Is More Truth Now Being Exposed Than The Trump Cult Can Handle?

American democracy is utterly corrupt, and it needs to be taken apart.
So when you put your head on the pillow at night the way you justify Trump's attempt to dismantle American democracy is because you think it needs to happen? That explains a lot. Have you noticed he wants to replace it with an autocracy?
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Nothing, in other words.

American democracy is utterly corrupt, and it needs to be taken apart.

It is corrupt. And does need to be taken apart.

But not by someone like Trump. It needs to be put back in order by fiscal and constitutional conservatives, who'll put 90% of the power back to the states.
The Federal Government, thanks to presidents like Trump, W, Obama and Reagan, have overstepped it's constitutional boundaries on way too many issues.
Trump doesn't support the US constitution. The facts clearly show he committed too many unconstitutional acts.
Banning bump stocks. Reauthorizing FISA 70 & the Patriot Act. Not properly dealing with the border crisis. Not exercising his constitutional authority and squelching the antifa and blm violence. Bombing a country (Syria) without a declaration of war by the congress.
Then there a couple of his own statements that lead us conservatives that he'd go even further beyond his constitutional obligations. "I like taking the guns first. Do due process later."
The problem the Cult has is that they never get any real news about Trump. The Cult propaganda channel, Faux News, broadcasts very little real news about him. They fail to mention the negative stuff and emphasize the fake stuff, because their viewers demand it. They live in a fantasy land about him without knowing the real truth, and that's the way they need it to be for their sorry, loser lives. Bigly!!!
Ain't it the truth. I was just reading a story the other day about how frequently Faux gave Jenna Ellis a platform to spread misinformation about the Big Lie but barely mentioned her guilty plea.

Fox has kept its viewers in the dark about Ellis’ plea, which received extensive coverage on CNN and MSNBC. Fox News provided only about 3 minutes of coverage across 2 segments while Fox Business had not mentioned it at all, according to a Media Matters review through 3 p.m. ET.
In other words, Biden had the authority to do whatever he liked. Nothing that happened was Trump's fault.
Not only was everything that happened in 2020 Trump's fault but his actions (or inaction as to the condition of the Doha Accords) had lasting reverberation in the continuing civil war. Why else would he blurt out this little ditty and his first rally after losing the 2020 election?

"Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process.
"They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame. "

"They couldn’t stop the process!"
It is corrupt. And does need to be taken apart.

But not by someone like Trump. It needs to be put back in order by fiscal and constitutional conservatives, who'll put 90% of the power back to the states.
The Federal Government, thanks to presidents like Trump, W, Obama and Reagan, have overstepped it's constitutional boundaries on way too many issues.
Trump doesn't support the US constitution. The facts clearly show he committed too many unconstitutional acts.
Banning bump stocks. Reauthorizing FISA 70 & the Patriot Act. Not properly dealing with the border crisis. Not exercising his constitutional authority and squelching the antifa and blm violence. Bombing a country (Syria) without a declaration of war by the congress.
Then there a couple of his own statements that lead us conservatives that he'd go even further beyond his constitutional obligations. "I like taking the guns first. Do due process later."
The problem with your argument being the Constitution conveys supremacy to the federal government in many areas. So the idea of giving "90% of the power back to the states" suggests your lack of understanding that they never had that much power and never were intended to by the Founders.
Not only was everything that happened in 2020 Trump's fault but his actions (or inaction as to the condition of the Doha Accords) had lasting reverberation in the continuing civil war. Why else would he blurt out this little ditty and his first rally after losing the 2020 election?

"Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process.
"They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame. "

"They couldn’t stop the process!"

That's somewhat of a lie. Biden could've stopped the withdrawal. Trump was just trying to take the credit for doing something he didn't do. Which is Trumps way. He's always been like that.
So when you put your head on the pillow at night the way you justify Trump's attempt to dismantle American democracy is because you think it needs to happen? That explains a lot. Have you noticed he wants to replace it with an autocracy?
Trump didn't "attempt to dismantle American democracy" Stalinberg, that's YOUR fever dream pathetic PROJECTION.
Your NARRATIVE HALLUCINATIONS are nothing but the rantings of a Marxist contaminated demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie ASSHOLE!
Fuck YOU and all you stand for!!!! :fu:
The problem with your argument being the Constitution conveys supremacy to the federal government in many areas. So the idea of giving "90% of the power back to the states" suggests your lack of understanding that they never had that much power and never were intended to by the Founders.

No it doesn't. Being constitutional takes away a lot of the federal governments power and authority the government has now. There are a ton of new things going on now, under the control of the federal government, that the states should be taking care of 100%. Like education.
But politicians like to redefine things to make it sound as if the government has the constitutional authority to control something. Like that "general welfare" clause. That could be redefined to account for all sorts of things. The new definitions are worded to make them sound reasonable.

A good example of this is eminent domain, in the 5th Amendment. If you know the 5th, then you'll know it's ALL about the governments authority over suspected criminals. What they can't do to people who have not been convicted of a crime yet. But the last line has been redefined to include every living property owner in the USA, whether they're suspected of criminal activity or not.

"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

In the actual context of this line, means that they can't take the private property of a suspected criminal, without paying them for it. In fact, I think it could mean both suspected and one found guilty, imo.

But don't get too caught up in the 5th. I only used that as an example to show how the government oversteps in authority.
Trump says he like "taking guns first and doing due process later." Luckily he didn't get a bill that allowed that to happen, because he would've likely signed it, regardless of it's unconstitutionality.

Overstepping the constitution is how government grows in size and scope.
Trump didn't "attempt to dismantle American democracy" Stalinberg, that's YOUR fever dream pathetic PROJECTION.
Your NARRATIVE HALLUCINATIONS are nothing but the rantings of a Marxist contaminated demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie ASSHOLE!
Fuck YOU and all you stand for!!!! :fu:

He did every time he used his authority to overstep the US constitution. Banning bump stocks was unconstitutional. FISA 702 (warrantless spying on Americans) and the patriot act that he reauthorized was unconstitutional.
And 90% of our Republicans and Democrats allowed it. Which shows just how unconstitutional they are too.

Our own government does more to dismantle our so called democracy than anything else on the planet.
No it doesn't. Being constitutional takes away a lot of the federal governments power and authority the government has now.
It's fine for you to express the opinion you want to see the states have more authority to govern themselves. But nothing the federal government is doing is unconstitutional. Check out the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution.

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