Is More Truth Now Being Exposed Than The Trump Cult Can Handle?

Well your cult has shown its true CONspriacy theory side since Trump Russian collusion conspiracy theory
He did every time he used his authority to overstep the US constitution. Banning bump stocks was unconstitutional. FISA 702 (warrantless spying on Americans) and the patriot act that he reauthorized was unconstitutional.
And 90% of our Republicans and Democrats allowed it. Which shows just how unconstitutional they are too.

Our own government does more to dismantle our so called democracy than anything else on the planet.
WTF are you NUTS????
FISA abuses were used against HIM!!!!!
Cultist you can't hide from your Trump Russian collusion conspriscy theory scam
Your Trump Russia collusion HOAX was and still is a FAT FUCKING LIE!!!!!
It was ALL MADE UP FAKE LIES you piece of SHIT!
That's somewhat of a lie. Biden could've stopped the withdrawal. Trump was just trying to take the credit for doing something he didn't do. Which is Trumps way. He's always been like that.
The only way to stopped it would have meant redeploying more soldiers and ending the truce. Milley admitted under oath that the skeleton force left in the country was unsustainable and would be a target and would need to be significantly reinforced. Who withdrew all the troops according to the conditions of the agreement and then some, while allowing the enemy to not comply with most all of their conditions according to the agreement? It is apparent the most powerful military in the world could have turned it all around with enough troops but there was no longer the political will to continue to suffer the loss of blood and treasure there. Which is one of the reasons why "They couldn't stop the process", it had gone too far. What the president did in 2020 greatly effected the actions we took in 2021.
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The only way to stopped it would have meant redeploying more soldiers and ending the truce. Milley admitted under oath that the skeleton force left in the country was unsustainable and would be a target and would need to be significantly reinforced. Who withdrew all the troops according to the conditions of the agreement and then some, while allowing the enemy to not comply with most all of their conditions according to the agreement? It is apparent the most powerful military in the world could have turned it all around with enough troops but there was no longer the political will to continue to suffer the loss of blood and treasure there. Which is one of the reasons why "They couldn't stop the process", it had gone too far. What the president did in 2020 greatly effected the actions we took in 2021.

Biden is the CIC. He could've just directed the military to stop with the evacuation. Period. End of story.

Putting more troops in an area that was being evacuated, is the opposite of evacuation. Biden simply agreed with Trump about the evacuation. Trump stalled. He should've had the troops out of Afghanistan his first year. But he didn't.
Trump was weak.
It's fine for you to express the opinion you want to see the states have more authority to govern themselves. But nothing the federal government is doing is unconstitutional. Check out the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution.

Article VI, Paragraph 2 of the U.S. Constitution is commonly referred to as the Supremacy Clause. It establishes that the federal constitution, and federal law generally, take precedence over state laws, and even state constitutions.

Then there's the 10th Amendment:
Amendment Ten to the Constitution was ratified on December 15, 1791. It makes clear that any powers that are not specifically given to the federal government, nor withheld from the states, are reserved to those respective states, or to the people at large.

Are we going to turn into a bunch of preachers and start picking and choosing which part of the constitutional fits our narrative? Article VI can't overstep the 10th, because the 10th explicitly states that anything outside of the US constitutional falls on the states to decide for themselves.
American democracy is utterly corrupt, and it needs to be taken apart.
Democracy is being reviled and attacked because Trump lost, despite attempts to nullify the votes of millions of Americans.

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She knows they will ruin her life and her families and probably kill her dog. It is intimidation and extortion. The prosecutors should be charged with felonies.
She helped ruin her own life by hitching her wagon to The Fat Orange Shit Giblet God/King to help subvert democracy. There is always that!
Biden is the CIC. He could've just directed the military to stop with the evacuation. Period. End of story.

Putting more troops in an area that was being evacuated, is the opposite of evacuation. Biden simply agreed with Trump about the evacuation. Trump stalled. He should've had the troops out of Afghanistan his first year. But he didn't.
Trump was weak.
Just rip that rear view mirror right out because what's behind us doesn't matter huh? The CiC does not operate in a vacuum. The only portion of the Doha agreement the Taliban complied with was the Truce with our forces. Redeploying combat troops would have ended the truce and the causality count for our soldiers, our kids, would have continued to mount. How many Americans wanted to continue the 20+ year occupation of Afghanistan? If you think we should have stayed, how many Americans would you have been willing to get KIA and for how long would you have been willing to station them there to maintain that occupation?
You keep kicking that dead horse, YOUR fucking FEDSURRECTION REICHSTAG FIRE was SET UP. you fucking demented ASSHOLE!!!!
The basis for the disenchantment with democracy by an alienated faction is Trump losing and not being able to handle it.
There is very little the Trump cult can handle. They are emotionally immature.

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