commodity to exchange.

As much money as we spend and give away, I really feel that this country can create a healthcare system, private/public/hybrid, that could be free to all.
Well said. I agree

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