Is More Truth Now Being Exposed Than The Trump Cult Can Handle?

Every time the Trump crowd turns on another "traitor" to the orange God, I'm reminded of this scene. One minute Powell was the hero who was going to "Release the Kracken", and now she's admitting it was always a lie and everyone knew it.

Traitor!!!! Liar!!!! She was NEVER Trump's lawyer!!!!
She copped a plea because a gun was pointed at her head. Only morons like you believe her plea has any relationship to the truth.
"Under a plea bargaining regime, law is no longer a shield of the people. It is a weapon against the people in the hands of government. The administration of justice ceases. Prosecutors become copies of Andrei Vyshinsky."

Lets talk about his horrible implementation of the Doha Accords. The withdrawal of most all of our troops was not based on the conditions his team negotiated as they claimed they would be. By not insisting on a truce between our allies the Afghan Army and the Taliban he set the stage for the Taliban to continue to terrorize the citizen of Afghanistan throughout 2020 and attack the Afghan government and the Afghan Army. He didn't include the Afghan Government or our NATO partners in the negotiations. Kind of a stab in the back I'd say. How about his betrayal of the Kurdish fighters who defeated ISIS on the ground? Also, he couldn't understand that our military is apolitical.
Didn’t answer my post, just opining your narrative. Boring. So you’re not honest
the footage displays approximately 1,000 events that may be characterized as assaults on federal officers

Well approximately could be any number.

And "may be characterized as" could mean looking mean at an officer or giving them the finger. That's very vague terminology.

But considering this is also the same organization that considers trump supporters as terrorists I'm inclined to take anything they say with a grain of salt because it's obvious they are biased, much like yourself.

Many of the Trump goons who attacked outnumbered police in a failed attempt to overthrow democracy who were convicted were harmless dupes.

It's only right that those who spread the lies are now pleading guilty to doing so.
Lets talk about his horrible implementation of the Doha Accords. The withdrawal of most all of our troops was not based on the conditions his team negotiated as they claimed they would be. By not insisting on a truce between our allies the Afghan Army and the Taliban he set the stage for the Taliban to continue to terrorize the citizen of Afghanistan throughout 2020 and attack the Afghan government and the Afghan Army. He didn't include the Afghan Government or our NATO partners in the negotiations. Kind of a stab in the back I'd say. How about his betrayal of the Kurdish fighters who defeated ISIS on the ground? Also, he couldn't understand that our military is apolitical.
If Biden didn't like the deal, he could have changed it. Trump is not responsible for what Biden chose to do.
Many of the Trump goons who attacked outnumbered police in a failed attempt to overthrow democracy who were convicted were harmless dupes.

It's only right that those who spread the lies are now pleading guilty to doing so.
They weren't Trump's goons, jackass. They didn't take orders from Trump.

Talk about spreading lies.
Many of the Trump goons who attacked outnumbered police in a failed attempt to overthrow democracy who were convicted were harmless dupes.

It's only right that those who spread the lies are now pleading guilty to doing so.
They were outnumbered only because Pelosi refused to allow the NG to show up.
Didn’t answer my post, just opining your narrative. Boring. So you’re not honest
So fucking what? Your question had nothing to do with my post about buying a used car from the so called deal maker. I see exposing you to those facts made you have an episode of cognitive dissonance. You and your kind have a problem with the facts don'tcha?
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If Biden didn't like the deal, he could have changed it. Trump is not responsible for what Biden chose to do.
What did the trumpyberra mean when he he said:

"Worse than Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame."

What I posted is what Benedict Donald did to sabotage the next CiC and our military. All of that occurred before Biden even took office. Sure he could have re-deployed tens of thousand fresh troops to go back to war to fix Benedict near unconditional troop reductions and all the other thing he allowed his buddies in the Taliban to get away with, but there was no political will in the country to do that was there?
She copped a plea because a gun was pointed at her head. Only morons like you believe her plea has any relationship to the truth.
She copped a plea because she was caught red-handed illegally breaking into voting machines and stealing confidential voter data.


Jesus, do you people EVER get tired of making public asses of yourselves?

The House cultists today are finally coalescing behind an election denier, even as principle perpetuators of the Loser's election lie are confessing to the lie as a legal matter.

We have a gross disconnect between hyper-partisan politics and truth that will only become more stark as the campaign propaganda and sworn testimony further diverge.
Everyone agree with me or else

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