Is More Truth Now Being Exposed Than The Trump Cult Can Handle?

They were outnumbered only because Pelosi refused to allow the NG to show up.
They were outnumbered because Trump sat on his ass jerking off for over three hours while people were dying.

Only the President and the Secretary of Defense could call out the Guard. Trump chose to let the terrorists have their way, and even sicced them on his Vice President.


Meanwhile, Donald Trump jerked off for over THREE HOURS while his family, his staff, his media partners in crime, and his lickspittles in Congress were all BEGGING him to DO SOMETHING.


"Someone is going to get killed."

9:21 a.m.: Dana Bash to Mark Meadows

What is Trump doing to pence ?!!

2:12 p.m.: Jim Acosta to Mark Meadows

Will potus say something to tamp things down?

2:14 p.m.: Kristen Welker to Mark Meadows

Reaction to protester?

2:28 p.m.: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to Mark Meadows

Mark I was just told there is an active shooter on the first floor of the Capitol Please tell the President to calm people This isn’t the way to solve anything

2:32 p.m.: Laura Ingraham to Mark Meadows

Hey Mark, The president needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home.

2:32 p.m.: Laura Ingraham to Mark Meadows

This is hurting all of us

2:33 p.m.: Laura Ingraham to Mark Meadows

He is destroying his legacy and playing into every stereotype … we lose all credibility against the BLM/Antifa crowd if things go South

2:34 p.m.: Carlton Huffman to Mark Meadows

You’ve earned a special place in infamy for the events of today. And if you’re the Christian you claim to be in your heart you know that

2:34 p.m.: Laura Ingraham to Mark Meadows

You can tell him I said this

2:35 p.m.: Mick Mulvaney to Mark Meadows

Mark: he needs to stop this, now
. Can I do anything to help?

2:38 p.m.: Michael Shear to Mark Meadows

Hey mark. Protestors are literally storming the Capitol. Breaking windows on doors. Rushing in. Is Trump going to say something?

2:44 p.m.: Rep. Barry Loudermilk to Mark Meadows

It’s really bad up here on the hill.

2:44 p.m.: Rep. Barry Loudermilk to Mark Meadows

They have breached the Capitol.

2:45 p.m.: Jake Sherman to Mark Meadows

We are under siege in the cpaitol

2:45 p.m.: Jake Sherman to Mark Meadows

There’s an armed standoff at the house chamber door

2:45 p.m.: Jake Sherman to Mark Meadows

We’re all helpless

2:46 p.m.: Rep. Will Timmons to Mark Meadows

The president needs to stop this ASAP

2:47 p.m.: Mario Parker to Mark Meadows

Is Potus going to take the podium to quell this unrest?

“‘He’s got to condemn this sh*t ASAP. The Capitol Police tweet is not enough,’” Trump Jr. wrote in one message to Meadows, according to the committee’s vice chairwoman, Republican Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming.

Cheney detailed that when Meadows had texted back that he agreed, Trump Jr. said: “We need an Oval office address. He has to lead now. It has gone too far and gotten out of hand.”

Donald Trump Jr. said his father needed to ‘condemn’ Capitol violence as it unfolded, Meadows’ texts reveal

What did the trumpyberra mean when he he said:

"Worse than Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame."

What I posted is what Benedict Donald did to sabotage the next CiC and our military. All of that occurred before Biden even took office. Sure he could have re-deployed tens of thousand fresh troops to go back to war to fix Benedict near unconditional troop reductions and all the other thing he allowed his buddies in the Taliban to get away with, but there was no political will in the country to do that was there?
Biden didn't have to do anything he did. Biden was in charge. He's responsible. No intelligent person is swallowing your spin.
So fucking what? Your question had nothing to do with my post about buying a used car from the so called deal maker. I see exposing you to those facts made you have an episode of cognitive dissonance. You and your kind have a problem with the facts don'tcha?
The fk you didn’t liar. You brought up deal making, did he start any conflicts
She copped a plea because she was caught red-handed illegally breaking into voting machines and stealing confidential voter data.


Jesus, do you people EVER get tired of making public asses of yourselves?
She copped a plea because a gun was pointed at her head.

The end.

Try reading facts, not a fantasy.
They were outnumbered because Trump sat on his ass jerking off for over three hours while people were dying.

Only the President and the Secretary of Defense could call out the Guard. Trump chose to let the terrorists have their way, and even sicced them on his Vice President.


Meanwhile, Donald Trump jerked off for over THREE HOURS while his family, his staff, his media partners in crime, and his lickspittles in Congress were all BEGGING him to DO SOMETHING.


"Someone is going to get killed."

9:21 a.m.: Dana Bash to Mark Meadows

What is Trump doing to pence ?!!

2:12 p.m.: Jim Acosta to Mark Meadows

Will potus say something to tamp things down?

2:14 p.m.: Kristen Welker to Mark Meadows

Reaction to protester?

2:28 p.m.: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to Mark Meadows

Mark I was just told there is an active shooter on the first floor of the Capitol Please tell the President to calm people This isn’t the way to solve anything

2:32 p.m.: Laura Ingraham to Mark Meadows

Hey Mark, The president needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home.

2:32 p.m.: Laura Ingraham to Mark Meadows

This is hurting all of us

2:33 p.m.: Laura Ingraham to Mark Meadows

He is destroying his legacy and playing into every stereotype … we lose all credibility against the BLM/Antifa crowd if things go South

2:34 p.m.: Carlton Huffman to Mark Meadows

You’ve earned a special place in infamy for the events of today. And if you’re the Christian you claim to be in your heart you know that

2:34 p.m.: Laura Ingraham to Mark Meadows

You can tell him I said this

2:35 p.m.: Mick Mulvaney to Mark Meadows

Mark: he needs to stop this, now
. Can I do anything to help?

2:38 p.m.: Michael Shear to Mark Meadows

Hey mark. Protestors are literally storming the Capitol. Breaking windows on doors. Rushing in. Is Trump going to say something?

2:44 p.m.: Rep. Barry Loudermilk to Mark Meadows

It’s really bad up here on the hill.

2:44 p.m.: Rep. Barry Loudermilk to Mark Meadows

They have breached the Capitol.

2:45 p.m.: Jake Sherman to Mark Meadows

We are under siege in the cpaitol

2:45 p.m.: Jake Sherman to Mark Meadows

There’s an armed standoff at the house chamber door

2:45 p.m.: Jake Sherman to Mark Meadows

We’re all helpless

2:46 p.m.: Rep. Will Timmons to Mark Meadows

The president needs to stop this ASAP

2:47 p.m.: Mario Parker to Mark Meadows

Is Potus going to take the podium to quell this unrest?

“‘He’s got to condemn this sh*t ASAP. The Capitol Police tweet is not enough,’” Trump Jr. wrote in one message to Meadows, according to the committee’s vice chairwoman, Republican Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming.

Cheney detailed that when Meadows had texted back that he agreed, Trump Jr. said: “We need an Oval office address. He has to lead now. It has gone too far and gotten out of hand.”

Donald Trump Jr. said his father needed to ‘condemn’ Capitol violence as it unfolded, Meadows’ texts reveal

If not for Nazi Pelosi, the NG could have been there from the beginning. Only idiots are swallowing your spin.
What did the trumpyberra mean when he he said:

"Worse than Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame."

What I posted is what Benedict Donald did to sabotage the next CiC and our military. All of that occurred before Biden even took office. Sure he could have re-deployed tens of thousand fresh troops to go back to war to fix Benedict near unconditional troop reductions and all the other thing he allowed his buddies in the Taliban to get away with, but there was no political will in the country to do that was there?
Still posting lies
She copped a plea because a gun was pointed at her head.

The end.

Try reading facts, not a fantasy.
What a willfully blind and stupid hack you are.

You dare claim "facts" when you clearly have not read the indictments. She was caught breaking into voting machines and stealing voter data, fucktard.

You are making a total ass of yourself.

Powell took the plea for the same reason any other crook takes a plea. She does not want to go to prison, which is exactly where she was headed for breaking the law.

You are such a hack. If a Democrat had illegally broken into voting machines to overthrow an election, you'd drop dead from a fucking aneurysm.

Fuck you, hack.
If not for Nazi Pelosi, the NG could have been there from the beginning. Only idiots are swallowing your spin.
Pelosi was not involved in the decision, retard. You are being lied to. Again!

This is all smoke and bullshit to cover for Trump's inaction. Inaction which led to at least four people dying that day.

Their blood is on HIS hands.

Fuck you, hack.
What a willfully blind and stupid hack you are.

You dare claim "facts" when you clearly have not read the indictments. She was caught breaking into voting machines and stealing voter data, fucktard.

You are making a total ass of yourself.

Powell took the plea for the same reason any other crook takes a plea. She does not want to go to prison, which is exactly where she was headed for breaking the law.

You are such a hack. If a Democrat had illegally broken into voting machines to overturn an election, you'd drop dead from a fucking aneurysm.

Fuck you, hack.
How do you "steal" voter data? It's public information. The voting machines were not even supposed to be on the internet. Show me the law that says the public was not allowed to read the data on those machines.
Biden didn't have to do anything he did. Biden was in charge. He's responsible. No intelligent person is swallowing your spin.
Biden was not responsible for Trump negotiating with the Taliban and keeping our NATO and Afghani Allies out of the negotiations was he? Biden didn't order our comanders to comply with that agreement while allowing the Taliban to not comply did he? By the time Joe took office the kitchen was empty, all the candy had been taken from the candy store. All that was left was a skeleton force that had to be re-enforce to complete the withdrawal. Furthermore he had to complete the withdrawal or go back to war with the Taliban didn't he? Obviously he made the right choice.

I know you can't honestly answer any of those questions can you?
Biden was not responsible for Trump negotiating with the Taliban and keeping our NATO and Afghani Allies out of the negotiations was he? Biden didn't order our comanders to comply with that agreement while allowing the Taliban to not comply did he? By the time Joe took office the kitchen was empty, all the candy had been taken from the candy store. All that was left was a skeleton force that had to be re-enforce to complete the withdrawal. Furthermore he had to complete the withdrawal or go back to war with the Taliban didn't he? Obviously he made the right choice.

I know you can't honestly answer any of those questions can you?
Do trump was in charge of Biden’s decisions? Really? That’s your soul walking away
Do trump was in charge of Biden’s decisions? Really? That’s your soul walking away
Biden made two major decisions. Ending the mission in Afghanistan, and approving the Military's evacuation plan. He also gave approval for the errant retaliation strike after the ISIS suicide bomber struck, but he was relying on the information the military gave him.
Biden was not responsible for Trump negotiating with the Taliban and keeping our NATO and Afghani Allies out of the negotiations was he? Biden didn't order our comanders to comply with that agreement while allowing the Taliban to not comply did he?
Yes he did.

By the time Joe took office the kitchen was empty, all the candy had been taken from the candy store. All that was left was a skeleton force that had to be re-enforce to complete the withdrawal.
He could easily have put more personnel on site.
Furthermore he had to complete the withdrawal or go back to war with the Taliban didn't he? Obviously he made the right choice.
ROFL! So now you are saying the withdrawal was a success?
I know you can't honestly answer any of those questions can you?
Been there. Done that.
Biden made two major decisions. Ending the mission in Afghanistan, and approving the Military's evacuation plan. He also gave approval for the errant retaliation strike after the ISIS suicide bomber struck, but he was relying on the information the military gave him.
So how’s that on trump? Couldn’t xiden have built back troop counts and renegotiated?
Everything is rigged, everyone is corrupt, they/Trump are always the victim, everyone is out to get them, only they know The Truth.

This is a cult.

A sore loser would otherwise be dismissed as such, but the devotional zealotry he inexplicably inspires results in an assault upon our democracy and our system of justice.

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