Is More Truth Now Being Exposed Than The Trump Cult Can Handle?

There is no shortage of stalwart, patriotic Americans who are dedicated to safeguarding and preserving our democratic institutions and the rule of law, regardless of a Loser's tantrums, even one who had once accrued the needed electoral college votes to be President, but was dumped by that American electorate after it had been subjected to a quadrennium of trumpery.

The Loser, regardless of his being worshiped by a cult, must not be allowed to subvert the government of the United States of America into becoming a weapon to carry out his personal vendettas.

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You Trump haters keep ignoring the fact that the DOJ and their intelligence agencies and major media have all been corrupted by the Democratic Party. Ergo all of these "TRUMPED UP" charges (see what I did there?) are bogus.
Oh well done! The OP's point is completely confirmed!
There is no shortage of stalwart, patriotic Americans who are dedicated to safeguarding and preserving our democratic institutions and the rule of law, regardless of a Loser's tantrums, even one who had once accrued the needed electoral college votes to be President, but was dumped by that American electorate after it had been subjected to a quadrennium of trumpery.

The Loser, regardless of his being worshiped by a cult, must not be allowed to subvert the government of the United States of America into becoming a weapon to carry out his personal vendettas.

There is no shortage of stalwart, patriotic Americans who are dedicated to safeguarding and preserving our democratic institutions and the rule of law, regardless of a Loser's tantrums, even one who had once accrued the needed electoral college votes to be President, but was dumped by that American electorate after it had been subjected to a quadrennium of trumpery.

The Loser, regardless of his being worshiped by a cult, must not be allowed to subvert the government of the United States of America into becoming a weapon to carry out his personal vendettas.

Well Schmiddy,

71 million wanted him back.

And right now, it's not looking like a whole lot of people want Biden back.

And since you have nothing in the way of functioning thinker to take his place.

2024 could be very interesting.

See you in about a year.
You Trump haters keep ignoring the fact that the DOJ and their intelligence agencies and major media have all been corrupted by the Democratic Party. Ergo all of these "TRUMPED UP" charges (see what I did there?) are bogus.
Bull$hit... your ignorant, arrogant, dictatorial, sociopathic lying Orange Baboon-God tired to stage a putsch... he failed.

And now he's gonna get (metaphorically) crucified in the criminal law courts...

Couldn't happen to a nicer modern-day Benedict Arnold !!! :clap2:
Has anyone else noticed the same people who were saying they wanted the media and social media to stop talking about Trump throughout his Presidency are the same ones who keep talking about him now. It's interesting these people call Trump supporters a cult yet they are the ones who obsess over all things Trump which is cult like behavior.
Has anyone else noticed the same people who were saying they wanted the media and social media to stop talking about Trump throughout his Presidency are the same ones who keep talking about him now. It's interesting these people call Trump supporters a cult yet they are the ones who obsess over all things Trump which is cult like behavior.

Oh, he's in millions of head........RENT FREE.
Will they again lash out at law-abiding Americans?

With the cumulative (now cascading) confessions of Trump intimates, the cult's already-bloated paranoia will expand accordingly.

Mindless fealty to the Loser demands that all who fail to show unwavering, irrational devotion to the sexual abuser are invidious apostates, no matter how shamelessly they had consistently debased themselves heretofore.

Mike "Throttlebottom" Pence went from years of being a cringing toady to noose target in a single day for his sacrilegious deference to the law rather than be complicit in the farce.

Special counsels, district attorneys, prosecutors, witnesses, juries, and public servants aplenty will all soon incur copious ketchup-splatter baptisms, roseate rituals of redemption.

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"I spilled the beans on Trump!"

"Is More Truth Now Being Exposed Than The Trump Cult Can Handle?"​

Just look at the increasingly unhinged stuff USMBcon is posting. There's your answer.

A sore loser would otherwise be dismissed as such, but the devotional zealotry he inexplicably inspires results in an assault upon our democracy and our system of justice.

No one saw the size, depth and intensity of this misguided, mal-informed, paranoid rage that had been building over the decades. It began with Rush and talk radio, expanded with Fox and then exploded with the internet. And I don't know about you, but I don't see it subsiding significantly.

I'm not convinced they understand what they're asking for. They really do think they have to save America from evil, and they're willing to kill it rather than lose it. This is like a zombie movie in which an unseen virus infects a portion of the population.
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I can't stand Trump. But you left wingers with all your conspiracy crap against Trump is ridiculous. There's plenty of reasons to not like Trump. So why not use something factual?

As far as the left wing goes, you people should be trying to recruit him, because Trump, if anything, is a dem lite.
You folks enjoy your monsters on the left. (the squad). You love your corrupt officials (Biden). You love the left when they strong arm people. (Pelosi).

So why don't you love Trump? He was the best thing the left could ask for. HUGE amounts of covid money. Assaulting our 2A. Funding for Ukraine and Israel. etc etc etc

The charges against Trump are based on facts, not conspiracy theories.
The charges against Trump are based on facts, not conspiracy theories.
They believe the facts are lies and fabrications. I had one of them tell me -- I'm not making this up -- that evidence, a recording of Trump's voice, was AI.

They're gone.

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