Is MSNBC Alex Wagner stupid or just racist?

Yes, and let’s do some math and see what the anti-Israel brainwashed Berg has to say:

  • 30,000 dead, with 80% HAMAS or the relatives
  • That leaves 6,000 civilians unrelated to HAMAS
  • Even so, 75% of these “innocent” civilians supported the barbaric, savage, subhuman torture and murder of Jews
  • That leaves 1,500 truly good Palestinians who lost their lives, many of whom were used as HAMAS body shields

So….2 million Gazans, and 1500 truly innocents killed. That is LESS than 1/10th of 1%.

Translation: Thanks to Israel’s restrain, 99.9% of innocent Palestinians remain alive.
Great breakdown.
This stupid hateful "author" believes the lie of "indigenoues " while most Arab Palestinians are actually grandchildren of Arab immigrants.
A good segment of the Israelis are the grandchildren of the 850,000 Jews the Arabs drove out of their countries throughout the Middle East, stealing their homes and property.

Most made their way to Israel with nothing more than the packs on their backs. Strange how our anti-Israel contingent on this forum never mentions any of that.
A good segment of the Israelis are the grandchildren of the 850,000 Jews the Arabs drove out of their countries throughout the Middle East, stealing their homes and property.

Most made their way to Israel with nothing more than the packs on their backs. Strange how our anti-Israel contingent on this forum never mentions any of that.
The real nakbah was the racist Arab cleansing of indigenous Jews in the M.E.

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